Quest History Will Not Remember This

Organization specific roleplay for governments, guilds, adventure groups, or anything similar

Zufar el Hassan

The Bane of Chains
Character Biography

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”
― Charles Dickens
It had been at least a day since the massive attack on the coronation ceremony, but even then, the entire city was still in somewhat of a chaotic state. Security had been tightened, but internally shifted away to the main palace, which was a good news for Zufar. Less people to sneak around in this instance.

Said captain was perched on one of the rectangular roofs, a spyglass in his hand. What was he looking at? The stronghold a few dozen meters ahead. If the captain's intel was right, the target whom he sought oughta still be imprisoned there. Given the madness recently, they wouldn't have moved him. Instead postponing whatever punishment he had coming and locking things down until things were stable again. Another lucky break in the process, that was for sure.

As Zufar observed the stronghold, a plan began to formulate. Zufar had circled the stronghold a couple of times, and was able to conclude that there were less people stationed there then the previous few days. Again, thanks to the coronation. It made getting in and out a bit easier, but it'll still take some leg work to get away cleaning. On top of all that, Zufar was unable to spot any of the jail ceils from the outside. This could of meant that they were kept within the buildings...but luckily, one of his trusted companions had already scouted the place. Most of the buildings were barracks to house the troops. This only meant one thing: The prisoners were being kept underground. Wasn't a far fetched idea, it would have been a secure place to keep them and hard for anyone to break in/out. Though harder did not immediately mean just meant that Zufar had to use a few more tricks then normal to keep out of immediate trouble.

Now or never, the Captain thought. Clasping his spyglass and returning it to it's position, Zufar lept off the side of the roof, landing on the structure's foundation before making a dash forward. Zufar was now leaping across the roof tops, moving forward towards the stronghold in a rapid advance, taking care to try to avoid any of the guards stationed on the roof tops.

A few meters before the captain was to reach the stronghold, he descended from the rooftop and into the ally, before depositing himself into the moving crowed. Had this been anywhere else, and people might have gawked at the stranger in his clothes. But Amol-Kalit was closer to his home then any other region upon this continent, so Zufar seemed nothing more then just another passerby. Which certainly worked for him. As the tide of the crowed shifted, so did Zufar with it, moving from one side of the street to another. Eventually, the captain would duck into another alleyway, sticking close to the shadows that cloaked the narrow passage way.

A moment later, two guards came into view. It was the rear entrance of the stronghold, a perfect place to slip into the compound. Had he tried to do this at night, they'd beef up the security. The two guards were talking to each other, so Zufar lowered himself towards the ground in order to minimize his profile. He'd have to wait for an opening...

"Did you see the palace?..." One of the guards spoke through his chain mail mask, which caused Zufar to smile. The captain had done more then see that day...

"Yes, my patrol passed by this..." The other guard replied, he seemed rather on edge about it. " was bad..."

"Dragons, liches, wizards, and the like...this is all madness! I tell you!"

"I agree...But what can we do about it? We're not exactly people high on the Sultan's preservation list. "

"...we could...leave..."

A moment of silence passed, as one of the guards tried to process what had been said.

"Watch your tongue..." A hiss came from one of the two, his voice having lowered. "...Have you gone mad? Talking about desertion, here of all places!?"

"Well what is the alternative? The new Sultan's attracting enemies like a moths to a flame! You saw the's above our pay-grade to deal with monstrosities like that, if we even survive!...Besides...he doesn't care about the grunts like us...the nobles have sold out...and his top ranking officials and bodyguards are all foreigners!...Treats his mercenaries better then us..."

"But is the risk worth it? You know the penalty for desertion..."

"What's the difference? We don't have long to live with him as Sultan...Besides... I know this much: I'm not dying for that overgrown hunk of rock...and I am not getting resurrected as a puppet..."

"Fates, you make it sound like it's the end of the world...even if we do leave...people will notice if some of us are gone..."

"Listen, no one is going to cry a river of tears over a couple of missing worst, they'll think it's an intruder..."

"And what do you propose we do once we do leave? Have you thought that far ahead?"

"I have, in fact...I hear up North there is a Lord recruiting people into his service. He doesn't ask questions, so as long as those whom serve are natives...and he grants favorable terms to those with experience..."

