Recent content by Silver Grimmire

  1. Silver Grimmire

    Open Chronicles Of Magic, Monsters and Merrymaking

    When the winged elf spoke of the city harbouring the Mage College, Silver scrambled for a suitable excuse to give as to why he did not simply go there. It was the obvious answer after all, and Silver had given excuses as to why in the past, but he supposed the wariness he still held in this...
  2. Silver Grimmire

    Open Chronicles Of Magic, Monsters and Merrymaking

    Silver barely noticed the ruckus, cheerfully wiping stray pieces of glass and ale off his lent cloak. After all, he was basically raised jumping from one Inn like this to another and barley noticed the two ladies' discomfort. He was much to busy thinking about how to answer their questions and...
  3. Silver Grimmire

    Fate - First Reply The man and the big ugly lie

    Silver grimaces at Nathan's reply. Ya that made sense, they just met each other after all. "Bonding, right, sure. Just uh, realize not everyone will be okay? With me? I meant most people are fine, it's just the few who aren't tend to be... loud? Sometimes violent? It'll actually be easier if I...
  4. Silver Grimmire

    Open Chronicles Of Magic, Monsters and Merrymaking

    Silver nodded at the women in a friendly manner. "The Inn got recommended to me by an acquaintance of mine who was worried about me being here. Now I can see why." Silver says with a slightly tired smile, keeping to busier roads now that they were all disguised. He was honestly surprised Caliane...
  5. Silver Grimmire

    Fate - First Reply The man and the big ugly lie

    Silver finds himself nodding in agreement at the mas words. In a port city like this, there were dozens of travellers to be had. But if this man was a traveller himself... "He must have had an Inn where he frequented or at least a bar." Silver said after a swing of beer. "And if he was there...
  6. Silver Grimmire

    Fate - First Reply The man and the big ugly lie

    Silver perked up at Nathan's positive response to his person. Great! No problem with purple-skinned people! Or at least not enough of a problem when it comes to mutual coin grabbing. Waving over a server to give Nathan a drink, Silver grins at the man. "Human quarry huh? Well good thing for us...
  7. Silver Grimmire

    Fate - First Reply The man and the big ugly lie

    Silver was sulking over a pint. Usually he was annoyingly cheerful, but he hated Elbion. Bad memories. But the horned man was dangerously low on coin and Elbion was the only larger city he could afford to get to. And he couldn't leave until he got some more coin on hand. Which he didn't have...
  8. Silver Grimmire

    Open Chronicles Of Magic, Monsters and Merrymaking

    Silver's smile quivered at the offered cloak. It was bigger, thicker and less of a raggedy mess than his own poor excuse of covering, but it still wouldn't do much to hide the purple of his face or the indents his horns will make in the hood. Still, it was better than what he currently had and...
  9. Silver Grimmire

    Open Chronicles Of Magic, Monsters and Merrymaking

    The flinch was unwarranted as Silver was saved by two flamed shared damsels and suddenly he loved his life. First, he was as confused about the weirdly pretty drunk as the ruffians were, then almost as shocked as them as the women literally shocked the two humans she grabbed a hold of. At...
  10. Silver Grimmire

    Silver Grimmire Biographical information Birthplace Unkown Born Died Age 21 Home Wanderer Physical d...