Fable - Ask Silver and Gold, Worth Feathers Untold

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


A Heart for Iron
Character Biography
Altamar Village, South of the Wda's lowest branch
Population: Small
Within the Longhouse

It was a long ride north upon horseback to the edge of the great swamp of Golgorotht and it was squires Hanely and Ihlan that took the horses back come the next morning. A local guide led them across the dank waters. They piloted long bodied canoes with shallow hulls, and those craft saw the venturing knights, and those two prospective, Astarel and Rookheart, across the dark and mired waters, and Into flooded woods where proud and ancient trunks towered high above.

It was days of rowing. What camps they did set up, oft were upon wet marsh. Rests short, for the local fauna gave threat to any that stilled for too long. And upon the third day, they spotted them. Dark shapes perched upon the boughs of the great cypress, with eyes that glint like silver, and riders upon their backs.

It was their wings they followed. Until the glow of lamp lights burned in the distance, and the shape of nests, large as houses, twined about the massive trunks. Rope ladders and staircases spread between the towering trees, far above the inhospitable floor of the swamp.

With hooks, and winches, the canoes were lifted up, and up, and up into the treetop village. All whilst the great ravens watched from their perches. Squawked and crooked their raven calls as they hopped and watched the strangers come.

Packs rested, with no time to rest. The knights and their squires were taken to the long house where greetings and negotiations began. Pleasantries exchanged. Till the point arrived.
Old Halut AV.png

"We already done told you, Syrs, we have none riders to spare for yer order," The village elder affirmed, stuck the crook of his pipe betwixt his lips, and took two puffs from the stem. "Less so our ravens,"

Hector did his best to keep a neutral expression. His eyes forward, and his posture tall as he stood behind Syrs Herzog, and Rimeboll.

Syr Brunhilda Herzog av.jpgSyr Herzog stood tall before him,her back straight and unperturbed by the elder's rejection. "Elder Halut," she began evenly. "We acknowledge your position, and seek to make clear that our causes are aligned,"

The Elder huffed, and smoke curled about his grey whiskers. "No doubt in that, Syr,"

From outside the wooden walls, came a crook. The sound of a child's laughter, and the beat of strong feathers against the air.

Halut's golden eyes turned toward the window, saw the flit of the large black form. A grumble in his throat. "Ya've had a long journey, no doubt," he nod from his driftwood seat. Let his pipe fall from his mouth with a soft click as he pointed to the party gathered. "Go, get you some rest, enjoy our hospitality, and we may talk more come the morrow,"

Syr Herzog bowed. "Come the morrow,"

Hector blinked, and followed suit. Syr Rimeboll barely nod his head as they turned to leave.

Outside the longhouse, a child stood by the edge of plank walk. A long drop before her, but her feet were steady, and she seemed not the least bit concerned. "No, Twinli, no," she spoke to something in the trees. "Pa wouldn't like that very much,"

Hector looked up, and saw a raven, perched on a distant branch. No greater in size than the common corvid.

Rimeboll AV.png"Waste of time, this," Syr Rimeboll grumbled as they strode across the woodplank way. Lantern bugs flit about the air around them, and soft glowing lights dotted across the way.

"Negotiations take time," Syr Herzog assured. "Food and rest will do us all some good,"

Rimeboll but grumbled. Another croak amidst the symphony of frog-song and toad calls.

Lorinna Astarel
"Do you...know how long this would usually take Syr Herzog?" Lorinna asked.

She was trying to be polite, but she did not truly appreciate their surroundings.

When she had heard about the trip, she had been excited to visit somewhere so unique. She was used to rolling fields and forests. Landscapes that barely changed in days of travel.

She could not wear her plate mail here, but even the light mail made her feel like it could drag her down under the water if she fell.

She was glad that she didn't have her full armour. She was certain the insects would have buzzed around inside the metal shell.
  • Yay
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Faramund and Hector
1690662942096.png"Could be a few days," Herzog mused.

1690663651684.png"Could be weeks," Rimeboll added, a glint of gleeful malice in his felonnin eye.

"Weeks," Hector chimed, as the plank walk beneath him felt to shift as the great boughs swayed, ever-so, with the whisper of the wind. His stomach felt uneasy.

