Private Tales Fated With Stranger Tides.

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Cutter Wright

More Time than he needs
Character Biography
East, he was heading east, that's about the only thing Cutter knew for a fact, well that his name and his age. The man had a nearly empty brown sack slung over his shoulder with what little fruit he could collect on the inside, A long sword was being carried in the other hand and his clothing was slightly dusted over. The smell of water filled his nostrils and the air felt heavy in his lungs and it left the taste of salt behind after every breath, even though he couldn't remember much Cutter knew this meant the sea was nearby.

Cutter made his way down the path he had found days before, the tree's providing shade from the setting sun which he was thoroughly enjoying. While Cutter was never really wasn't sure where he was going he had made a plan, originally it was going to follow the path till it ended, though as time passed that plan altered ever so slightly at first it was "follow the path" then it was "go till the tree's end" then it was "Walk till I hit the sea".

though at this point It felt like he had been walking aimlessly for his whole life... well that wasn't to far off from the truth, as far as Cutter was concerned his life had only started when he woke up three days prior, he wasn't even sure there was anything else to remember, but he was determined to find civilization, because just maybe, others could help explain who he was.

The dirt sifted under Cutter's foot as his weight buckle under the loose sediment, the man dropped to a knee and sighed

"At this point I may never find another person."

He looked at the trail, clearly other beings existed or no such trails would be present, a growling noise emanated from his stomach pulling himself back up the young man found a tree off the side of the trail and sat down pulling one of the last edible substances from his pack. While Cutter was Itching to find another person he couldn't help but want to sleep in a bed and have a decent meal, though he was much closer to civilization than he could possibly know.

Quellyn D'Araesia Isak Lavelle
From a distance a noise was audible. A small band of gypsies appeared, their horse-drawn wagon piled with wares, mostly crockery along with metal pans and pots. They appeared to be in high spirits, talking amongst themselves. In the midst of them, there was an elven maid with silvery tresses and a young face.

Quellyn's hand traced over the fine swirling designs on the silver dagger's sheath. Shards of cobalt blue were embedded in the design. Her father had given her the knife when she had left, and she had taken with her an assortment of herbs, a wooden flute, and her old trusty staff along with basic necessities such as a bedroll and food and a spongy flask made of a dried sumjum pod. The knife was dear to her, and she kept it safely hidden beneath her dull blue traveling cloak. In its hip sheath, she could easily access it in case a situation warranted self defense.

As the wagon rolled on, she carried a tune, her melodious voice flowing on the eddying breeze and reaching the ears of a lone traveler. She sung about sunlight on golden waters, the ancient tree Fal'Addareth, and the joys of being with family. It was a warm song bringing a comforting sensation to all who heard it. The gypsies with their earthenware were glad to have her with them, cheering them on with her vocal skill.
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The Outer City of Alliria was a bursting center of commerce, tourism and casual dealings at that time of day. The sun was set high in the sky, and with the waves of heat between the crowds as they pressed into each other to purchase their every day needs, one could assume it was midday.

Amongst the people, one man stood in particular, albeit unknown if it was due to his choice of attire to that warm weather or simply because he carried himself with such confidence and importance that prompted a few prying eyes towards him. Could also be because of the mumbling dwarf walking next to him, carrying two heavy leather bags.

"C'mon boss, you coulda just told me we'd be stealing some of that hag Reina's stuff in the first place!", claimed the dwarf, as Isak just kept his eyes in front of him, ignoring him for a few moments.

"Haste is the detriment of all endeavors. I thought you had learned that by now", the young man replied before taking a small rounded silver watch from his pocket, opening it with a tip of his finger.

It was almost time, he thought to himself. Soon, that business would be concluded and some coin could line up their pockets once again, something that Isak had dire need of.

