A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Odessa Urahil

pin cushion
Character Biography
Odessa slumped down in the chair, waiting for her partner before they were to head off to their next mission. Another easy one, she figured, based on the letter both initiates were given a few days back. An escort. Simple. Quick. She and Lachlan were to help Lady Elara travel from the Academy- where she had been meeting with proctors for one reason or another- to an old ruin that was a little under a week northwest of the Academy in Amol-Kalit.

Lady Elara, while not gifted with any arcane ability herself, is known for her expertise in the arcane studies. Oftentimes, she oversaw the progress of the students and would gift the academy with her most recent findings- enchanted weapons, spells, or potions. And of course, the Academy often sent two initiates alongside her to ensure her safety while she moved from one topic of research to the next.

Today, it would be Lachlan and Odessa’s turn. Armed to the teeth and trailing alongside the elderly woman, they were given few orders to follow:

  1. Lady Elara must remain unscathed.
  2. Stay alert.
  3. Minimize delay.

The third of which was already being tested by Lachlan and Odessa waited and Lady Elara sat in her own personal carriage. Until he decided to make his grand entrance, Odessa would sit there with a map in her lap as she hunched over to trace the thin lines depicting what would ultimately be the quickest and safest routes to Arislan.

Lachlan Irwin
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin
"Sorry!" He huffed, panted, lifting the heavy case that the Lady Elara had asked him to go fetch. He carefully loaded with the other trunks and cases, tying it down securely before leaning against it. "Fuck! I am winded!" Shit, should he apologise for swearing?

But there was no time to catch a breath, as the Urahil sat beside him was already studying the map. He didn't need it to figure out how to leave the Academy. "Alright, Urahil?" He panted out in a heavy breath, now standing up straight and taking calming breaths to get it back to normal. "You riding in the carriage or with the driver?"

Did they have a driver? Was he expected to handle the horses, something he was gods awful at?
  • Angry
Reactions: Odessa Urahil
Her eyes lifted, just barely from the map to glare at Lachlan. Blue eyes colder than ice lingered as though she tried to freeze him for having the audacity to speak after being well over fifteen minutes late. She wished she had been gifted with such powers. Her life would have been much, much simpler.

"You're late." Her gaze remained locked onto him as she folded the map and shoved it into her bag.

She pushed herself out of the chair and eyed him up and down, obvious disappointment that despite all his training he was still exhausted from what she could only presume was a brisk walk down two flights of stairs and a couple yards down a hallway carrying luggage.

"If you had read the letter, you would know the answer to your stupid question." She waved a hand at him and walked out. Out past the first carriage and towards a second, much less ornate one- about half the size of Lady Elara's. "We will be taking this one, as you should be familiar. Lady Elara will be leading the way. We are here to make sure she is not harmed. Nothing more, nothing less. Do not speak to her unless you are spoken to first." She opened the door and gestured for him to get in. "Your lack of preparation has already set us back nearly twenty minutes."

She would wait until he hopped in to follow him and squish herself into one side, refusing to touch him.

"Our driver has eyes on their carriage and will alert us if there is any danger ahead, but if you see something from your window then it is your responsibility to tell us. Got it? Any more questions?"
Right, instructions that didn't seem all that wise if they were the protection detail. The distance between themselves in another carriage to their charge gave him unease, but the tall Vel Odren boy squished himself into the carriage and gave Odessa a sheepish look when his legs took up most of the room. If only they made larger carriages to support those of taller height.

"Alright then." He settled, a hand running through his hair that used to be much brighter given his days in the sun, but now began to return to the golden tresses he had in his youth. "Take it you're not one to chat much." Seeing as Urahil had sapped the fun out of this already, he figured she would be quiet for the rest of the escort mission.

So of course, if she was dedicated to their mission and kept watch, he could afford a quick nap.
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Odessa Urahil
Odessa scowled, staring daggers at the leg that brushed up against hers. As if her eyes were capable of severing it from his body. Her eyes drifted upwards to his when he decided that he would make this ride unpleasant at the least, seemingly intent on draining her social battery before they even started the mission. "Depends on the topic." She began rummaging around the small bag she brought with her. "Was there something you wanted to talk about? I suppose I should know about whatever powers you possess in the event we need to work together."