"I don't know..."

"We could be officers! And we won't have to do anything more then we do now...maybe even less...and we'll be getting out of the city before things get worse..." The guard almost exclaimed, glancing about haphazardly, before lowering his voice even further. " and some of the other lads will be posted on the Northern walls tonight...we're thinking about making a break through the tunnels...there's a merchant camp a few miles North of here where we can get transports...take the time to think about it, but be quick...we leave when the moon is all the way up...password is..."He cannot bind us"...remember it, because if you don't, we might have to kill you..."

"I...I-I'll think about it..." The other guard said, not seemingly sure about his words.

"Do what you need to...just remember, when the moon is up, we are leaving...and we're not waiting for anybody..."

The guard whom last spoke grunted, before turning about and wandering towards the edge of the compound walls, presumably to patrol the area. Meanwhile the other guard stood in place, seemingly a bit uneasy at the information presented.

Now this was some interesting information. Zufar thought. Seemed like the new Sultanate had his work cut out for him, he wasn't inspiring the most confidence among the rank and file. More importantly, a section of the wall would be a merchant camp? Might be a suitable option for the remaining leg of the getaway.

Still, that was a long ways off. For now, he'd have to focus on getting his target out of the stronghold first.

Pulling up his scarf to mask his face, Zufar reached over into his little pouch of goodies and retrieved what looked to be a tiny stone. In was a tiny little stone...which the captain threw with great force at the wall away from himself.

The pebble didn't do much, except bounce off the wall. But the movement a nice was enough to attract the stationary guard, whom turned around with a "huh?", taking a few steps to investigate. This was enough time for Zufar to quickly exit out of the alleyway, remaining low as he slipped past the guard. The captain was now in the compound.

Sticking close to the shadows, the Captain made his way up a small flight of stairs and into an open hallway, halting before a tall window. The man peered into the courtyard, observing a couple of more guards and soldiers going about their business. Not many of them seemed to be paying particular attention.

The noise of a door opening caused Zufar to shrink back a bit, but moment from bellow caught his attention; a set of guards exiting a doorway. The captain grinned, as he quickly leaped out the window, taking care to descend quietly downwards. Just as the last guard turned around, Zufar would reach ground, catching the door before it shut completely and slipped in...

It was the underground portion of the compound, which was lucky for Zufar. Now he needed to navigate these tunnels to find his target, a process easier said then done.

Zufar would descend upon the stairwell leading deeper into the tunnel, taking the time to peer over the corner for guards. Twice he encountered some patrols, taking the moment to slip into a barrel or box, allowing the patrol to pass-by. The man discovered store rooms and passed by guard posts...but eventually, he'd come up to a locked door with a small bar windowed.

Peering in, he was able to see a series of jailcells...and no guards. Lucky again.

The lock was easy enough to pick, as Zufar creaked the door open just enough for him to slip in. Closing the door behind him, before standing up stright. Brushing himself off, he'd abruptly make a 180 degree turn to face the cells, eyes scanned the room at the occupants of the cells...behind his mask...a knowing grin...
Abomination Faelyn Daestra
Contained deep in the darkness of the prison is The Abomination, a large, semi solid ooze monster able to disguise itself as other humans or creatures. A quite hard to capture monster.... but not impossible to capture. In this case, he's captured.

After being responsible for several deaths in a region, the creature was finally captured using powerful magic. Now, contained in a secure and magically sealed cell, the creature is trapped within the cell, waiting for an opportunity to escape into the sweet freedom.

They haven't tried to kill the Abomination yet, they want to keep him captured so they can study him, and potentially use him for further projects...
Whistling echoed down the hallway connecting several small jail cells, the tawdry tune coming from one of the closest cells to the locked hallway door. Inside the cell, a bare foot swing swing back and forth, ankle resting on bent knee. Yellow eyes stared at the dark ceiling above, gaze trailing the grout lines of the stones above.

Out of all the prison types, was it really necessary for the College of Elbion to throw her in an underground prison? Faelyn rolled her eyes. The mages were so overly dramatic. Just because she's managed to break through their walls, bypass their guards, and grab a few trinkets! Trinkets they weren't even using. She was simply going to put them to more...practical use. The elf sighed.

