Fable - Ask Blood and Honor

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Character Biography
Why did he have to go berserk? Why? He was a knight, first in line for the seat of Duke back home, and the monster under the bed for all vampires who dared threaten his home. So why did he have to lose it so thoroughly? This time was far worse than the past times though. He'd chased a number of vampires down far ahead of his armies, to the point of near suicidal distances but still he went on. He had chased twenty some vampires down and slaughtered them. He was armored so he didn't die, but they were armed and trained vampires so he didn't walk away unscathed either.

He stumbled and limped his way through the forests to the road. His formerly white armor now painted red with blood. His Zweihandr greatsword dragging along the ground behind him. He dropped to his knees, exhaustion finally catching him, he fell forward, unconscious before his head hit the packed dirt of the road.
Michelee’s horse was trotting along, going very slow indeed. Michelee liked this pace, for it did not tire out her mare, or her either. She had been going at a steady pace, wanting to make sure there was plenty of room between her and whoever might be chasing her. She was not afraid in the sense of being afraid for her life, but she was afraid in the sense of she did not want to lose her newfound freedom. She patted the mare’s head, though the horse, Lady was her name, became skittish when she did so. Lady could sense the predator deep inside of Michelee, and she did not like to be petted very much by her. Michelee understood, but it would have been nice to be able to show affection to someone, even if it were to her horse. She realized how pathetic thoughts like that were, and she shook her head at her own self-pity.

The day had been a very nice day, and she wished she could feel comfortable enough to take off her elbow sleeves to feel the cool breeze upon her arms. She did not, though she did take off the cloak that usually covered her head and body. There was no reason to cover up so with no one here but herself. Her long brown hair was down, and the breeze lifted the strands on her shoulders. Her blue eyes looked around in lazy contentment.

As the wind blew toward her, she caught a whiff of something new. It had the scent of copper, like copper coins. Blood. It seemed to be pretty fresh too. It was not animal blood, but human. There was a curve up ahead and she hurried her mare a little faster to see around the bend. There laying in the middle of the dirt road was a human covered in white armor. The armor was covered in blood, which did not surprise Michelee at all. She stopped her mare and climbed down hesitantly. Someone, or something, had done this to the armored human. She looked around but did not see anyone. She sniffed the air, and a faint scent was mixed in with the scent of human blood. It was vampire blood. This was the last thing she wanted, to be in the middle of whatever battle was taking place. She sighed. She always caught herself involved in things like this, because as a healer she had to be where she was needed. That did not mean she had to like it.

She knelt beside the human, not able to see exactly where the wounds were or what needed healing. She could not even tell if the human was a male or a female, though she assumed male since he was so large in frame. She did not want to injure him further by irritating any of his wounds, but she needed his help if she were to get to safety. After they were out of danger she would heal his wounds, but she knew better than to do it where vampires might be able to jump out at her at any moment. She would be weak and defenseless and unable to help herself if attacked. And she did not know him well enough to know if he would help her once he was fully healed. It is best to get him out of the area first. And she needed to put him on the horse if she were to be able to do that.

“Hey,” she said softly. She spoke up louder as she shook the metal on his shoulder that was not covered in blood. “Hey! Get up, please. I need your help.” She shook him harder.
Sir Eberwolf Kinniger
“Hey,” she said softly. She spoke up louder as she shook the metal on his shoulder that was not covered in blood. “Hey! Get up, please. I need your help.” She shook him harder.

He groaned in throbbing pain as he was shaken. How long had he been out? How could he have been so careless as to let himself pass out? Damn him, so damn impulsive all the time. He pushed himself up off the ground and stood, fighting his way through the pain.

Looking around he saw the brown haired woman next to him. He was a tad confused, but then her statement registered in his mind, and he said with a pained laugh/cough, "I don't know how much help I'll be. But I can certainly try."

He picked up his sword and used it to support himself a little bit while he finished standing up. "What sort of help can I offer?"
When he groaned she felt a wave of relief. She knew he wasn’t dead, because she could hear his heart beating. But knowing he was going to help her by being conscious enough to get on her mare would save her a lot of time and effort.

