Recent content by Raven

  1. Raven

    Entertainment What are you currently listening to?

    Aaaaand here's probably where I get banned for posting something inappropriate but honestly Lordi is my favourite ear worm
  2. Raven

    I heard "pet dogs" and I would like to know where to sign up

    I heard "pet dogs" and I would like to know where to sign up
  3. Raven

    Currently: Playing Chronicles RP - Tutorial Mode

    Currently: Playing Chronicles RP - Tutorial Mode
  4. Raven


    *Stares back*
  5. Raven

    A Wild Raven Appeared!

    ... Oh, wait, no it's not the DC Titan. It's... an actual raven. Boring. Hello! I'm Raven, or Eae on discord. I've roleplayed a little in the past but I'm brand new to Chronicles. It's absolutely lovely to make your acquaintance and I'm very excited to be here, so please excuse me if I start to...