Fable - Ask C'mere, Chimera!

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


The Pirate
Character Biography
In the village of Shroudshire, life was slow and simple, like the little strokes on a piano toward the eve of slumber, or the slumber of eve, or like night’s tide when the storm has gone away, or maybe like the gliding of a bow on the strings of a violin by a drunken patron who is yet as skilled and masterful as a drillmaster with one hand filled.

Though, if one patron was being totally honest, and was asked to summarize what he saw in this establishment, he would recite the above nonsense without having any idea what the heck it meant to begin with.

Thing is, this little thing called a halfling was minding his own business in the only tavern in the village. It was a warm day in this area of the Allir Reach near Alliria. Now it was evening. He had woken up that day to a nice hot cup of tea, what little he had left in his backpack from yestereve’s camping trip. One thing led to another and there he was in The Good Old Cabbage tavern of Shroudshire eating good ol’ cabbage that fortunately wasn’t so old and it came with beef.

Instead of tea he was sipping ale. He had a whole half already but then he found out it came in pints so he just had to get one. Biding his time as the night gave way, with a cool breeze outside, threatening to rain, there was a roaring fire in the center of the tavern whilst he idled in a corner; malt beer on the table beside him with its boisterous patrons; and a plate meat ripe off the bone right before him.

He had been thirsty. He had been hungry. He still was both, honestly, and he had his hot food to keep him company. This halfling had long since discovered that he was his own best friend, needed only his own company to be content if not happy, only himself. Just as well. His privacy tonight allowed him to listen to the live band and a female elven woman singing with lyrics alongside violins and drums and some instrument he didn’t quite recognize but it sounded fabulous.

“C’mere, Chimera!
O ye of mighty fire!
O beast of stamina!
Burn higher O higher!

C’mere, Chimera!
O body of a goat!
Lion’s head, O I know!

Serpent’s tail, I tell ya!"

Quinton listened, Quinton grinned, looking O so innocent.
Sitting alone but not lonely, eating, drinking in his corner.
Many patrons around him—here to escape in this tavern.
Waiting for him, you see, a thief, O a halfling pickpocket.

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Maranae
Yet another errand sent out of the city, as though the Master craved his privacy and sought to send his apprentice far enough away that he could have the shop to himself for a day or two. Every man needed to be alone with their own thoughts every now and again, yes? Surely it was so for him as it was for any other.

It wasn't as though he had asked for an apprentice. It wasn't as if he'd ever been saddled before with one so green and so naive of the world. And yet...

She walked down the road in the twilight, steel pan strapped to her back in place of the blade it had been made from. It was an inexpertly crafted thing, misshapen and uneven in thickness. But it was hers, and she had made it with her own hands and she cherished it above and beyond any worldly possession she owned. It was strapped atop a long and thin bundle wrapped in cloth, secured to her back by straps. (There were not many worldly possessions for her. She was not driven by greed or jealousy or lust. Unless it was for food, of course! But who wouldn't be in that case?)

Picture her thus: simple clothes creased and much mended, a mane of long fiery hair that framed an oval face festooned with freckles and set with gleaming yellow topaz eyes with slitted pupils. She was quite tall, with the willowy build and form of one in their adolescence. The tips of overlong canines jutted from her lower lips. She moved with a predatory grace that was at odds with her innocent appearance.

Pretty and strange. Young looking enough to not be on the road at night in the countryside, and certainly so much so that - have followed the scent of food and the sound of music for a couple of miles - she did not belong in a tavern after the sun had dipped below the horizon.

She stood in the door, eyes gleaming in the light from within. Her eyes darted round the few patrons that occupied the tables; there were not many at this hour. Truth to tell there were not many, period. This place was off the beaten path and away from the trade routes.