After a quick trip to the docks, to steal some very valuable cargo that was stashed there in wait for one of Isak's rivals, they were now finally passing through the market square, and well on their way to one of Alliria's entrances. He was hoping to reach it in time, after losing a few minutes on a very unnecessary fight thanks to his dwarven partner that was still complaining about the weight of the bags and the sizzling sun above them.

Isak closed the watch and put it back inside one of his coat's pockets, his gloved hand swiftly passing through his hair in order to fix the mess it was. He just hoped there weren't any unpleasant surprises waiting for him at the finish line.
Orange juice flowed from the skin of the fruit and down into the stubble of Cutters face, preceded by the audible crunch of the ripe fruit. Something so basic, provided more energy than was needed, he couldn't help but wonder what miracles a full night of sleep would provide him with.

All of the more seldom things cutter had never "experienced" weren't unknown, he could imagine sleeping in a bed or eating cooked food, but the actually sensation was lost to was lost, he wasn't even sure why he could form those basic memories, perhaps "that" had something to do with it.

The rustle of trees and chirps of the birds provided a moment of relaxation. Pulling himself up he brushed the back of his coat off and stretched his back. Looking down the path Cutter only hoped he was close to the end, but as he was about to move the birds ceased their singing, a red hue covered the longsword, it flew of of the sheath and into his hand, dealing with wolves was a simple task, he had to just days before, but these were no wolves.

The rustle of the trees began to drown out, and instead were replaced with laughter and speaking, his eyes focused in on the caravan as he saw the people, who seemed like they couldn't be more carefree. A smile graced Cutters face as he sheathed the blade and took a breath, he then hung the scabbard sword and brown satchel over his back. Tired, hungry, and thirsty if it had come down to a fight, he wouldn't have been In the best shape to make it out like he had the other day. Instead of trouble he found a grace his only hope was that these souls would be kind enough direct him towards a town.
Soon enough, the caravan came to the lone traveler and the leader, a rusty-bearded man with a keen discerning eye raised his hand. They slowed and halted. "How goes it, good traveler?" he greeted him.

Quellyn's wagon jostled to a stop and she ceased her melodic strains to get a glimpse at what or who had stopped them. It was a human, and even at this distance she could make out the scar on his face. He seemed to be young but no longer a youth and had simple gear with him. He didn't look like he was prepared for a long journey, and she wondered from where he had come and to where he was going. To reassure herself, she touched the scabbard where her knife was kept. Although cautious, her caution was not without a tinge of curiosity.

"My name is Kieran. If you need a lift to the city of Alliria I'd be happy to let you join us. You wouldn't be the only one." Clearly Kieran did not view the traveler as a threat and was displaying a welcoming mien.
Isak stopped by one of the few remaining merchant stalls that were set near the Alliria's gates, where a man of simple clothing and youthful appearance had his arms folded, as if waiting for someone. The merchant wares were mostly fruit and vegetables, and the young businessman calmly passed his hand by a few apples, taking in their sweet smell.

A few other costumers arrived at the stall for their usual shopping just as Isak distanced himself, walking towards the strange man nearby.

"Who are you? I was expecting a woman by the name of Reina", asked him as Isak approached, reaching for something in his pockets. A small pouch filled with coins was thrown towards the man, who swiftly grabbed it mid air.

"Change of plans. You're not in Reina's pocket anymore", Isak replied, stoic. "You will get the city watch away while I look for a way to move the cargo.

The man counted the coins as Isak talked, his eyes glittering with gold. He was a runner for the people who had struck the deal with Isak about the stolen cargo, one of those kids that get their hands dirty in all kinds of shady dealings in the city so they could get a few pieces of bread at night. He reminded Isak of himself.

Isak checked his watch again. It was almost time, which meant that Ogden must've been already in position with the cargo a few blocks from there, waiting for Isak to move on with their plan.

But the hard part was still left unfinished. He needed a way to get the cargo out of town. Luckily, it was a busy day in Alliria.