The guards had taken her cloak, her goods, her lock picks, her daggers, her jacket, her gloves, her boots, her hair adornments, her jewels, even her pants...she supposed she was lucky to keep her tunic and her underwear after all was said and done. They had to be locked up somewhere close by. If only she could get them back. She'd seen more than one of the guards eyeing her, evil in their eyes. Only the College's warning had seemed to give pause to their intentions: "Watch this one. She'll steal your own 'jewels' right out from under you." It was a shame - maybe she could still induce one of them into making a crucial, and foolish, mistake...

Pointed ears twitched at the sound of a soft click. She knew that sound. Jumping up from her very stiff and uncomfortable bed (why even bother providing one?), green feet lighted towards the door. Fingers gripped the bottom of the small, barred opening in the wooden door, pulling her onto her tip-toes.

"Hey," she whispered softly so as not to alert the other prisoners in their cells, poking a few green fingers between the bars and wiggling then at Zufar el Hassan, "You, in the mask, hey, over here."

"You lookin' for someone, love?"
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Zufar el Hassan
"You could say that...though I don't think he's here at the moment..." The masked Zufar placed his hands behind his back and sauntering casually up to the elf, though being mindful about keeping an arms length distance away. " didn't even know orcs existed in the region...least not the green ones..."

Whatever the elf did next, Zufar took the moment to give the cellblock another once over. The room had a number of cells lined up on each side, though only a few of the cages were occupied by anything. To his right was the "orc" standing in a cage closest to him, while on the other side was some sort of...Jar like device? That sat in the middle of the jailcell. Other then that, there was another individual laying unconscious in one of the other cells, while the remains of another prisoner was scattered through another.

His target was still no where in sight...but...a rather curious discovery, this cell was...why wouldn't they keep him with the other prisoners? Or rather, why were these prisoners kept separate?

"That jar has a story?...Or have they just run out of storage space?" Zufar asked, his gaze still fixated on the jar, before turning the gaze back onto the elf. "...While I'm on the about you? What did you get caught for?"
Abomination Faelyn Daestra
Yellow eyes blinked incredulously at the dark-haired human looking down at her on the other side of the barred opening. Orc?! How rude! She had half a mind to rebuke him. And why did all human males have to be so tall? It was so humiliating to be shorter than them.

"Ha ha," she replied sarcastically instead, rolling her eyes and withdrawing her fingers from between the bars. She was hoping to convince him to let her out, but after a remark like that...

She remained on her tip-toes, eyeing the human on the other side of the cell door. Muscular, fit, well-dressed and sun-soaked. He must be a sailor or a merchant, given his attire. Or a pirate. She doubted any reputable sailor or merchant would be breaking into a prison - nevermind this prison.

"Why don't you open the jar and find out?" she asked sweetly, batting her dark green eyelashes.

"Or, you could open this door and have me do it, so no harm befalls you - or that dashing outfit you're wearing."

Yellow eyes twinkled with mischief.

"What do you say?"

She tilted her head to the side, loose white hair falling behind her.

"Unless you're too threatened by me, of course," she added dramatically, as if she could, in fact, threaten him, half-naked and locked in a cell that never saw the light of day.
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The Abomination heard something outside.... something he dosnt hear usually when he spend days and nights contained in the cell. He could not get out unless someone from outside free him from the large, jar shaped cell.

A splash can be heard, then banging sounds, coming from the cell door. "Hey!" A voice said from within... "think you can help me out?"

The Abomination is in the form of an young, shirtless human male, with black eyes and a complete lack of hair. If the were to see the Abomination, they would mistake him as a regular human prisoner.
"Save your flatter for someone who cares..." Zufar mused, watching the elf's movements. This one had to be kept an eye on. Her movements, by design, were meant to distract from her true intent...a game that Zufar knew all too well. A chuckle would escape his throat, as the masked man threw his scarf over his shoulder. "...I already know I'm fabulous."

It was just then did Zufar's perked at the sound of a splashing noise, causing him to turn his gaze towards a jar. Rather curiously enough, the captain observed the sudden appearance of a...particular individual.

