Private Tales Dusk and the Day to Come

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The Bestest Buddy
Character Biography
"Here, take this before those Dreadlords drink up everything before that fire dies." Rhidian handed Mercer Alwin a wooden cup of ale, having been too slow to manage wine. He moved to sit beside the quiet Initiate, not at all here to make company, but to sit with her in silence if that was what she wished. He was new, still so green to a now graduating class. The Proctors had hoped he could harness his magic before then and graduate within the year, and was propositioned with being awarded Third Rank within the Dreadlords.

"You know, I didn't properly thank you for having my back earlier. I thought I would be gutted out there on the plains, but... you really came in and saved my arse. Cheers," he lifted his cup for her to clink with his, "to almost dying." He chuckled.
  • Blank
Reactions: Mercer Alwin
It wasn't unusual for most to celebrate after a successful mission, but Mercer was not usually one to partake. She had a reputation, and she enjoyed the fact that she did. She wasn't liked by most, she had a cold and calculated prescence that most did not enjoy. It's not that she didn't care about others, that was something she had to shove away. If she let people in, let them get close, then she would get soft. Her family didn't do soft.

Rhidian, he was curious, if not a bit reckless. Here he was standing before her with drinks in hand. Mercer arched a brow at him, but accepted the offered cup quietly as he sat beside her. He was thanking her, for doing her job? She shifted slightly, the ghost of a smile on her lips. "Don't let it happen again." She was attempting to tease him, though her tone might imply otherwise. She offered him an actual smile as she tapped her wooden cup against his. "You did well today, I wouldn't mind having you at my back again."

  • Smug
Reactions: Rhidian
Rhid snorted. "Yeah, I hope not to make the same mistake again. Fuck me, those bastards were quick." He leaned forward, elbows resting on his legs, hand holding his cup between his knees. "But you were quicker. Likewise, Mercer. I like a comrade I could count on." He grinned, turning to look back at the stoic Initiate.

"Next time... Maybe I will have a better handle on my new magic. I won't get caught in a position like that again if I can explode my way out of a tricky situation." He was only briefly with the Anirian Guard before becoming Initiate, but his father had run him through the practice of talking over points in training or out on the field. To always look for improvements, details that would have cost them dearly, or even where he could have saved himself the worry and energy.

Mercer Alwin
He was particularily good humored. Not like Larkin though, Larkin was quiet. Rhidian was the loud sort of humor, the kind that raised spirits and got everyone excited. He'd be a good soldier, once he got himself under control. He would be a good moral boost, if anything.

Mercer blinked as he complimented her, it wasn't common that someone would conversate with her like a normal person. Most of the others avoided her, though she knew that to be her own doing. Perhaps even she might be able to make a friend out of the newer Initiate. He seemed to get along with everyone, maybe even he could tolerate her.

She tested a sip of the drink he had given her, and upon not hating the taste, she smiled a little more. It wasn't like the wine from home, but it wasn't horrible either. "If you want to, we could always do practice runs. You can test things out with me, and we can go over strategies and even previous fights.." She trailed off, suddenly realizing that he had gotten her to chat. Weird.

  • Wonder
Reactions: Rhidian
Rhidian turned to regard Mercer with a large grin. "That doesn't sound half bad, Alwin!" He had seen her work out on the field, culling the infestation of those creatures they were tasked with taking care of. He could not remember the name of them, and could only hope they don't ask him to write the report otherwise he would be creating a new creature with a new name.

"I always preferred hand to hand combat before being lumped in with you lot at the Academy. Been learning how to use my magic with hand to hand, but I won't use that on you. Not until I know I am not going to send someone barreling backwards from one punch."

Some of the other Initiates and Dreadlords starting clapping a beat, other raising their voices to sing a merry tune. Rhidian grinned, remembering his unit doing the same in a pub or out on the field. "Seems we are all in high spirits tonight!"

Mercer Alwin
Mercer lifted an eyebrow as Rhidian nearly boasted. He was definitely not company she typically kept, but maybe this would be good for both of them. He was loud, and sure, and nice. She'd probably just piss him off, just like she had with Thraah. Mercer took a swig before replying, trying to gather an appropriate response without garnering irritation.