Isak nodded to the man, prompting him to run towards the back alleys while he continued on the main street towards Alliria's entrance, bidding his time and concocting something to make his plan work.
Taking a few steps to the side as to let the horses pull past, he was finally able to see the rest of the caravan that wasn't as visible as the lead, it was a bigger group than he anticipated, that was reassuring seeing so many other people. As The older gentleman beckoned to him, it was as clear as day the language he spoke was the same a weight lifted off Cutters shoulders. The voice of someone else was like cool water on a hot summer day and almost therapeutic to hear.

"I'm doing alright so far, thank you for inquiring"

Cutter was holding back a smile His eyes moved down the rows, people just like him seemed to line them, Human, and he distinctively knew that, but then there was the odd one out, His eyes hung on the girl who looked unlike himself She was clearly an Elf... once again with how little he remembered Cutter found himself able to recall words that had such meaning behind them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Kieran, I go by Cutter and I'd greatly appreciate the ride and company" He was still looking towards the caravan once again most of the wagons were full and he was unsure he'd be let along even if the old man did offer him a spot "But I don't want to intrude of course, only if there's a place for me amongst the others" Though from the general mood he wasn't too worried about someone minding.
A wide smile bled over Kieran's face. "Then please join us, we have more than enough room." There was a moment as Cutter looked for a place. Quellyn decided to sate her curiosity and waved with a friendly grin on her face. Once he came over her owl-hawk Farrou landed almost protectively on her shoulder and gave a sharp piercing cry. It seemed to eye him speculatively.

"Greetings, my name is Quellyn. It's lovely to have you with us," she said. She then turned to her familiar who held a dead mouse in its hooked beak and was proffering the rodent. "Oh, you found a meal. I don't need it, you can have it." As the raptor scarfed down its prey, Quellyn stroked his head a bit absentmindedly.

"Where did you come from, if you don't mind my asking."
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Isak walked the streets with purpose carrying each step, throwing quick glances at every alley, and at every person who walked past him. He liked to be always mindful of what was going on around him, his head always filled with plans and schemes.

From distance, he recognized a couple of Reina's own mercenaries as they scoured through the district. He suspected the job wouldn't be easy after discovering the people involved, but he never turned down the opportunity to gain leverage on his opponents.

They were all pawns in the city's own games in the end, Isak just happened to be one of the smartest.

He took a small detour through one of the side alleys, filled with mud and bits of wasted food thrown out. For all its splendor, Alliria had a more sinister and ugly side, the one that didn't show the great merchant squares or the exotic decorations of the Inner City and its noble districts.

Eventually, Isak located his dwarven partner, resting against the side of a abandoned house with two bags beside him. He didn't bother to open them or even asked what lied inside when he was in talks with the men who would pay him, but now he was starting to grow itchy about that whole situation. Curiosity has always been one of his many flaws.

"If I was an enemy, you'd be dead by now", said Isak, startling the dwarf who was taking a nap while on his feet. "Good to know you're always alert, Ogden."

"Sorry, boss! Just a bit tired from all this carrying around, 'tis all!", the dwarf replied, sweat now slowly dripping from his face, worried.

"It's fine, we'll still be waiting for some time. When the night starts to fall, we'll make our move", Isak said while looking at his watch again.
After Kieran beckoned that he simply choose a place, Cutter walked the lengths of carriage eyeing one more toward the back as to not take up anyone’s privacy, but before he was able to proceed any further the Elf leaned in his direction waiving her hand enthusiastically, He was pleased someone was welcoming him.

“Cutter... It’s a pleasure to meet you Quellyn, and thank you for the hospitality” Nearly loosing his grip on the wagon as the bird of prey unexpectedly landed on the girls shoulders. “And hello to you too” Climbing the rest of his way into the carriage and taking a breath as he finally got off his feet. He couldn't help but stare for the first few seconds, It wasn't her pointy ears or moonlight skin, but the Silver in her hair

Snapping back to reality Her question hung in his mind.. the first response came to him as a guttural voice the hitchhiker rang out in his head, the words Underworld, Death, and Hell jumbled together as one in his mind, but any of those as a response would probably get him kicked out, and at this point he wasn't sure if the words were truth.

