Suggestion Switching between 'Active' and 'Latest' threads?


The Speaker
Character Biography
Hey! This is really just a personal preference thing, but I think it'd be a nice feature. On desktop mode, there is a side box in the top right portion of the front page of the site. When you're logged in, this box displays the four most recently created threads. However, when viewing Chronicles when you aren't logged in to an account, this box instead displays the four threads that have most recently been replied to. Personally, I prefer the latter function over the former, and would consider a way to switch the box's function to your preference very convenient, if possible.
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  • Yay
Reactions: Urchin
There isn't a way I can make it switchable, but I could perhaps add the most recently replied to as a tab.

Most recently replied to almost always shows some private threads, which is generally of less use because you either watch them already or cannot join them.

The displays are very specifically targeted to show information that highlights how active we are to potential members, whilst showing information more useful for regulars to help you join new things (e.g. LFG/Open threads)