Private Tales II: The Horned One

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Asuego 'Susanna'

Cutter-Witch of the Laggend bog
Character Biography
One week later. Summer's breeze had long given in to the singing crickets and frogs.

It was the same forest and was the same cromlech. Pneria was full and lay chiefly in the middle of her embracing of stars.
Yet this time in the middle lay a small pyre with a cross that rose slightly taller than any man.
The white witch was busy writing sigils on the floor in white holy chalk. One circle, two, three up to four, each more intricate than the one before.

If all was correct, the soon to be champions should arrive sometime soon.

Freya Thrakin Runa Harrier Erwin Geschwind-Ace

The thumping of hooves echoed throughout the forest as Runa made her way back to the white witch, the item in which she was quested to get was safely place within a pouch around her neck. Runa found herself pondering over the whole event that had rewarded her with such a treasure, it was odd how even though she had been so guarded in her own ways and had this dark cloud over her for so long had slightly parted and now she felt more open to the possibilities that might come her way.

She in hailed deeply of the fresh air and exhaled all that would be considered toxic out, a gentle pat on her steads neck as she whispered for the beast that they were almost there. As Runa had stated they were, the White witch appeared ahead as she gently tapped the beasts side a bit more to help egg the beast on to go faster, which he did.

In moments Runa would be gently tugging on the Reigns and hoping off her horse and tying the animal to a near by place and moved toward the woman who was busy with her magical work, Runa remained quiet and watched, she was intrigued and wanted to know a bit more, after all Runa was a enchanter of runes.
Asuego 'Susanna' Freya Thrakin Runa Erwin Geschwind Ace

"Hello, Sue."

Harrier dumped a backpack of various things beside the ritual circle.

"You wanted the golden locks of the earthen goddess."

She'd commissioned a statue. The stone effigy took a millennia-old form: a heavy, motherly woman, a goddess of personal and agricultural fertility. Gold bands with tiny locks circled her limbs and neck. She had a golden cap as well, styled as tightly curled hair. She weighed about five pounds.

Between her, an ear of corn, a scrap of blonde dryad scalp, and a tiny chunk of gilded stone from a divine statue's head, Harrier considered her bases covered.
Freya soon arrived to the ritual sight, a massive bear pelt draped across her shoulder. "And the might of the brown one," she added to the necromancer's statement, placing the pelt beside the ritual circle.

She wasn't a stranger to skinning animals, such an activity was necessary if one didn't want to freeze in the Eretejva Tundra, after all. The matter of attaining the pelt was another ordeal entirely, not directly due to the hunt that led up to the beast, but rather the company she had found as a result. The dreadlord was an odd one, but luckily he didn't interfere much.

Now, all she had to do was wait for the witch to complete the ritual.
It seemed everyone had arrived nearly at the same Erwin and his companion emerged from the foliage, bow in hand while the other was pushing away the stray branch in his way. The archer didn't seem nervous, but out of everyone, he seemed the least pleased about this predicament.

Nevertheless, upon seeing the last individual move to hand over her ingredient, Erwin moved forth towards the witch. Truly, how did he get into this kinds of situation? Perhaps he'd have to take a break after all...of this...

"Here, your "Forest King's Crown" or whatever..." Erwin said, reaching into his knapsack and retrieving what looked to be a part of a branch. Believe it or not, that was a crown, or at least it used to be part of a crown...which apparently had the ability to regrow parts of he didn't have to become a wanted criminal in the process. Didn't mean it was any easier to get, the huntsman had to go on a separate hunt as part of a trade in order to get a piece of the damned crown. But, now he had it...and they were here, so...

"Just so you know, this was a pain in the ass to get, so...I hope it's all worth it to you all...if we die a horrible death, I'm not going to be too happy..." Erwin said, looking about to the others, before at the witch...then placing the branch down in it's spot and stepping away to the side...content at getting out of the blast radius before somthing bad happened....
This was getting to be very odd, to say the least. Apparently they were in it to fight a monster or somthing? Even though Erwin and himself fought monsters on a daily basis? Heck, they already hunted a beast! Was that enough> What was so special about this one? Other then involving more then the two of them?