But simply not responding wasn't a good idea either, and there was no point in lying, so he simply decided to withhold information.

"Funny enough I don't quite remember, I woke up several day's ago in the middle of a field with no memory of who I was except my name, and no belongings except this sword, rucksack and clothing on my back. I' good and lost"

moving his hands up in a care free gesture Cutter then started taking off the coat he had in jammed it in his ruck, then used it as a cushion.
Quellyn didn't mind his stare, merely wondering whether he had seen an elf before. As he answered her question after a short pause, she thought that there was something odd about him but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. After hearing his answer, her curiosity was stirred up even more.

The surprise must have shown on her face, but she regained her composure. "That is certainly strange. I've never met someone who had that happen to them," she commented. "You must be feeling disoriented." This new bit of information made him infinitesimally more interesting. "So, you are a swordsman?" she asked. It would only make sense that he did since he carried a sword. She wanted to know moreso how good he was at it as it might give a clue as to who he was.
Night had started to gather. The streets were running empty, merchants were closing their stores and guards started their patrols to make sure that everything was in order, with no thief lurking in search of a window to grab hold of a few wares and run. No thief, except for Isak and Ogden.

Isak hated being called a thief, it felt like something so low. Of course he liked to dress up like a nobleman, full of elegance to pry attention from the common eye, even though he was nothing but a man searching for his fortunes in the deep underground world that was filled with crime and blood, in the heart of that city.

He called himself a businessman, but only a few people knew exactly what kind of business was ran by him. A sophisticated facade.

The Raven Club was almost fully restored, filled with people emptying their pockets and bringing profit to him, but Isak knew that his dreams were still laying far ahead of it. Life was too big and so full of opportunities, he couldn't possibly live the calm life of a simple businessman, taking care of day-to-day commerce and hoping that the richer families don't take away all his money, calling it taxes.

This job could be a start, maybe of something that will take him towards more ambitious schemes.

A patrol of the City Guard went past the street, their torches almost illuminating the short alley enough to reveal Isak, Ogden and their cargo. He was a man of patience, but sitting on his hands in situations like these were almost dangerous enough to drive him towards the edge of recklessness.

Still, he bid his time. Isak clutched his pocket watch yet again, opening it and checking the pointers, still waiting for the signal.
Quellyn's reactions were various but it kept with the same theme he currently had, curiosity. Cutter looked out the side of a carriage as passed a small cot, and in the background he could hear someone mentioning something about Alliria, Cutter gathered they were closer than he had realized.

His attention was brought back towards his traveling companion as she proceeded to ask away, as serious an issue Cutter was experiencing he oddly enough couldn't be more grounded in reality. Everything he heard and saw was new to him, but at the same time was all recognizable.

"Well, I'm not sure disoriented is the right word. For instance I've never laid eyes on one of your people and I've never even heard the word Elf, but when I look at you I know that's what you are Elf. that maybe hard to understand, hell, It's hard to explain. I'm hoping I can find someone in the city who could help me"

That was the truth, there was no good way to explain the exact feeling he had, after all why would he know somethings and at the same time nothing at all. Her next question however was much easier to answer, raising His sword slightly its rose bud pommel caught the light through the canopy, that was another thing he remembered and knew for a fact, that sword was his.

"Yes I believe I was... or am. When I awoke it was grasped in my hand, and after my run in with the goblins, I can say I'm at least a bit proficient in using it."

Letting the sword fall back into his lap before noticing that the amount of cots were increasing in frequency. Cutter was hoping they were getting closer, he had never seen a city let alone a town before and this was piquing his interest.
Quellyn tilted her head slightly. Her partner in conversation was becoming more and more interesting. She decided to probe a bit. "How will you know when you've found that person? Are you looking for anyone in particular? Or someone with a particular skill set?"

