Private Tales A Life to Live

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Being earnest wasn't something most people would attribute to Edric. While she had always tried to give others the benefit of the doubt, even Chasmine found herself questioning his words. Yet it wasn't simply because it was Edric who was saying them - but the histories tied to similar proclamations from others being farce.

Still, the lingering feeling that this time was for real wouldn't fade. Chas found herself clinging to that small, withered hope. She curled her hands up around his forearm, cold tingling against warm.


A few moments of silence.

"You can rest. I will keep watch."
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Edric
"Well, I've never felt safer." Edric said with a smile on his face, one that would make it hard to tell if he were telling a joke or not. But either way, his posture seemed to relax slightly, his back shifting against the hard but smooth stone, his head laying back, and his eyes falling shut.

It would not be long after that Chasmine would 'feel' him fall asleep.

Dawn the next day came quickly from Edric. Goosebumps across his skin waking him up as the dawn brought on it's dew. He took in a deep breath, hand rubbing at his face as he stroked fingers through his hair. He saw no sign of Chasmine, meaning she had seen nothing dangerous in the night.

With a satisfied breath he stood, wishing for a brief moment he had something to make breakfast with.

For a brief moment he lingered, then quickly snatched up the small remaining camp supplies. Anything he could use was good enough for him, and before a few minutes passed Edric found himself moving on with a bundle he'd not had before.

During the day he followed the trail left behind by those whose encampment he'd stolen. An advantageous move, as at the end of noon Edric came to a realization. "It's a city."

He'd said in realization.

"Or something like it." It made sense with all the marks. He was no expert tracker or anything, but those among Gilram's crew had taught him a thing or two. The signs in the mud were more than clear. Carts, animals, and shoes. It was all over, and a few miles later Edric was proven right.

As he crested a small bare and craggy hill, he was presented with a gloriously engineered city of steel, sheet metal, and primitive industry. His own brain couldn't quite put it together, but as he stood there he saw skins and species of all sorts. Orcs, Gnolls, Humans, and even what he thought were Hogboglins. Though most of the firest. "Holy shit, Chas."

Edric breathed in shock.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Chasmine
"A city?" Chasmine had echoed curiously from the amulet. She couldn't say why, but that didn't seem quite right. Something about these lands weren't quite what she would picture for a city of all things. A small town, perhaps, or village. Roving bands or clans of orcs - that's how they lived, right?

Not in cities.

The closer Edric moved toward it, however, the more she could sense the energy the populace gave off. Some areas within the Steppes were abundant with leyline energies while others lacked them entirely. But here it was a veritable sea of life.

"What do you see?"
she asked after him and his shock, "Is it orcs?"
  • Smug
Reactions: Edric
"Yeah." Edric confirmed almost immediately as he peered down into the chasm below.

Though he would not describe what he was looking at as a 'city', the settlement was teeming with life. Many people had carved homes out of the natural cliffside, but sprawling everywhere were beams of iron, perching from cliff to cliff like branches. Upon those lay the foundations of the town.

It was like nothing Edric had ever seen. "A bit more too."

He explained to Chas as he slowly stood up from his crouched position.

"We're definitely going to find a lead here." Edric declared with a happy chirp. "There's bound to be someone who knows something."

The Rogue said, shifting on his heel and immediately heading towards where he thought the nearest road would be. The town below had to have at least a thousand or so people in it, though he'd estimate it was closer to four or five. Surely someone down there would know where Maui was.

Maybe if they were lucky they'd run into the warlord herself.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Chasmine
What a lucky break!

Chas had been worried he would be stuck wandering the Steppes for days... weeks. Maybe longer. Though she knew little of the world beyond Alliria and Vel Anir, she knew at the very least that the Steppes consisted of a very large landscape that was not nearly as populated as the more lush areas of the world.

