Fable - Ask It's The Ground That Kills You

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


Sky Pirate
Character Biography
The Icarus

"FUCK FUCK FUCK" Why did everything always get so fucking broken on this goddamn fucking ship all the time.

Sabine let out another dozen curses, and then flicked the wrench from her satchel. Instead of trying to gently touch up the arcane engine, she smashed her tool against it's side. A loud clattering bang echoed, resounding through the engine room loud enough to pierce into the crew quarters above. A large spark jumped out, and Sabine half jumped back. "Shit!"

She hated this goddamn thing.

It wasn't anything like it was supposed to be!

A boatswain was supposed to take care of sails, the hull, and...and well all the normal boat shit. She was fantastic at that. Maintaining the Icarus' propellers, ensuring the sail was always patched. Even the goddamn wings were pristine. It was just this stupid thing that she had trouble with. The goddamn engine that was keeping them in the air in the first place. "UHH! CAPTAIN!"

Sabine shouted into the steno besides her, the open tube letting sound from the engine-room be cast up into the ship above. Not just the Captain would be able to hear it of course, the others would be more than privy.

"You may experience a slight...decrease in altitude soon." They wouldn't crash...again...not really.

The Arcane-Engine that powered the Icarus was a slippery thing, but when it lost power the balloon that held the air-ship aloft still gave them some buoyancy. It just didn't tend to stick around anymore. Something that she'd figured out quite quickly. "You may uhhh...want to put us down, Rickie."

She said quietly.
Karnage looked down at his belly, a four-fingered hand patting it gently. He needed to go on a diet. He was gaining some weight, which always happened when he had been up in the air too long. The Icarus wasn’t the largest airship— although it was the only airship Karnage had ever been on—and so Karnage really didn’t have much to do. Little bit of cleaning here, little bit of maintenance there, some cooking, some tinkering, and lots of munching on snacks.

Especially shrimp chips. Lots and lots and lots of shrimp chips, actually. He had a whole sack in his hand that was nearly empty, and yet the Kamo man continued to shove handfuls of the fried shrimp shells into his small mouth. Yes, Karnage needed to go on a diet, but he would do that tomorrow. Or maybe at the start of next week.

The thirteen foot tall behemoth was ready to go and do his daily maintenance around the ship when he heard Sabine’s voice from the steno. He paused, his nostrils flaring although he couldn’t really smell anything but oil and shrimp. It was never a good thing when she shouted through that thing. Usually meant that the ship was— oh no.

Lumbering over to the steno, he had to be careful if he ran on board as he often ended up causing the airship to shake, he was quick to shout into it.

Youse ain’t throwin’ me overboard this times ye hear. I lost a’ lotta weights and I’s thinks weez ain’t ova da sea. Karnage comin’ downs theres ta helps lil Sabbie.” Anyone on the same floor as Karnage would have felt the floor shaking as he began running over to the engine room— the only room their bright engineer could be— one hand still in his shrimp chip sack and shoveling every last morsel into his small downturned mouth.
"Eyy!" Sabine shouted back towards her hulking companion. "That wasn't my idea!"

It had been, but she was pretty sure Karn hadn't heard her whisper it to the Captain. "Ain't no one throwin' you overboard big guy!"

At the time throwing the hulking Sharkman overboard had seemed like the most prudent action. He weighed the most, and...well they'd needed to lose weight to at least not crash into the water. For an air ship, the Icarus wasn't really all that buoyant.

The floor began to thunder as Karnage came trampling down to the engine room. Sabine quickly clutching half a dozen knobs and switches so they didn't turn. She let out a string of very colorful string of curses native to the bayou.

As the big lug of a crewmate fell into the engine room she pointed violently to a large cog dial in the corner.

"Dahrlin! Throw that switch, now!" She never quite had the strength to do it.
  • Smug
Reactions: Roger Fairweather
Before Karnage had stepped into the room he had made sure to tuck his now empty sack into one of the back pockets of his trousers and wiped his greasy fingers onto the bottom of the ornate vest he liked to wear. Presentable enough as a pirate could be, he looked at Sabine trying to keep the Icarus afloat. He shook his head slightly, carefully as he may have poked his eye against a switch before.