She smiled at his answer to the second question. That was good news. "I wonder... we have only just met, but I would like to accompany you if that's alright." she suggested shyly. "I am new to this city as well. These gypsies will be going to market and setting up their wares. But we could try finding someone who could help." She hoped that she wasn't coming off as too pushy or clingy.

As the city drew closer, it was clear that this was no common ton. Stone and iron giants towered above them as they entered the city gates. The soldiers at the gate asked for the gypsies' papers and Kieran happily provided them with the official documents, seal and all. The gatekeepers barely glanced at Cutter and the elf, but they were not as lucky with the townspeople. A few glanced over. They did rather stick out dressed in contrast to the gypsies' colorful but handspun garb.
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Isak knew it was time to move on with his plan as soon as the garrison guards started their procedures to allow the arrivals of travelling merchant carts. He knew it was part of the city's security detail to have any large arrivals through that entrance, being close to the markets and to the heart of the Outer City, which made it easier to blend in and use one of those caravans as a moving hiding place for the stolen cargo.

And once they left the city after their business were complete, he would have his reward and the hassle to take it beyond the city's walls would no longer be his.

The young man glanced over at one of the arriving groups in one of the larger caravans, being stopped by a few guards while they checked their papers. One person had stood out in the middle of that seemingly ordinary group, hair white as snow and skin glowing at the torches' reflection. The man beside her carried a sword, probably a mercenary.

Isak looked at Ogden and gave him a quick nod, and the dwarf left the alley in a hurry, carrying the cargo as if they were sacks of grains.

The plan was simple, sort of. Blend in with the crowd, looking like a merchant unloading one of the carts, and hide the stolen cargo in one of them.

Isak went the other way, passing through some of the guards just as they finished checking that group's papers, letting them cross the gates with a few crossed looks. But Isak wasn't able to get too close to the caravan, to help Ogden.

A few screams coming from the markets alerted the guards, who stood with their weapons at the ready. A swarm of mercenaries came from some of the alleyways, knocking people of their way. From afar, a heavily armored woman led the charge - Reina.

"Get my cargo! Kill all the guards if you have to, we're leaving this damned city with my money!" She screamed at the mercenaries.

Isak looked over at Ogden who was nearly at the back of the caravan, signaling him to run away. He stood just a few paces from the white haired woman and her companion, looking at them with that look of his that gave away that he was already forming up a plan on his mind.

A very risky one, but it could probably save his life.
"I'm not really sure whom I'm looking for, possibly a healer or a magician to help make sense of my condition, or least see if they're capable to assist with my memories." The shy tone she took was definitely noticeable, but still hidden under that was the boldness to ask. Honestly he was shocked by the question, but was adamite none the less.

"Honestly Quellyn I could use the company. While your new here, you without a doubt have more experience with the world, having you tag along would honest put me at ease about the unfamiliarity of it all And In return I imagine I'll definitely be of use to you in some way."

He was suddenly meet by the magnificent sight of the towering structures, the scent of the sea morphed as they passes through by it all coming to a halt at the city gate Cutter turned and watched as Kieran gave out the documents.

Pulling his ruck out from behind him, what seemed like ironic chaos ensued. Merc's beginning to chase away merchants, the gypsies cowering as the guards intercepted who they could, then the voice of a woman yelling, the word "Kill" came from her mouth and hung in Cutters mind, Danger.

One man approached from the opposite side, the sound of metal sliding against itself followed by the lifeless guard hitting the floor. He then lunged up the carriage towards the two travel companions, Cutter swiftly lifted his leg and shot it downwards, the mercs face was met with a leather boot Cutter could felt the bone give under his foot as the man fell back hitting the ground and began to roll in agony.

"Quellyn are you alright?"