She pulled out a small book from the bag- a romance novel, something so out of place for the bitter unfeeling girl. "I'd suggest you get your talking out now. Then you can nap or do something quiet until we set up camp for the evening." She waved him off with a hand, as if he could get out her her space before opening the book to the page marked with a ripped up piece of paper.
  • Devil
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin
Lachlan opened his hazel eyes, a slight wrinkle above his brow that was the only give away to his annoyance listening to the Urahil girl. "Fine..." He exhaled, shooting her a skewering look. "I call them stinging whips. Thin, almost translucent. They touch someone, they're gonna get a nasty pain for an hour or two, but if I get them bad enough, they could die." He had done so at least... a handful of times now. Each death varied, but he was no stranger to watching the lights leave one's eyes.

"If it suits the lady, that is all the talk I think I am required to do now." He certainly didn't want to continue anymore talk with Leander's twin sister. The two were quite differing, and this was his first time one on one with the pale blonde girl. Even her cousin, the Proctor, was more Urahil.
Odessa laughed. No, snorted. "Whips?" Her laughter, genuine but mocking continuing as she spoke. "Seems more suitable for one of those freaky sex houses, not for the battlefield...but to each their own, I suppose! I guess they let anyone join the Academy these days." She picked at her nails, still finding a second to giggle. "Then again a powerful meat shield for more important people is probably better than a wall of average humans."

She shrugged and looked down at the book. "You have no requirement to talk. Just to make sure Lady Elara gets to her location. You can sit on the roof of the carriage for all I care."

She read her book for a few minutes before adding another question. "How long have you been here?" Not truly interested in a conversation, but rather to know how trained he was in whatever bizarre magic he had control of.
  • Blank
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin
Ah, yes, there was that little Urahil trait of superiority that rubbed him the wrong way. Lachlan was not compelled to speak to her, to needlessly defend his magic or that of his battle capabilities. She was a rich noble, who will one day be kept home and safe from seeing a battlefront. There was no need to tell her how deadly he could be.

He can show her if the need arises and they need to defend their charge.

"About two years." He answered gruffly, now turning his body to face away from her, as if he would now try to sleep, and ignore anything else she had to say to him.
"Hmm." Was Odessa's response, flipping the page in her book and focusing her attention on the juicy romance. A hint of pink touched her cheeks, but she did not feel nor acknowledge it. Nor would she acknowledge Lachlan's presence for several hours while she turned the pages in silence. There was no reason for her to be speaking to a walking, talking liability. A newcomer whom she refused to believe had enough time to develop his powers to a level where he was both competent and able to control himself. She had no desire to be a victim of yet another untrained Anirian dog.

Roughly three hours of silence would pass before the carriage slowed to a halt and the driver made to open the doors. Fresh air. Time to stretch their legs. And most importantly, lunch.

By the time Odessa marked the page and shut her novel, a small area had been set up off of the road for them. There was a fire with various meats already beginning to sizzle and a sack of other various breads and dried foods available to those who wished to eat them. Elara sat alone, staring off into the distance with a look that suggested she prefer not to be disturbed. There was never a coldness about her, just a look that gave the impression that she had a lot of thoughts which needed her constant attention. Odessa respected their rules and grabbed a piece of stale bread from the sack before sitting down beside the fire.
  • Angry
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin
While Odessa read whatever book that had kept her occupied the past few hours, Lachlan had taken a nap, only to be roused by their driver to come help set up lunch for the Lady Elara. When Urahil finally graced them with her presence, Lachlan was allowed to eat.

Lachlan was not great cooking, but made sure to befriend those that could. Gary, one of the cooks at the Academy, had always made sure to make him sandwiches to get by during the day. He pulled out his wrapped sandwiches, lounging by the fire and enjoying the way that it burned him with heat.

"Want one?" He found himself asking Odessa, only out of politeness. If the Lady Elara had been watching, she would think him a gentleman, seeing as he had offered to help her earlier and she took full advantage of him grabbing her bags and things.
The sour look that seemed to be Odessa's most neutral expression was nowhere in sight as she joined the group, likely replaced by a soft smile so that she did not offend the Lady amongst them. As she moved to serve herself whatever had been cooking, the crinkling of wrapping caught her attention. She turned her head towards Lachlan and cocked her head to the side. She could see Lady Elara watching from the corner of her eyes.

"Oh." She dropped the hand that lingered near the fire and turned to him, accepting the sandwich. Like him, it was to maintain a façade. "Thank you, Lach." She moved a few feet away from him. The flames crackled loudly as they ate in silence for far too long to be comfortable. Even Odessa, who had a tendency to be more introverted felt overwhelmed by it.