That time the ship had fallen had been completely his fault as he had stampeded around the engine room knocking about all the small switches and knobs. His gaze went from Sabine who looked like she was fighting for dear life and then brought his gaze over to his favorite red cog. Red. He loved the color red.

As youse wants its!” Karnage bellowed and then stomped over to that rusted red cog, two large hands Taking hold of it and then with a grunt or two, he began to turn it. The screech of the metal rubbing against something else it probably shouldn’t be grinding against could be heard, and Karnage persisted, his biceps bulging with each turn. “How long ‘fore weez crash, Sabbie?” Karnage asked, finishing up the turning of the cog.

If there was one thing that Karnage had figured out by now was the fact that no matter what, the Icarus always seemed to fall down from the sky.

"Oh Sabiiiiiine..." came the voice of Captain Roger Fairweather, echoing down into the engine room before the man himself appeared, favorite green coffee mug in hand and looking (perhaps inordinately) unfazed about their predicament. "Is it time to throw Karnage overboard ag—?"

He saw the shark man down there with her, throwing the whats-it-do switch.

"Karnage! My good man! What a surprise to see you down here!" Alright. So it actually was a surprise. Down here in the cramped engine room, Karnage looked like...well, like someone had tried to stuff a full-grown shark into a fishbowl.

The Icarus gave a little bit of lurch to one side and Roger held out his hand to the wall, steadying himself and his precious cup of freshly brewed coffee. Yes, precious was the perfect word for it. Why, he measured the worth of each of his crew's lives in bags of coffee beans. Not that he told them. Okay, he might have let that slip several times on a few drunken nights, but they were all troopers and took it in good stride.

The only thing which wasn't taken in good stride was when he, occasionally, set fire to the Icarus whilst brewing up a new pot and then either Sabine or Karnage or one of the other lugs had to put it out. Roger seriously had been thinking about hiring on a Fire Genasi—specifically to blame him or her for all his coffee/fire related mishaps.


"Give me a status on my engine," Roger said. Ooo, that accidentally sounded grandiose and important, he liked that. "The Icarus is the sturdiest pigeon which ever flew, surely it can't be all that bad."

He said, right before...

Sabine Karnage
  • Stressed
  • Aww
Reactions: Sabine and Karnage
Rickel had noticed the dip in altitude just before the announcement came through the steno. She groaned as she rolled her eyes up to the skies. She was a blur as she moved around the pilot's wheel. She pulled on various pulleys trying to gain any sort of a lift.

"The Icarus flies as well as a fucking penguin, Captain," Rickel yelled into the steno after overhearing his comment.

It annoyed her greatly that she was becoming better at safely crashing the ship than she was at keeping it in the sky.

By now, several gauges were starting to drop into the red zones for her. "Uh, Sabine...whatever you're doing, can you do it better because we are going down...again."

"I could also use some help up here."

Karnage Sabine Roger Fairweather
"Well ei'd say eets abo-" Her voice suddenly cut off as she noticed the Captain had slunk himself into the engineering room.

There was still a lingering voice in her head that everything had to be perfect on the ship.

Sabine had served on a dozen ships, and most of them had been ruled over by Captain's with an iron fist. Most of them were as likely to give you a slap in the face as they were to dole out praise. She was still hesitant to give any sort of bad news., even after all these months on the Icarus. "Engines a beht, ahh...fucked."

Just as she spoke, a loud racket clattered through the entirety of the ship. The Icarus violently shaking as the engine suddenly stuttered. "RICKIE!"

She called through the con. "LOVE!"

Her voice was all but venom.

"Worry 'bout keepin' us outta the mountainside, ya?" Sabine called, whirling her head towards Roger. "And Cap'n maybe go up-"

Just as she spoke the Icarus bucked once again, and Rickel would feel a heavy tilt of the ship as it began to veer towards the left...almost directly towards the path of a nearby mountain.
Karnage looked over his shoulder, and there he was! The captain! Or as it translated in the Kamo’s mind: his stepdad! Even if Karnage towered over Roger and could easily crush his head with one hand until there was nothing but a spongy, sticky, spoopy-moopy-squishy-mushy mess with globs of pinky-dinky and blood. Karnage had done plenty of head crushing before, ther was that satisfying pop and crunch and—

Unsteady, Karnage felt the Icarus lurch to the left and he nearly followed along with it. He frowned and looked down at his stomach. Okay, maybe he’ll start his diet tonight if they survived. Only half a sack of shrimp chips a day instead of a full sack. He could handle that.