Herzog huffed as they kept walking. "Hardly that,"

Rimeboll's furry lips turned up to reveal a snaggle tooth poked through his white mask. "Suppose they want a show of our caliber," His head craned to regard Hector, saw the young man still had his gaze pointed elsewhere. His tail swished with irritation. "A deed done, to prove our dedication to the old treaties,"

Herzog grumbled, her own half-plate beginning to itch. "Could be the Elder just wants to sweeten the pot for his people, gain some assurances before they make any commitments,"

Ahead, a large structure loomed. Spherical, like many of the other shapes that hung nestled in the darkness, though well boarded. White smoke plumed up from a chimney, where abouts branches and leaves had been sheered. The smell of roasted fish wafted through the air.

"Well," Rimeboll purred. "Least the food smells good,"
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Faramund
Lorinna supposed that it could have been anything that Herzog or Rimeboll could come up with. The elder was probably taking the time - now he had taken a measure of the party - to think about his demands.

If there was a task, she was going to be without her armour.

Lorrina had spent many hours on the practise field fighting without it, but going into real danger was different. A man could strike her with a sword for an hour and not punch a hole in her suit. Not much short of a crossbow at short range or a heavy poleaxe could harm her.

The idea of drowning sent a chill up her spine. That made her feel worse than the idea of a life or death fight in loose mail.

"It does, Syr Rimeboll," she agreed. She let them take the lead. She was resisting asking if his kind were particularly fond of fish. She didn't want his impatience turning to anger that was directed at her.

She followed them into the building. It was sparsely populated, but the attention of those inside was directed upon them immediately.

Lorinna flashed Hector a sidelong glance as they were offered a table. At times, she was finding it slightly difficult to hide any overt signs of what had developed between them.

"I hope the wind does not pick up tonight," Lorinna muttered.
  • Yay
Reactions: Hector
"I didn't give that much thought," Hector confessed as he made himself comfortable in his seat, a nervous little quirk of his lip as he looked to Lorinna.

Rimebol smirked. "A habit of yours, eh, Half-ear." A tooth poked out from beneath his lip.

Hectors face soured, his eyes narrowed as they dart toward the felonnin, and his head turned to hide his half-lost ear. "I-"

Syr Herzog sat beside him, and nudged the squire with an elbow. "He's just Hungry, Hector, pay him no mind," and Syr Rimebol sat across from them with a little laugh that sounded half a pleased purr. His long black tail aswish.

Herzog shut her eyes and rubbed at her temples as she bowed her head in thought. Her armor washed in the cool light of magick lamps and chandeliers. "With all the muckery going on, I feel as if our time could be better spent elsewhere,"

A set of cups with clean water were brought quick. The serving man warm faced and cheerful despite the dark hour. "kitchen'll be closing soon,"

"A roast cod," Rimeboll ordered.

"Fer the table?"

His teeth showed, proud and malicious. "For me,"

Herzog smirked and shook her head. Let her hand fall to the table. "Have any trout?"

The serving man nod.

"Some trout for the table?"

Hector nod. "And some yams if you have em,"

Another nod, and his eyes fell to Lorinna.
  • Yay
Reactions: Lorinna Astarel
It turned out he was enthusiastic about fish, but Lorinna continued not to comment on the matter.

However, after Rimebol's dig at Hector - which received little more than pursed lips from Lorinna - had her wanting to issue some kind of retort.

Her sense of propriety was too strong to directly challenge a knight.

"Enough fish and vegetables on the table will suit me, " Lorrina replied.

She had heard that peasants ate bland and overcooked food, but that did not seem to be the case here. She could smell fresh herbs coming from the kitchen.

"Syr Hessan says that scars are the story of a knight. I think that one was a good story," Lorinna said, offering Hector a small smile.

She did not know that she was just invited more comments from the Rimebol.
  • Aww
Reactions: Hector
The serving man gave a nod, a resting smile still warm across his face. "We'll have it out in a jiff then, Syrs," he turned and made away.

Rimeboll's eyes gleamed with mischief at Lorinna's remark. "Oh, plenty good, I was there,"

Herzog's eyes narrowed all the more.
"Leave them be, you cantankerous cat,"

Hector smiled back, a small curl of the lips, and a deeper shade as rouge rushed across his face.