"Well, you see you don't..." The captain continued his musing, as he sauntered over to the Abomination's cage, leaning in to take a better look at the male. " where have you been all this time?...Let me guess, it has somthing to do with that jar..."

Zufar would take a moment to examine the human, even lifting a hand up to scratch his chin in contemplation. Rather curious of a fellow...but what was more curious, was the lock that kept him in...

"You know...neither of you really answered my question of why your in here to begin with...not that I can really do much...even if I wanted to..." The captain, glancing back over to the elf, before gazing upon the abomination...the thing that finally got his attention, however, was the lock keeping said Abomination in.

Zufar hovered a hand over the lock, watching curiously as the keyhole began to glow, followed by sparkles that coated the cell door. "...magical enchantment on the two really must of made someone mad to be thrown in here...they don't exactly waste this kind of space on any two-bit criminal..."

Looking up, first to the shirtless man then to the elf, the only thing that Zufar could do was give a rather casual shrug.

"If we're going to get either one of you anywhere...we're going to need the key..." It was then, one could hear the heavy footsteps of what can only be assumed as guards echoing from one of the entrances. Yet the noise only caused Zufar to grin. "...perhaps we may get the chance to swipe it..."

The captain stance changed almost in an instance, as he lifted a finger up to his masked mouth, indicating both of them to keep their silence. "Keep their eyes off of me...and we may just cut a deal about getting you lot out..."

Without another word, Zufar took a few quick steps towards the door. Sliding behind where the door would open, back pressed up against the wall and eyes on the look out.

Within the next moment, the door suddenly swung open to reveal two heavily armored guards, both with chainmail masks that revealed nothing but their eyes.

"Well look who's up!" One of them practically shouted into the room, a mixture of anguish and
"...the green bimbo and the freak...oh, I'm sorry, did we interrupt your conversation?"
The Abomination looked at the guard as they walked in, lacking any emotions in his eyes. His face seems like a marble statue, examining all those that comes across its vison,

"Well... aint you creepy?" one of thr guards said as he glared into the jar, looking at the Abomination. The guard would jeer at him followed by taunting. The Abomination however... had no reaction in his face, just the cold, marble statue like facical expression.

The second guard is standing behind the taunting guard, in his pocket, Zufar can see something, two keys tied to a keychain, one seems to ne a regular key, while the other seems to be coated by some kind of force... simillar to the jar. His back is turned, looking at the Abomination.

"How are we gonna do research on this creature if we cant even go near it..." the second guard asked.

"Not sure yet..." the first guard said. "last guy that put his hand into the jar.... he got his hand cut off..."
Faelyn rolled her yellow eyes. With vanity and confidence like that? Zufar el Hassan was definitely a pirate. A pirate an a con man, most likely.

She took a step back from the door, lowering her hands from the openings' small sill. She huffed and turned around, pressing her back against the door. She leaned her head back, resting the back of her skull against the door. He would be difficult to convince - the ones who knew the trade usually were. She sighed. She wanted out of the cell: it was boring. Nothing happened. There was no one to trick, nothing to steal. An besides all that, she really wanted a bath.

Her ears perked - was that the sound of splashing in the hallway?

She opened her mouth to complain that mages were simply just too sensitive and dramatic when she, too, heard footsteps coming towards the cell block. She pushed off the door, turning back towards the cell opening. He quirked an eyebrow as the pirate shushed them both.

On tip-toes again, she peered into the hallway, watching the pirate retreat and the guard barge in. Maybe I'll still have a chance to get out of here after all...

"Why don't you come inside and see what this 'green bimbo' can do for you, honey," she purred. But the guards were much more interested in Abomination. She remembered the day the guard had lost his hand - and had grinned at the screams.

Keep the guards attention...she could do that.

Taking a few steps away from the cell door, she lifted her foot - and kicked it. Hard.

"What's a girl gotta do to get a little attention around here?" she demanded.

"Shut it, bimbo," the first guard barked.

She kicked her door again.

"Hey!" the second guard shouted, "Keep that up and you'll live to regret it!"

She kicked the door again.

"Stupid wench, we warned you!" The first guard raged, turning towards her cell, the second guard trailing behind him. She back-stepped to the back wall of her cell, not that it was very far.