Some of them looked up at her as she opened the door. "Where is Mister Tapton?" she asked after a moment, each word careful and deliberate and slow. There was no preamble, no salutation. Just an unanswered question. And, gnawing at the edges as always, hunger deepened by the scent wafting through the air.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Quinton
In retrospect, the lack of (too) many patrons meant that the thief’s work was cut out for him. It was a lot easier to navigate between a sea of bodies, negotiate his way throughout a crowd, picking this pocket and pocketing the contents of that purse, without anyone even noticing of the half-man’s existence to begin with.

However, the live music helped. A tavern need not be busy for there to be a band of this character and caliber. That meant attention would be diverted to the makeshift stage and its singer’s fables before the roaring fireplace. That meant eyes and ears would not be trained toward tables.

Granted, this was just strategy and tactics at the moment as the halfling planned this evening’s events for his thievery tactics. No one would know it. No one had noticed his presence in this establishment except when he spoke up for something along the lines of meat and mead.

Someone arrived just then. A newcomer from the outside night and into the artificial daytime that was inside this tavern. She didn’t look like anything special but could be on another level with her possessions. Quinton had met the richest poor person and the poorest rich person in his travels.

Let’s see what she does. He’s too distant to pick up on whatever it was she had spoken. Did she appear to be a little lost? Where she sits. What she eats. Perhaps, perhaps not, but for now Quinton sits, he eats, he listens, he watches. Let’s see.

  • Derp
Reactions: Maranae
"At this hour? Asleep, girl," a man at one of the tables replied to her, looking up from a wooden mug of something sour smelling to her nose. She remained in the doorway, eyes swiveling to the man that spoke and locking on until someone else grumbled about closing the door.

Maranae started at the annoyed words, but stepped inside. She took a deep breath through her nose and went glassy-eyed as she processed all the wonderful (and not so wonderful) things she could smell in here.

After a moment, her eyes wandered the room. They immediately fixed on a short fellow seated at a table with a drink nearly as large as he was. Maranae had never seen a halfling before (not that she could remember, at least) and so she rushed over to his table even as the owner of this particular establishment was making his way to ask what, precisely, she wanted.

Her face split in an ear-to-ear grin. Most would be forgiven if their first go-to was an ancient fairy tale: My, what big teeth you have there, grandma! If not for the outwardly friendly appearance, it might have been intimidating. Hers was the mouth of some kind of predatory cat.

"What are you?" She asked without any preamble. Her words were still slow and precise, but the teeth made them slur a little too.There was no guile and there was no malice in the question either; curiosity shone in her big yellow eyes. Possibly the curiosity of child.
  • Yay
Reactions: Quinton
Quinton was taken aback for two reasons. The first reason was because of this giant girl rushing toward him. The second reason was because of her ear-splitting grin. Not ear-splitting as in the sense of it being loud except, in a sense, it's akin to synesthesia or something, but in the sense of being wide and a bit intimidating despite the outwardly friendly appearance.

My, what big teeth you have! Quinton blinked. He didn’t grin. She asked him a question as he just sat there squeezing his tankard of frothy foamy ale, wondering if whether he takes another sip should he take his eyes off of whoever she and whatever this is? She just might eat me the same time I eat my meat.

Then again, the more he looked at her, the more she appeared to him to be a curious cat rather than some werewolf who might bite him. Childish, even, after a fashion. Chewing on her question as to what he is, Quinton finally decided to take a hearty swig of his dark beverage.

“Thirsty.” He swallowed a sliver of cabbage. “Hungry too.” Washed it down with another sip. “You?”

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Maranae
She cocked her head to the side, confused at the answer. It was clear as day on her face that she did not understand how thirst or hunger defined what one was.

"But children should not drink that," she said, and pointed to his drink meaningfully. She cut her eyes to look at the cabbage and made a face of disgust. "And that is not food," she continued carefully, each word - each syllable - falling into place precisely. Neither the cabbage nor the swill appealed to her; she could smell both quite keenly so close.

"She ... I am always hungry," she added after a bit, the pause at the beginning seeming like someone shifting gears and correcting herself. As if in agreement, her stomach squirreled and rumbled.