Karnage comin’ up tuh youse, lil Rickie!” The shark man shouted. She said she needed help and he had just helped Sabine, now it was Rickel’s turn. The moment Roger was out of the doorway, the Kamo would would stampede his way out of the small engine room to go up on the “deck” where Rickel often could be found with the flying ship’s wheel.

Surprisingly, the path Karnage was taking was more to the right of the flying ship.
The Icarus flies as well as a fucking penguin, Captain.

Was that Rickel? That was Rickel. Which one of these blasted pipes was her voice coming from. This one, Roger decided (and decided incorrectly).

"For your information, Rickie," Roger shouted into the wrong tube, "I have personally seen a penguin fly and fly quite well."

Had he? No. But if you said a lie often enough and loud enough it became true. Just ask all of the embellishments he'd added to his single claim to fame, the Betrayal of the Blackskull and the seizing of all their treasure.

"Right. You do that Karnage. Help her fix the thing. You know the one," he said after the departing shark man. Why did it always come down to Karnage keeping Rickie and Sabine from crashing his bloody ship? You know what, Roger was even prepared to take back his cheeky comment about throwing Karnage overboard. He could keep watch on those two. Why, look at his eyes, prehensile things, they could never sneak off to sham again under his vigilant gaze!

The Icarus bucked, and some of the coffee in Roger's mug splashed out. "Easy now, Rickie! I just brewed this!"

He tried to sip from the mug to preserve some of his precious, precious coffee, but it was still too hot and he hissed the moment the liquid touched his tongue and blew on the steam.

"Don't one of you have magic?" Roger said, glancing Sabine's way as he continued to blow on his coffee. Somebody did, have magic that is. He could never remember who. "Just wiggle your fingers and fix the blasted engine already. Isn't that how it works?"

Sabine Karnage Rickel
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Sabine
Rickel mumbled something about kicking them all off the ship when this was done, but she did not get the chance to actively voice the idea when the ship lurched to the left. She had put all of her weight against the wheel to keep it from straying to far.

"Oh, c'mon Icky you beautiful piece of shit. Don't fight it!" She yelled out as she tried to force the ship to the right.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard the Captain's comment and rolled her eyes. She was going to shove that coffee up to his ass when this was over.

She could hear the ship groaning beneath the strain. Always fearful that this would be the time when the vessel finally fell apart on them, but it never did.

"K, grab the ropes and hold the sails in place!... Please!"

The mountain was drawing ever closer and the ship was not turning fast enough.

Sabine Karnage Roger Fairweather
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"Well, no Cap'n I'm afraid my magic is more suited t-" Sabine was about to continue on her lesson when she offered a glance out the viewport.

Her eyes almost immediately widened to the size of saucers.

A thousand curses echoed out from her lips, most of them in languages that even the Maester's of Elbion would find impressive. Hands immediately began to flicker all around the engine room, touching, pulling, and yanking at every lever and button she could find.

"RICKIE, LOVE!" Sabine shouted. "Pull her hard left Dahlin!"

The words were almost counterintuitive.

With the ship already listing it would sound almost deadly, but she had never steered them wrong before...well, at least save for all those times she'd crashed them. "Capn'. Karn my lovely, hang on!"

Then, suddenly a flicker ran over the engine. It was a spark, a burst rushing over the arcane drive. A spurt of power rushed through it, and then Rickel would find just enough power rushing through the engines to drive them safely onto a field of beautiful waiting flowers.
Every step Karnage took had the floors shaking as he booked it up to Rickel. There weren’t many things that Karnage couldn’t shake. Most homes couldn’t hold his weight if they were shoddily made, a few times he had fallen through a bridge, and sometimes even a front porch or a wooden staircase. At least with the Icarus it only shook.

Up on the deck, Karnage roared his presence, and following Rickel’s orders took hold of the ropes. His thick fingers covered in rough shark-skin hardly felt the cut of the ropes as he heaved them still. His legs were wide apart, knees bent as he leaned back. With a grunt and frustrated thump of his tail, Karnage was true to his word that he would help Rickel however he could.

His thick gray biceps (larger than any human head) were bulging from his utter awesome might, veins beginning to pop up to detail his strain.

