Private Tales I'm Better Than You

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Gella Rerra

Better Than You
Character Biography
"This ale tastes like troll shit."

The grumbling half-elf couldn't help himself from griping over at the dwarf seated beside him between swigs from his flask, peering at the wagons that were gathering at the gates of Osteriam from his spot on the steps leading up to the Hag's Head Tavern. It was only dawn, and already the chilly air of the old mining town was biting at the skin of his face. The short little runt beside him? He didn't really remember his name. He was one of those recruits that had come in with the latest batch of fresh meat; a dwarven caravan seeking to peddle goods. The Jagged Emeralds had, of course, rounded them up in the Hag's Head, taken those willing to work for Gella, and killed the remainder.

Induction day was always good fun.

The Dwarf, whose name was actually Njarlborn. peered up at Gella, eyes full of caution and unease. He'd been summoned by name in the early hours of the morning to meet with Gella Rerra here, and yet so far those had been the only words said to him. The half-elf leader of the Jagged Emeralds had a bad habit of dispatching those who said the wrong thing to him, and he had no desire to be fed to the 'pet' Gella kept behind the tavern. In the interest of self-preservation, the Dwarf merely nodded with a simple "Yeah." to Gella's complaint. The notorious male's dark green eyes didn't even flick down in his underling's direction, instead watching as the wagons near the gates lined up in a straight formation, all facing Gella and Njarlborn. His gloved hand raised to his mouth, and his teeth bit down as he scanned over each and every one of them, as though he were choosing a bride from a selection of beautiful women, and he needed to suss out any imperfections.

Njarlborn couldn't stand this any longer. What was he doing here? Why was he working for this lunatic, staring at a bunch of horse-drawn wagons so early in the morning? He had to say something. "Sir, please don' take this the wron' way, but you asked for me 'ta be here this mornin'. Is there somethin' I can help ya wit'?"
He tried to sound as timid and meek as a dwarf could possibly sound, and Njarlborn, with crimson red hair braided down to his waist and a beard as thick as a morning fog, couldn't sound very meek.

Gella's eyes flicked down to his dwarfen associate, a small little smirk tugging gently up on the corner of his lips as he pulled his hand from the grip of his teeth and patted the short man's head with it. "Patience is a virtue, short-stack, but since you've mentioned that... I'd like to ask you something. You came from Belgarath, yes? Some outliers who never left the old relic?"

Njarlborn was taken aback by the sheer amount of disrespect he'd been shown in just two or three sentences, his eyes going wide and mouth slightly agape as he stared back up at Gella. "Y-Yeh, but I don' thin--"

"Good, then you might just earn yourself some extra coin today if you play your cards right."
He giggled, almost unsettlingly as he patted Njarlborn's back. "I need you to be back here in this spot in, oh, about 3 hours. Bring your weapons, and some food. Don't be late."

The last warning was spoken with extra emphasis. The poor little thing wouldn't want to make Gella go behind schedule, and Gella had plans for him. There was preparations to be made, and he hadn't the time to chat with the new blood any longer. He rose from the steps and dusted the fallen snow off of his jacket. The rabbit fur it was lined with inside protected him quite nicely, but the outside of it was beginning to get a bit dirty...
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  • Devil
Reactions: Niamh
Hag’s Head Tavern…a peculiar place with an even more peculiar backstory. One would think it was only a scary story to attract tourists and make more money. At least that was Niamh’s thought as she walked through the streets of Osteriam. Listening into some of the more reclusive resident’s homes as she passed by, she would learn it was probably no myth- the boy who executed the former tavern owner and bathed in her blood. Still…maybe it was only fiction. No one had explicitly thought about this former-servant-turned-gang-leader. She could only make out some vague fears that seemed common amongst all that she listened in on.

It would be more fun if the stories were true.

Regardless if they were or were not, there was in fact some gang running this place. That, she was sure of. They had made it clear in her briefing that the organization known as the Jagged Emeralds were in possession of some artifacts stolen from Vel Anir and she was to retrieve them on her own. She was disappointed with how easy her first solo mission had been, but in her argument with the Proctors she was unfortunately reminded of her last two missions that had gone…less than ideal. One landing her in the infirmary with what they called a ‘mental breakdown’ and the other with her nearly poisoning herself to death during the execution of two noblemen in Amol-Kalit.

Who cared about little things like that. She got the job done, didn’t she?