She bent down low so that her eyes were level with his and perhaps too uncomfortably close. Personal space was a subject she did not necessarily understand so well, either. "That ... brown stuff. It smells bad," she said. To a complete stranger than never invited her over. As if he cared what she thought.
  • Yay
Reactions: Quinton
Quinton tilted his head, baffled by this creature’s statement about children not drinking what he was drinking that moment. It wasn’t as if he was going to offer it to the kid! He definitely wasn’t surprised to find that this child cringed at the sight and scent of cabbage. Sliced, spiced and peppered to delight.

The girl’s rumbling stomach was not convincing anyone that she wasn’t hungry especially with her statement about being hungry. If this halfling was in her position then he wouldn’t have walked up to someone on an empty stomach. He would have entered this tavern, gone straight to the counter to be closer to the kitchen, and ordered the heaviest ale and toughest meat he could order!

“You mean this?” Quinton traded cabbage for beef, stabbing a cut of it onto his fork, pointing it toward the girl. “Salty. Smoky. Sweet. Juicy. Smells like a dwarven oven. Tastes like the tongue of a dragon. Finest cut of beef from the bloodiest gut you could ever dream of eating!” Quinton chomped his teeth. “Try some?”

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Maranae
If Quinton had any idea who or, more importantly, what he was talking to he would not have mentioned bloody anything. She had eaten some pretty bloody guts.

Some of them were even dead at the time.

She drew in a deep breath of the piece of meat which only made her more hungry. The description didn't exactly mean much to her; she found most food that had been properly cooked was not right by her sense of taste. Even the frying pan that she carried, if used in conjunction with a meal, was more or less done because humans and others like them only thought it proper to burn flesh before eating it.

She stared at the morsel with unrepressed longing but shook her head (her eyes remaining locked on the food regardless of how she turned her head). "Not that," she said slowly. She pointed at the mug with its dark and frothy concoction. "That. Smells bad," she repeated. She absently wiped at a thread of drool. Her mind was hard wired to her nose at that moment, and it was actually difficult to isolate out the scent of the alcohol from the scent of meat.

Especially when she was brutally hungry.
  • Yay
Reactions: Quinton
Quinton barely stifled a frown at this little character’s rebuttal of the gifted beef. Did it smell bad or something? The next moment the child pointed at the halfling’s ale. “Smells bad?” he repeated. “That there is every tavern’s certainty to keeping open and in business as long as people like me exist.”

He knew that she probably didn’t know what he meant but it was just as well. “Yet ale is not something I shall be offering you as I did with meat. Sorry, kid.” They might be about the same height but he wasn’t going to dwell in a jail cell for the night.

“So, no meat, no ale, let’s see…” He drummed his fingers on the tabletop. “Ah! You like music? Have a seat! Listen!”

The singer had all but vanished from the scene as the band drifted into lyricless music, instruments, lutes and hurdy-gurdy's and entertainment for a certainty.

"Japers always said 'you can fill your stomach with meat and mead but only your ears with the sweet kiss of music'." Quinton shrugged. "Granted, he was drunk."

  • Love
Reactions: Maranae
"Never filled my stomach," she said in response. She had to think about what was being said a moment, filter it through her limited vocabulary.

She had been listening to the music the entire time. It was definitely one of those things she had a healthy appreciation, although that was mostly just because she liked the sound and how it made her feel. Content, at peace even. Even if she was still hungry. Her feet had been twitching to the tune the entire time.

She took the seat that was offered, turning large yellow eyes first on Quinton and then on the musicians. They gleamed with a bright and gentle light. It would have been difficult, observing her now, to imagine that what she had been made for was war and killing and brute, mindless violence.