Rimeboll's eyes slinked toward Herzog, who quaffed down her water. The Dawnling let the cup back down with a clack, which set the felonnin to startle, his fur standing on end.

Syr Herzog grinned. "You don't have a scar or two you are proud of, Rimeboll?"

Rimeboll's eyes narrowed as his fur settled back down, his tail swished lazy behind him. "I make it a habit not to get hit, Mikela,"


His whiskers pushed forward, as his whole face seemed to puff.

Hector smirked, but tried to hide it.

"I'll have you-" Rimeboll started.

"Remember the time you'd had your claw ripped out?" Mikela pressed. "Came off when you had the bright idea of pouncing on that stoneskinned bullywug,"

He grinned. Chuckled. "Gods that was dumb,"

Mikela looked to Lorinna, then Hector. Smiled. "Frankly, I'm want to agree with Syr Hessan, from time to time," her eyes closed, and she took a drink from her water.

"Karl's alright," Rimeboll added. Klicked his teeth as his eyes glanced away. "Was still drilling squires in the training yards when I first joined,"

Mikela laughed. "Had you on your ass more than a few times, if I recall,"

Hector remembered a wallop the old weapon master had given him across the side of his leg. "Couldn't imagine that," he said with a smirk. Looked to Lorinna. "Lori had him twice out of three not a week ago," a glint of pride he couldn't quite hide.

"Pfft, he's old now," Rimeboll groaned.

Mikela smiled with some slyness. "Is that so, Lori?" she nod, sat up a little straighter. "You bested Old Hessan?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Lorinna Astarel
She could not help but feel that this was some sort of trap. Lorinna had played so many social games during her younger years, when she had expected to be a part of the courts of her lands.

Part of her truly wanted to be popular among the higher orders of knights. Fortunately most of her willpower had been dedicated to the sword.

She had few talents. She wasn't one of the squires with learnings in husbandry or rare magics. She was singularly devoted to it.

"It's true," she said.

Hector had looked proud of her. If this was a conversational trap, she didn't care after that.

"But he tells me I need to spend more time with spear or halberd or crossbow, learning how to fight things where a sword is not the best tool for the job."

Her father had instilled in her a belief that a spear was a weapon fit only for farmers and peasants.
  • Aww
Reactions: Hector
Hector looked down at his cup, his lips still wore a feint smile.

Rimeboll gave a nod. "Sense in that, specially what with you being magickless and all,"

Mikela quirked a brow at Rimeboll, but her eyes found Lorinna again. "Always good to be well rounded, makes us more adaptable to the needs of the moment," she said with a nod of agreement. "And the needs are many and more,"

Rimeboll nod once more, though his eyes wandered about, taking in those folk around them. Fishers and laborers by the look of them. "Still, glad to hear the training has done you well, Astarel, kept you alive through a few tough ventures, if the records were true,"

"With luck," Mikela added. "We won't need to see it tested out in these mires," she shook her head. "Horrid," she said with a shiver.

Hector's warm expression turned cold. A frown on his lips. "Gods, I still remember the debacle we dealt with in Lants',"

Rimboll's ears twitched, and his eyes came back to those at the table. "Were there really giants roused from the grave?" he grinned and eyed Lorinna. "Or was that a bit of Squire Skaldery,"

A squawking and crooking of ravens could be heard. Soft and distant, through the small sounds of the inn.
  • Yay
Reactions: Lorinna Astarel
Lorinna felt distant from the conversation for a few moments, glancing over her right shoulder.

"There was one giant, at least," Lorinna admitted

It had been a lesson. She hadn't really learned much a out her bravery, it instead how instilled her training had been to overcome her fear.

Drill after drill until she would advance alongside her fellow squires into war, or into the path of an undead giant.

Rimeboll looked at Lorinna, looked over her right shoulder and gave a subtle shake of his head.


He gave another small shake.

Two men had followed them and taken up a table to watch the conversation. They had probably been sent by the elder.

Obviously the experienced knights had spotted them long before Lorinna. It took her a moment to compose herself.

"I don't imagine it would be...normal...to fight without much armor with water up to your waist," Lorinna said.
  • Yay
Reactions: Hector
There was a shift in Hector's demeanor. His body more rigid. His breath tighter.