"I think you may underestimate me, Rhidian. you'd have to land a punch first." She gave him a smile, a coy one at that. Such a thing had never met her lips before. She shifted uncomfortably, moving her expression back to the resting bitch face she normally wore. It was actually an effort, and she found that she was quite annoyed with herself over it.

The distraction of the merrymakers was a welcome one, her gaze shifting from him finally. "We did well today, all of us. I'm not one to usually celebrate it, but I feel it is deserved by others to." She slipped back into her formal tone, hiding behind thick walls of separation. She wouldn't let him drag out this unfamiliar Mercer, not if she could help it.

Rhidian grinned widely, silencing himself with a drink that certainly did not dull him smile at her retort.

"Hang on a minute... I think I know this song..." He paused, setting his drink down by his boots and listened. Recognition lit up his face, and with that same grin, he began to sing along. Rhidian looked to Mercer, to see if she would partake, but he did not wait for her to join as he rose to his feet. He stretched his arms wide, receiving the cheers and claps of his fellow comrades that sang louder with him.

Mercer Alwin
  • Stressed
Reactions: Mercer Alwin
Mercer glanced at Rhidian as he shifted, setting his drink down. Oh no, he was going to participate. His voice was not unpleasant as he took up the song, standing to the ovation from their comrades in arms. Rhidian was the type that could get others to follow on passion alone. Mercer was an order follower, and she took pride in her ability to do so.

He looked at her as if he expected her to join, but she felt her cheeks flush at the thought of being the center of attention, she hadn't lifted her voice in song since she was a little girl, and had no idea that she would even sound appealing to the others.

  • Bless
Reactions: Rhidian
Rhidian moved on, rallying the others to join the merriment by clapping in to the tune of the song, and a gifted voice added depth of the song with harmony.

He knew Mercer was not the kind to simply join in, to loosen up around the others. She was a dedicated soldier, and many of them present were the same, only offering to tap their boots along to the beat being sung. Rhid grew up on song, grew up on his mother singing to them and his grandfather playing the ivories of his piano. Rhid danced with his older sister, who always took charge and made him dance the steps a lady would, but he learned the reverse as he grew older.

But that did not stop him from facing Mercer, getting down onto one knee feet away from her and singing to her the last verse, his arms spread out wide as he brought the last note on a strained voice. His face twisted into a struggling grin, trying to make it last before bowing to her as the others clapped and laughed.

Mercer Alwin
Mercer watched Rhidian with slight awe, he really was captivating. The others were spurred on by his antics, and even the most hardened soldier cracked a smile at him. It was quite the performance, and even she couldn't help but shake her head and grin as he knelt before her.

Do not get attached girl, I will make sure you suffer. I will make sure you lose everything you care about. You will only cause him pain.

Mercer visibly flinched away from Rhidian as he bowed to her, his grin lost on her now. She thought, perhaps she'd try and make a friend in him, but the threat of what lived inside her made sure she wouldn't. She turned away from him, setting her cup down hastily and making it spill across the wooden table. Standing abruptly, she made for the stairs of the inn. Her face was pale, even her hands shook. Normally, he wouldn't have gotten to her like this, it's just that for once she had felt normal, and that was ripped away from her so easily. He would never let her live her life.

  • Cry
Reactions: Rhidian
As song came to an end, Rhidian watched as the smile left Mercer's face and scattered away from him. The others laughed and heckled him, but Rhidian was only concerned for Mercer. Had he put too much attention on her? Maybe she didn't like... He got up, standing tall and following after his classmate.

"Oi, Merce. You alright?" He called out, giving her time to answer and tell him to fuck off or... something. "Hey, I'm sorry if I upset you Merce." He tried again, not so sure where the tall Initiate had run to.

Mercer Alwin
Mercer could hear him calling after her, more than once her name floating up the stairs behind her. She paused, one boot still hovering over the last stair. A sigh escaped her sullen lips as she turned around, heavy boots thumping down the wooden stairs.

She could see his confused face as she reached the bottom once more. Slow steps brought her before him, and she shook her head as she met his eyes with her steely grey ones. "I am sorry Rhidian, i shouldn't have left you like that. You didn't do anything to upset me." She wanted to tell him the truth, but it pained her to do so. She wanted to try having a friend, but she was worried about the cost.