"Drunk?" Her eyes cut back to him, curious. "From drinking... that?" She made a face that matched the tone of mild disgust, establishing exactly what she thought of drinking that yeasty and disconcertingly yellow liquid in his drink.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Quinton
She sat down. Somehow she was still taller than him sitting up with legs bent around the same waist. Suddenly aware that she might catch his eyes roving over her person as if he thought she was the meat and mead for him to eat and drink, Quinton quickly blinked.
Oh, sure, he knew she was taller than him really, it was just that childish face of hers pinned the six-foot-something as more of a girl whereas he was a small man who at least looked manly. Maybe…

“Drunk!” Quinton repeated. “From drinking this!” He pointed at his drink. He made a face that matched the music: merriment. “Peanut?” He gestured toward a small bowl if she wasn’t feeling the beef and vegetables. “Almond?” Same bowl. “Cashew?” Mixed nuts. “Walnuts in there too in fact I think I saw a pecan somewhere but can’t—”


A man shouted as he raised his drink. Others shared the toast. Quinton didn’t.

“Not sure I catch his meaning unless he means this band or his family but speaking of Allir Reach where the heck are you from anyway, my lady?”

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Maranae
The face came back at the mention of the nuts. Her preferred food - in fact, the only thing she would eat - was meat. Preferably raw, but if one wanted to wave it over an open fire once or twice in mimicry of cooking, that was fine too. Parts of her were very definitely carnivore.

The part of her that was human smiled at his question, eyes bright. "Alliria!" she said, glancing briefly at the man who had raised his voice and the handful of others that joined him in their revelry. They held no immediate interest, so her attention returned to Quinton. "But not from..," she began to add, and then trailed off. Her eyes went distant, recalling some other place.

She blinked, face brightening into child-like sunshine again. "Learning to... to black smith," she said instead. She reached to her side and flourished the roughly made iron pan she carried with her with something like pride on her face. "Made this," she said companionably. Definitely pride in her voice. The sad bit of metal work denoted a certain lack of skill in the craftsman even if not all of the misshapen qualities were caused by an unsteady hand. Even so, it represented a certain level of defiance over what and who she was. Even if she would not be able to articulate such a concept to him.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Quinton
Alliria, she answered, and that sounded swell enough of an answer to Quinton. Lots of folk from Alliria. But not from, she said, which made Quinton blink as he sipped his drink. Well, which is it, miss? Either she was from Alliria or she wasn’t from Alliria. Had to be one or the other, he reckoned. At least she was an apprentice, however. That helped explain her age if not quite her height.

At the sight of the pan, Quinton switched from blinking eyes to rising eyebrows. Maybe he had missed the instrument upon her entrance as it now came out and he stared at it. Were the man some mere man, some foolish human like that drunkard dancing and chanting “Finest crew, hooby-boo!” then he might have missed the object’s merit, but he wasn’t and he didn’t.

Nay, Quinton was a halfling, and he knew more than one damn thing about the crafts of pans. “Aye, that’s not half bad!” He didn’t hide his excitement or his pride. It was a plainly misshapen device yet he wasn’t oblivious to her being an apprentice blacksmith.

“May I?” With or without that pan in his hand, his gaze roamed over its make. “Roughly made, hm. Heavy weight, mm. Cast iron, mhm. Question.” Quinton took a sip and licked his lips. “How many faces have you caved in with this weapon?”

She practically preened under the praise of her handywork. The Master always was so grudging to give praise even if he seldom chastised her for her failings (of which there were many). She only had months of practice, though, not years. There were limits to what anyone could learn in that time, especially something so hands-on. Add to it that she wasn't anyone and had a much more difficult time grasping some concepts, and it was practically a miracle.

The question was unexpected, and she blinked once in response. Pride melted into a sheepish, embarrassed rictus as she answered slowly. "She...I do not know," she said uncertainly. With her free hand, she extended several fingers until all five her straight. "This many?" There was no certainty there. Counting wasn't something she was comfortable with, any more than reading.

"I do not like it," she said after a moment and with far more certainty. She was created for fighting, no lie. No one had asked her whether she wanted to or not until Guslan, and since he had put the poisoned idea of freedom in her head - to do what she wanted, and not what everyone else did - she had put as much distance as she could from that past.