"Oh? And what exactly are the two of you idiots going to do about it?"

Well, pirate man, whatever you have planned it better happen soon.
  • Sip
Reactions: Zufar el Hassan
Zufar had been waiting and watching as the two belligerent guards entered the building. The captain hadn't said a word as he watched the two go about harrying the two prisoners, just watching for an opportunity to yoink the keys. He might have gotten a chance to do this clean, but this was going to be very difficult when worrying about more then himself.

Quietly, Zufar stepped out of the blindspot, circling around outside of the guard's immediate peripheral vision. The two were too busy trying to curse out the elf that they didn't realize Zufar picking at their belt...but instead of reaching for the keys, he reached for the guard's mace....

"Your get what's coming! Oh! When they cut you open and look at your inners, I hope they keep you awa-" The first guard didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, before a tremendous force slammed his armored head into the cell bars, causing him to slide to the ground.

"Wha-" The secound guard quickly turned around, attempting to reach for a weapon at his side. Instead, the last thing the secound guard saw was a mace head flying at him, smack him dead center. This one banged his head against the cell door, before receiving another good smack to the helmet head.

It was a good thing that either were wearing helmets, or it might have just killed them on the spot. For now, they seemed to be still breathing.

"Not as clean as I liked, but hey..." Zufar muttered, tossing the mace aside, then bending over to retrieve the keys, before looking back up the the two in the cell.

"We don't too much time before somebody starts wondering where these two who-has went, so listen up..." The captain began to twirl the ring of keys, looking between the elf and abomination. "...I dunno what either of you did, but if what this guy said is any indication, what they're planning to do to you ain't going to pretty or given that, I'm willing to cut you a fairly good deal: You help me find someone and get him out of custody, I'll let you go... It's a fairly simple task I ask of exchange for your freedom...what do you say? That a deal?"

Zufar would catch the ring of keys but the handle of one of the keys, his eyes musing. "Of course, if you rather stay in got some explaining to do...I'm sure these two don't hold a grudge."
  • Bless
Reactions: Faelyn Daestra
Sorry, i was feeling sick 2day, wasnt able to check forum))

The Abomination looked up at the pirate prince through his jar. "Dont't think I have a choice... do I?" The Abomination said in his human voice. At this point, Zufar has no idea about what kind of....creatute the Abomination is. Faelyn and the guard knows, especially with the guard that got his hand sawed off by the Abomination.

"You see the keys?" The Abomination said to Zufar. "The shiny glowing key... That's for my cell door."

Something about the prisoner in the jar however, dosnt seem right however. Looking closely, the face sometimes seems to change, and look clay like in texture. Something about this prisoner dosnt seem right....
Purple lips spread into a grin as the sound of metal slamming against metal echoed down the hallway, quickly following by the thud of metal against wood. Faelyn sauntered back towards her cell door, peeking out at the slumped forms of the guards on the ground. He may be insufferably vain, but she was beginning to like this pirate.

"Serves you both right," she hissed.

Golden eyes shot up to the pirate at his tone. As if there was any doubt what her answer would be.

"Deal," she said with a terse nod. Now get me out of heeeeeere.

"Oh, and please do release my friend in the jar. I can't wait to see what he does to the other guards." her grin widened. "It really is such a pleasure to watch."

"You don't want to stay here, truly?" Faelyn asked the Abomination at his comment about not having a choice. He would be free after this - but maybe he'd rather stay and torment the guards. He certainly seemed capable of handling himself and whatever the prison had to throw at him.

"Who's your friend?" she asked Zufar el Hassan, "What do they look like? We may have seen them already... though my memory would be much spurred by a little fresh air." She winked.
  • Yay
Reactions: Zufar el Hassan
The Abomination looked at Faelyn. "I meant I will help you guys, since why not. And its better then staying in this hellhole." The Abomination laughed, in a emotionless voice. "I didnt mean staying here."