That was when Karnage finally realized what was actually going on. They weren’t falling from the sky— they were going to crash into a mountain! His jaw dropped open in shock, making the single scar (from when he was captured with a giant fish hook as a child) along his mouth seeming far more elongated than it actually was.

Instinct kicked in. The sort of genetic code that Kamo had, the one that fueled their blood feuds. Protect his family at all costs. Even if it meant he had to die for them.

They needed to go right. Had to. But how to do it…? Karnage looked up at the sails he was keeping straight. But the ship was still heading left. He felt the magic from Sabine, much like how he just knew were the captain’s secret stash of coffee beans were or Sabine’s lone sock that always seemed to be separated from it’s pair or Rickel’s earrings after a drunken night.

Hardly the smartest, and most definitely the dumbest, Karnage began to charge at the large mast at a certain angle, hitting it with one broad shoulder. It cracked, of course, but much to Karnage’s delight it started to lean towards the right.

Smart boi Karnage is!” He said with pride and then looked over at Rickel with a big stupid smile on his face.
Oh, so it was Sabine. Excellent. He couldn't wait to forget that again and find out the first time for the sixth time in the row.

"Alright. So it's not magic," Roger said, lifting the mug to take another sip before some more coffee spilled out of it (blasted angles!) and he decided against risking a stain on his coat or vest. "Still looks easy. All you're doing is touching and pulling and yanking whatever's within arm's reach."

The best Captains knew when the roll up their sleeves and get down into the dirty work with their crew. And now was such a time. Hey, what was that saying? Ah yes. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Say it with me now: Roger Fairweather, savior of the Icarus!

He stumbled forward and braced against the engine for a moment. He took precisely two and a half seconds to gloss over the selection of buttons and lever that comprised the confounded contraption that was the airship's beating heart, and then...

"This one ought to do it. Observe, Sabine."

And Roger pulled a random lever.

Sabine Rickel Karnage
  • Scared
Reactions: Karnage
The arrival of some well-needed muscle brought a smile to her face that was right after she yelled into the steno.

"What the hell do you think I'm doing?"

"Uh, Captain maybe you should just let..."
She never finished her response, because she focused on Karnage's arrival at the top deck.

Karnage's tightening of the ropes gave Rickie just enough lift to slow the ship's forward momentum, while still letting them turn. This was in perfect timing with the sudden burst of energy from the engines. Between the two, Rickel was set to make a rather graceful landing into the meadow...

That was when the mast tipped over and Rickel groaned. "Oh, K, you big dumb boy." She mumbled under her breath. His actual plan had worked, since the ship was now well clear of the mountains, but the loss of the mast meant that she had no smoother way of making this landing.

"Everyone hold on!"

As the ship plummeted down towards the meadow.

Karnage Sabine Roger Fairweather
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More than once she had tried to correct the Captain about what his duties were and what he should be doing. A gentle reminder here, a soft gesture behind his back, even screaming in his face once or twice.

None of it ever really stuck. "Naw Cap'n it's actually uh, bit more complicate-"

There was suddenly a loud thunderous crack that echoed through the halls of the ship, and the lurch of the hull as they tumbled to the right was more than evident. Her lips thinned, and she looked up through one of the cutouts in the floor.

"What in teh fuck are you doin' to mah ship!" Sabine shouted, her head turning back just in time to see the Captain grab one of the nearby leavers.

Her eyes bulged out. "No do-"

There was a sudden slip, she jerked forward, and then the Icarus crashed against the ground of the meadow. Sabine was thrown forward, crashing into a wall and striking her head. The ship dragged across the land, cutting through the meadow and leaving a trail of earth.

From it's side spewed fog and smoke, the Captain's chosen lever having triggered the ship's 'cloaking' system. Something Sabine had rigged up to make them look like a cloud.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Karnage
Karnage didn’t let the mast entirely fall, his superhuman strength able to hold it back just enough. In hindsight, it wasn’t his brightest idea. In further hindsight, Karnage never had any bright ideas in the first place. But he felt the rapidly decline of the ship and was a bit worried if this was the lesser of two evils… or if he had just made things worse?

Luckily for him, even if he was making things worse, so was everyone else except the good ole reliable girls! Which were basically the usual culprits, mostly because Karnage and the Captain only had three working brain cells that they liked to share. Right now, Karnage had no working brain cells, and he looked around wildly as mist seemed to come on board of the ship.