It still found her from time to time. The same strength that made her apparently slight frame capable of wielding a blacksmith's hammer worked equally well for tying people who didn't respect her personal space into pretzels.
  • Yay
Reactions: Quinton
Five faces? Quinton’s already raised brow quivered as if it might rise even higher. That sure is a number. For a giant child like her, such as she was or whatever, he had half-expected anywhere from one to one hundred, to be honest, but ‘five’ made the figure sound so…ominous.

he promptly agreed, interpreting her statement for the dislike of violence. “Smashing faces should only be done when the stench of death and combat cannot be avoided, like the scent of nutmeg in a drunken stupor!” Though maybe that was just an awkward reminder from the drunkard in the audience.

Whichever, Quinton followed up his statement with a hearty swig of his ale, licked ripe meat from his bone and spoke. “Always follow your nose!” It had, after all, led the halfling to this tavern upon smelling the odor of horses tethered and the aroma of meat and mead that smelled better.

“Why?” He asked without looking at her at the moment, his gaze to the musicians. “What could have caused such a small lass as you to whack five faces with that pan of yours, hm?” When finally he looked at her, he did not look away, but there was no judgment on his face.

  • Nervous
Reactions: Maranae
There really was not much filter between her thoughts and her expression. It mirrored quite perfectly the sickly feeling of those very battlefields that Quinton quipped so casually about. The ghost of blood sticky hands and the scent of offal surfaced for a moment, and then faded. The memory of overwhelming, savage hunger was much stronger.

His words were beyond her ability to follow, but she did not need to understand the words to understand the meaning behind them.

"Would not leave her alone," she said in a low voice, reverting back to old speech patterns. Old patterns, old problems. "Wanted to take h- me back. Back to place with metal bars and dark." She could still see it. Still smell it, still feel it.

She would not go back! Would not! Her face took on a feral cast as she told herself that they could not take her where she did not want to go. The hand holding the iron pan had gone white with the strength of her grip on it. "Won't go back," she whispered defiantly. Her wide, large eyes shifted to him with a hint of suspicion and a touch of fear.
  • Yay
Reactions: Quinton
She sure did have a curious way of speech to her. Truthfully, Quinton didn’t know how much of his own words she did or didn’t understand but it seemed to be enough for both so there was that much at least. He chewed on some mixed nuts, thinking about that and this as he listened.

Halflings like him sure did know hunger just about every second their bellies weren’t filled with meat or mead. Hmm….as a pirate…I wonder what kind of bounty and booty I’ll be eating in the ship…hopefully not boring bread and beets…

So, the giant child slash childish giantess had broken bone for the reason of not being left alone. Good reason as any, if you ask me. I did ask you, Quin. Rightyo! He tended to talk to himself in his own head on occasion. “Metal bars and dark?” He cracked an almond between his teeth. “Sounds like prison.” It probably is, Quin. O indeed!

He blinked. She looked angry. Hopefully not with him. “Won’t go back!” He whispered back, holding up a hand like please-don’t-whack-me-as-I-agree-with-thee! He liked his nose as much as his bones. “Have a snack?” He gestured with all hands, suddenly nervous.

“If not that, then…” He looked right, looked left, swallowed at the thought of all these pockets to pick when his eyes finally landed on the musicians. “...How about a dance?” He held out his hand. Seemed to be the easiest way to peace.

She flinched as if struck, mind reeling back two years prior and many miles away. Her memory was a fractured thing the further back she went, but it was helpfully supplying vague shadows of suffering and abuse endured. The emotions flowing across her features ran in time with the nightmares; fear and anger and pain and a burning determination that had brought her to here. There was no need to understand what a prison was. The bars and the dark were enough to make her breathing quicken.

Her own words repeated back to her broke the cascade of images and sensation. She blinked, face going blank for a moment before returning to the curious, uncomprehending expression she normally wore. There was an edge of uneasiness there, now.