"So...." The Abomination looked at Zufar. "This prison is dangerous, full of guards and others, I'll deal with the fighting, you all focus on freeing that guy..."
"Let's not get a head of ourselves...I'm not intreasted in drawing more attention to myself then I already have...I still need to get out of the city after this..." Zufar said, brushing off his outfit, turning to look at the abomination behind him. "...after what happened lately, this prison break is gonna be on the bottom of the list of priorities for this let's try not to climb that priority ladder by killing an entire garrison, for fun..."

"We do this quick and quiet...we don't kill unless we must...if you can't handle those terms, your a liability to me...and I'd be better off if you were in those cages...we clear?..." Zufar mused, as he began pacing about the room. The elf's question had clung to him, as he himself actually couldn't really give them an proper answer. The captain had a heard time giving himself a proper answer on this one.

"The fellow I'm looking for?...Well, truthfully, I haven't seen him in over...I dunno...maybe twenty-five years, give or take...his name is...Zeynel Abidin Ayral...I was told he's gotten rather...larger, then when I last departed, in more ways then one...he had a brilliant mind, but would always go on and on and on boring people with his lecturing...making me quite nostalgic, thinking about it...any of you happen to know anyone of that description around here?"
Faelyn shrugged her shoulders at the Abomination. His gaze made her shudder. There was something so, so wrong with him. She much preferred when his attention was elsewhere - especially on those that would hurt them.

Faelyn snorted at rolled her eyes at Zufar el Hassan. "Spoil sport," she drawled, as much of an agreement as she could muster, "Fine."

"Wait wait...twenty-five years?" Faelyn asked incredulously, "Someone boring, on the tubby side of the scale, that you haven't seen twenty-five years? That's the best description you've got? colour? Eye colour? Species?" Faelyn slapped a palm to her green forehead. Some prison break this is turning out to be.

"Well, he's not in this cell block. Most of the prisoners here are...rather quiet," Faelyn began, dropping her hand, "Not from their own personal choice, of course. There's more cells past the end of this hallway, through another guard's checkpoint or whatever you want to call it, like the one you just passed. There's a few of them before they loop back around to the main intake room."

Yellow eyes looked towards the Abomination.

"Only some of us get to go outside every once and a while."
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The Abomination with his stone-faced gaze, looked at Zufar and Faeyln. He seems to be thinking of something, but not sure what it is. After a few second, he replied.

"No... haven't seen anyone like that in this cell block...." He replied. "What does the person like... look like." The Abomination moved closer towards the jar, his body seemly "slithered" closer. "We need more details if it helps... but I haven't seen anyone similar nearby..."

The Abomination's face seems extremely smooth... almost like clay? At least, for a quick bit before his face seems more human.

"We can look for him...." The Abomination said. "I'll make sure no guard notices us... and if they do..."

A large, black blade made of some seemly "metallic" ooze appeared beside the Abomination. The Abomination held his hand up, showing that where his left hand should be is the black blade. The blade started shrinking in size, as its color changed back to the skin color of the Abomination. Slowly, the blade takes the shape of a hand again.

"They won't survive to tell..."
"I can kinda tell...this block seemed to be reserved for "special cases" such as yourselves..." Zufar mused, as he looked over at the other empty cells in the cell block. "...I know he's human...I think...and that's really all I could say for least, about what wouldn't change drastically within the past twenty odd years...he might have a beard...part of the tradition to have one, really..."

As Zufar continued his rumblings about his target, he quietly stepped over to Faelyn's cell, before opening up the cell door and tossing over the keys. "Go free your friend...make sure it doesn't decide to go kill crazy before you do...and if he does, I've got ways of dealing with it..."

After making sure she caught the series of keys, the captain took a step away from the cell, heading towards the doorway that the guards had entered. Instead of leaving, he would crouch down, cracking the doorway open just a little bit to get a better view of the hall way...
  • Yay
Reactions: Faelyn Daestra
A green eyebrow raised curiously - 'special cases' indeed. The green elf decided to take that as a complement.

Yellow eyes winced at the sudden light flooding the elf's cell. It wasn't bright light by any means, but it was brighter than what she was used to, and that was enough to hurt her eyes. Bare green hands caught the keys tossed her way. The elf sighed. She stepped into the hallway, looked from the keys to the abominations cell and swallowed nervously.

