A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Fire Kitten
Character Biography
Thraah let out an exagerrated stretch as her and Vicky landed out of the carriage into the heart of Vel Anir. The city was stupid and dumb and good only for one thing, making a mess. Which is what she used to convince Vicky to come along.
Nobody else seemed to get the value of a bit of mindless destruction quite like her.
There were merchants and shops and businesses everywhere. Folk wore their wealth on their sleave here and oh boy it was perfect.
Here in the upper districts the security was high and the rich were complacent.
She turned to her partner in crime.
"What do you want to break first?"
Her smile could have darkened the sun.
The last few months had been a trial in more ways than one and Thraah deeply, desperately needed something to break.

Victoria Von Fleet
Victoria had been practically bouncing as she waited for them to reach the shopping district of Vel Anir. It felt like she hadn't left the academy in ages, nor had she been able to hang out with the very busy Thraah. She and Silas were the only ones that got how Vicky operated.

She had brought along her trusty club and was stroking the wood while she waited for them to come to a stop. She exited the carriage with less oomph than her friend, but a wicked grin painted her red lips. She dug in her pouch as Thraah asked what to go after first, pulling out three round balls. She lit them and without a backwards glance, tossed them through the window of the carriage as it pulled away.

"Let's go eat the rich."

She laughed, sounding quite unhinged as she grabbed Thraah's hand, pulling her into the crowd. A distinct boom could be heard behind them, her little explosives finally deploying. "The spider always beats the fly, and we are spiders."

Thraah loved the way Vicky's foul little mind worked.
As her compatriot dragged her through the crowd Thraah extended her hand to any dress and coat tail she could find remembering the bitch who made her burn up her own dress.
"Payback time!"
At every snap of her fingers a piece of clothing caught fire, not hugely but enough to smoke a lot and ruin it. The resulting smoke caused coughing fits and provided a bit of cover as well. Distressed cries followed them as the snooty fuckers worried over their clothes.
"Haha, buy a new dress you rich motherfuckers!"
This was going to be a great day.

Victoria Von Fleet