Turning his gaze, Cutter watched as another man who stuck out a bit waved his companion away and then stared right back in Cutters direction. This was starting to was turning into an eventful evening.
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The elven maiden smiled in relief. She had half expected for him to reject her offer outright, being strangers and all. Nevertheless, it seemed like they could be of mutual benefit to one another. Both were learning about the world. One had short range capabilities and the other excelled in long range combat. The survivalist part of her was calculating all this. Their biggest detriment was that neither had adequate knowledge of the city, or of the world for that matter.

Pandemonium suddenly broke out as an armored woman spewed violence. She quickly drew the carved knife, her fingers clumsy from fear. Cutter smashed his foot on one armed man's face with an ugly crunch.

She was shaken, but answered truthfully, "I'm alright." Deciding that Cutter probably had the short range targets covered, she put away her dagger and nocked her bow, aiming for non-lethal spots. The bowstring grew taut then released its tension. A mercenary cried out in pain as he sunk to one knee. She bit her lip, hating the sound of pain ringing out in the street now frothing with activity.
Isak hated when situations spiralled out of his control, as rare as that was. He always felt the need to stay on top of everything, to see if something would go wrong and how could he prevent that, or simply work his way around it.

Which is why he had a look of disgust on his face as he watched the small horde of mercenaries ravage the streets filled with merchant stalls on their way to the city's gates.

Reina was a new and yet troublesome competition of his. He knew the woman was ruthless and brutal, often employing brute force to get rid of her opponents and seizing control of their businesses with strength and blood. Only, Isak always preferred the most direct challenges.

He had been working on undermining her deals in Alliria for some time, knowing that she owned a small mercenary company that hailed all the way down south, far from Alliria.

The city's underground world of crime and bittersweet businesses was often messy and too erratic, where one could simply rise up from nothing to seize the most prestigious positions of power, but Isak thought that tactic was far too exposed.

Why paint a target that large on yourself when you can simply manuever your way to the top with a few handshakes and bribes? Reina was a easy piece of the puzzle to deal with, clad in her armor and always swinging her greataxe around, hoping to kill her way to fame and riches, which is why Isak found it so easy to lure her out in the open like that, using her own cargo.

He turned his attention to those two people from earlier, the man with the sword cutting down a couple of mercenaries who sought to surprise them with a quick attack. He looked fairly competent in a fight, and Isak already thought of a few angles to work on.

A roaring cry of anger was heard from behind Isak as one of the mercenaries charged towards him, and Isak barely got out of harm's way in time, drawing a knife from his coat and ramming it on the underside of his sword arm. With a smile on his face, the young man put his gloved hand on top of that mercenary's head, darkened flames coming out of his fingers that were covered by fine leather.

After a few seconds of screaming, the man fell down on his knees with his face all burned up, pieces of skin falling to the ground next to him. Quickly enough, Isak turned to the white haired woman and her protector who were only a few steps away from him.

"I suppose this wasn't the welcome you hoped to receive here in Alliria" He said with half a smirk on his lips, awfully calm about the chaos ensuing in the streets as the city guards now fought the mercenaries.

"We can use the alleyways to escape the fight. Leave it to the guards to deal with this trouble."
The sound of a bow being drawn, bodies dropping, and yelps of terror as Cutter slipped his sword into his beltline and threw on the coat.

Another foe drew close to the carriage and before he or Quellyn could react, the man in black had a death grip on the poor soul's head that soon produced a guttural flame. Violent as the situation was, Cutter almost felt at home in this situation, everything was planned out in his head and he was prepared to slaughter the whole group if need be.

"Honestly? At least it's lively. I'm Cutter it's nice to ma-"
Another man came running in their direction, hoping off the carriage as his assailant reached him, sword in hand. Cutter simply sidestepped while grabbing the man's sword arm and snapped it back at the elbow before throwing the screaming man aside.

Then their new companion offered a way out, Cutter glanced back at Quellyn to see the look of discomfort, it was probably for the best they rid themselves of the situation.