She blinked and cocked her head to one side reminiscent of a dog when being spoken to. She let the pan fall to the table and let go of it. "What is... a dance?" Music she could understand; dance was a new word to her. She looked at the offered hand, face suddenly extremely blank.
Quinton lifted his hand back and pinched his chin at the question. What is a dance? There was suddenly some philosophy to this, as if she had just then prompted a night’s worth of discussion as to what made a dance a dance. What is dance? Never mind a dance. What makes the dance so dancey? For that matter, what made this walnut so tasty?

Trailing off, the halfling downed his ale. Thirsty but he was far from tipsy. He could handle his liquor and then some. Only there was nothing wrong with a bit of a buzz to get the blood pumping for what was to come. “It is…” He nodded toward the floor.

Persons, men and women, human and even an orc but no judgment, were moving their limbs and hips to the music, and all of them were smiling if not laughing. Granted, that one’s as drunk as a skunk. “That. That’s a dance.”

They moved to music. They moved to lyrics. As Quinton cleared his throat, rose and once again extended his hand. “Grasp it. I shall lead us into this scene.” To be honest, he was ready to dance solo if it came to it as he made his way to the floor and began to simply sway his shoulders from side to side to show her, rhythmically clicking his fingers. “We’ll go slow to begin with. Follow me!”

"Beyond the rock, you’ll find the wood!
E’er the scent of meat and mead too!
Caught in a song, as singers should!

N’er be an end to this tavern’s tune!"

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Maranae
She got to her feet smoothly even though she had no idea what it was she was doing. The people on the dance floor moved in time with the beat of the music and seemed to be enjoying themselves. There was no yelling or violence here, only laughter and merriment.

The edge of wariness had subsided, and the much more common smile filled with teeth fixed itself in place.

She followed Quinton, curious, onto the floor. In movement it was clear that she held a certain cat-like grace not common in people. Unless they were dancers or athletes, that is. It could have been quite alluring, and she quite a heart-stopping beauty, if but for the relatively flat chest and the lack of attention to appearance. At a distance. Definitely without talking to her, which would completely ruin the illusion.

By the time she reached Quinton, she was already humming (badly) to the music, the smile on her face as her body twitched to the ebb and flow less teeth and more bemusement than before. She took his hand in a powerful grip just bordering on painful, oblivious to the fact that it was quite so strong.

At least she did not appear to be afraid of making a fool of herself. Or of being under so many eyes should the inevitable foot trodding commence.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Quinton
Well, Quinton had definitely expected a less than nimble performance from this tall-as-a-woman but face-of-a-child female. He was positively surprised when she began to move with the grace of a kitten. “That’s it!” He began and ended up with an unrestrained laugh as she danced. She can dance! “Yeah! That’s it!”

His fingers snapped and his feet tapped as she began humming badly to the music but all he heard was the tune to a person who could certainly move it. Quinton focused on no one but this pan-whacking creature with teeth so sharp you’d think she was raised by a shark. He gazed at her face as the corner of his eye caught onto an audience slowly growing.

That was the moment she snatched his hand and he gasped. “AGH!” He half-expected that she had finally decided it was time to eat him. That would most definitely be an unfortunate demise to his own performance. Though, she didn’t, just kept dancing, only now they were both dancing, hand in hand.

“Ease up there, missy!”
The halfling pleaded. “Let’s try something catchy!” At that, her hand in his, he gracefully twirled her into a spin that she could give into or stop, whatever she wanted. Quinton was just this person-thing’s dancing partner at the moment, her instructor, for as long as she decided to not eat him.

  • Love
Reactions: Maranae
No experience, no training for such things as this. However, there were those that were naturally inclined to certain things; dancing was one of these to Maranae, apparently.

The music washed through her, and she let her body flow along with it like a stream between its banks. She moved sinuously and gracefully. Like a cat, a very big and very tall cat with superb balance. It might have been from years of training to fight, and it might also have been a part of the heredity gifted to her, wanted or not.