Ghost Ship!” He shouted excitedly to Rickel. “Weeze gon looksies like a couple o’ ghosties!” And then, because it was so exciting, he clapped. Which caused him to lose his hold on the ropes, and then the mast really did fall, narrowly missing Rickie.

“Oi! Oi Oi Oi oi!” He shouted and ran over to hold onto the fallen mast. He didn’t want it to fly away now, and one of the large white sails covered his hulking mass completely.
"Ah ha! I saved the Icarus in the nick of time!"

Roger, collecting himself from the ungraceful heap he'd found himself in down on the floor of the engine room (and doing so green coffee mug first, as well), was quite proud of himself.

"As safe and steady a landing as we've seen yet, all thanks to some quick thinking and resourcefulness!" He glanced down at his coat. Oh no! The coffee! Blasted crash landing had his coffee spilled all over his coat, with nary a drop left in his mug. And nevermind that, his quarters were probably looking awful again.

He glanced to Sabine.

"Oh, and you helped too, Sabine. Remind me later than you're due for a little raise in your cut of the spoils."

  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Sabine
The crash landing would certainly leave a bruise as Rickel was draped across the steering wheel having held on for dear life. Once she was satisfied that the ship had come to a stop and she was not dead, she looked up to inspect the damage.

She had enough to determine that the ship was in the "royally fucked" category, but not the "no longer a ship" category so that was a place. Apparently it was also in the "it's now a cloud" category.

"What the fuck? We're on the ground. Why are we a cloud?"
She asked to herself as she watch the disguise cover the boat.

"Let's see if we can not look like ghosties. I need to see the ship to help fix it."

She moved back over to the steno, "Is everyone ok?"

The first things that needed to be fixed with the engine and the mast, but there were other smaller damages that would need to be fixed before they went back into the sky.

Roger Fairweather Karnage Sabine
"Fuck me with a spoon." Sabine said, pulling herself up from the ground and rubbing at the spot where she just knew a bump would appear later.

A scowl flickered up towards the Captain as she was offered a 'raise'. The first thing she wanted to do was remind the man that they had an even split for every member of the crew. The thing she wanted to do was to thrash him within an inch of his life.

"Yous did suuuuuuuuch a good job." The sarcasm dripped from her tongue. "Why dontcha go help Rickie next?"

Sabine said, stepping over towards the lever the Captain had earlier pulled.

She shoved it upward, probably with a bit more violence than was actually necessary. "Wes fine, Rickie!"

The engineer shouted up. "Karn?"

Sabine said as she began to look around the engine room. Much to her surprise things were...shockingly intact. She had expected more damage, but it seemed that the crash had done more superficial damage than anything else. Though of course she still had to figure out why the original damned problem was.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Lolani
Karnage grunted. His eyes were closed tightly, yet with his Kamo senses he completely felt everything as the ship crashed to the ground. The hull dividing the soft earth, destroying the flowers that decorated the ground as bountiful as stars in the sky. He huffed when they became still, and raised his head, the sail still covering his massive frame.

Slowly the shark man pulled the sail off of him, a long process, but once it was off, he looked around, twisting his head this way and that to fully take in his bearings. Looking over, he saw Rickie. Not in the best shape but she could have been dead. To him, this was most definitely a win. He was about to move over to her side and help her up but paused, listening to the conversation going on in the steno.

Issa gon’be fixes later, lil Rickie.” Karnage said and then patted the fallen mast gently. “Dun worry. Not good fer youze heart, ‘Kay?” And then with a rather chipper attitude, Karnage made his way back down to the engine, now taking his time to walk. He looked over at the side here and there, making little mental notes that he would need to clean the dirt out of some places.

Sabby!” Karnage shouted, rather eagerly seeing that she was alright as well. Good thing he broke that mast after all, his family was safe! “Don’tcha fear, Karn is here! Weeze all good n’ livin.
If there was one thing about Captain Roger Fairweather, it was that sarcasm rolled over him like water off a duck's back. Did he get it and just ignore it, or did he truly just not get it at all? Arethil might never know.

"Of course aaaannnddd~ you're welcome, Sabine."

