Private Tales Have you heard there's a rumour in Alliria?

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Thea's heart swelled at Gawyn's gesture, a gentle warmth spreading through her as he tucked the cherry blossom into her hair. She reached up to touch the delicate petals, her fingertips tracing the soft curve of the bloom with reverence.

His words about her brother resonated with a bittersweet nostalgia, and Thea listened attentively, her gaze softening with understanding. It was easy to picture them together, and her lips curled sadly at the thought.

"I miss him.. I've never had anyone to miss him with before." she frowned at the thought. She'd been cast out of her home before she could mourn him, left alone to do so with people who hadn't known him, who wouldn't care. It was easy to recall the pain and anger she'd lived with, and it was easier still for her to realise how much her life had changed since the moment Gawyn had walked into it. Gods, what he must have thought of her..

Her fingers threaded through his and she tucked herself close in against him once more as they walked.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Gawyn
"A lot of the residents here knew him," Gawyn's voice was thick with memory. Of how this city had once been, several centuries ago, when it had been little more than a fortress stained in blood. Of Thomas' laugh and jokes of how this spot would make a wonderful place to have a beer, if only it had been covered in grass not rubble. "He was a good lieutenant, a lot of the soldiers here looked up to him. They would have followed him through hell and back - often did," a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"You should ask your new boss. I think she patched him up more than me."
Thea smiled fondly and nodded. "Yes, I did too. He was forever being patched up.." she smirked, and sighed as she thought of the night she wasn't able to. "The last time.. There was nothing I could do but take away his pain.".. And the life of the one who'd shoved a blade in his gut.

"Our parents were...Difficult. He was everything to me. I used to hate it when he left me there. At least I knew he was with friends. With you. He looked up to you. "I think he'd have approved, after some time..." she smirked, squeezing his hand gently.
  • Aww
Reactions: Gawyn
"I think he would have best my arse," he laughed and brought their entwined hands to his lips so he could brush a kiss over her knuckles. "Then maybe brought me a drink," of course they both knew Tomas would never really hurt him over such a thing. Any type of violence would have purely been for playful show.

Gawyn led them through the gardens to a pond where a small fountain had been installed. He sat down on the grass and let his wings splay out to catch the warmth of the late morning sun.

"If you're interested in the gardens I can introduce you to the committee who look after it."
  • Melting
Reactions: Althea
Thea's smile was soft and warm as he pressed a feathery kiss to her knuckles, imagining the scenario of what her brother's reaction might have been. He had always been protective of her, so there would no doubt have been cautionary words spoken, but she knew he'd have been elated that they'd both found such happiness in one another. Nobody had ever been good enough for her in Tomas' eyes, but Gawyn would likely have been his only exception.

She sat down with him, admiring the myriad of colour the sun brought out in his feathers. He really did have the most beautiful wings she'd ever seen, beside Aodhan's. Hers had been dull in comparison, the white and soft grey of a dove, but they had been strong and fast, and she missed them terribly. It was difficult not to stare sometimes, to feel a churning jealousy and ache every time she saw another of her kind..

"So long as they don't mind me hanging around here more often. I wouldn't want to bother them.." she smiled and leaned into him. The gardens were beautiful, so starkly different from her life on the Allirian streets that it was almost surreal to be sitting here surrounded by it. She sat in silence for a long while, listening to the birds and watching as they fluttered around the trees.

"This is not how I envisioned my life to be." she laughed under her breath and shook her head in quiet disbelief.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Gawyn
Gawyn watched the way her eyes travelled up his wingspan, noting which particular colours held her attention more than others. A slight smile curved his lips but there was a sadness to it he made sure to hide when she looked back towards him.

"They won't mind at all, they're usually always bothering me to find more volunteers. It seems plants are very demanding," Gawyn had no interest in them aside from they had made Ilyena and Aodhan happy - and now Thea. He wished he could appreciate the beauty of nature as much as they but he was content enough to find the beauty of it through the way the people he loved smiled when they saw it. "I'll introduce you to Phaera sometime, she usually organises these things."

For a quiet moment they enjoyed the serenity of the gardens around them and he took to playing with a lock of her hair. At her words he chuckled.

"Starting your own menagerie of animals and gardening?" he teased and leaned over to press a kiss to the curve of her neck.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Althea
Thea laughed, her eyes closing and toes curling in her boots at the feeling of his lips on her neck. She tilted her head, giving him more room to roam should he wish.

"No.." she answered softly, amusement in her voice. "Peaceful, calm.. I never thought I'd have a family. That I'd matter.. Be loved." she sighed, reaching to thread her fingers into his dark hair.

"I fell far. It's difficult to see a way out when all there is is darkness."