"Alright 'friend'," she murmured, tilting her head as she looked for the Abomination's key to his cell, "Let's see if you hate the guards as much as I do..." She highly doubted the pirate could limit or constrain the Abomination, and if it came to that she certainly wasn't going to stick around to find out, her gear and clothes be damned. She hoped that whatever the creature with the too-perfect face wanted, it was the guards who had captured and tormented them, and not the pirate that had just set them free m- or herself.

Finally finding the key that matched to the Abomination's cell door lock she slowly unlocked the cell, careful not to let the metal whine, and just as slowly opened the door, careful not to let the old and worn hinges screech.

"Ready to see the sun today?" she quietly asked her fellow prisoner.

"It's this way," she whispered loudly to the pirate, gesturing to the opposite door.

She walked over to the door opposite the Zufar el Hassan, keeping the Abomination within her sight from the corner of her eye. Once again she looked for the key that matched the lock on the hallway. Honestly, picking the lock would probably take less time...there had to be a thousands keys on the stupid metal key ring.

"When I open the door, you silence the guards, ya?" she asked the Abomination hesitantly, keeping her voice down so any guards on either sides of the hallway doors wouldn't hear them, "Quick and clean?"
The Abomintion followed the group near the door leading to the hallway. "Wait..." The Abomination said before the door is fully open. "I got a.... trick for them." The Abomination leaned back into the cold, dirty stone brick walls. As he leaned back, his body started to flatten into the walls, almost like a living mass of liquids being absorbed into the dirt. with the colors of his skin changing, including his "clothing."

As the Abomination full camofloged himself and stuck to the wall, Zufar and Faelyn can hardly see him... except for the slight movements where the "wall" seems to "change" for a second.

The Abomination entered the hallway attatched to the wall. Noticing a somewhat armored guard leaning a few feet away from the door.

The guard, oblivious to his situation, was caught off guard when several black tentacles emerged from the "wall" and wrapped around the guard's limbs, disarming and ensnaring the poor guard.

The last thing the guard sees is a black, sludge like face emerging from the wall. A large black spike emerged from the face's forhead, like a unicorn horn. Impaling the guard through his left eye and straight into the brain.

The Abomination reformed into his human form, and slowly opened the hallway door for its two allies. "Before we go... I need to use this body.."

The Abomination dragged the guard's corpse into the section of cells. Removing his armor and stripping the body naked. The Abomination then puts on the clothes and armor of the dead guard. Looking at the guard's body for a small bit, the Abomination's face and body started to change, until it completly resembles the dead guard, minus the impaled eye socket.

"There we go."
"Let's try to not to create a massacre today, please and thank you~...we do not need that kind of heat..." Zufar whistled, casually walking up behind Faelyn and pressing a hand against the door, creaking it open. Taking a secound to glance out into the hallway, observing the dead guard. Taking a look at the other end and making sure no one was present, the captain proceeded to push the door all the way open. "...the more people we kill, the more likely they'll find their corpses and sound the alarm...making our escape just the more harder... and later too...they'll be more inclined to put money on our heads that might attract some piss-ugly bounty hunters looking for easy cash..."

Zufar already knew how to accumulate a bounty, and he didn't need extra practice. Besides, the captain already would enough problems with what he took from the palace, but that wasn't exactly relevant in this story...

"Two face, take the lead will you? Give us a heads up if you see anyone coming..." Zufar said, coming up behind the Abomination and peaking over it's shoulder to observe it's handy work. "...and please, let us know before you stick yourself into anyone might just mean one less body to hide..."

His posture was rather calm and relaxed as he spoke, not phased for a moment by the Abomination. Instead, he turned to glance back at the elf...

"Watch our backs...until we can get you some proper clothes or armor...unless you prefer playing things risky..." Smirking under his scar, the captain stepped over to the dead and naked guard, picking up the sword and promptly tossing it hilt-up at Faelyn. "Here, catch...hope you can handle it..."

Regardless of what happened next, the captain bent over at the corpse and began dragging it back towards the prison block. It took a few moments before the man was hidden away into the room, and Zufar would exit once more....
Purple lips parted in a sigh before the green elf sauntered into the guard room. Golden eyes looked from the dead guard to the Abomination.

