Private Tales A Sizzling Egg Across a Hot Wok

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
No.” Izzy said, yawning and turning over to press her face into the wood. She sighed, shoulders slopping. “Go back to sleep.” A hand and foot struck out, searching for his long, skinny limbs and trying to pull his warmth back into her. “It’s just the rats.

Another clank and Izzy’s ears twitched but she ignored it. She was tired after having done most of the work that night. She planned on sleeping in to noon if she could. If only DJ would shut up and lay back down.

See?” She mumbled. “Rats.”

Dieder J Strietz
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz
"Rats," the mouse spoke again. "Need to be let off the trap," he said easy, and slipped free of curling strength. Felt the cold slip where the warm well of skin's kiss let loose. But it was so hard to pull free from that comfort.

Languid, Dieder did rise. Blinked away the thought of staying tangled and warm as they were. Lazy and comfortable upon the plane of the prow. He managed to pull himself up. Worked his long limbs up from the fold of knit they had wove together.

Up, and toward the sound.

Another clang. Another clatter. A pang. A drop of pans and a spill of contents.

Dieder clicked his teeth. What was waiting for him behind the door of the Lucky Star's Helm?
  • Orc
Reactions: Izara
Since when did they have rat traps? Despite the joke of her being a mouse hunter, Izzy had never once set a mouse trap. Why would she? If there were any rats— and usually there weren’t— then it always ended up being a fun little game for her. Something about movement always caught her eyes and she couldn’t help but want to catch them.

Wait. That’s right. No rats. There shouldn’t be any rats on this ship?

Izzy shot up, still nude and looked over to where DJ had gone. What in the Six was on this ship?

DJ, wait!” She called, forgoing the process of pulling on her shorts or anything really and just dashing to their little, dirty kitchen. She met him at the door. Thank goodness he hadn’t gone inside just yet.

There’s no rats! I would’ve caught them by now!” And she wouldn’t have been so hungry last night if there were any hiding away.

Dieder J Strietz
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz
A hand reached out to the old metal handle. He stared at her a moment. "No rats?"

The distant sounds of the Vel Luin port came into his ears. Bright bells rang distant, and gulls cried and squawked over yonder.

DJ's eyes went back to the door. Something rattled again inside, and the coldness of the metal handle felt all the colder against his skin. He grit his teeth, and his lips pulled down at the corners.

"Well, somethin's in there," he said, hand still on the handle.

A clatter again. Like something thrown against the shelf.

Dieder's brows knit, "I'm gonna open it, and find out what," and naked as he was, he pulled open the door.

  • Smug
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Something was indeed inside: two runaway Anirians. Everleigh held back rolling her eyes as the two idiots argued outside the door. She had thought them to be fools back in Cangrejo Verde, the gambling den in Pescera on the Cortosi coast, but capable fools. Now she was unsure with how easy it had been to sneak her and Miklan onto their ship and hide in the kitchen.

She gave a brief glance around the kitchen. It was a filthy mess. There was little rhyme and reason which made Everleigh think that her need for tidy and organized spaces wasn’t due to her Anirian blood or upbringing. Or maybe Dieder had forgotten his duty to his home, skipping his conscription and pretending to be some low-rate treasure hunter. Miklan’s blue eyes were wide and she gestured for him to lower his head with the dagger in her hand.

Maybe she should just bring him with her and Erland. She wasn’t sure how she’d explain the boy to the captive Nordenfiir but at least she knew she could keep him safe. Her grip around the dagger tightened and Everleigh had to think hard to loosen it. She had to get the trail off Miklan. Sea was the best chance, especially as she planned to lead everyone astray in following after her on land.

The door opened and Everleigh didn’t dare breathe. Her eyes were forward, risking Miklan as bait. All they had to do was step inside this kitchen and she’d have them in her trap.
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz
Izzy could easily look over DJ’s shoulder as he pulled open the door, being met with the sight of a small blonde boy who was holding a small pot in one hand and a metal ladle in the other. His eyes were wide, mouth slightly agape at having been caught.

For the briefest second his sky blue eyes flickered to the right before looking back at them, standing naked in the doorway. Izzy was quick to move, dashing into the kitchen before DJ could. She actually pulled him back as she took the first step, her letai speed kicking in as the nails on her right hand thickened and sharped into claws.