"We'd best be off." making the offer to Quellyn while reaching into the carriage to grab his ruck, then turning back to Isak. "Lead the way."
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Even in the midst of the fray, Quellyn didn't miss the look of casual glee on the young man's face as he burned the mercenary to a crisp. His scream echoed in her mind and she didn't want to admit her reluctant relief when the sound finally ceased. The corpse's charred remains fell to the ground, limp and devoid of life.

Cutter's introduction was cut short. He took out another attacker before the other man offered an escape. That was good, but Quellyn still wasn't sure about trusting this new person. Nevertheless, they were in dire straits and help from anyone was welcome. At least it would take her from the spray of blood and cracking bones, so she didn't protest as she allowed Cutter to go in front of her following the new arrival.
Isak didn't look up once he started bolting towards one of the alleyways, leading the group away from the fighting. The clash of swords and smell of fire grew distant with each step they took into the darkness of those narrow walls.

Eventually, the trio reached a small and empty square, with a water fountain in the middle. It was supposed to be a quiet place of gathering and conversation, but with the chaos happening just a few blocks from them, people had probably run away towards their homes.

It was late in the night too.

Isak slowed down his steps, eventually coming to a halt. He put a finger over his lips, a silent warning to the two people accompanying him. He felt a presence nearby, approaching slowly and probably with the intent to kill them. Maybe one of Reina's goons, slipping from the fight to pursue and cut them down.

That was when Ogden, Isak's trusted dwarven partner, appeared from the shadows, breathing heavily and with dirt all over his clothes. Isak let his lungs catch air, sighing in relief.

He put himself back together, putting on his usual smug while walking towards the dwarf.

"Did anyone follow you?" he asked, bluntly. When Ogden waved his head in denial, Isak continued. "And what of the cargo?"

"Sorry, boss. Had a few guards after meself, it was either leave the cargo or live in jail."

Perfect. The pieces were starting to fall in place now.

Isak's lips turned into a smirk as he walked by the dwarf, patting his shoulders with his gloved hand. Ogden looked every bit surprised by the young man's confidence.

"But boss, and what of our money? With the guards holding that cargo, It'll be sodding impossible to finish the job!"

He stopped, turning back to face the white haired woman and the man next to her. Isak was not a man to trust anything but the cold feeling of coins on his hands, but he was in need of help to move forward with his plans, and he realized that he had little choice but to hope those two would come along with his scheming.

"Hardly, Ogden. Now, the real plan will begin" Isak said, his gaze moving from Ogden as he walked towards the two. "I apologize for the... incovenience back there. Alliria's streets aren't really safe at night."

He'd hoped they would be open to hear what he'd have to say, now that the dust had settled a bit, and after they were all properly introduced.

"You can call me Isak. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
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Reactions: Quellyn D'Araesia
They were off Cutter sprinting behind their new guide. The group seemed to slip out of the melee with relative ease, Cutter quickly glanced over Quellyn to make sure pursuers could be dealt with. After what seemed like mere seconds, the group found themselves in a small area with peaceful fixtures and vendor stalls entirely devoid of life. Collectively they came to a stop as the leader hushed them.


Gripping the handle of his blade, he waited till a small man approached and began talking to the one in black, seeming acquainted at the least gave him cause to relax his hold.

Cutter began catching whispers from the conversation, he had his suspicions but the two confirmed it. Cutter knew where the conversation was going before it even reached that point and while he was grateful for the help, making trouble with the law left him uneasy.

Untrustworthy. It had been right so far and this was no exception. Their new companion didn't owe them a thing and was capable of taking care of himself. At this point Cutter wasn't sure following him out of the carnage was any better than saying inside.

Wandering his way closer to Quellyn, Cutter quickly leaning to her. "I don't like where this is heading." Then the man spoke again.

"A pleasure to meet you Isak" Cutter ignored the semantics, trouble was no issue. Cutter was curious about what the man had planed, while he didn't want trouble, his sword was the only thing of value and if it involved currency he would be somewhat interested.
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Their time in Alliria, as grand and gorgeous as it is, had been eventful and not in a good way. So Quellyn was predictably tense when a figure approached them and resolved into a dwarven form. He was smudged with dirt--from a recent brawl or escape?--and seemed to be alone. Yes. There didn't appear to be anyone else in the vicinity.

The dwarf said something about cargo and jail and the elf maiden pieced together that whoever this pair was, what they were on about wasn't exactly legal. What on earth were they being pulled into?

Cutter approached and uttered the thought in her mind. "Me neither," she replied. To Isak, she said merely, "Thank you for getting us out of there. Unfortunately, I can't say whether meeting you is indeed a pleasure. As for safety, I'm not really sure what happened back there..." Most notably, neither one of them had given their names to the dark-haired man. He certainly gave off a vibe that made Quellyn uncomfortable. What kind of business was he involved in, she could only guess.

She wasn't sure why they had been attacked. Were they simply caught up in the violence? Or had the gypsies been a target? And if they were a target, why? As of now, there were more questions than answers. At least the two of them had already determined to part ways with the caravan sooner rather than later. The disruption had simply moved up the timeline for their farewell, if it could even be called that. Quellyn wished that they could have parted during more peaceful circumstances but Kieran would probably understand their inclination to departing the scene of violence and finding safety.
Isak loved the feeling of having everything going well, according to his schemes. It was when he felt in control, aware of how every little situation could draw itself out, what kind of complications he could be dealing it - that was when he was at ease and comfortable with his plans.

Reina had took the bait, she had exposed herself to the whole city, and especially to the city guard. She had started a little warfare of her own with Alliria's forces and all it took was for Isak to steal a cargo which was meant for her to deliver and take the money.

Now, the cargo wasn't in his possession anymore, but it only made it all sweeter. He could have the cargo 'safely stashed away' by the city guard while he lay low, waiting for the moment to strike against Reina again.

He had no doubts that the mercenary woman had battled her way out of that mess in the gates just moments ago, the guards would never be able to take her so easily. And he knew the Merchants Guild would probably be worried sick that their business had been compromised, their precious investment now laying around in whatever place the guards had kept the cargo taken from Ogden.

All he had to do now was to figure out where it was, lead Reina back to it and kill two birds with one stone. A simple task, but Isak couldn't do it alone.

His mind wandered back to the two people in front of him now as they resumed their introductions. He could come up with a lie to bring them to his side, but he felt the cold truth would serve better for them.

"I'm afraid we're all involved into somewhat of a bad business deal." He said with a smirk on his lips, looking over at the white haired woman. "Guards and mercenaries will be on the lookout for whoever witnessed the mess back there."

Isak wasn't lying, and he'd knew there would be no shortage of cutthroats hanging around the streets of the Outer City just waiting for an opportunity. Reina knew his face from meetings they had in the past, and everyone had seen Cutter killing a couple of mercenaries, if only in self defense. No doubt they wouldn't care for the woman's safety either.

"I have an offer for the both of you."
Unsure of the angle the man would take to get their assistance Cutter finally understood what happened. He and Quellyn simply got caught up in the middle of a business transaction with warring clans and crime lords. It was also about now that Cutter started regretting his decision to follow Isak, slaughtering mercenaries would have been less trouble.

What could he say... no? Cutter could care for himself, but the only person he could even call an acquaintance was in the same situation, and if helping Isak could rid the two of troubles easier that may be the best choice.

"I'll hear you out on one condition. If Quellyn Isn't interested then neither am I."

He didn't enjoy putting Quellyn on the spot, but she was best suited to make the final decision. In the end, he had no reason to refuse Isak.

This whole thing seemed to slowly get messier, with no way out. Killing a crime lord would be more trouble than it was worth, and with how well Isak's plan back at the gates could have gone, Cutter was almost positive that Isak had at least some of the guards on the payroll.


It was right, the best course of action currently was to see what Isak was actually asking of them.
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