Rhidian put a hand on the railing of the stairs, leaning his tall frame onto it as he looked up at Mercer, standing a few steps above him and towering. He didn't try to make himself taller, or coax her down the stairs. He merely listened to her, worried about her state of mind.

"You're right, Merce. Just... not used to a reaction like that. You right? The way you just got out from there..."

And there had been something in her eyes. It was unusual, something that made Rhidian want to check in with her. It wasn't there now, in her eyes.

Mercer Alwin
Mercer have never wanted to trust someone more than she did right now in this moment. Rhidian was a good man, a goofball, but there was something there, something that would grow into a leadership that knew no bounds. Men would fight and die for him one day. This wasn't the first time she had heard, or even crossed paths with him, though she doubted he would remember. The brats of soldiers, learning at their father's heels.

She looked past him and at the packed dining room, the men that chattered and boasted, the quiet ones that reminisced. Slowly returning her softened grey eyes to his. "Why don't we grab a bottle and find a quiet spot. I'll explain everything."

  • Gasp
Reactions: Rhidian
He could see something shift in her demeanour, and heard it again in her voice.

"Come on then. I can swipe a bottle from the barkeep and we can sit outside." No one was outside seeing as it was freezing out.

No one batted an eye as he swiped a bottle of wine, motioning to Mercer to follow him out.

Mercer Alwin
Mercer followed him with no objection. She had never spoken of what she lived with, and the only ones that had seen it for themselves..well she wasn't exactly friends with Thraah, and she hadn't seen Zephyrine since.

Once outside, she let the breath she held escape in a sigh. The air was cold, but not unbearable as she looked for a place to perch.

"I'm sure you can tell, I don't really have friends, or anyone to talk to really. I hope you don't mind a little soul baring."

  • Bless
Reactions: Rhidian
Rhidian handed her the bottle of whiskey, offering a solemn smile. "I don't mind." He was no great problem solver, but he was good at listening. He grew up on it, listening to the plights of his mother and father, and then the woes of his sister. But they never expected Rhidian to fix their problems.

"I... might hug you, but I find that even just once, it helps relieve some weight off your shoulders." He grinned.

Mercer Alwin
Mercer was grateful for his company, he was a soldier like her. He got it. She knew she could trust him. Though he did mention hugging. She shook her head, giving him the hint of a smile. "I'll have to hit you of you hug me, can't lose my reputation after all."

She did take the bottle though, a generous swig sliding down her throat. She stood there for a moment quietly, heaving a sigh into the cold air. "There is no easy way to say this, and you'll probably think I'm nuts." Another swig burned her throat before she passed the bottle. "I'm possessed by a demon." She tilted her chin up, eyes focused on the sky, waiting to see just how he would interpret that.

Rhidian, to his credit, did not react straight away. He took the bottle and exhaled, stewing over her words. "Not nuts." He declared, taking a swig and grimacing.

"There are stories from the Savannah about spirits taking control of something. The less of life a body holds, the less influence they have in their possession... but it's the stronger spirits, the ones that left this world well before their time, they want to live again. They find the strongest soul to eat, taking the body for themselves..."

Stories he had heard growing up, and his mother wanted him to remain in bed, or simply behave lest the spirits come to find him and punish his misbehaviours.

"So... a demon... do you remember how this came to pass? Have you... tried to be rid of it?" He knew not how to figure all this out, but asking her questions would help. Perhaps one day, he could help his sister-in-arms.

Mercer Alwin
Mercer was quiet while he chewed on what she had so easily spoken aloud. She had to give him credit for that, keeping himself collected like that. A skeptical look met him as he declared her to not be crazy. If she had said that to anyone else without them seeing the demon in question, well they would say the opposite.

What he was explaining, it was similar to what she was experiencing. She was afraid that she would lose her internal battle, be lost to the horror that claimed her.

It seemed that he was trying to help, that he desired to help. She felt her shoulders cave, a relieved sigh slipping from her lips. He was seeing her relax, a sight no other had ever witnessed.

"It was my own doing. I was a child, a very stupid child. My mother was an avid collector of books on magic and the unknown. She had her own place in the library that us children were kept from." She stopped for a moment, collecting herself.