"No," Mikela assured. Her expression showed teeth. "Suppose it wouldn't," the knight of dawn gave a small nod to Lorinna. An assurance. "But one can never be too careful,"

Rimeboll seemed none the bothered. Or was it that he always seemed bothered? "Hence, the training," his own tooth poked out.

Hector, tapped a fingertip against the wood of their table. What may have seemed a fidget at first. But it came again. Soft thuds just above the lived sounds about the place. A series of taps, short and long. Their timing matched after three notes.


A different combination. A different series of punctuated taps.


The lack of response from the veterans was answer enough.

Wait and see.

Rimeboll yawned. "When's the- ah..."

The giant cod came first. Plate clattered against the table. Steam rose out of its scarred flesh. The trout came next. And then the roasted vegetables. Salt, herbs, and a hint of nut oil.

Rimeboll didn't wait for any of them. At least remembering to go for the utensils.

"Did you really fight a giant?" Came a small voice from just behind them.

Mikela blinked, and Rimeboll froze mid bight. The two turned to look at each other. Rimeboll shrugged. He had no idea when the kid got there.

Hector cleared his throat, "Y-yes! We did, an, undead giant, in fact,"

Her eyes went large. "That sounds absolutely horrid," but she seemed excited to hear it, siting down right beside Lorinna.

A little white shape scurried about her shoulders, fuzzed, its black pointed snoot sniffed at the squire's roast trout.

"Weren't you scared?"

"Absolutely terrified," Hector said, easy and warm.

"Oh, Plinkit, you mind your manners!" she reached out careful like, and scooped up the long bodied ferret. "Sorry," she said with a warm smile to Lorinna. "He forgets himself when it comes to Ben's cookin,"
  • Yay
Reactions: Lorinna Astarel
Lorinna let her arm come to rest on the table. Her palm on its side, shielding the plate from the rodent.

She had multiple younger brothers and sisters, but that didn't mean she had a kindly demeanour for them.

This one appeared to need to learn some basic manners, even if she was excited to hear the stories.

"We were frightened," Lorinna said, "But we had our friends and Allies with us."

She glanced around the room. No reaction from the mayor's men that watched them. Maybe her - and Hector - were being too highly strung.

"Your parents are here?" Lorinna asked the girl.
  • Haha
Reactions: Hector
Hector smiled at Lori's response. Guarded with small measure. His eyes squinted and a smile crooked the corner of his lip.

His gaze flicked to the guardsman. By the look of it, they seemed undisturbed, enjoying their drink. Hector's eyes came back to Astarel.

"Nan' is in the kitchen," the young girl said with a smile. Shifting her hands to let Plinkit run along the track of her palms in steady cycles.

One of the guard's seemed to notice the girl. His eyes went wide, and he nudged his compatriot beside him. Jutted his chin toward her. The other man gawked.

"Pa is, well, you all met with Pa," she giggled, and Plinket ran up her arm and around her neck. She looked to Lorinna, with wide eyes. "You're awfully big," she said simply. "Are all knights so big?" she looked over to Hector.

He laughed some. Peasant born, Order Raised, he found the girl's familiar demeanor welcoming. "Not all of us, no,"

Syr Herzog made a slight shift of her head toward the Mayor's men. Rimebol squint. Growled some in his throat. A nod from Syr Herzog, who took a bite from her trout. Rimebol took a snag out of his cod.

"What's it take to join?" the young girl asked.

Hector coughed. Pound a fist against his chest.

Lorinna Astarel
  • Yay
Reactions: Lorinna Astarel
"Nan' is in the kitchen," the young girl said with a smile.

Of course. Her family worked here. That made a lot more sense to Lorinna now. Though she would have expected anyone running a serious establishment would keep the children from disturbing customers.

She was from a family where children eat at a separate table - and preferably room - from everyone else.

"You're awfully big," she said simply. "Are all knights so big?" she looked over to Hector.

Lorinna didn't enjoy such things being pointed out by children. She sat a little straighter at the table.

One slender eyebrow arched upwards and was aimed at Hector, who seemed to be having some trouble with his digestion.

"You are awfully small. But do you wish to dedicate the rest of your childhood and your life to the study of the sword? Or magic?" Lorinna asked.
  • Haha
Reactions: Hector
Hector managed to pass the bit of food that had gone down the wrong pipe. A little tear at his eye. He took a drink from his water.