She angled herself left, claws ready to slash the unflappable, bruised face before her. Despite being up against the wall, the woman moved fast, angling her dagger towards Izzy as she stepped away. Izzy’s instincts were alight with sound and smell. Blood rushed through her body and there was a primal war cry ringing in her ears as she lunged again.

Faster than before, Izzy rotated into a fast spinning back kick, catching the intruder by surprise as her heel collided with supernatural strength into the intruder’s rib. She saw pain come to life in the woman’s face, eyes closing shut, nose scrunching up, and her mouth opening wide to voice her pain. Izzy had seen this plenty of times. She ignored the boy’s shout, pulling her arm back to punch the woman unconscious.

No noise came from the spreading lips, instead, dozens of purple and blue snakes shot out, glittering and shimmering like magic. Izzy covered her face with her arms, pivoting off to the side, but her skin was bare, and all it took was for one to bite her.

Izzy didn’t feel pain as she lost her balance, crumpling down to her knees and swaying. She closed her eyes before her head could hit the floor.

Don’t,” the woman grunted, “try anything… or else she dies.

Dieder J Strietz
  • Scared
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz
Kicks, claws, and the flash of bared steel.

Somewhere in the whirr of movement, the crash of bone against wood, and thump of flesh against flesh, DJ had scooped up the kid. In his arms and took cover behind a counter.

"Hey, shh, it'll be alright," the kid squirmed, elbowed, fought back, and caught Dieder with an elbow across the nose.

DJ grunt, smirked, shook his head and shoved the kid over beside him. Peeked over the counter and saw the flicker of magick bite into Izzy.

"Izarra!" He shouted, his body twitched with want to act, and his mind spun to life.

Leverage. The child. Purple hair. His hand went rigid, fingers bladed and flat.

He wasn't a child killer. She didn't know that.

The threat came fast after.

He growled. "What the hell do you want?!"

Everleigh Ebersol
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Try anything.” Everleigh spat, ignoring the need to put a hand over her rib. There was a sharp spike of pain from even raising her voice. That beast hadn’t just broken a rib, she had broken two or three. Everleigh didn’t have time to think about it, to worry about it, to even recognize it. “Any. Thing.” She enunciated her words with condemnation, violet eyes bright with magic and warning. “She never opens her eyes again.

Both her and Miklan were dirty, grime underneath their nails, tangles in their hair even if they both sported haircuts that were relatively short. Everleigh was certain that they both smelled as bad as they looked and she wondered why the woman with cat ears and a tail hadn’t realized earlier.

Stand up slow, let the boy go, and we’ll talk. All your girlfriend managed to do was piss me off so I wouldn’t be testing your luck right now.

Dieder J Strietz
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz
Dieder looked over the kid. Fear plain in his eyes though he tried to keep a stiff lip. Blue eyes fat with tears. Grubby as a grub could be. DJ just smiled at him. Gave him a nod and a wink. "You're a tough lil guy, no doubt about that," he whispered. Trying to ease the kid.

Desperate. That's what all this was. A fool's gambit.

Didn't change the reality of it all. Izzy had been hit with... Something. Magical by the smell that lingered in the air. The feeling of it seemed to singe the back of his nose.


The kid was with him. If she wanted them dead they'd be dead already, right? Why involve a kid? Promise talk.

"Look," he said loud and clear. Kept the anger out of his voice best he could. "What's this about?" he looked to the kid. "Lil guy here looks like he's been living on grubs and sleeping in dirt, can't imagine you look much better," for all he knew, the purple haired psycho would off Izzy first chance she got.

Much as he hated it. The kid is all he had. "You sound scared," he bluffed. "I'm sure as shit not feeling to great about all this so, how about on the count of three, you step off my gal, and I let the kid go, mutual exchange,"

Even rats had their pride when put against the wall.
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
“I’ve been taking care of him.” She spat, more offended by Strietz’s assessment of Miklan’s wellbeing than him suggesting she was afraid. She would’ve been if she hadn’t taken out the cat girl like she had planned in dozen upon dozen scenarios. She was lucky in what her magic was, that she even had it. She needed it to go against a foe like Izara. Another punch or kick and Everleigh might have been unable to fight.