The grace and delight was somewhat ruined by the fact that she overtopped him by more than two feet; him leading her when their positions should have been quite literally reversed. (After all, would it not have been more appropriate had she been the four-foot-something girl and he the six-something man leading the dance?)

She was grinning delightedly, a bead of sweat forming and rolling down her face. She had no attention to speak while doing something wholly unfamiliar like this, so when he said something it flowed through her ears without tickling so much as a thought in her head.

The spin was unexpected, and at first she stumbled and nearly went down before those cat-like reflexes reasserted themselves. It wasn't graceful, but it was far less embarrassing than landing on her rump on the floor. Her eyes locked onto his, face speaking more eloquently than she could dream of doing. Delight, enjoyment, and happiness.
  • Love
Reactions: Quinton
Delight. Enjoyment. Happiness. There were other words to describe a dance like this. Excitement. Vibrant. Brightness. Yes, light in wide eyes, and merriment, as dancers just like them laughed. Some go solo. Some dance hand in hand. Some are husband and wife, others are friends, then there’s them, Catwoman and Quinton.

However, to him they were more like uncle and niece at this moment. The halfling hadn’t yet quite pinned her age, what with their difficulty with conversation and having been busy dodging the thought of her swinging that pan at him like a weapon, but she couldn’t have been older than ten. Eleven? He reckoned.

Quinton never had a niece, had very few relatives he knew of besides none, given he was an orphan born and raised in the streets, but he wagered that if he had the next best thing beside a daughter then he would raise her to be a great dancer like this other person with those sharp teeth of hers.

“Oh don’t worry!” He laughed as she nearly fell but he wasn’t laughing at her at all. Rather, he figured that their height difference was its own joke to not make fun of but roll with. After all, trying to spin her from his level was an awkward endeavor, as proven, but hell with it! This is merriment!

“Catching yourself is half the learning experience!”
He said as he stepped to his left, left again, in a kind of semicircle around his musical and surprisingly graceful friend. “Your turn!” Quinton extended his hand for her to grab. “Spin me, if you can!”

Bright eyes, gleaming with the light of merriment, as Quinton would have put it. Somehow, she had missed this in her life. She had not been made for this, but she suddenly very much wished she had been. The world was too filled with violence, the laughter filling the air here blended with the music and made the whole world brighter and more carefree. This was happiness and it was too often overshadowed by less desirable times.

She watched his movements carefully and tried to mimic them and those around. Incapable of reading or writing and yet plenty intuitive to follow the flow of the music. She was clearly a novice, but she clearly had a set of skills and aptitude that distinguished her from others.

"Ok," she breathed happily, face still split by an idiots' grin.

She went to spin him as he'd asked. The unfortunate thing about this was that she was considerably stronger than he was and was blissfully unaware of it. She was also blissfully unaware of exactly how much of that strength she should apply here. He ought have been happy it wasn't something involving being tossed into the air. He might have required assistance being pulled from the ceiling.

She twirled him out like a yo-yo at about five times as fast and hard as he was likely expecting and at least as much too hard for such a maneuver.
  • Yay
Reactions: Quinton
In hindsight Quinton might have decided not to beckon his partner for her to spin him when one considered what happened next but whatever. This was the fun of it. He had said as much to his companion. It was merriment! Even accidents that can and did happen were par for the course, part of the occasion, oh yes!

Granted, when he said ‘spin me’ he did mean spin him, not twirl him like a doll by the hands of someone who treated dolls like ragdolls in the sense that they were best left smashed against a wall. He felt like his arms might fly off as five times of fast and hard flying almost made him scream.


Okay so maybe the halfling did scream while the audience began laughing. Clapping, even, dancing while watching and listening to this other pair of dancers, and what an odd combination, oh yes!


Finally, his partner set him down on the ground, but Quinton struggled to find his footing, a wee bit dizzy, almost lost his pudding.

“Please don’t spin me again,” he caught his breath. “Let’s see…” Fingers pinching his chin. “Follow my lead, my friend!”

At that, Quinton began another dance.