He stood up and her mouth managed to show a little smile. She didn’t know why seeing this perfect stranger stand upright meant so much to her. Maybe it was because she liked cheering for the underdog.

He said he would try to help her, and she gave a soft laugh. She guessed the thought of helping a damsel in distress was what got him to his feet. “I need you to help me get you on the horse,” she said with a shake of her head. Then she looked around to make sure there were no vampires close by. “I think there are vampires. We need to find shelter. Please, help me,” she said as she got close enough for him to use as a crutch. She wasn’t worried about them touching, for he was more covered than she in all his shiny armor. Sir Eberwolf Kinniger
He said he would try to help her, and she gave a soft laugh. She guessed the thought of helping a damsel in distress was what got him to his feet. “I need you to help me get you on the horse,” she said with a shake of her head. Then she looked around to make sure there were no vampires close by. “I think there are vampires. We need to find shelter. Please, help me,” she said as she got close enough for him to use as a crutch. She wasn’t worried about them touching, for he was more covered than she in all his shiny armor. @Sir Eberwolf Kinniger

"oh them?" He said, "Don't worry about them, they're dead. Well, more dead. I don't think vampires can keep up their second life without their heads."

He looked at the mare. He approached it with a slight limp and pulled off his gauntlet, then offered his hand for it to smell. The armor having kept him from getting much blood on his skin.
Michelee watched jealously as her mare seemed to be more taken with the human than she was her owner. She didn’t expect any other reaction, but it might have made her less guilty about making her mare uneasy if she’d been uneasy with everyone. She sighed and took another uneasy look around.

“If they’re dead, we should be ok, I guess. If you don’t mind me asking, where are you injured?” She walked up to the other side of her horse and pulled the cloak she kept in her saddlebags out. She didn’t relish putting it on, but felt vulnerable and exposed without it. She inspected her dark brown gloves, and thought she saw a smidge of blood on the side of her palm. She sighed. This was the reason she purchased dark gloves. They had a tendency to stain easily. Usually with blood.
“If they’re dead, we should be ok, I guess. If you don’t mind me asking, where are you injured?” She walked up to the other side of her horse and pulled the cloak she kept in her saddlebags out. She didn’t relish putting it on, but felt vulnerable and exposed without it. She inspected her dark brown gloves, and thought she saw a smidge of blood on the side of her palm. She sighed. This was the reason she purchased dark gloves. They had a tendency to stain easily. Usually with blood.

He grunted as he turned a little bit. "I was caught in the armpit by a spear. An axe got to the back of my left knee. I think a couple of ribs are broken, and a sword managed to slip past the gaps in my abdominal plate. All in all, pretty bad, but it could also be a lot worse."

He cocked his head to the side, "Why do you ask?"
  • Wonder
Reactions: Willowisp
Michelee froze at the long list the armored male spouted off with. It was going to take a long time for her to heal from that, though not as long as it would take the human. She squared up her shoulders and faced him, pulling her hood over her head as if to protect from rain. Honestly, her cloak made her feel protected, as if she could face anything with it on. She wished it did have special powers, but it was not going to protect her from the pain she was about to endure.

“Forgive me. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Michelee Subar. I am a healer. I offer my healing services to you, for a small fee.” No need to tell this human male that she would be taking on his injuries herself. He seemed to be the proud type who wouldn’t allow such a thing. “I need to find a safe place to tend to you. I don’t feel comfortable out here in the open. Do you know how far away the next town will be? Maybe we could make it there? Or is there a home nearby, or safe cave?” She had no idea where they were, but she knew if they didn’t find a place close by he would be passing out again soon. The next time he might not wake up. She felt a surge of urgency, hoping he would stop petting her horse and get in the saddle soon.
“Forgive me. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Michelee Subar. I am a healer. I offer my healing services to you, for a small fee.” No need to tell this human male that she would be taking on his injuries herself. He seemed to be the proud type who wouldn’t allow such a thing. “I need to find a safe place to tend to you. I don’t feel comfortable out here in the open. Do you know how far away the next town will be? Maybe we could make it there? Or is there a home nearby, or safe cave?” She had no idea where they were, but she knew if they didn’t find a place close by he would be passing out again soon. The next time he might not wake up. She felt a surge of urgency, hoping he would stop petting her horse and get in the saddle soon.