And technically, she was unable to fight now. She had very little magic left and she was exhausted. Not just arcane exhaustion but physical and mental. Everleigh always knew that deep down she was a fighter and she’d do anything to keep Miklan safe, but attacking Strietz when she needed his help was foolish. The dreadlord ground her teeth against each other, considering the treasure hunter’s deal. Sometimes she wished that she knew how to be nice, she had failed this chance.

Everleigh took a big step back, head swiveling to where she heard his voice from behind the counter. Another loud step back. She purposely knocked her boots together. Hands went up in the air but her elbows were bent. Everleigh didn’t drop her dagger.

The moment Miklan was free he would scramble up onto his feet and run to her. He almost shouted her name but she shook her head, short hair swaying with the motion. She protective but a hand over Miklan, pushing him behind her. The hand on his shoulder moved up, shielding at least one eye from the sight of Izzy’s naked body.

The air was thick with heavy silence before being interrupted by one elephant-sounding snore. Everleigh blinked, looking over her shoulder to make sure Izzy wasn’t awake. The letai’s ears twitched, another loud snore.

As you can see, she’s fine.” Everleigh said, attempting to get control of the situation. “Since you’re already acquainted with Declan, I’ll make this easy. I am requesting aid from the Lucky Star. Take Declan to Alliria and make it the long way. Today. In three hours. We can start discussing the payment now. I’ll cover supplies and food now, of course,” her eyes darted quickly around at spots in the room that stuck out to her. “You clearly need it.”

Dieder J Strietz
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  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz
Sure, he could scrap. No where near as good as Izzy though. Never could, and would never pretend to. He had his own strengths though. A keen sense for tone and tells. And the way her voice came sharp and fast well, didn't take much of his keenness to pick up on it.

"Hard to tell," he quipped. Press the points, and keep them off balance. If only to make them work harder.

Harder someone had to work, the more likely they were to make a mistake. Simple.

He counted down. "One," A loud step, then another. Obvious. Clear. "Two," She got the deal, and was making sure he did too. Bold as her tells were. Dj peered out from behind the counter, saw her raise her hands up. "Three," he let the kid go.

Moved toward Izzy, grabbed her up, worry wide in his eye. "Izz-" a snore ripped through the air. His lips quirked, and his eyes, watery as they were, glazed over.

The purple one spoke. Quick and to the point. Military like. Magic strong enough to knock Izz out at once. Skills sharp enough to stand toe to toe. The cards were all the clearer in his mind. He made like he didn't have a clue. Grabbed up some quilt that wasn't too far out of reach and covered Izzy up.

Not that she'd care any. Not that he cared any. Only now he did. What with this-

"Need it like an elf needs Aniria," he said with a smirk. His eyes cut up to the dreadlord. The runaway. What else could she be? "But sure, I'll take your money, Purple, food and supplies for the trip, and however much you've got, then some more," he laughed, harsh and sharp. Worked his arms up under Izzy, and hefted her up. "Now, if you'll excuse me," his eyes saw the kid. His frowned deepend, and he walked past them toward Izzy's room. "I'd like to get dressed, and wait for my partner to get up, before we continue this... discussion,"

Everleigh Ebersol
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Purple. How original. Everleigh held back the urge to roll her eyes, to spit something nasty back at him. She could say plenty of things about him, all negative: slob, skinny, small—

Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Everleigh growled, throwing her dagger into the doorframe to catch his attention. She couldn’t move quick enough to stop him, didn’t trust her body to fully manifest the strength she had within her. She narrowed her eyes, doing her best to keep the wide, wild look out of her hardened gaze.

Anywhere you go, I go or you stay here.” Having him walk away when he knew the layout of the ship better than her was like turning her back to him while he held a weapon. He could leave to get something, anything, or maybe call for help, alert others of her whereabouts. She couldn’t in any capacity let anyone know she was here. It would ruin Miklan’s and Erland’s future, nevermind hers.

Ever,” Miklan whispered up to her. “He just wants to put on some clothes. And ladies shouldn’t be naked, either.

