Private Tales The Routian Regent and the Draconic Diplomat

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Azlat Ushus

Priestess of the Draconic Order
Character Biography
Azlat spent the morning preparing, for she had the company of Queen Esmeralda, and had earmarked the day to converse with the regent. There were matters of formality and matters of diplomacy to deal with, as well as matters of comradery of which the two women had grown to share. She had known Route for a while, and the had become a second home to her, as well as a welcoming friend of Thagretis. Everything had been going well, until she heard a panicked yell from her son. Azlat rose from her seat immediately and left her room in an instant, nearly colliding with Eklos who had sprinted over.

“Mom! You gotta do something!”

“Are you o͠kay? What's wrong, dear?” Azlat answered, worried and confused.

“It’s the plague! It’s here! It’s outside!” Eklos explained in shock, following Azlat as she burst out of her room in a rush. Speeding briskly down the hall, they both continued past others who displayed little concern over the believed disaster. Only Azlat and Eklos knew of the plague the white ash brought, and only she was qualified to provide them protection against what they could not recognize.

Descending down the stairs towards the main foyer, Azlat and Eklos rushed to a large window from which a castle servant was gazing out. Enough had fallen that the once green ground was entirely dusted with white. It was real, and it had arrived upon them.

“The draconic pla͠gue fal͠l͢s fr͟om the sk̸y!” Azlat announced, her words prompting questioning from the servant. She may have wished destruction upon the northern lands, perhaps even prayed for it – but she did not wish for any harm upon Route! Were she not so panicked, the realization that there were northerners she truly cared for might have stunned her. All she could concern herself with in the moment was the provision of a cure. She and Eklos had the Holy Elder Dragon’s blood flowing through their veins, immunizing them to the effect. The rest would be vulnerable and unknowing, and Azlat would have to take it upon herself to see them suffer no casualties from the catastrophe befalling them.


“A catastrophe docưmented in Thagretan text, carrying disease, and a fa̸te worse than death. I’ve no idea why we are to suffer it, but I hold both tr͞eatment and cure!” Azlat continued in her tone of panic. She was thankful Eklos was present, for he could tend to that while she prepared to modify her sermon. To preach now became of utmost importance, she believed, as this would have never happened had she not waited so long to dispense holy truth to the masses.

“Eklos, I need your help. Go alert the oth͠ers while I st͟art prepar̵ing the cure, and-”

“Oh, what’s going on?” Asked another of the servants, approaching with curiosity at the commotion.

“Lady Ushus contends that the snow has been cursed.” Warned the other, prompting Azlat to slowly turn her head from the window.

“...Hold. Wha͝t’s snow? Azlat finally inquired.

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  • Sip
Reactions: Esmeralda
The first frost had been expectent for quite a while now so she had been running around the last couple of weeks double checking they had enough food in the stores and that extra blankets and furs were being sent out to the refugee out posts. This winter was expected to be a cold one.

Esmerelda had been finishing up her morning routine not far from when she heard Azlat echos of despair. Signing off her last document for the morning, a ladies maid guided her over to the scene.

"Priestess Azlat, everything alright?" Esme placed a one of her hands softly on her friends shoulder, looking between mother and son - uncertain of what to expect.

Azlat Ushus
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Azlat Ushus
“Frozen rain, Lady Ushus.” Replied the servant.

“Re͝ally? I thought it'd just fr͞eeze into stones of ice.” Azlat replied, supposing that it just turned to frost in the frozen over skies. Her eyes followed the flakes of snow that fell slowly to the ground, weaving in a meandering path guided from the wind as if it was ash.

“Oh, it does that sometimes, too.” Chimed the other servant. Azlat's gaze remained fixed on what she now knew to be frozen precipitation beyond the window. Clearly, it was harmless the locals weren't bothered by it, and it was a shade too light for ash. The resemblance remained unsettling despite this knowledge, and Eklos, though relieved, still wore a look of revulsion. Neither noticed Esme as she hurriedly approached in investigation of the loud calamity they'd shouted merely a moment prior.

"Priestess Azlat, everything alright?" Esme asked, looking to her and Eklos with suitable concern, given that she had just announced the apocalypse was upon them. Azlat had been sorely mistaken, for there was no such disaster upon them. Only this snow stuff falling from the sky.

“Yes, Qu̵een Esme. We were...well, mistaken. It's just snow. We've not seen it bef͟ore, and b̷elieved it to be an omen.”

“So it's not harmful, mom?” Eklos asked with a tug on Azlat's arm, seeking confirmation from her to allay his discomfort. Azlat saw this and sought to provide it.

“No, Eklos. Lo͡ók. See? Your friends are off playing in it.” Azlat spoke, pointing to a pair of young children who were packing the snow with their bare hands.