"You know," Odessa started mindlessly rambling to fill the silence. "I always thought fire was so magical. I know we have magic, but its so unlike anything I can do. I always wished it were something I was born with a mastery of instead of...whatever it is I am. I imagine it actually feels so satisfying to wield a gigantic fireball." She took a bite of the sandwich and turned toward her partner, seemingly in better spirits. "Do you enjoy the hand you were dealt or do you ever wish for other power?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin
Again, Lachlan found Odessa odd, but he did not voice it aloud either. He was sure the Lady Elara would hear him.

"I like my magic..." He replied simply, and there was quiet again between them. Clearing his throat, he swallowed his food and looked to her with a shrug. "Not many expect it, is what I am saying. I like being unique. Sure, I am no killer at first glance, but my Nana taught me to be unassuming. It's the best way to survive with the business we make in Vel Odren. What's the point of the game if you show all your cards at the start?"

It was why he surrounded himself with dozens of girls, and entertained them. They liked to talk, and him acting hot and cold with them only made them vie for his attention even more. They eventually gave him answers, gossip, and insight of those he wanted to keep tabs on. Only... he never thought to ask about the Urahil girl sitting near him.

"Your magic is power. I just think the Academy or even the Dreadlords are foolish not to realise and utilise you properly. Escort missions? May seem dull, but the way I see it, if they keep you close to our charge, your are one defense they would expect to fall. I would be the one to strike an assault first, be the large display of power so that the rest of our cards are not shown.... if that makes sense?"
"I never said I disliked mine." She rolled her eyes, though she would be lying to herself if she said she liked not having any idea of what life around her felt like. What sun or snow felt like on her skin. What flesh from another felt like when holding hands. She could dream, imagining it was just how they described in the novels she cherished during her travels and late nights alone. "I hope you can surprise me with whatever it is you were blessed with. It certainly sounds more unique than poison or ice. I just hope it can save our lives if we ever need it."

She was being honest with him. Though a power she wasn't eager to swap hers for if given the opportunity. She did have to admit that the gods were creative when shaping him.

"I think they send me on escort missions to see if I'll kill myself before they can find a way to do it themselves." She took a moment to chew and swallow another bite of the sandwich. "Of course I am expected to fall. But when I fall, I bring a lot of people down with me. Consider yourself lucky not to have seen me in a more dangerous mission. There were times even Leander thought I might really be dead. Times he carried my lifeless corpse- or pieces of what once were me- back to the Academy where they would wait and wait until I was whole again. Useful again."

She chuckled bitterly. "If I'm being honest, I reckon no one truly knows what to do with me. I think maybe they try to appease me by giving me easy missions. But truly, they bore the fuck out of me. I'd much prefer to leave you to do this solo than waste my time on it. I'm sure you're more than capable. Maybe not. But I know I am far beyond this."
  • Ooof
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin
The harshness of Odessa's words struck him, drawing his gaze to watch her as she continued to speak.

But he also did not fault her either.

"I reckon things have changed plenty with this revolution. Feels like the child soldiers no longer have the fear to incite in many, instead we have to prove we are still lethal, but where is the use anymore?" This moment of peace did not seem to be all Lachlan had thought it'd be coming to the Academy, even if the Archon that sold the idea to him thought he had potential.

If only the Great Houses were still in play.

"Well, it appears as if they decided we both needed to get out on more missions, no matter how simple the task. Can certainly say I am not missing out much back at the Academy." It was a welcome reprieve to be out of the company of the many girls that had taken a liking to him.
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Odessa Urahil
"I have nothing more to prove. There is no use to any of this." She had only finished a third of the sandwich before packing it back up and tossing it to Lachlan. While Lachlan seemed more relaxed, Odessa seemed to grow irritated with their chat. She truly believed every word she said. She was better than Lachlan and far more capable than most of her classmates. "Perhaps they should stop sending us out to play babysitter when people like my cousin, Perrine, do that for a living. I'm sure she'd enjoy such a fruitless week of travel"

With that, she stood from her spot and turned to head back into their carriage. Lady Elara, listening intently in a conversation she'd been excluded from (as an order), also seemed to understand that they should be continuing on in their travels.

Odessa boarded the carriage and returned to the spot on the far side from the door where she would open her book back to the page she'd marked and begin reading. Without informing Lachlan, he would be given the sole responsibility for keeping lookout. As Odessa had stated, he was (probably) capable of it.
  • Angry
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin
With a sigh, Lachlan fell into his seat in their carriage and stared out the window. Fuck was he glad his family was small, that he wasn't some stuck up noble that only wished for the best outcome for themselves.

They didn't speak, barely acknowledged each other's presence until it came to another few stops before they came to an estate. The Lady Elara informed them that they are to stay with a friend of her's for the evening, and with the number of guards plotted around the home, Lachlan could be sure they could lighten up on their lookout.