No.” She hissed. “Remember what trust does and how easy it tricks you.” Everleigh seemed to clutch Miklan tighter. “After all, Strietz knows plenty about trust and using it to get away. Your parents taught you that, didn’t they?

Dieder J Strietz
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz
Past the cluttered hoard of scores and conquests past, DJ laid Izzy down onto her bed. Looked at her a moment while she slumbered. Sat there at the edge of the poor excuse for luxury that passed on their ship. Grinned a sour and bitter split of his lips. Elbows rested on knees, his head braced by his palms as gold spilled through his fingers.

She could have died back there.

He could have died back their.

Their ship taken. What meager holdings they had amassed, gone at the hands of a purple haired psychopath. All to the audience of one lonely kid. All because of the great and noble happenings of Vel Anir.

A throaty snore ripped through the tiny quiet he had found. And he grinned all the wider. Laughed as warmth ran down the side of his face in single trail. Then twinned across the other cheek. He laughed for a moment that felt too long, and too short, there in the haze and dizziness that filled his head.

He looked to his partner. Careful, he pushed a rogue strand of dark hair from her face. Smile soft and to himself. He knew what he had to do.

A sharp breath was pushed out from his nose. "Fuck me,"

Everleigh Ebersol
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Everleigh didn’t go after Dieder. She was too weak to do so, and while the dreadlord in her screamed at her to follow her prey and fight until her last breath, all she had to do was look down at Miklan, into his blue eyes, and remember that his safety came before her battle-honed instincts. She wouldn’t risk Miklan’s safety for a bruised ego so large and sensitive that it could only belong to a dreadlord.

So she would let Dieder dress himself and the cat-woman he was so infatuated with. The Anirian in her found it silly and pathetic. The woman side of her found it charming, enlightening, and perhaps strangely enough, attractive.

Hurry it up!” She shouted loudly, knowing that no matter where he was on the shitty, messy boat, Dieder J Strietz would be able to hear her just fine. It’s was a small ship at best, but it was inconspicuous and likely fast on water. Just what she needed to get Miklan to Alliria.

Dieder J Strietz
Dieder emerged from the cabin, in a loose shirt, and some old trousers worn through the knees. His brow was stiff, but his expression was stony as he regarded the purple haired invader.

He strode over, as he stretched. Arm over elbow, twist at the hips. As if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Right arm over the shoulder, an extension of the spine. As if panick hadn't gripped him so hard he had thought of things he had never thought himself capable of, until all was laid there upon the line. Things he felt disgusted for having weighed over.

A sigh as he came to stop across from the woman and the boy. "Partner's still asleep," he said with a cocksure grin. Nod to the boy, almost in a little salute. "Whatever you did to her, it's potent," there was no edge there in his voice. But plain speak had its own weight. "So, down to business, Alliria, the boy, what's this all about, Purple?"

Everleigh Ebersol
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Everleigh took her time to answer, breathing in and out, counting her heartbeat until she was sure she was steady. Her eyes followed his movements, not quite liking his clothes. What had he hidden underneath that loose shirt that hung from his lanky frame? What had he stashed away in the unseemly trousers? His expression, void of shock, full of self-control.

She felt it not only in her mind but her bones. Whether she liked to admit or not, they shared the same addiction in their blood.

A gamble.” Everleigh said. “In four hours, Vel Luin will be in chaos.” She was being overly generous with that statement. She didn’t have the power to start an entire upheaval and mob mentality when Vel Luin not only had it’s fair share of loyal dreadlords but was one of the large Anirian cities that had the guard crawling all over like fireblood ants on a anthill. Regardless, a big distraction would be needed, not just for her and Erland but for The Lucky Star and Miklan.

Declan needs to be out in open water when that happens.”

Dieder J Strietz
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz
A gamble.

A huff of breath and his mouth split into a smile, wide and bright with teeth across his lips. Cool as he played it, the two words were like the distant flash of lightning. They raised the hair on his arms, and at the back of his neck.

"I'm listening," he said, and tamped his excitement. Put it away.

She had all of his attention now. And his mind played out the scenario.

Rogue Purple, causing a scene in the city at large. The how and why, didn't really matter while Izzy, the Kid, and himself, broke out to sea.

Easy enough. Only...

"What's the catch Purple?" he smiled. Hoped she hated how he smiled. Craned his neck into it, with feeling. Like rat stretching in front of a snake. He rubbed the lean chords there. "You just, trustin, this kid to us," his eyes looked down at the runt. "How do I know he's not some freak Anirian experiment?" he grinned. "No offense, kid,"

Everleigh Ebersol
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
At the very least, Dieder J Strietz was interested. Follow up questions were expected, this wasn’t a deal struck between an initiate and proctor but two equals. Everleigh thought herself to be the better fighter, but right now, she wasn’t looking for someone who could kill as well as she did. Right now she needed someone who had been under the radar for years, someone who knew how to disappear and could fool even the best intelligence agencies Vel Anir had to offer.

It didn’t hurt that that Dieder also had a boat and could navigate the sea.

What if he was an Anirian experiment? What if he had enough power to turn the world inside out and consume every bit until there was nothing left? What if he could do it in a blink of an eye? Does it matter when all you need to do is deliver him to me in Alliria?” Miklan made a face. He still wasn’t accustomed to lying, and there was a part of him that still found fault in how easy it was for Everleigh to lie.

Dieder J Strietz
A laugh from the blonde gambler. "Then I'd tell you find yourself another ship," but the how of the words, the way they came from his mouth, was a thing full of half truths.

A bluff to call a bluff.

A lie to spot a lie.

"But he ain't no monster now, is he, Purple?" the young man grinned. "Vel Anir is too proud of its real monsters, to pull something like this,"

Everleigh Ebersol
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Purple eyes narrowed further into predatory slits. This was no game of chess, there were too many pieces, too many rules, too many possibilities to call this interaction as something as simple as chess. Everleigh wouldn’t have chosen a solution that would be simple.

It had to be senseless, impulsive, crazy— something she would never do. Because she was desperate right now, although she didn’t know it, couldn’t make sense of this feeling that kept her from eating, kept her from sleeping. Dreadlords weren’t desperate. But Everleigh was, and she hoped it would be enough to confuse Vel Anir on Miklan’s whereabouts.

What would you know about Vel Anir? You’ve been on the run for years.” She matched his grin, mimicking even the crease of his eyes, the tilt of his chin. “Which is why I want you to get him to Alliria. You’re here, in the port, unbothered. Because of the Republic and the new leaf it’s turned for all of Aniria? You’re no fool, Dieder. You’re here because you know they can’t catch you, Vel Anir’s the cat and you’re the mouse, and you always manage to slip through their jaws.” A little bit of flattery never hurt. Neither did threats. Blood and broken bones were, and always would be, a universal language.

Of course, you tell me to find another ship, fine. But she never wakes up.” A pause before Everleigh revealed her sadistic soul. “And I hope your lovely family doesn’t suddenly become ill. Not that any one cares over the wellbeing of those in servitude.

Dieder J Strietz
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz
Threats behind the flowers. Thorns beneath the welcome petals.

But that was always part of the deal. Wasn't it?

His smile only widened the more. "You put a lot of weight on the trust and compassion of a cowardly mouse, purple," He didn't flinch. His voice didn't rise.

He looked to the boy. Didn't right know the why of it. This boy.

This dreadlord come knocking on his door, like the tax man come to collect for all the coin he owed.

That didn't bother him none. He was used to carrying debt. Had been in debt his whole damn life.

What did he know about Vel Anir. A whole worlds worth.

"A bit of cheese does you better with mice, Purple," he got up from the counter, walked out toward the deck. Mussed the boys hair on his way out. "just a word of advice for the next poor bastard you go trying to muscle," he tapped the low beam of the cabin before he was out in the open air. "I'll take the kid!"

Everleigh Ebersol
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  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Once again, purple, as if he knew that her ribs were already bruising to match her dull violet eyes. There was a slight huff, a telltale twitch of the brow, but Everleigh followed after the rat she was desperate to employ. She took hold of Miklan by wrapping a tight grip around his bicep, willing to drag him if need be but the young boy was quick to move alongside her. Everleigh moved with a stride that was even enough, but the sharp pain reminded her of her place.