"That is... very lucky news," she remarked to him as he set off, "perhaps it would be best not to be too direct, though. If what those other orcs said is true ... her name may not bring the help you are looking for."
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Edric
Edric stopped himself mid-stride, eyes immediately peeling away from the hulking mass of an Orc whom he'd spotted through the crowd and immediately started heading for. "Uhh...yeah, obviously."

He said, turning on his heel and instead moving deeper into the crowd.

"Maybe I won't use her name." Edric suggested, eyes flicking back and forth through the crowd as he searched the cat-walks. Signs hung everywhere, denoting shops and different merchants, trouble was none of it seemed to be in common.

Edric had no idea what the tongue actually was, though he guessed Orcish of some sort. Eyes flicked back and forth for a moment as he wandered, threading through the oddly diverse crowd until he spotted the sign of what he guessed to be a tavern.

Inside he could hear a mixture of raucous cheers and loud music. The thrums of bass and some put together orcish guitar echoing out to drown out almost all other sound.

He stepped forward, pushing through the crowd and standing up high on his toes to peek over the crowd. It was only then that Edric saw it, the pit within the middle of the bar, and the two men inside of it. "Oh look at that."

The Rogue said with more than a little curiosity in his tone.
  • Peek
Reactions: Chasmine
"What is it?" Chasmine echoed once again. She was going to be asking this a lot if he did not learn to simply say what he was looking at.
  • Ooof
Reactions: Edric
"Oh, right." Edric said, slowly beginning to realize that Chasmine could indeed not see through his eyes. Beginning to explain as he continued to gently shove his way through the crowd. "It looks like a fighting pit, like the one in Deliv."

More than once in his life he had been sent on a mission that required him to fight in something like this, once even with Chasmine. "But, way more intense."

The Rogue Dreadlord said as he finally managed to push himself near the front, managing to catch a glimpse of the actual fight.

Below, in a pit that had been built into the steel branches of the strange city dropping down below the tavern floor, were two figures. One was an Orc, though an absolute brute of one. He stood nearly two heads taller than Edric, and in his hands were vicious saber like blades that each held serrated cuts within their steel.

Opposite him towered a creature that Edric had never seen before, though could guess it's name; a gnoll.

The beast was even bigger than the orc, and around it's feet curled a long blade like whip. The vicious grin on the creatures face twisted as it let out a strange bark of a laugh and suddenly shot it's arm forward. A loud cheer rolled across the crowd as the blade-like whip sliced the orcs arm, blood splattering on the scattered sand beneath his feet. "There's an Orc and a Gnoll, I think, both bigger than Sable and hell of a lot meaner."

Edric commented, and one of the patrons next to him let out a laugh.

"HA! Mean is right. That's Zogir, bastards killed a dozen men in the pits!" The Rogue dipped his head in a nod at the man's voice, though had no idea if Zogir was the Gnoll or the Orc.
Bigger than Sable was quite impressive. Sable Pembroke had been one of the larger, if not largest, Initiates of their year. Despite that curious advantage, he'd also been one of the nicer ones, too.

"It is not difficult to be meaner than Sable," Chasmine observed, "he gave me sandwiches when I was stuck in walls."

"Raaah-" said a very large komodo to the other side of the male patron holding a massive hank of meat-on-bone in one clawed hand and waving dismissively with the other, "Rottek mek hem dog meat. Put on good show for Chief, haa?"
"Ha!" Edric couldn't help but bark the small laugh at Chasmine's comment, thought he had no idea. His head shaking as the Orc suddenly shifted and darted forward, moving with a speed that even the Rogue Dreadlord found impressive.

The Orc dodged beneath the strange chain like blade by dropping to his knees and sliding in the sand. The serrated blades in his hand swiping against the Gnoll's thigh. Blood scattering as the dog-like humanoid bounded to the side to avoid anything more than a deep gash.

"Rottek mek hem dog meat. Put on good show for Chief, haa?"

A voice called, and Edric turned his head with interest.

Ah, so Rottek is the Orc. Edric cleverly thought to himself using the Komodo's shout as context clues.

The two warriors fought quickly back and forth, Rottek moving with speed, while the Gnoll kept him at bay with the strange weapon, the two bandying blows back and forth in a way Edric had never seen before. It wasn't like back home, it wasn't practiced and careful, it was like he fought. Simple, brutal, and utterly effective. There was something about it that he couldn't help but like. Something that made him feel vindicated.

A whistle escaped him, and he whispered to Chasmine under the din of the crowd. "This is really something Chas. They fight like me!"

Edric mused with no small amount of marvel in his voice, almost forgetting for a moment why he was here as Rottek suddenly shifted his footing. Moving between the Gnoll's whip-like sword and flinging one of his blades towards his opponents face. A moment of panic flickered over the other man's face, and in the split second of his concern the Orc was upon him.

The Rogue couldn't help but loose a scream of enthusiasm as the two opponents crashed together into a ball of violence. His voice almost as loud as the Komodo's. "He's putting on a show alright!"

He called to the creature just opposite the orc that had spoken to him.
While Chasmine could not witness what was happening around him, Edric's excitement was otherwise infectious. He gave off an emotional energy she did not often feel from him, which in turn engendered as lighthearted amusement in the spirit. She had only ever seen Edric fight at the Academy during drills and sparring sessions. Before the Revolution, Chasmine quite often made herself as small and unnoticeable as possible on those days so as to be (hopefully) overlooked by the Proctors.

Though she had never once been pitted directly against Ed, she had seen plenty of others that had been and it had not been a pretty sight to behold. Chas remembered this and found her amusement waning now that she understood just what exactly was going on. It was most likely bloody, brutal, and scary.

Suddenly she was rather content with not being able to see.

She'd let Ed enjoy his time - so seldom did the young man ever seem to truly enjoy anything - and fell silent until the next time he should need her for something.
  • Aww
Reactions: Edric
With a giant mouthful of meat, the komodo issued a rattling hiss of enthusiasm as Rottek made his first move. These pit fights were a dime a dozen usually - forgettable and merely background noise to the surrounding market. Melfa typically ignored it and went about her day, but THIS day she'd come to see Rottek face off against the undefeated pit champ. Just like everyone else in the crowd had. It jostled and squeezed as more and more people filed in behind them, shouting and roaring their excitement. It stank of sweat and blood and the aroma of the local food vendors.

Melfa waved her giant meat-stick around in the air, hissing words in a local orcish language to tell Rottek not to take him down too quickly.

She wanted to be entertained, damnit.

"He's putting on a show alright!"

"Raaahaha- Rottek is great fighter. He watch Zogir many fights - Rottek know all tricks now."
  • Smug
Reactions: Edric
Rottek didn't listen.

Melfa might have wanted to be entertained, but he had come here to win. The Orc knew that if he dragged it out, Zogir might just get in one lucky shot. The strange sword like whip was a difficult weapon to fight, and a single cut in the wrong place would mean it would be his blood wetting the sands.

So despite the ferocious shouts of the crowd, Rottek let out a roar and charged.

He moved like a river flowing around rocks. Darting left, right, and shifting his stances within the sands as the gnolls desperately flicked his wrists and arms. Maneuvering the whip as he tried to slice the Orc to ribbons. Finding no purchase, his feet taking backwards steps as Rottek came closer and closer until eventually, he bounded forward.

In a blue the Orc launched himself, the whip cutting lashing out at his outstretched form. Hand coming up as in a splatter of blood he seized the chain+blade. Using it to drag Zogir against himself mid jump. His forehead crashing Into the gnolls nose with a solid crack.

The cheer from the crowd nearly dulling Edric's senses as every man and woman roared on Rottek’s follow up, his blade driving into Zogir’s chest as the two went crashing to the ground of the arena.

”HOLY SHIT YES! YESSSSSS!” Edric called, throwing up his hands and turning to the komodi besides him. ”That was fucking amazing!”

He explained. ”I need to get down there!”

The Rogue called, almost giddy with excitement.