“...Eeeew!” Eklos made the sound with disgust, moving behind his mother as if to shield himself from the sight.

Well, she tried.

"Well I am glad everything is alright then." Esme offered them both a warm smile before talking to one of the servents, "Do you mind fetching our guests some furs? And Merelda, why not ask your son to come invite Eklos for some snow day activities."

Kneeling down she looked the boy in the eye, and made an attempt at convincing him to venture into the white wonderland, "After you're all done in the snow, you friends can introduce you to one of our traditional first frost drinks!"

After a couple minute one of the servents had come back with a pair of coats, handing then to the pair and the other called in her child who grabbed Eklos' hand and dragged him outside the minute he had his fur on.

"Shall we?" Esmerelda guestered to the open door and snow covered grass.

Azlat Ushus
  • Wonder
Reactions: Azlat Ushus
“Snow ḑay activities?” She repeated, intrigued at her mention. “What do the ch͘͝ildren do w̶hen it snows?”
She asked with curiosity. The scene beyond the window offered a hint, but Esme implied that there was much more to the encountered winter weather than there appeared.

“Oh, the kids dig tunnels and build forts out of it.” Mentioned the servant in response, before departing from their company in search of the requested furs and warm winter clothing.

“Mhmm. They often look forward to the first day of snow for that reason. I always did as a young girl.” Added Merelda.

“And absoltely, your highness! I'd be happy for you to join us, Eklos.” She offered to Eklos with a smile, who slowly nodded at her calming words. Eklos still appeared pensive, but looked up at Esme as she added to them.

"After you're all done in the snow, your friends can introduce you to one of our traditional first frost drinks!"
Esme added, kneeling down to comfort Azlat's young and pensive son. Esme's efforts had found effect, and Eklos seemed a little less disturbed than he had been. Largely, he didn't want to miss out on the implied day of fun he could be having with his friends, were he less apprehensive.

“Mom? Can I?”
Eklos asked, looking up to Azlat, seeking his mother's permission before heading out.

“Of co̸urse, swee͜tie! Go head out a͘nd have lots of fun w͢ith your friends.” She replied, leaving her son with a hug and a kiss to his head as Merelda left to gather their winter clothes. Azlat helped her boy into his coat, leading him outside by the hand. But before they even reached the door, young Teth bounded up and snatched her son away by the other hand, prompting her to let go and watch as the two sprinted off.

“Eklos, you gotta see this!” He exclaimed, bounding over the snow with Eklos in tow. Just before he was out of view he looked to Azlat from beyond his shoulder, who wore a happy smile. He'd get acclimatized to the snow soon, she figured. As she would herself, the scene around her was still so very strange. Where once there was green, all had become white, coated in a pristine blanket. Her gaze remained upon the snow until Esme spoke again.

"Shall we?" Esme asked, holding the door ajar and leading the way.

“Yes, let's.” Azlat replied with a smile, stepping outside.

  • Yay
Reactions: Esmeralda
A satisfying crunch sound let out under Esmeralda and Azlats feet as the stepped out onto the freshly fallen snow. "If I had known yourself and Eklos to have had no familiarity with snow before today I would have prepared you, I see how it can be a strange phenomenon to those who have never seen it before so please excuse my ignorance in assuming Thagretis experienced such conditions," she offered sincerely before peering over to the children where Teth showed the priestesses son how to make a snowball followed by them throwing it at the young girls making snowmen only a few feet ahead.

"I would like to thank you for your word during the marking and being receptive to the idea. Abraxis was quite impressed, he has requested to meet with you - you are free to decline naturally."
Abraxis had indeed found Esmerelda after the marking ceremony, following the traditional congratulations he had inquired about the priestess, though minimally - inquiring about where she would reside during her stay and exactly how long that would be. Esme knew that to be his way of showing a desire to meet with an individual. In almost the decade she had known him, Brax had always been a man of minimal words, surrounded by an air of mystery, his presence almost feeling as if you were lost in the fog.

The gardens were slowing filling up with all the children who lived within the palace and in the distance the young warriors no older then Eklos and his companion could be heard in the distance, all of them enjoying the first snow of the season.

Azlat Ushus
The snow crunching beneath her as Azlat took a few steps into the winter landscape before coming to a stop, now armed with the knowledge that it was nothing more than frozen rainfall. She scooped up some freshly snow with the toe of her boot and flicked it a small distance, watching as it pelted the nearby snowbank it was aimed towards.

“I'd no idea at all. Th͢ere's never s͜n̕ow in Thagretis. There's b͡arely even rain.” Snow was a substance known to few in Thagretis, aside from scholars and those extremely curious about the outside. Azlat continued. In her first fourty years of life, she had never ventured beyond the city walls. That this weather was possible was astounding to her.