"Creeeeepy," she said slowly, "And before we go, I need my stuff."

Green fingers deftly caught the blade the pirate tossed through the air. This pirate thinks he can give me orders? A green eyebrow raised incredulously.

Watching the pirate work for only a second - and not bothering to offer any help - Faelyn instead walked through an open archway in the guard's room to her left, grabbing another ring of keys from the desk and a torch from the wall on her way.

"Jackpot." Purple lips widened into a grin as a small room filled with wooden shelves, chests, and weapons racks greeted her. in almost no time at all she was again outfitted in her thieving leathers - the softest, quietest clothing she'd managed to steal (of course) but where was the....

Faelyn tried the second key ring on all the other chests, opening all of them until she found the Cloak of Spiders that she'd snagged from an unsuspecting Komodi. Fastening the cloak back on, she grabbed as many of the weapons from the rack as she could, sheathing the blade Zufar el Hassan had handed her and a half a dozen others that didn't belong to her - and what was this? A crossbow? She hooked it into her belt beneath her cloak. It was her lucky day indeed.

"I thought you said there was some commotion out in the city," Faelyn commented to the pirate as she wandered back into the main hall, her footsteps silent as the grave, "I doubt they'll care about a few dead guards if it's as rambunctious as you make it sound out there."

"Oh," she added, holding up a gold-trimmed, jewel-encrusted garment, "You're 'friend' wouldn't happen to have a rather gawdy sense of fashion, would he?"
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Reactions: Zufar el Hassan
The Abomination followed the group as they started looting the items. The Abomination himself doesn't use weapons often, since his body is in some way... his weapon. However, wearing the Guard's armor slowed the Abomination down a bit, with the armor not part of the Abomination's body himself. The Abomination could change his body to resemble an armored guard, but in-terms of defense... it would be the same as him without an armor.... better stick with the real armor.

The Abomination himself decided to look around the room, specifically for a ranged weapon. He caught a glimpse on a vial of acid, frowning as he left the vial where it is. Acidic things are one of the elements that can destroy himself....

The Abomination thought for a bit, and grabbed another crossbow, along with 5 arrows. Usually he prefers to use his body to kill, but ranged weapons would come in handy.

"Alright..." The Abomination said quietly. "So we look for your guy... and get out of here..." The Abomination said to the group. "If things goes south, I'll be killing those guards left and right...." Then the Abomination paused for a moment. "Some guards however, are good with magic...." The Abomination warned them. "Be careful..."

The Abomination also knows that certain magic attacks... particular elemental ones are better at destroying him. Fire, Acid, etc.... What helped him slaughter his enemies is fear, the rapid shapeshifting and speed of the Abomination is able to overwhelm and intimidate his enemies, especially with non-magical weapons doing little damage on his physical mass. Magic weapons are another story.
"A couple of guards, entire garrison? That's bound to attract keep a lid on your killing frenzy, will you?..." Zufar shook his head, laughing in the process as he looked over to the tunic the elf was holding. "As for that...hehe, no, as unfortunate as it is...he was always rather a pragmatist...the position he held, at least when I remembered him, didn't exactly afford him clothes that lavish, what you wish with that...just try not to get too weighed down..."

Zufar took nothing from the room, keeping a look out in the hallway, preparing to move out once his current companions were ready. Trinkets like those in the nearby armory really meant nothing to the likes of Zufar, especially after what he had pulled recently...the important thing now was to grab his target and get out.

"Don't worry about me...I'm good at disappearing in a pinch...especially around these two on the other hand...let's just say you'd stand out among the sandy crowds..." Glancing over, he tilted his head, a sign to the other two to follow. "Now come...before they start wondering where they're friends went..."

Without another word, the captain quietly exited the room and into the hallway, snaking his way down the hallways. One turn later, and they were heading down one of the many corridors of the underground networks. But one turn was all that was needed to run into more trouble, as the sound of clanking boots and the shadows on the walls indicated guards coming around the corner.

Instead of preparing to attack, Zufar quickly ducked behind a nearby barrel, before looking to his companions and putting a finger over his lips; indicating them to be quiet. Among the corridor were some boxes and barrels, plenty of places to the clanking grew louder and the shadow bigger....