He grunted as he pulled himself painfully, but expertly, onto the horse's back. Then he reached down to help her on. "A pleasure to meet you Michelee. Call me Eberwolf, (Pronounced Aebeirvulf) and your offer is most kind. As for a cave or home nearby, I do not know. It is most kind of you to offer your help though. It is however possible that I be healed out here once the sun is up. Vampires dispise sunlight after all."
  • Yay
Reactions: Willowisp
When he reached down to help her on the horse, she waved his hand away. “No thank you. I’ve been riding for a long time, and I need to stretch my legs.” The truth was that she didn’t know if Lady would be able to carry both of them. She was a good and strong horse, but he looked tall enough to be a giant and his armor was large as if to fit a husky frame. She had been riding Lady for a while, and didn’t want to tire her out any more than she had to. Besides, what better way for her to sniff out possible places to find safety than to walk around sniffing the air?

She held the reins of her horse and casually started to walk by them as she led her horse forward. To distract him from the fact that she was walking instead of riding she decided to chat a while. “I know you want to wait for the sun to come up, but that might be an hour or two. And you seemed to be bleeding a lot.” There was a lot of blood on his armor, but she could smell more blood under it. Not to mention he was human and he said a sword slipped in and stabbed him in the stomach. Some humans never came back from that. “The long list of wounds you described need to be treated as quickly as possible. I’d feel much better if we found a safe place.” She sniffed in the air, and she could smell the scent of water over to her right. “I think we should go this way,” she said with conviction. Where there was water there was usually homes nearby, taking advantage of the natural streams. She tried not to move too fast as she walked forward, hoping he was holding on to the pommel and not swaying precariously on her horse. If he fell she don’t know how she plans to get him back on the horse again.
When he reached down to help her on the horse, she waved his hand away. “No thank you. I’ve been riding for a long time, and I need to stretch my legs.” The truth was that she didn’t know if Lady would be able to carry both of them. She was a good and strong horse, but he looked tall enough to be a giant and his armor was large as if to fit a husky frame. She had been riding Lady for a while, and didn’t want to tire her out any more than she had to. Besides, what better way for her to sniff out possible places to find safety than to walk around sniffing the air?

He hated, no, loathed being the one on the horse while she walked. Her dismissal was somewhat comforting but still he couldn't agree with it. But he was in no position to refuse, so he just nodded and accepted it. Besides, he knew what it was like to need leg-stretching after a long ride, much as he loved his horse Thunder he still got saddle sore every now and then.

She held the reins of her horse and casually started to walk by them as she led her horse forward. To distract him from the fact that she was walking instead of riding she decided to chat a while. “I know you want to wait for the sun to come up, but that might be an hour or two. And you seemed to be bleeding a lot.” There was a lot of blood on his armor, but she could smell more blood under it. Not to mention he was human and he said a sword slipped in and stabbed him in the stomach. Some humans never came back from that. “The long list of wounds you described need to be treated as quickly as possible. I’d feel much better if we found a safe place.” She sniffed in the air, and she could smell the scent of water over to her right. “I think we should go this way,” she said with conviction. Where there was water there was usually homes nearby, taking advantage of the natural streams. She tried not to move too fast as she walked forward, hoping he was holding on to the pommel and not swaying precariously on her horse. If he fell she don’t know how she plans to get him back on the horse again.

"I wouldn't worry too much about me bleeding out. I've been far worse off in the past. so I can last a while regardless of whether I'm bleeding or not. My clothes make a suitable bandage for the time being, keeping too much blood from getting out. But I trust your judgement miss." He told her in response.