“Oh, no fret, h̵ow could we k҉now?” Azlat replied, with an amused chuckle. “It's a learning experience, and I'm still learning much about this new world.” She added, before folowing Esmes case to look upon Eklos playing in the snow with his new friends. For a moment, Azlat paused to watch with her heart filled with happiness at her youngest son's joy. Her smile turned into a smirk when the two began to pelt the others.

“You pl̷ay nice, now~” She called out, singing out the words to her dear Eklos.

"I would like to thank you for your word during the marking and being receptive to the idea. Abraxis was quite impressed, he has requested to meet with you - you are free to decline naturally." Spoke Esme, and Azlat turned back to her with a nod.

“Most welcome, and my gr̴atitude for the chance to speak of it. I was glad t̶o be a part of the ceremony, and I'd be hon̶oured to accept his audience.” She replied. She could hardly decline such a request. As welcomed as she was, she was new to the city, and could deeply empathize with those who sought to keep it secure. Azlat knew of the barbarian's treachery far too well, and was without doubt on the need for security.

It would have served the Thagretans well three years ago...

“Most welcome, and my gr̴atitude for the chance to speak of it. I was glad t̶o be a part of the ceremony, and I'd be hon̶oured to accept his audience.” Esmeralda nodded, she would relay the message to Abraxis but a part of her seemed to sense he already knew the moment the words tripled of the High Priestesses tongue. He always seemed to already know. Whether he had his own circle of informants or if it was another ability he possessed, she did not know and would wager that the sorcerer would not freely give up such details - but at the end of the day it was of no concern to her, she knew where his loyalties lay and he had proven such time and time again.

Since the moment the monarch had met Azlat, she had always had two strong desires where it regarded the women she not considered both close confidant and friend. The first one was to offer her safe haven, a place she truly felt was a home away from her; the second however, was a darker topic - it was the story of her friends origin. What had really happened in Thagresis? Was the conflict there still active and where was the rest of Azlat and Eklos' family?
If it were anyone else, Esmerelda would have chosen a more diplomatic setting, but it was Azlat - the closest thing the young queen really had to a friend who's first priority was not to server her and be her companion second...or so she hoped

"Excuse my bluntness and...and if you do not feel this is the appropriate setting or if you wish not to speak of it ever again then I will respect that decision." She stopped walking now, and turned to look Azlat in the eyes, her expression warm and caring. Tucking her hands into her furs, Esme awaited a response or none at all.

Azlat Ushus
  • Bless
Reactions: Azlat Ushus
TW: Death in family

“Well, Nytam is training to be an off͝icer of our army, as his father, Hanan, did. He has to stay in Thagretis for training..” She replied, and looked to Esme as she inquired about the conflict. Azlat gave a shake of her head before speaking further of it.

“No. It's been th͝ree years, and we've suffered no further attacks. We're prepared now. We were ignorant of the ou͞tside back then. We knew more was out th͜ere, but none knew what.” To Azlat, the world outside had been hostile and threatening since the day it had revealed itself. It had since held association with death and grief. The joining of continents marked the shift between Azlat’s time as a wife, and as a widow. It marked the shift from when Thagretis had been a source of unassailable security, to the place where she'd buried both husband and daughter. The portal stone from when they arrived, once barely remarkable, had become a monument to agony in Azlat’s eyes ever since.

“Activation of the sto͟ne was the doing of our gods, and initially a time of celebr͝ation, for the Holy Elder Dragon had delivered His wo̸rd to us. He and Neha were to pur̶ify the northern lands with Their div͞ine presence. Then, the por̶tal stone stir̴red. Their magic tou͝ched it, brought it to life. Built a br͠idge betwe̷en our lands and these. Oth̸ers arrived. A f͢ew of our agents sc͞outed the nor̶thern lands. We s͘oon had a de̡legation look҉ing to meet us.” Azlat spoke, pausing with a down-turned gaze. She credited the Holy Dragons with the stone's activation, though her assessment was driven far more by zealotry than objectivity. “But tha͜t was a l̴i͏e҉! And bec͜ause we believed it, I m͡ourn both Hanan and Lihat.Azlat concluded, her voice cracking as she spoke their names.

“We ass̸embled a wel̶coming party of no͝bility a͜nd cler̶gy. I re͢ceived the hono̷ur of an i͢nvitation to at̸tend. But, I dec͝l̶ined...” Her solemn gaze bore into the ground as the words left her lips with ever increasing difficulty. These were by far her most agonizing memories, and she was on the cusp of revisiting a tormenting and unspoken fact that she'd not yet even revealed to her own two sons. But she needed to speak. Esme had become a close confidant. Azlat now needed the sympathetic ear and shoulder of her dear friend.

Lihat had j͝ust been ordai̶ned as a priest͜ess. I...I pa͞ssed on th̶e hono͝ur so she could ha҉ve my place.” Azlat woefully admitted. “I w̕as s̷o̷ ̀pr͝ou͜d of h͢er that morning...”

And now, she was gone.

Azlat had every day since to regret that once joyous decision.

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  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Esmeralda
Esmeralda had no words, not a single one to describe the heartache she felt for her friend. Her own story had been a sad one, but she had never lost that many people she loved so dearly in such a manner - all by the same enemy. It was no wander Azlat has been so cautious, so weary of the outside world. It was a gods send that she even trusted the queen and her people itself to stay in Routé , let alone bring her youngest along with her.

From when they first met she knew the High Priestess to be different, naturally so of course with her foreign accent and distinctive features - however she was never fully aware of the pain that lay behind those beautiful draconic eyes.
Esme knew there were not words that could truly comfort her friend or take away Azlats pain so all that she could offer up was companion ship. Pulling her friend close, Esmerelda embraced her, holding her tightly and not letting go until the Thagresian pulled away she whispered the only thing she could muster, "It was not your fault Azlat."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Azlat Ushus
TW:Death in family

“Tha͠nk you. I know…Still…I wish things had gone dif͡ferent.” Azlat replied. Though she knew there was no way she could have known, the spoken assurance was still soothing to hear from a friend. Any number of seemingly benign choices could have altered the outcome, though the events of that day were impossible to predict. Initially overjoyed at her grown daughter’s first major ceremony, Azlat was beside herself with pride at the time. Now, she had regret and grief.

“No one expect͡ed an attack. The o҉utsiders announced themselves to be diplo͟matic. They showed otherwise.” Azlat continued, the scorn and ire clear in her tone.

“It started so sudd͠enly. Some were hum̧an, with a small force of Naga. One human had been a p̸ret̵eǹd͝e͟r͘, a false dragon concealing his true nature by ta͜king on the f͢orm of a man. He showed himself – a towering, flying serpent. A de̢ce͏it͏fu̷l cow͜árd!” Azlat spat out the words with hateful vitriol, her expression furrowed in anger. For another moment it held, before melting away into one of sorry as she continued to recount her story.

“I was there with Nytam and Eklos. I ne͠ver got to see Lihat…until she…” Azlat continued, shaking as the words slowly left her. After a brief and flustered struggle, she ceased searching for them and continued recounting the events of her past.

“I looked for her, but I co҉uldn’t find her. Nor Hanan. I hadn't l͞ong to s͠earch. I couldn’t. I had to g͢et my boys to safety. Never before in my life had I m̨oved in s͢uch a hurry. It was all a blur. But I stumbled. My ankle gave way and I spilled right over. Nytam didn’t notice. By the time he looked back, he was at the end of the alley and he had a look of terror. He saw them. He froze up and I b͡egged him to run. He did. I did my best to hide Eklos. It was all I c̸ould to do protect him, to let my body shield him. But they pass̴ed. They did not notice, I think.” Azlat continued.

“I'll never fo͠rget them. An armoured woman who walked on daggers. A man dressed in furs. And one of the naga warriors. I’d never felt so frightened or helpless.” Azlat admitted. For the first time in her, she had felt truly threatened. Living an insulated life within the normally well protected city, a disaster such as she’d experienced was unthinkable. Yet, that notion of safety had now been shattered.

“I got the boys to saf͢ety before I doubled back. Guards tr͢ied to stop me, but I didn’t allow it. Lihat and Hanan w͝ere still there. I had to go back…It was all over by the time I returned.” Azlat spoke, her agitated tone falling quiet.

“I asked about Hanan. They told me he’d been slain. I asked about Lihat…Then I saw her. Lifeless. Dead.”

For the first time, Azlat feared the world.

And she hated it.

“I’ve forged a r̢esolution since. I will not accept false ov̴ertures of peace from these feral-minded barbarians. I will n͡ot be tḩreatened. I will not co̢wer.” Azlat concluded, uttering the words with resolve.

Never again would she cower nor negotiate. If the world that opened to them was violent, then she would simply need to become more violent. She'd not hesitate to kill. She'd not waste time with questions.

She'd not fear this new world.

It ought fear them.

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  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Esmeralda
"Thank you for sharing so much with me, I find it a true testament to your trust." Esmeralda nodded, "There are a few other details I would wish for us to go into but I do not think something so out in the open would be advisable."
Esme had no reason to distrust those withing her castle, but sensitive topics such as Thagresis' assailants was not something that she thought worth risking to fall on listening ears, especially if other plans were to come to pass.

"I think it is only fair for you to ask a question on a topic that others may deem sensitive, is there anything you have in mind High Priestess?" She asked in a playful manner, setting forward for Azlat to turn the conversation in whichever manner she pleased.
  • Thoughtful
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