She stood about a building away to collect herself before she would approach the Hag’s Head Tavern. For a moment, she considered what those at The Academy would suggest she do in order to obtain some shitty enchanted dagger. They would probably advise against her plans, but she was confident. Confident and calculated as always. It would be much, much easier to use that silver tongue she was born with- a little sweet talking or whatever else it was their leader fancied- to figure out exactly where these items were and how she would get them. All she had to do was join their group. Easy enough.

She reached behind her neck and unclasped the golden necklace that held a large sapphire on its chain, quickly stuffing it in her pocket before she did one last pat-down to make sure there were no obvious weapons on her. She would play the role of what she assumed their leader would like- someone weak, that an angry little man could order around.

Gella Rerra

Pardon me.” Finally she approached the man on the steps. “Is this the Hag’s Head?” She asked the man, initially with the intent to get past him and go inside, but quickly she would identify him as their leader. Hmm…his looks are not very befitting for someone so feared. She almost laughed at the thought she had, but maintained the meek façade she put on. “I’m looking for work. I heard that this is a good place to find work. Can you help me?
Gella thought he must have been hallucinating when while he and his half-pint friend watched some pretty-faced red head saunter up the stairs towards him without an ounce of the shivers. Even Njarlborn seemed downright flabbergasted by the stranger's gall. It was an unwritten rule that you didn't go to Gella, Gella came to you. The Emeralds treated their leaders time like precious gold: there simply wasn't any to waste, and people died over it.

"Fuckin' tourists..." The half-elf muttered under his breath as he turned to face the newcomer completely. She was a damned kid. A kid with fancy duds, granted, but a kid nonetheless. She even spoke up to him like some tween looking to their father for a little bit of approval. If he was into the groveling submissive types, maybe, but...

Gella put on a blatantly fake smile, bringing his hands together at his chest and leaning forward. "I'm sorry miss, but the day-care closed down last month." There wasn't any room for children in his operation. Least of all foreign children. She could go snivel to the next city, maybe they'd let her be a barmaid for the real creepy types. "Now if you don't mind, I'm a -teensy- bit busy here, so if you could kindly fuck off..."

The final insult he threw at her trailed off oddly as he met Niamh's eyes for the first time.

"Mmm... Actually, wait a minute."

There was something behind those eyes. Something she wasn't showing him. Gella wasn't a people person by any stretch, but he knew fire when he saw it. There'd been more than a few eager young souls finding themselves on his doorstep looking to make a mark on the world. That reckless hunger, that uncaring for anything but one's own legacy... That made for very good soldiers. His smile turned from patronizing to devilish, pale eyes moving from his new applicant to the Dwarf still watching the scene nervously between them.

"Njarlborn, I've just had an incredible idea."

There was a long beat of silence, and Gella's smile faltered for half a moment before he continued.

"Njarlborn, ask me what the idea is, please."

The dwarf stuttered, looking between his boss and the strange woman standing across from him with increasing confusion in his face. "U-uh, what's your idea, boss?"

Gella clapped his hands together, lips breaking into a full grin as he chipperly responded as though it had been rehearsed in his head a dozen times. "I'm so glad you asked! This girl is going to join The Emeralds!" He pointed both his index fingers at Niamh, before moving them slowly to Njarlborn. "And her first job is to kill you! Right now!"

  • Devil
Reactions: Niamh
Niamh remained still as the half-elf spoke down to her, her soft smile never quite matching the complete neutrality of the rest of her face. The rarely blinking, expressionless look Niamh held was often a source of discomfort and annoyance, though in this case it seemed she may have caused more curiosity as her eyes never left Gella’s face.

After meeting eyes with Gella, she followed his gaze to his companion. Her unsettling expression only seemed to make the poor Dwarf even more nervous. She knew the half-elf had changed his mind the moment their eyes met despite Niamh never exerting any influence over him. Her wonder was short lived, though.

Mmm...Actually, wait a minute.

Her curious glance moved back to Gella just before he spoke up again. An incredible idea, indeed. Niamh thought to herself, listening in on Gella’s thoughts. The man’s thoughts moved quickly and there was an impulsiveness to him, Niamh noticed. There also seemed to be a certain demented childish nature to the way he viewed both Niamh and Njarlborn- like they were two expendable toys. One more so than the other.

And her first job is to kill you! Right now!

Had Niamh been able to express sympathy, she would have tried to comfort the Dwarf in what would be his last breaths. Instead, she only stared at the panicking man as she decided what to do.

Revealing what few hidden weapons she carried had not been something she wanted to do so soon into meeting the dear leader of the Emeralds. On the other hand, taking complete control of the Dwarf would leave her vulnerable. Collapsing like an anemic person would not impress the psychopath before her.

She chose to prey on the nervousness he oozed.

Hello Njalborn. Her voice was soft, only audible in the mind of the Dwarf. He looked upwards until their eyes finally met. Then, she would begin to guide him and reassure him that everything was going to be okay.

Gella would only bear witness to the little staring contest between the two before the dwarf pulled out his own weapon and slashed himself across the throat. His death was not immediate, but Niamh presumed Gella would enjoy the show as the Dwarf writhed on the ground, blood spurting from his wound. At the end, she would simply look back up to the half-elf and wait for her next command.

Gella Rerra
  • Sip
Reactions: Gella Rerra
If Gella had any inkling that his thoughts were being read, he didn't show it. No, now that he'd made up his mind, he stood there with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised as though he expected instant results. Obviously. He was the boss.

This whole situation was really a win-win for him; If the girl couldn't do it or if Njarlborn defended himself and killed her, it was one less person to bother him. If she did go through with her first set of orders, then he had a more valuable Emerald standing in front of him than he had just a few minutes prior.

It was so nice when things just worked out like this. Gella liked to call them ~~happy little accidents~~.

When Niamh began to slowly, silently walk towards the dead-dwarf-waddling, Gella's impatience turned to captivation, one thumb sliding between his teeth as he bit down on it with eyes widening. Oooh, but the suspense! It was like theatre! Well, neither of them were saying anything but... surely there was a market for silent theatre? The deaf community, perhaps? It would be hard to get the word out to them, wouldn't it?

Stifling a laugh at his own joke, his jaw slackened to release his thumb as Njarlborn drew his weapon without warning, a pang of disappointment running through his black little heart at his failed pet project. Shit, had he been wrong? No! He'd seen something in her! He was sure of it! Oh, he was going to wring that dwarf's nonexistent neck out as soon as he was done killing the girl, just to prove a point!

Before he could get too heated in the head though, Njarlborn took that weapon he'd just whipped own and damn near lopped his own head off with it. Rerra's mouth hung agape in a wide-open smile as he watched the bloody mess of a body flop to the ground with a wet slap.

Slowly, his eyes traveled back to the woman, quietly awaiting her neck order.

And the smile turned to a cheshire grin.

"Oh you and I are going to get along just fine..."
  • Smug
Reactions: Niamh
Each thought racing through Gella’s head made its way into her own. The confusion and disappointment transitioning quickly into this sadistic pleasure was exactly what Niamh would have expected. Gella couldn’t hide how excited such violence made him feel, meanwhile Niamh bore an eerily innocent smile as the blood pooled towards her own shoes.

“Does that mean you can help me?”

Her voice maintained the same softness it had in Njarlborn’s mind before he killed himself. It oozed the same eerie innocence that her face did- definitely not the demeanor of a Dreadlord who’d trained her entire life to be some soldier for a city she didn’t care about.

Of course, there was no doubt in her mind he would say anything other than yes. The man-child looked like he was going to explode in excitement after only scratching the surface of Niamh’s skillset. He wouldn’t let such a precious tool get away, would he?

Oh, right. She had asked him for work. That made things so much easier, really. He could skip the whole coercion part of the process. This strange girl knew how to make an entrance, and she could back it up just as well. In Gella's eyes that moved her right to the front of the line.

Of course, the half-elf didn't know she was a mind reader. The Emerald's leader was far more open with his thoughts than he had any right to be, anyways. Beneath that childlike excitement and wonderment over the grisly scene she'd gifted to him though, there was something else... something far more sinister. Every thought he had, happy or otherwise, was tainted with bitterness against everything and everyone so strong it could sour the taste of sugar.

It didn't take a mind-reader to know Gella was rotten, but only somebody like Niamh could see just how deeply it ran.

"Oh yes. You're definitely in." Gella clapped his gloved hands together, looking down at her in a renewed light. "Welcome to the Jagged Emeralds. Do what I say, when I say, and how I say it, and I can make you a very rich woman. Do you understand, Miss...?"

It dawned on him now that she hadn't actually introduced herself. Gella waved a hand towards her as if asking her to do just that.
Had it not been quite obvious that this man had several screws loose, Niamh may have found his childlike demeanor endearing. It was like Kalix, when someone used a big word around him and he tried to use one that was bigger- because bigger words were better which meant he won the conversation. In Gella’s case, it was enough to even make Niamh feel strange. Disturbed, even.

People always thought she was fucked up in the head, but this one had it much, much worse. Of course, she knew nothing of his past beyond rumor. Rumors were rarely complete. Niamh wanted power. That was it.

Gella, however…She could only assume this was some sort of “You hurt me, so I’ll hurt you worse” situation. Much less calculated. Much more volatile.

Niamh was curious.

Niamh nodded along as he spoke, largely ignoring whatever nonsense he spouted until she noticed the gesture in her direction and him waiting for a name. Her name…

“Sarah.” She nodded, offering a hand to shake. “I don’t think you’ve introduced yourself either, Gella. But the rumors have done a good enough job, I suppose. Now that we know each other, shall we?”

Niamh gestured towards the door. “I do quite like the sound of becoming a very rich woman.”

Gella Rerra
There was something in his face, the slightest twitch of his eye as she addressed him by name. Rumors. Yes that was certainly one possibility, but Gella was nothing if not paranoid. If he got even the slightest inkling that this 'Sarah' was here for any reasons besides the ones he liked, he'd dispose of her at the drop of a hat. No room in his house for conniving bitches.

As quickly as the suspicion ran through his brain, it left, and that playful smile returned to his face as he turned on his heel and ascended the stairs up to the Hag's Head. Even before she reached the top she'd hear the sound of loud voices and clinking glasses quickly silencing as the curved handle, seemingly fashioned from the head of a cane, turned to open the large double doors.

Gella gnawed idly on a gloved index finger as he stomped through the doors to the bar. This place had gotten bigger since he'd taken over; It had been built up and improved upon thanks to the extra revenue that came with being the only place for alcohol in town.

The Emeralds, men and women of all races and sizes that sat at the dozen tables around the open bar room had varied expressions on their face as they saw Gella enter with a woman, some seemed to be amused at the gall this little sprite had to march in with such swagger, while some looked more concerned about what could happen as a result of it.

It was prudent to remember that not all Emeralds chose to be so willingly...

No matter how they felt, they all knew better than to speak now. The look in Gella's eyes, that mischievous glimmer, was dangerous. Some were daring enough to rise from their seats and flee down the stairs at the end of the room to the bunkhouse. The bunkhouse provided accommodations and rooms for all of the Emeralds and had been a rather large addition to the once small tavern. The quarters were nothing special; rooms with 4 beds each, with a closet for armor and a case for armaments.

Small havens in Osteriam that many didn't have in a place like this.

"Ladies and gentlemen! All eyes on me please! I've an important announcement to make, and I don't plan on repeating myself, are we clear?"

Gella hopped up onto the bar that ran wall to wall on the back end of the room, snapping his fingers and pointing to the spot beside him in a silent order for 'Sarah' to join him.
The corners of her mouth were upturned, she smiled and followed behind Gella as he led her into the lion's den. She fought the instinct to tug at the minds she heard the moment her heel met the filthy floor of the Hag's Head. A disgusting mass of creatures with equally disgusting thoughts aimed in her direction. She had done well, a picture of perfect innocence, if she was so easily able to sway some filthy thoughts her way. She gifted a pleasant smile at the worst of them and watched as their eyes darted between her and the man she stood beside.

A forced sigh gave the impression that she was relieved when some had the balls to up and leave just as their leader was getting ready to make a little announcement for them all.

She eyed Gella as he began his speech, intending to remain just in front of him while he spoke. Gella, had other plans it seemed and 'Sarah' would obey them as she used one of the stools to aid her in getting up on top of the bar. Someone snickered in the audience and Niamh aimed a spear into his mind that would shut him up. Merciful compared to Gella, Niamh mused in her own thoughts.

After a moment she took her place at his side and awaited her announcement.
Niamh would encounter only minimal trouble with Gella's emeralds. This was no loosely bound gang that only begrudgingly adhered to a leader. No, these men were loyal to Gella, because they knew exactly what the half-elf was capable of should they dare turn on him. Even those few who moved to leave before Gella could speak found themselves cut off from the exit by a rather imposing and well-armored orc, crossing his arms over his iron-clad chest and pointing them back to their seats.

When faced with the choice of complying or running afoul Oalrig the Orc, sitting didn't seem too bad of an option.

Rerra was well aware of the gamble he was taking on the strange girl, all eyes lingering on her as she climbed up to stand beside him as he'd ordered. She wasn't under his thumb; hadn't been subjugated into loyalty in the same way many of the others had been-- There was every possibility that she was going to be a hardheaded little shit. If it came to that, he'd just have to deal with her, but that strange little quirk of hers, the way she'd made that shitty little dwarf off himself like it was nothing...

Well, he couldn't very well let the opportunity slip by, could he?

"This is Sarah. She'll be joining us starting today. Now, let me make myself crystalline here, I don't want to see any of you idiots fucking around with her, do you understand? Miss Sarah is going to be helping us with a very big job, and I need her at the top of her game."

There were murmurs in the crowded room, the shifting of seats as the Emeralds looked at one another. There had been rumblings that Gella had a big plan in store, a major score the likes of which they'd never seen before. Apparently, this girl was the last piece of the puzzle.

"Not that I'm particularly worried..." Gella smirked, waving a hand toward 'Sarah'. "She's fiesty enough I think she'd kill most of you herself. Now, tomorrow I want all of you ready to work. Stablehands, make sure the horses are ready. Questions?"

Only one, tepid hand raised up. Gella's smirk faltered, but he gestured to the hand nonetheless.

"What happened to Njarlborn?"

Huh? Oh! The Dwarf! Did he have a wife? Gella couldn't quite recall off the top of his head. Instead, he shrugged, stepping down off of the bar and offering a gloved hand to assist Sarah in doing the same. "He turned in his resignation this morning." Gella called back to the voice. "Dismissed."

The moment the word left his mouth, several Emeralds rose to leave the room, while others continued talking, eating, or gambling as they had before Gella's arrival. The volume increased enough that Gella could speak to his new hire without being overheard.

"That goes for you too, Sarah. Job starts proper tomorrow, but for now get a feel for the place. This is the commons, where everybody mingles about. Downstairs are the sleeping quarters, plenty of room for everybody down there. Stables are out back, and the stairs going up from behind the bar lead to my room."

Gella felt his lip twitch.

"Try not to bother me for stupid shit. I'd rather this relationship last longer than a day."

The half-elf swallowed down his attitude, instead bringing one of his fingers to bite down on, seemingly a tic of some sort, if the tooth marks on his gloves were anything to go by.

"Anyways... crash where you like. There are private rooms downstairs for the female emeralds. You ain't the only one. Oalrig over by the door can get you a key."

  • Devil
Reactions: Ysobel
Niamh remained by Gella's side, her feline grin plastered on her face as her eyes surveyed the crowd and as she listened between their collective thoughts on the new hire. Some had shifted from moments before, from disgusting and degrading, to something more akin to respect. While others seemed to worsen, assuming she was some whore for their great leader. Some seemed to fear the newcomer, thinking her a fox led into the sheep's pen.

She neglected to overstep boundaries and address the crowd as Gella did.

She nodded along as he briefed her on the locations hidden well within the establishment, but ignored the warning and would hold him up for a little longer than he seemed interested in. "The job. Care to tell me what it is so that I may prepare better for it?" She crossed her arms and looked up at him. "As much as I love throwing myself into the eye of a hurricane blindly, I think I would also like this relationship to last longer than a day. What are we going after?"
And already, her first breach of decorum under his command. The crowd had dispersed, his address was done, and he'd told her everything he wanted her to hear for the time being. That was her cue to leave him the hell alone and go do whatever the hell she kept herself busy doing when she wasn't driving dwarves to suicide. Surely she had a hobby?

But no, she wanted to hover around him, wanted to pry. As if he wouldn't have told her more if he thought she needed to know yet! The half-elf made little attempt to hide his disdain for being badgered, his lip curling into a snarl as she tried to use his own words against her. He really hoped this little shit was worth the trouble, but his gut hadn't steered him wrong before...

"Already trying to get special treatment? Can't wait until I tell the rest of the gang?" Rerra asked with a sneer. Regardless, he looked over her shoulder to make sure the bar area was no longer paying the two of them any substantial amount of attention, before he leaned in closer and muttered. "We're looting Belgrath. Going to make off with every expensive old piece of Dwarven history we can and sell it to collectors in the Black Bay."

It was a brief version, but she could exercise a little patience, surely.

"You wanna prepare? Practice kicking off little munchkins while they try to bite your kneecaps off. I'm sure you must get plenty of attention from the boys back home."