He couldn't help but notice that she was sniffing the air. A lycan perhaps? It didn't much matter, she was an ally, and he had nothing against the supernatural, only against vampires.
Though Michelee did not stop with her search for a safe haven, she did wonder about how stubborn this male was. Here she was mentioning the fact that they needed to get to safety, out of harm’s way over and over, and at least three times in as many minutes he claims to not need to find safety. Was he unwilling to get healed? Did he worry about the costs? She could understand being low on funds, for she was herself, but if that were the case, she could request that he hunt for her to repay her for the services. He reminded her of the cubs she used to have to heal when they were very young. They would insist over and over that they were fine because they were afraid that her healing would hurt them more instead of healing them. She sometimes had to chase them down to get to apply aid. She hoped this male would not be that way.

She began leading him further into the wooded area, close to where she could smell the spring. She doubted there would be any homes nearby, since they were not quite close to a town yet, but she was hoping there was a hermit somewhere out here that would not mind offering them aid if needed. She did not smell any smoke, which would mean someone had a fire nearby, so she knew that her hopes were in vain.

Close to the wooded area was a rock facing, and she was able to see with her feline vision a darkened area that looked darker than the other surrounding rock. Could this be a cave? She moved closer to it, taking him along with her by leading her horse. The spring was not far from the tiny cave. It was barely large enough to hold the two of them, but that made it harder for anyone to sneak up on them when they were unaware. She felt this was their best shot, since there was fresh water nearby (the better to wash out and heal her own wounds after she took on his), and the protection of the rock. She stopped the horse.

“Here’s a good spot to tend to your healing, if you are so inclined for me to do this service.” She waited to see if he said he would be alright. From how he had reacted so far to her offer of healing, she had a feeling he would refuse to be healed.
Though Michelee did not stop with her search for a safe haven, she did wonder about how stubborn this male was. Here she was mentioning the fact that they needed to get to safety, out of harm’s way over and over, and at least three times in as many minutes he claims to not need to find safety. Was he unwilling to get healed? Did he worry about the costs? She could understand being low on funds, for she was herself, but if that were the case, she could request that he hunt for her to repay her for the services. He reminded her of the cubs she used to have to heal when they were very young. They would insist over and over that they were fine because they were afraid that her healing would hurt them more instead of healing them. She sometimes had to chase them down to get to apply aid. She hoped this male would not be that way.

This wasn't quite it. He knew that he couldn't last longer than a few hours in this condition. He was saying this mostly to tell her that he could last a little longer out in the open if she chose to heal him there. It wasn't quite that he was opposed to being healed, he knew quite well that he needed it, and badly. But also he knew that this woman owed him nothing. As for being short on funds, in the immediate sense, yes but if they managed to get in touch with his forces he could easily pay her in full.

On top of that, he was used to having to power through life threatening injuries in order to get a task done. So his statement of 'don't worry about me bleeding out' was more or less a true statement, one he knew to be true.

Close to the wooded area was a rock facing, and she was able to see with her feline vision a darkened area that looked darker than the other surrounding rock. Could this be a cave? She moved closer to it, taking him along with her by leading her horse. The spring was not far from the tiny cave. It was barely large enough to hold the two of them, but that made it harder for anyone to sneak up on them when they were unaware. She felt this was their best shot, since there was fresh water nearby (the better to wash out and heal her own wounds after she took on his), and the protection of the rock. She stopped the horse.

“Here’s a good spot to tend to your healing, if you are so inclined for me to do this service.” She waited to see if he said he would be alright. From how he had reacted so far to her offer of healing, she had a feeling he would refuse to be healed.

He nodded and dismounted the horse. "You are most kind miss."

He began to work on removing his armor, starting with his gauntlets, then his arm plates, his helmet, his chestplate, his cuisses, his greaves then his sabatons, leaving him in his gambeson pants and his arming doublet. His head bore few scars, mostly from having been protected by a solid steel bell for most if not all engagements. But when he removed his arming doublet she'd see a number of scars adorning his body, some big, some small, all were obvious. This was a man who was no stranger to injury.