Time passed and Lachlan stood outside the Lady Elara's rooms, just as a maid popped her head out to inform him she would be out in a minute. Odessa had done her best to keep out of the way, but Lachlan did not shirk his duties so easily. The tall Initiate was dressed in finer clothes, but his dual swords were present at his back. He was no dinner guest, despite the invitation extended to him. He declined, still on duty despite the guards running the perimeter. The Lady was his and Odessa's charge, and even in safety, he would not slacken on his duty.
  • Angry
Reactions: Odessa Urahil
It seemed a silent understanding, when they approached Lady Elara's friend's home, that their services were not needed for the night. Odessa hadn't a clue who her friend might be, and this was certainly not a stop on any of her designated routes to get them to their location as fast and as safely as possible. But it seemed that whoever her friend was, they were important. Important enough to have half an army protecting them. Every window, every door. There was not an entrance or exit that one could easily sneak into without alerting at least one guard.

She hadn't unpacked her bag, nor had she changed into an outfit more presentable for someone who surely was of noble blood. Instead, she took the time to enjoy the utter quiet without even Lachlan's breathing to disturb her.

Lachlan...She propped herself up on her elbows, looking around the room they were to share. His bags were open, clothing changed and weapons gone. What in God's name was this man doing? She wasn't worried, not for herself, as she stalked through the halls. Her light steps seemed to have gone unnoticed as she approached Lady Elara's quarters and slipped behind her idiotic counterpart in a moment that he had turned around. Dagger poking into his spine, she hissed. "What the hell are you doing?"
  • Angry
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin
Cute, he thought to himself to keep from sighing and rolling his eyes at her attempt. He had felt the floorboards shift moments before the tip of the dagger pressed at his spine. It was uncomfortable more than anything, but he felt it not wise to correct the girl.

Instead, he let out a chuckle and hoped to Kress it wouldn't rile her up.

"Doing what was ordered of us. Just because we are in a well guarded estate, in a nice town, I cannot let the personal safety of our charge go by unguarded. We do not know these people, despite the name being connected to the Great Houses..." Lachlan twisted his frame enough to look down at Odessa. "So I should ask you, what the hell are you doing?"

Playing this game with daggers... if she weren't such an uptight Initiate, perhaps he'd have a go at wooing her for some fun. She was pretty enough, in fact checking a lot of his boxes, but Lachlan turned back around. Didn't so much as stop the dagger from pressing into his back. "You know, you surprise me. Never thought you would be the type to stab in the back. Thought you more of a 'stab you from the front so you can watch me smile' kind of gal."
"I told you. I ordered you not to bother the Lady." Odessa hissed at him, poking that blade farther in. Still, she would not draw blood in the woman's home. But she could make him hurt for finding her orders so funny. Unless her eavesdropping skills had been lacking, they were outside Lady Elara's private quarters. "We are in a home guarded even better than the academy. Do you not think her friend may find your distrust to be insulting?"

She pulled the dagger away and sheathed it again in its hidden pocket, but wished she hadn't as he taunted her. "Perhaps it was a good decision, they made, putting us in a room together." She mused, listening to the clicking of heels in the room they stood outside. "I will find no greater joy than watching you bleed out under me tonight." Something awful glimmered in her eyes.

"A good decision indeed." The smooth, deep voice of Lady Elara sent a shiver up Odessa's spine as she turned to look at her. Lady Elara was beautiful. Brown hair and doe eyes hidden behind thick spectacles- she had been reading, researching. Even in her middle age, it was a miracle she had refused any hand in marriage.

Odessa froze in her place, prepared to apologize, but the Lady waved her off. "The Academy never ceases to amaze me with the personalities they send with me. Like cats and dogs. Can you children behave? I have work to do, and your bickering outside my chambers is quite distracting. Be gone, both of you. " She shooed them away with a scarred hand. "Go walk the grounds or go back to your chambers and sort yourselves out. I don't particularly care if I have one escort or two tomorrow morning." With her last, annoyed breath, she shut the door behind her.

Odessa scowled at Lachlan and grabbed him by his arm, dragging him back to their chambers.
  • Angry
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin
"But I am here to---" the door closed shut, "--- escort... you to dinner..." Lachlan sighed, breaking his military stance to turn round on Odessa, breaking from her grip at his arm.

There was a heat in his gaze, an unspoken fire that he wished to force upon her his frustrations and anger. He knew of her power, that it would be hard to kill the bitch.