She had to be grateful that she didn’t have to get in another scrape. She had to be grateful that she was right about Dieder, that he was like her.

Declan, his name is Declan.” Close enough to Miklan’s name so that he’d respond to it. “And you’re getting enough supplies for the journey for three. If he looks hungry when I get him,” Everleigh glanced down at Miklan. He looked hungry now. “I want him to look better than he does now, that’s why you get half the payment now.

Everleigh, it’s okay.” Miklan whispered, pulling out of her grip. He took long strides to Strietz, a hand going to clutch at the well-worn trousers. “I trust him.” Everleigh paused. She took a deep breath.

She’ll wake up soon.”

Dieder J Strietz
  • Smug
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz
It was easier to breath outside. Even with the feint scent of rotting fish and stagnant water caught behind old ships, too long anchored. Hulls full of barnacles.

They had been docked for too long. Too comfortable.

He frowned. Till the sound of Purple came loud behind him.

Orders. Directions. Worries.

That's all they really were, weren't they. Under all of it.

Or that was what he was betting on.

A sour grin tugged at the corners of his mouth as her voice came closer. His brow furrowed, and he was about ready to turn around, say some smarmy line as to how there was no way he could look much worse, less he tossed him overboard and used him as bait to catch the night's supper.

Then a little hand grabbed up at him. Grubby. Greedy. In that way of kids. Dieder cut a look down at the boy.


"You look like my cousin, kid," he said flatly to the boy.

Confirmation that Izzy would be alright. That she would wake up.

Dieder signed ok back over his shoulder, and smiled at the kid. "His name was Murzart," looked out to the sea beyond. Towards Alliria, that was half a whole world away. "Murzy for short," he said. Pat the kid on his shoulders. A little awkward with the first pat. Then more sure with the second. "Maybe you'll get to meet him when we get to Alliria proper,"

Everleigh Ebersol
Sounds like a fake name,” Everleigh scoffed, not sure why now that Strietz had agreed and after the glimpse of vulnerability she had shown him, she felt the need to be as prickly as she first was. Old habits died hard, or maybe with the knowledge of the letai woman waking up soon, there was that prickle of unease of another attack. Her hand went to her broken rib, throbbing but still numb. She didn’t have long. Soon enough, the pain would seize her and she’d have to fight against herself instead of the guard of Vel Anir to escape.

Miklan, however, smiled at Dieder as he smiled towards him, warmth building up in his sky blue eyes like a perfect summer’s day. Even grubby and dirty, there was a shine to Miklan that sparkled with a genuine smile to match his eyes. He didn’t notice Everleigh standing awkwardly to the side of them, watching the two of them with a look of suspicion that almost hid a motherly yearning.

There was a part of her that wanted to go and take Miklan in her arms one last time, to hold him close and tight as if the goal were to strangle him or break his ribs. She did no such thing. Instead, she stared, committing this to memory, reminding herself she’d see him in Alliria, better than he was now.

A little voice reminded her that she might not make it time— or worse, she would never make it to Alliria at all. Everleigh knew this voice, it had been her best friend at the academy, a heavy hand that belonged to a much greater force that weighed her mind and soul. She had fought against it then, she’d fight against it now.

Success was her only option, survival her only goal— failure, and death, were not. Wordlessly, with heavy boots and a yet still a heavier heart, Everleigh left the Lucky Star, knowing that all of them would need more than just a lucky break.
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  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz
With each step the purple snake took, getting further and further from their ship, the sooner Izzy would wake. When she did open her eyes, her body was alert before her mind could register what had happened. Every muscle was tense and taut, ears pricked, nose searching. She felt a dull bite, the only reminder that there had been an intruder and that they had bested her. She rose quickly, a snarl in her throat, blue eyes a fevered rage.

As she rushed to the deck, she saw them then, Dieder and a dirty boy.

What the fuck happened?!” She demanded, using her long legs to quickly carry her to DJ’s side, inspecting him for anything at all that was amiss. She saw a few bruises, a few marks from sharp teeth, all her doing and none from the purple menace to society.

Dieder J Strietz
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Dieder J Strietz