"Magic?" she said with a glitter in her eyes. "Oh, I can't stand the sight of blood, and... the thought of swinging a sword scares me, but, magic," she smiled wider and looked down at her little companion, nestled in her lap, who looked back to her with his shiny black eyes. "Well, Nan says I have a bit of it myself," she sounded proud. Then her smile waned some. "Pa says not to go and listen to her old stories though," she looked back up to Lorinna, "Do you know magic?" she asked with wonder. Maybe because she too had flaxen hair, and bright eyes, like hers.

Rimebol grinned. "About as much as a brick,"

The girl's eyes looked to felonnin. Saw how he squint at her with equal parts suspicion and interest. "You can't eat Plinkit,"

Rimebol grinned wider, toothy, and his eyes narrowed as his whiskers pointed forward "Who will stop me if I tried?"

The girl laughed, and Plinkit scurried under her robes. Her brow set. "Me, of course!" Her eyes looked to Lorinna, then Hector. "They might help too?"
Rimebol huffed a breath, and went on eating his large fish.

Syr Herzog smiled small. "To hear it," she bowed her head to Lorinna. "Squire Astarel there is a fine swordhand, should she take on your cause,"
  • Yay
Reactions: Lorinna Astarel
Rimebol grinned. "About as much as a brick,"

Lorinna forgot herself. She car a withering look at her superior and then at Hector. Neither seemed to be deterred.

She had quickly established her favourite between the two knights and the felonnin only worked to cement that view.

"Squire Astarel there is a fine swordhand, should she take on your cause,"

"It's hard work though. You can't pretend that you don't need to be as strong as possible for fight. Being quick is good, but a large, strong and capable fighter can wear down a small opponent.

"So make sure you eat well," Lorinna said firmly.
  • Smug
Reactions: Hector
Hector's eyes widened a bit when he saw Lorinna's stare. He blinked.

Oh, he thought. Smiled sheepishly, as his eyes fell away, a tinge of guilt taught in his stomach, as his lips tightened with worry. Best to shake it off, he told himself.

The young girl's face scrunched up with sudden determination. A huff of hot breath, and a sure nod. "I shall!"

The proclamation brought a laugh from Hector's throat. "That's the spirit," his eyes flit to Lorinna, warm again. "Might be, Lor-," he caught himself. Sat tall and proper-like with a shift of his shoulders, and closed his eyes. "Squire Astarel can teach you thing or two about the blade?" he peered through cracked lid, a happy crook on his lip. "And I can test your, magick,"

Excitement shined in the young girl's eye as she looked to Hector. "Oh, truly?"

To that, Rimebol gave a burp. "Yes," his voice rumbled, pleased with purr as his tail swished. "Eat hearty, train well, and build your strength," he looked sharply to the little girl. "If you hope to protect those you love, and those that need protecting,"

The girl clutched tight the little animal named Plinkit, her eyes unwavering as she looked to the Felonnin.

Hector looked to the girl, then Lorinna. Then to Rimebol. "Friends help too, to find the courage when the going gets tough,"

The girl laughed. Nod as Plinkett scurried up her arm and ont her shoulder, long neck stuck out, almost in defiance.
"Leal knights!"

Herzog laughed some behind her hand.

Rimebol groaned, but looked half pleased himself.
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  • Yay
Reactions: Lorinna Astarel
The proclamation brought a laugh from Hector's throat. "That's the spirit," his eyes flit to Lorinna, warm again. "Might be, Lor-," he caught himself. Sat tall and proper-like with a shift of his shoulders, and closed his eyes. "Squire Astarel can teach you thing or two about the blade?" he peered through cracked lid, a happy crook on his lip. "And I can test your, magick,"

Lorinna had chosen to be encouraging, but now it was being taken even further.

Before she could even begin to regret that and find a way to drop the subject, they continued.

Rimebol went from burping to explaining the core of what it meant to be a protector. Hector said something that sent a warm cloud settling at the base of her belly.

"It's an honour and a privilege to do this," Lorinna said firmly.

"But yes, eat more. Get strong."
  • Yay
Reactions: Hector
Rimebol grinned, and pulled his eyes away, rolled his shoulder, pawed at the back of his lip with the back of his furry hand, dainty like. "Well with that wisdom, and the meal done, i'm off to rest before my patrol," he rose from the table and made away.

