Private Tales Hag's Head Intrusion

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Leandra paused as Gella spoke, a leather boot clutched in her hand. She turned to face him, her own face a mixture of emotion, mostly landing on confused. She stood staring at him for a moment before letting the boot clunk mutely to the floor. She sat on the edge of the bed, turning her neck to respond, finally meeting his quiet gaze.

"I guess I had just assumed you wouldn't want me to stay, that you'd had your drunken fun and that was that." Lea sighed softly, pulling her legs up and sliding to sit closer to him. "I guess I was afraid of not knowing what you want, or how you really feel, or how you'd react. You're still a mystery to me. I didn't think you'd still want me."

She was embarrassed by the admission, hiding her face behind a blonde curtain of hair, obscuring herself from the eyes of the man that had started giving her butterflies. "I didn't need to go. I just thought that maybe you didn't want me here." There was a slight hitch in her voice, but she buried it quickly in silence. She had never been in a position like this, and certainly had never experienced anything close to what she had then night before.

Gella Rerra
Leandra certainly wasn't the only one confused. Even as Gella sat against the headboard, he wore a puzzled expression, though he almost seemed more confused by his own actions and words than by hers. In truth, he'd expected to feel exactly as she described. Once the alcohol had left his system, he'd been certain that whatever that aching need he'd felt for her was would just... go away.

But looking at her now, still half-dressed and disheveled from the night before, the morning sun leaking through his windows and making her skin shine to the point it almost seemed to glow... it didn't go away. He still wanted her, and that was perhaps the most terrifying part of it all.

"What I said last night, that I don't know what I want..." Gella's gaze lowered to the bed, to his hand as it slid across the sheets like a serpent in the grass. "It's still true, but..." Slowly, Rerra took her hand in his, letting his digits interlock with hers as he closed his bloodshot eyes and took in a deep breath to center his thoughts. "I have a hunch."

With a sudden strength, Gella pulls Leandra back on top of him, wrapping his other arm around her head and pulling her face down to his own, locking her in a kiss. There was no drunkenness this time, no cocktail of emotions driving his actions. The fervor of this moment was his own, the way his hands traveled across her back intentional and decisive.

Gella would pull back, breathing lowly in a voice not unlike the one he'd used to command her in the past.

"I want to do it again. Sober, this time. I have to be sure."

Leandra Marin
Leandra was still imagining his slumbering face as she gazed at the man beside her. He had looked so peaceful, vulnerable. It had made her heart tender towards him, and despite how she had initially acted, she wanted more of that. She was wary of being hurt; she had been any other time she had followed her heart. She couldn't help but gravitate towards his chaos though, she knew there was more to him than he had presented, there had to be.

She watched his hand slither across the covers, his fingers interlocking with hers. She looked down at their hands, unable to help the small smile at the bit of intimacy he had given by taking her hand. As she raised her eyes to acknowledge his words, he surprised her with his sudden speed and strength.

Whatever she was going to say was lost in the gasp that left her lips as he pulled her on top of him. Her hair fell around them, a golden veil as he pulled her into a kiss. She closed her eyes, melting to the touch of his fingers on her skin. She couldn't help the small whimper that left her as he pulled away, internally beating herself up for allowing it. Breathless and flushed, she looked down at the man that held her, studied every line on his face before pressing her lips to his delicately. She pulled away, murmuring softly as she pressed her cheek to his. "Here I am Gella."

Gella Rerra
For the first time since he'd formed the Emeralds, Gella would miss the morning breakfast meeting downstairs. The puzzlement of those serving him as they looked between one another for some answer as to where he'd gone was lost to him-- The only concern that Rerra had now was the naked woman that straddled him, all of the heat she'd brought to his body the previous night flooding his veins once more with the return of her lips to his.

He couldn't figure out what it was about Leandra that caused him to drop any and all inhibitions, that rendered the defenses he'd built up so carefully around himself totally useless. The moment that she was atop him, the moment her bare flesh pressed so exquisitely against his own, any attempt he made to retreat back into the shell that she'd dragged him kicking and screaming out of was quashed.

She had him, for as long as she wanted him.

"I feel you." The half-elf muttered back to her, his lips grazing her ear. "But I want to feel more."

Any concern that the rest of the group would suspect the two of them of being lovers was long discarded. Now, there's no way they wouldn't know. The way that Marin called his name, the way her moans would echo down the narrow stairwell leading down from Gella's room, everybody would understand. After this morning, Leandra would not be tested or provoked by any Emerald, even Oalrig himself. To mess with the Boss's right hand was one thing.

To mess with his girl? A death wish.

Leandra Marin
Time seemed to pass deliciously slow as Leandra continued to occupy Gella's bed for the remainder of the morning. She soaked in every minute of pleasure that she received, enjoying the sounds he made when she gave it back. The time would come though, that they needed respite from the exercises that left her panting between the sheets.

She lay back, arm thrown over her eyes as she collected herself. Her chest still heaving, as sweat clung to her radiant skin. After a few moments, she mustered the strength she had to speak to the man she found she truly was falling for. "Are you sure now?" She laughed softly, groaning at the exertion of it.

She wanted to nestle against him, but it took too much effort to move at this point. She could also feel the aches of hunger begin to gnaw at her. They should get up, address the day. Still, she craved his attentions, the only time she'd seen such tenderness from him was spending time with him in bed. She wasn't trying to give that up just yet.

Gella Rerra
Perhaps there was some part of Gella who was still convinced that this was some dream borne of wine, or that it was an elaborate ruse to undermine him. It was difficult to root out such deep-seated paranoia, after all, especially when it was baked into his mind from such a young age. That being said, with every shared breath, every motion that brought them together, every meeting of their lips...

That paranoia shrank smaller and smaller.

