Recent content by Skuld Zajac

  1. Skuld Zajac

    Knights of Anathaeum The Nocturnal Sea

    Friga hung on every word within earshot of her little form. Gaze darting between then ladies as they spoke with the occasional glance to her mother to see if she was either surprised, also just as interested, or to confirm what had been said as if she were some great encyclopedia. The slight...
  2. Skuld Zajac

    Open Chronicles The Tournament of Tides

    Monroe had buggered off somewhere and left the small group of Knights of the Order behind with her. Rowdy had been the word she used to describe them for the trip. A description they were readily living up to when Friga was out of earshot. And sometimes not. Thankfully Skuld had found a small...
  3. Skuld Zajac

    Fable - Ask A Sending From the Hillside

    A scarred hand twined with one that had never known the bite of steel as intimately. Had never held closed a wound that stole the final breath of another. Had never felt the life flow freely out of someone near and dear to them. Friga's little hands had known little more than hard work in her...
  4. Skuld Zajac

    Knights of Anathaeum The Nocturnal Sea

    Mother and Daughter joined the others on the hill. The duo dressed in tan and green as they walked along, Friga humming to herself as she carried the heavy basket of flowers the same as the Knights. Skuld was carrying two baskets however, one the same as the rest and laden with flowers picked...
  5. Skuld Zajac

    Knights of Anathaeum Well, Hello Boys...

    Kallias Skuld watched a man up-end a bucket of water over himself, seeming late to the entire event as amusement fled her features. Fairly certain that this was to be the one the dwarf mentioned as she eyed the slick hand he offered. "Aye, you likely have. Skuld. And if you wouldn't mind...
  6. Skuld Zajac

    Knights of Anathaeum Well, Hello Boys...

    Skuld drew close enough that even she could see the event while keeping Friga atop her shoulders. The partial gambeson she wore easing the bite of her daughter's bony little behind as the girl pulled on the kerchief around her head. "Momma! They're gonna carry people next!" As if her mother had...
  7. Skuld Zajac

    Fable - Ask A Long Lost Rose

    Location: Outside of Alliria (along the line cutting north to south) Time: Early Noon Skuld herself was silent along the road, travelling now as her daughter quietly played in the small wagon. The horse was plainly used to the small wagon, slowly ambling along as the woman sat atop the single...
  8. Skuld Zajac

    Fable - Ask Reforge the Bonds that were Broken

    "Loads to go around. At least from those not licking boots." Skuld teased him with a nod to the pair he left by the door. Being freelance was certainly a refreshing perspective when dealing with the man. And she was enjoying the lack of possible blow back from being so casual with him...
  9. Skuld Zajac

    Private Tales Every Rose Has Its Thorns

    When he entered the house, Elris would note that there was a distinct blood trail from the living room to the room upstairs. As though someone had been drug while wounded. "Aye, lot of us er fine! Upstairs man." He could hear Keiran from upstairs, beckoning. When he entered the room however...
  10. Skuld Zajac

    Fable - Ask Reforge the Bonds that were Broken

    The word Lexi spoke were a bit bitter but truthful no less. Involving other orders tended to become a bogged down mess of red tape and bureaucratic dilemmas of affording peace without actually solving some problems. The Black Rose group had been one of the fringe members, though they had...
  11. Skuld Zajac

    Fable - Ask Reforge the Bonds that were Broken

    "Eugh." Skuld spat at the mention of politics. She had a strong distaste for them, preferring the simpler method of simply earning the right to speak your mind. Experience bred knowledge, and wisdom. The best thing was always to listen to the white haired person in a job that typically killed...
  12. Skuld Zajac

    Private Tales Every Rose Has Its Thorns

    Sounds from the bedroom when Elris began his fight suggested the pair were already in a tussle of their own as the second armored body flailing at the unexpected assault as Elris pushed past them. The second man had the split second wonder of helping their partner as they paused a moment too...
  13. Skuld Zajac

    Fable - Ask Reforge the Bonds that were Broken

    The mug came up to her mouth as Lexi spoke, a sly smile appearing on Skuld's face as she spoke before taking a sip. "Loss for everyone honestly. Excluding yours, seems everyone got soft." She hissed before taking a sip. The examination however made her eyes narrow a bit to the man that had...
  14. Skuld Zajac

    Private Tales Every Rose Has Its Thorns

    The woods in the dark of night were silent, even if they were not abandoned. Four sets of eyes stared over the farmstead, hands lingering on low hanging limbs as the double pair of bodies moved forward silently in the night even donned in full plate armor. Their swords hung from a hand, eyes...
  15. Skuld Zajac

    Private Tales Every Rose Has Its Thorns

    She steeped her fingers, listening to his words as she pondered what all could be done with the numbers being split relatively down the middle. It wasn't a strange thing for them all to be split, after all, power appealed to some while honor held the same for others. The move of material and...