The two guards that sat tables away watched the tall felonnin strode off with the swish of his dark tail. Stirred, but did not rise after him.

Herzog smiled kindly to all at the table, her fish half eaten, she bowed her head. "I too should be off," and she met the young one's eyes. "Try not to keep these squires up too late, telling tales of their exploits, little miss,"

"Its Marannie," she said brightly.

A small bow of the head, dignified, as if the young one was a little lady in true. "Miss Marannie," she rose, and looked to Lorinna, then fixed her eyes on Hector. "You've dawn patrol come daybreak," she said with some steel in her voice. A smirk, "Rest while you can," and she scooped up her plate, and then Rimebol's, and was away.

Marannie sat with big smile on her face, and Plinkett slipped from her hands and onto the table, made sneaky step toward Hector's half finished fair. A little sound left her voice.

The guards' eyes followed the motion of the exiting knight, looked back to the table of squires. One nudged the other, and they moved after those knights sworn.

Hector's brow knit with a worry. He looked to Lorinna.
  • Yay
Reactions: Lorinna Astarel
"What's the dawn patrol for?" Marannie asked. Her voice was bright and cheery.

"We don't know, sorry," Lorinna said. She was slightly dismissive of the girl, but it didn't seem to have had an effect.

She glanced to Hector and then to the door. She didn't truly think this was going to be be trouble. They were just being followed and watched, she hoped.

"Maybe we should turn in now?" Lorinna asked Hector. "Or just a little fresh air?"

They could just head outside briefly to make certain nothing was going on.
  • Yay
Reactions: Hector
Hector nod. "Fresh air sounds good,"

The girl looked to both of them and got up from the seat. "Well, I," she saw Plinkett again, and scooped him up, with a scrunch of her face, bits of fish stuck to his snout. "Thank you," she said warmly, went to nod but then paused. Bowed, in a way like Syr Herzog.

The girl rose up.

Hector got up and bowed in kind. A last bit of theater, to keep the cold fear away. "Twas a pleasure, Miss Marannie," he said with some warmth, and turned to gather the plates left at the table.

His face a little stiff with lines of worry as the dishware clattered soft and clunk as he stacked.
  • Yay
Reactions: Lorinna Astarel
"Twas a pleasure, Miss Marannie,"

"Yes..." Lorinna agreed.

She searched for something kind to say to the child. It was quite a surprise to find out just how uncomfortable she was around children that were not her siblings.


Heading outside reminded her how the fire and smell of fresh cooking had chased away the outside. The damp air was already forming a mist. It was cool and immediately clung to the outside of her cloak.

You see?

A brief sign to Hector as she looked around for a sign of their colleagues or the shady characters sent to watch them.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Hector
It was hard even for his eyes to peer through the veil of thickening mist. The planks neath their foot, gave ever just underneath their weight.

The gleam of night-glown eyes in the canopy rush.

Dark shapes, amidst dark bends and branches.

Up in the canopy, the whole world looked different outside the inn. Felt different between his mismatched ears.

"I don't-" he started to confess, then saw two shapes, not so far from them, just beneath eyelevel. Just a bit further from that, the gleam of Syr Herzog's plate, as it caught the dim light of firebugs and silverwisps.

Low. Ahead.

He signed, and pointed. Started moving that direction, as he tried to make sense of the rope briges and spiraling plank paths.

"Sorry about earlier," he said with a soft smile. "With Syr Rimebol," he added.
Lorinna couldn't quite make out the shapes, but if she looked off centre she could see the moment in the dark. She trusted his eyes.

Lorinna turned and offered a nod and a smile.

"What are you sorry for?" She asked.

She didn't exactly mean to test him, the question just seemed to spill out on its own.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Hector
They strolled on, steady, needed to cross a rope bridge to reach the trunk of another great tree. It would be harder to see Herzog then, above her in the wide spiralled construction.

He paused a moment by the railing, as the bridge swung lazy with the subtle shift of the trees.

He looked to her. "I, well, I just think I could've said something was all," his smile was feint, half warm, half embarrassed. "like you did for me, when the old cat took his swipes at me,"
  • Wonder
Reactions: Lorinna Astarel