When the time came to face the reality that awaited them downstairs, he was loathe to rise and dress. Even as he did retrieve a clean outfit for the day, he could not help but steal glances back at his recovering partner. To leave this room was a task more daunting than any crime he'd ever committed, and yet even Gella could not deny the hunger that rumbled in his gut, the thirst that parched at his lips.

"Are you ready?" He finally asked her. The initial plan was to descend without her, to temper the reactions of the Emeralds. In the last hour, he'd changed his mind. They would do this together. "Don't worry about them. I have your back."

Leandra Marin
Leandra sat up in bed as Gella finally roused himself from the comfort of his bed, her eyes following his every movement. Finally, she pulled herself from the covers, her naked skin pale in the filtering sunlight slipping through the curtains. She pulled her crumpled garments on, quietly stealing glances at Gella, allowing her cheeks to be colored in remembrance of their time spent together in bed.

There was concern for what would happen when they descended the stairs, but she was confidently relying on him to handle it. There wasn't much he would put up with, and she was certain he would make sure they left her alone. With a tight smile built on nerves, she looked to him and nodded slightly.

"As ready as I'll ever be I suppose. I'm not worried, I trust you." And she did, she found. He hadn't lied to her once. Erratic at times, but she had not found a lie from his lips yet. She stood slightly behind them, as they headed out of the room, their debut probably the talk of the Emeralds already.

Gella Rerra
Yet again, this woman found ways to worm her way under his skin like nobody before her. If they hadn't just indulged in each other for the better part of an hour, if the look on her face didn't still make his stomach feel lighter than air, it would have disgusted him how easily she did it.

"I trust you."

Gella couldn't remember the last time he'd been told that. Hell, he didn't remember if he'd ever been told that. From his perspective, he'd done little to earn anything in the way of trust. He'd had his chief musclehead beat her into submission, tied her up until she agreed to work for him, used her for free booze, then drunkenly fucked her on a sheer whim.

But she meant what she said, and the fact that Rerra knew how much she meant it was almost as terrifying to him. He turned his head away, took a deep breath in, and tried his best to swallow the feelings in his throat, so foreign and unusual they nearly made him nauseous. No, he couldn't appear shaken to his men. They'd turn on him, prey on him.

Without another word, he reached over to take her by her arm, and led her down the steps to the bar.

Every pair of eyes in the room immediately set upon them as they descended, every conversation stopped and every drink hit the table. The Emeralds were many, and not all of them had lingered in the bar, but it was more crowded than usual; likely some had stuck around to see who accompanied Gella out of his room.

Despite the awkward situation, the fact that Gella was the leader, and a feared one at that, hadn't changed. Even now, none of them dared speak up. The half-elf felt his lip twitch in annoyance, and he clapped his hands loudly.

"Mind yourselves! I'm not paying you to stare at me! Finish unloading the wines before midday or I'll give you something to stare at!"

Leandra Marin
Gella was unreadable to her as he readied himself. She felt the urge to reassure herself by questioning him but stopped herself short. She didn't think the timing was appropriate, and the extra tension might be enough to irritate him into lashing out. She knew there was more under the surface, the reason why he behaved that way, and one day she hoped he would trust her enough to share his past. Then again, she hadn't exactly been open with her own.

Leandra did her best to tease the wrinkles from her garments and straighten her disheveled hair. It didn't matter, as soon as they went downstairs, everyone would know she fucked the devil that was Gella Rerra. There was a sense of pride that came with it though, she was proud to have been claimed by him. There was also fear, fear that he would turn on her. She couldn't worry about that now, and she hoped that with time that fear would go away too.

Gella took her arm, and she followed dutifully. No words passed between them as they stepped back into reality. All too quickly they were front and center to staring eyes. She could feel the heat on her cheeks as the dead silent staring contest continued. Finally, Gella cut the silence with the razor sharpness of his authority, putting his men back in place. As they resumed their conversations, she gently squeezed his wrist as she broke away from him to make for the bar. A drink and meal were needed by both, and she wanted him to remain free of acquiring it himself in case he had business to attend to.

Gella Rerra
Rerra didn't try to stop Leandra as she broke away, instead slinking into the comfortable, cushioned seat at the table reserved for the Emerald leadership in the upper-right corner of the room, slacking back against the padding of the chair and releasing all the air in his lungs at once. Who the hell knew that simply being could be so exhausting? He'd never let wandering eyes get under his skin before!

Well... okay, perhaps he had. But killing all of these Emeralds wasn't an option. Some were expendable, but even he had his limits.

A gruff hum drew his attention as Oalrig sat beside him in his own custom sized seat. As Gella's top enforcer, he'd earned a spot at this table too. There were two other chairs on the opposite end, but one looked as though it hadn't been in use for some time. Joia, his previous second-in-command, had been missing for several years now. Gella had liked her, almost as much as he liked Leandra. Out of respect, he'd refused to remove that seat.

"What do you want?" Gella groaned, rolling his head to look away from the burly Orc, who leaned forward on the table and stared at him with a stony gaze. "I don't wanna hear it, whatever it is. I'm an adult, I'll do what, and who I want." Gods, that sounded strange on his lips.

Oalrig scowled at the sass, his eyes shifting over to where Marin quickly worked to put together a pair of meals, presumably for she and Gella. Eventually, he merely shrugged his broad, brutish shoulders and shook his head.

"Don't care. Don't trust her, but don't care."

Gella snapped to attention, blinking in a mild show of surprise. It was rare for Olarig to talk, but even rarer he showed any level of approval for somebody. And apathy was most certainly approval by Oalrig's standards.

"Came to tell you, Old Man is back in town. Wants a meeting. Tonight."

Of course he does.

Leandra Marin