"You like giving our orders." He said instead, moving away to angrily stride down the hall. He needed to walk it off, to calm himself before he committed something the Academy would be disappointed in him for doing. "Probably think you are top shit for being unable to feel a thing."

The comment she made about watching him bleed out was a very real outcome that could come to pass, but Lachlan liked to poke danger in the eye.

He slowed, turning around again. "You think you can do that? Hold me down and make me bleed out from under you?" He stalked towards her, lowering his voice as he towered over her. "Nah, Odessa. I reckon I would be the one to have you on your back." And he found himself smirking, letting his eyes rake over her form. "A lot of girls like being crushed." But she'd not feel a thing.
  • Melting
Reactions: Odessa Urahil
"Get used to it." Odessa snarled at him, refusing even a glance in his direction as she let him stalk ahead. She knew she had gotten under his skin by the way he walked, the way his shoulders moved as he breathed. She imagined how he would explode if she pressed that dagger into her thigh to remind him just who was in charge between the two of them. "Being unable to feel has nothing to do with how great I am."

Odessa smiled. Although he could not see it, he would hear it in her voice. "It is just an added bonus."

She followed him, a few paces behind and slightly off to the side in the event that he did turn to face the smug look on her pretty face.

A look that did not falter as he turned on his heels and corralled her into the hallway's wall. She looked up at him, the bored look in her eyes hinted at something deeper. Perhaps amusement at his strange attempt to gloat. She knew whether or not she held him down, whether or not he had her on her back made no difference. If she had a dagger and access to her own flesh, she could make him suffer.

"Lachlan Irwin." She tossed his name into the open air between them. It sounded like the filth from her lips. "Perhaps you think we enjoy that, but I hear the whispers of the girls you pursue." She tsk'ed a disapproval, shaking her head while she studied his face. Her eyes darted from his to his lips and back before deciding that she preferred this Lachlan over the one who waited like a soldier outside the Lady's chamber. Preferred him in a way that she preferred dealing with vomit over cleaning shit. Both were not good, but this was less bad.

"I think you just enjoy lying to yourself." She smiled sweetly this time, trying to push past him so she could return to their room. "None of us like that." She hoped he couldn't see that she was the one lying as she stared into his eyes. It did not matter one way or another if she had never been with a man. She could not feel it regardless.
  • Devil
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin
The problem with not being able to feel meant you were incapable of feeling your own lie. Lachlan saw through her words, had stared at her eyes and saw it plain as day. He smirked, smug and triumphant, but kept it to himself. No need to call it to attention in the case Odessa began to mask her face in future.

"Not so fast, Urahil." Hands held her shoulders against the wall, taking a step back to lean his face to level with her own. "Those girls know they aren't worth my time. They can say whatever they like about me, it won't change the fact they are still knocking on my door." And how many suitors were waiting for her? He could not seem to recall any, even Leander lamented at the fact there was no real prospects worthy of the Urahil name, but still plenty for them all to enjoy the pleasures of company.

"Go back to the room, Odessa." He leaned his lips near her ear, spoke so low and slowly that his deep voice sounded even deeper. "You can have it all to yourself and be aware you are alone, and you will remain so. I will find some other... sleeping arrangement." She could not feel, but that did not stop Lachlan from pulling back and making a show of his hand rising to tuck her hair behind her ear and resting against her face, resting a moment before he smiled and began walking down the hall. Nothing had happened, something he was sure to let her know about as he whistled a cheery tune as he went.
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Odessa Urahil
Something in the way he spoke, the way he smirked in her face as he leaned down infuriated Odessa. She felt the rage burning up inside her, but remained still as he held her pinned to the wall. She was going to kill the man. The moment his eyes shut. The second he decided he felt safe enough around her, she would strike. Over and over with her fists or her dagger, she did not care.

She couldn't feel the goosebumps spreading across her skin as his voice tickled in her ear. He could see them and then he could look up at her face. Illuminated by the candles in the hall there was a grin. Something feral and terrifying replacing her eternally pissed off expression.

She watched him and waited until that cheery tune hit her ears and the next sound was the quiet thunking of a dagger sticking in the wall, inches away from his stupid blonde head. "See you in the morning, darling." The grin was still plastered on her face, head cocked to the side. "Try not to disappoint her." She turned on her heels and walked towards him, pulling the dagger from the wall and sauntering back off to their...her room.

She ignored him for the next few hours, until the moon now sat high in the sky. She wouldn't sleep tonight. Maybe not until their mission was over. She ignored her body's protest and waited for him to return or for the sun to rise. Neither was more welcome over the other.
  • Smug
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin