Gerblin's Storage (Inspired by Die)


A Chronicler of All Time
Key: Name-Race-Power-Personality One-Liner-Faction

Active Chars:

Verminn - Human - Control over Rats - Cool and Calm Thief with Tiny Friends he provides for. - Empire


Nacht - Very Human Undead - Control over Shadow and Dark - Normally happy teen who wants to make friends, very scary fighter, has a dumb but cute cat. - Anathaeum (If anyone comes and helps him in my thread) None (Right Now) Hoping to be active with this Character!
Sera and Junk - Human - Control over Light and Materials - Cult Escapees who were taken in to be trained - Dreadlords
Raz - Human - College Magic - Stressed out student who has no idea how to fight. - Elbion College
Jel - Tiefling - Imp Familiar, Thief Magic - Demon content with living peacefully and running his traveling shop - Chronicler