"I was old enough to know the books had great magic, young enough to mishandle them. I had a little brother, Remy. He was the sweetest little babe, big rosy cheeks, dark curly hair with the bright blue eyes. I adored him. He wasn't even a year old. My mother had asked me to take him to play by the mill while she discussed ledgers of shipments to send into the city." A very long pause stopped her, but boldly she carried on.

"He fell in the mill pond, I was too little to grab him. I wasn't strong enough. He got caught under the wheel...I lost my brother and it was my own fault for not being more careful." A sliver of a tear rolled down her cheek to swiftly be wiped away. "I tried to bring him back, made a deal with the demon. Remy came back alright, but he wasn't Remy. I killed my brother twice in the same day."

Mercer grew stiff, the wall she had built over the years had become impenetrable again. Steel in her eyes, and over her heart. "I don't think I can be rid of him. My consequences are dire, as they should be."

  • Cry
Reactions: Rhidian
Rhidian could not help the look of horror come across his face, hearing the unfortunate circumstance that happened to Mercer and her baby brother. He ran a hand down his face, exhaling heavily as Mercer continued and left him reeling.

"Well..." He sighed, trying to find the right words, but none felt right on his tongue. "Fuck."

He now glanced up at her, weighing his options about hugging her and taking the hit she threatened to give him.

"Merc, you've had to keep this to yourself for so long?" He frowned, feeling for his classmate. "Fuck, I can't imagine it..."

He offered her the bottle again, grimacing. Rhidian couldn't bring himself to ask whether or not she had tried to get rid of the demon in the past...

Mercer Alwin
Mercer was absolutely not one to bare her soul, but she thought that Rhidian was trustworthy. A friend, hopefully. She hadn't connected with anyone else, in fact, most others actively avoided her. It was her own fault, she wanted to keep them safe. Safety was being far away from her.

"Yeah, I've never told anyone. I'm not the most easy to get along with, so it's not like talking about myself comes about often." She chuckled softly, taking the bottle at his offering of it.

She took a deep drink, relishing in the burn it made as it traveled down her throat. She pulled the bottle from her lips and sighed. "I appreciate you listening. What you saw me react to inside, the demon feeds me hurtful things. Tries to break me down and ruin everything good in my life. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me."

  • Cry
Reactions: Rhidian
Rhidian shook his head. "Somewhere... someone will know how to help you in this plight. I want to help you... but fuck, I didn't expect a demon in you." What could he do against one?

He gave her a brave smile, softening his face a little. "Thank you for telling me otherwise, Alwin. And hey, I am sure you can scrounge up a few people that will like you. You're cutthroat, that seems to be a winning quality for those training at the Academy." He chuckled, but it didn't last long. He did not want her to be suffering, but have a hope there was a way to fix this... If that was truly what she wanted.

"What's... the next step for you?"

Mercer Alwin
Mercer cleared her throat and shook her head to clear it. "Being able to talk about it with you has been enough. I appreciate you being willing to listen to my plight. I'm not trying to burden you with it." She took another burning gulp of the amber liquor, handing it back to Rhidian. She had decided after his reaction, that he was a friend, and despite their little interaction before now, a good one.

The tilted her head towards him, a grim smile on her face as he asked his question. "Fight like hell until I'm six feet under. I'm a soldier, I fight until I can no longer. I live as a soldier, and I'll die like one too." There was a gleam in her eyes, her teeth bared in a prideful grin. "If you're willing to deal with the danger of being my friend, I would be grateful for it."

  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Rhidian
Her words brought a smile to his face. "Hear, hear!" Words that would have made his family proud too, words he had said himself when he was just called Private Vaughn.

"Well, can't leave a sister behind. And I could do with more friends in the world, otherwise I am just stuck with Artesto." A cheeky smile curved, turned to shit eating grin. How much had he drank tonight? A question he would worry over later, after more had been consumed no doubt. Rhidian reached for the bottle and let things settle to a gentle quiet.

"Well, I don't know if I am going to sleep tonight knowing you have a demon inside you." It sounded funny now, perhaps even his drink allowed him to find the humour in it. "When we are back at the Academy, I will look into the books for you." Which was saying something. He was not one to read and listen, but Rhidian was dedicated when there was perfect reason.

Mercer Alwin