He took a moment to again survey the damage done. Namely, the amount of coffee lost from his mug, with but a scant sip left clinging dutifully within. Sabine did her job and pulled the whats-it-do lever back to its original position, now that the deed of safe landing was done and such.

Why dontcha go help Rickie next?

"Yes. Stellar idea, Sabine. The crew needs the assuring presence of their fearless captain, after all."

And he needed a refill from his quarters. Because his pot of coffee was absolutely alright and most certainly hadn't crashed about his quarters like a rat caught in a net and spilled its steaming contents everywhere. Of course not. His pot was perfectly fine until observed.

Roger ascended his way back to the deck and first caught sight of the mess that was the mast, the sail, and Karnage. "Oh. Bit of a dent there."

Then he glanced up toward the helm, toward Rickie behind the steering wheel. He planted his hands on his hips after looking to his left and to his right, this in a kind of Well gosh darn it, what in the Bhathairk spiced chicken is going on here way.

And he called up to her, "Rickie! Why is my ship smoking? This isn't the time to fire up some lunch!"

Sabine Karnage Rickel
  • Smug
  • Wonder
Reactions: Karnage and Sabine
Rickel turned a glare onto the Captain that could melt metal. It was him. He was the reason the ship was a cloud. It had to be him because Sabine wasn't that stupid. She began to speak, about to threaten him with the whip hanging from her belt when she regained control of herself.

"Not smoke, camouflage. Some idiot turned on the cloud camouflage as we were falling."

She had traded out Karnage for the Captain...she would rather have Karnage back. She decided to focus on the damages as looking to much at the Captain would just annoy her.

"We are going to need to get some more supplies. I don't know if we have enough to fix all the damages."

Karnage Sabine Roger Fairweather
Sabine let out a long, delirious sigh as the Captain finally made his exit from her engine room.

She briefly wondered if they should just keep the man in his cabin and appease him with a question of some sort every few hours. It might have kept him from breaking something else. Hands rubbed over her face, and she slowly looked around the engine room.

After a few more seconds she too popped her head through the deck, coming up just in time to hear Rickel call for more supplies. "Aye."

Sabine said in agreement with Rickie.

"Need a few odd n' ends." She remarked. "Time for an away mission, Cap'."

The Engineer commented. "Anyone seen a town on the way down?"
  • Wonder
Reactions: Karnage
Karnage was beaming. Not that it looked like he was by any means, his mouth was perpetually downturn due to Kamo anatomy. Still there was a twinkle of excitement in his dark, glassy eyes as he heard that there was going to be a mission in regaining parts. His large thick fingers twitched in gleeful anticipation and he looked around.

He hadn’t seen much, mostly because the sail had covered him up, but he could sense things up and around in this area. Particularly, other than the flowers and bees and butterflies flitting about, there was something in particular that stood out to him. He eagerly pointed at a trail that was hidden due to the tall flora before stomping over it.

The flowers were crushed from his massive foot, and while his long tail swayed much like a excited dog’s wagging tail, unlike a canine friend, the swatted grass never rose up high again.

Oi oi, here-here. Takes a looksies, sees?” Karnage was right to be excited before the path was well trodden, and following it could very well lead them to somewhere they needed to be— or at least to a person who could give them directions to the nearest town.
Roger snapped his fingers and flung his hand. Blast! If only he'd been quicker to get down into the engine room, he with his outstanding brilliance could've stopped Sabine from pulling the camouflage lever! Now they couldn't see anything and they were wasting precious...whatever it was that made the camouflage work. That sounded like Rickel's job, knowing what that was. She dealt with the stuff that powered the things, and Sabine smacked the things with tools to make them work, and Karnage smacked the things with his enormous hammer-shaped head. At least that's how Roger thought the division of labor went. Oh, he just couldn't keep things straight without his morning coffee.

"A supply mission. Right. I'll have to go fetch my saber," he said, making a start for the captain's quarters. As Karnage seemed to have spotted something overboard, Roger mused, "Bloody Spine is a hell of a mountain range. Yes, a town—who was on lookout duty? Do we have a lookout? I think we need to hire a good lookout."

That order of business satisfied, Roger pushed open the door to his quarters. Shouldn't take him much more than a moment to sort through the mess and find his precious saber!

Sabine Rickel Karnage
  • Dwarf
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Sabine and Lolani