Recent content by Yrael

  1. Yrael

    Quest The Revolution of Vel Anir

    A heaving, ragged breath ripped through him as he awoke with a start. Total darkness surrounded him, and all sides were bound by hard, jagged rock. A animal panic took him as he tried to remember where he was, what had happened. Deep breaths now, calm. Gods, how they hurt. His chest felt like...
  2. Yrael

    Quest The Revolution of Vel Anir

    The throne room was in shambles. Veiny cracks ran across the pock-marked ceiling, and the dust and scorch marks all but totally obscured the faded paintings upon it. The sounds of clashing steel and dying men were drowned out by the thunderous booms of lightning, sonic force, and sheer stony...
  3. Yrael

    Quest The Revolution of Vel Anir

    There was a deafening smash as concussive force met marble. Bits of white stone splintered from the massive slab that had suddenly risen in front of the monarch. As the dust cleared Artur’s outline came into view, kneeling down with fists raised up to his face. Yrael’s ears were still ringing...
  4. Yrael

    Quest The Revolution of Vel Anir

    Vel Anir had been build towards a purpose. Unyielding power was reflected in its architecture and the palace was no exception. Yes, the halls were marble rather than granite, but they remained stark and angular. Straight walls, heavy shields and suits of armor the only decorations. If there were...
  5. Yrael

    Quest The Revolution of Vel Anir

    Yrael watched the plumes of smoke rise above the city from behind glass. The undead tides had barely reached the royal palace, and those that had were few enough that the knights took care of them with minimal casualties. The palace itself was unscathed... but the city beyond was broken. It...
  6. Yrael

    Private Tales The Thal'addas Theorem

    Yrael crossed his arms, thinking about Qieane’s question. He was not an expert in runes, but from what he recalled a ward like this should only work if the runes were left intact. ”If it is runic, and if the pattern is not disturbed... the ward should remain.” It was a very interesting idea...
  7. Yrael

    Fable - Ask The Downfall

    Yrael did not like such loud and public gatherings. The noise made it difficult for him to think, and all the people spoke too quickly and with too much emotion. Their words started to lose real meaning as they devolved to self-important defenses of their own worldviews. He could feel a headache...
  8. Yrael

    Fable - Ask The Downfall

    The vision Yrael saw was as vivid as any memory he could recall. He could hear the joyous calls, smell the spices in the air and feel the humid summer day that it all occurred on. A Vel Anir with no King and no ruling houses, where Dreadlords could do as they pleased, and an army that served the...
  9. Yrael

    Fable - Ask The Downfall

    Yrael entered. He could almost touch the tension in the room, and he could certainly smell it. There was apprehension here, fear, doubt, worry... but still they had arrived. He had been surprised to receive contact for such an endeavor, subtle as it was. He had never met Zana, nor many of the...
  10. Yrael

    Private Tales The Thal'addas Theorem

    The College of Elbion and the Academy differed tremendously in their teachings of magic. At Elbion, magic was a wonder to be studied, understood, and explored. Every avenue of its use was celebrated, and new and creative projects and research were encouraged. Free thought was emphasized, and...
  11. Yrael

    Private Tales The Thal'addas Theorem

    Yrael had been fully prepared to just blast their way through the wall and hang the consequences, but he deferred when Kala took charge. It was unlike any magic he had seen before. Had the power come from the card itself or was it simply a vehicle for Kala's own magic? Had the stones vanished...
  12. Yrael

    Private Tales The Thal'addas Theorem

    Yrael was pleased to see how quickly Qieane had managed to climb the wall, and how Kala had shown no sign of discomfort or concern at being more or less flung several stories into the air. The gargoyle he had smashed appeared to be alone in the near area, Yrael thought he could see shapes moving...
  13. Yrael

    Private Tales The Thal'addas Theorem

    Yrael shrugged at Qieane’s answer, not really minding one way or the other ”Suit yourself,” the wall seemed extremely sheer, but then again he would not have called on the elf if she were not resourceful. To Kala, he nodded and added ”I will assist as best I can, but be ready to steady yourself...
  14. Yrael

    Private Tales The Thal'addas Theorem

    Yrael nodded to Kala in agreement, he had no desire to force his way through unless absolutely necessary, and he did not want to risk the college locking down their treasures even more securely. "Gargoyles are strong, but stupid. We should be able to get past them without too much trouble." The...
  15. Yrael

    Private Tales The Thal'addas Theorem

    Kala was correct, Elbion proper was quite close to the small town, albeit hidden behind the landscape. The ride wasn't the smoothest, but it got the job done. Yrael would normally have been as content as Qieane to remain silent during the trip, but there were plans to discuss. He pulled out...