Ace didn't right well know, as he watched his companion offer up the stick they had to retrieve. Ace had hoped Erwin used it as a throwing stick, but alas...they had to use it here, at some ritual. Ace really did wonder if all this effort was worth it...much like his companion.
» I am glad to see you all here, with the chosen items no less, as diverse as they are.« Susanna's voice was quiet, sharp. Her eyes would glance at every single one and the items they presented.

» I see the crown, a different one though, yet this one will do.« She spoke to Erwin., taking the gnarly branch and setting it atop the pyre, there where it was highest.
» In its own light, a worthy adornment. Perhaps, ...-perhaps if you do indeed die the Horned one will take you to his realm, for he is the Patron of huntsmen after all. Desirable? Perhaps not.« She mused, returning to take the bear pelt.
» Ah, the might of the brown one. An interesting interpretation, this has consequences as well.« She draped it across the cross, hanging now like a pelt. » Do fear, The Horned one of the hunt is master of all beasts, even those docile are as dangerous as the brown one under his will.«
Last she moved to Harrier. » Indeed, and as I see, you brought plenty.«
For a while, the witch admired the ingenuity of some of the crafts.
» The Earthern Mother would most like such a figurine,« she remarked, turning over the statue before her hand went, surprisingly for both the dryad's hair and the ear of corn.
» Yet, the most simple solution is the correct one. «
She returned to the pyre, tying the ear of corn with its butt end up, somewhere on the lower end of the main shaft before tucking the dryad's scalp underneath the crown branch.

The pyre was now an effigy, an interesting effigy for sure, now only waiting for one more thing before being lit.
Her eyes shifted towards Runa: » And one more thing is missing...«
Rune watched the others before her as they each put their items down, she'd nod to them out of respect and then glanced back to the witch, she kept silent as she listen and then when it was her turn, a deep breath filled her lungs and then escaped as she released the victim from her mouth.

She moved quietly toward the woman pulling the glass vial from under her clothing, the vial glowed brightly like the sun, but for an odd reason it didn't hurt the eyes when one stared directly at it.. Runa gently untied the leather strap that held the vial to her neck, like a necklace and she held it out toward the witch.

"Believe this is what you asked for." She stated watching the witch closely.
» The water touched by the moon's hide...« The witch took the vial, opening it and pouring its content over the effigy, thirsty wood soaked it up until no droplet remained on its surface.

A small bright light came from behind the questers.
Torchbearer. The very same impishly looking assistant held a cloak draped over one arm and bore a torch in the other. She passed the audience as if they were not there.

She threw the torch into the fire and the rune circles around them briefly resonated with magic before continuously pulsating in power that could only be felt by those attuned to it.
The pale girl then donned the feather black cloak over Susanna's shoulders. Not a mere moment after the act, the odd girl started to sprout horns, a tail and bat-like wings from her back. The white witch as well began to turn into a giant black raven. They took to the air as quickly as their transformations were done.

» Defeat him before sunup else all was for naught.« Called out the black raven before she and lesser demon flew out, briefly blotting out the moon in their ascend before entirely disappearing from sight.

Perhaps it was all just a sham or a joke created by a bored witch. A group of random people led on various nonsensical tasks just to watch their stolen or hard-gained trinkets all burned up.
At least it looked pretty? Right?

After a while, the fire engulfed the effigy whole and the smoke became as thick as a pyroclastic flow.
The fire died and the smoke evaporated in an instant as a humanoid figure of some...three meters stepped out.
He was well built and slightly tanned. Upon his shoulders rested a bear pelt, big enough to fit his size, and that was the only garb on him. At least he was also...rather well endowed. Quite impressive really!

His head was just a void with two glowing orbs blinking at the assembled people. Likely something was missing from the effigy, and it came apparent when the 'crown' upon his head was a singular tine on one side and a disfigured deer antler that looked more like wood on the other. (example 12)
Long, gorgeous, shimmering, flowing golden hair emerged from behind his head, strands of various lengths that all wrapped around each other in a singular point that came down to his hind.
All and all a dashing avatar for a lesser natural god of the hunt, taking on the various features from those items that were sacrificed in the ritual.

He moved his arm aside from his body, a spear materialised in his palm just a second after. A gnarly weapon of doom indeed. The first thing he did was take it in both hands and try skewer Harrier with it.
  • Yay
  • Scared
Reactions: Harrier and Runa
Asuego 'Susanna' Runa Ace Erwin Geschwind Freya Thrakin

Three meters tall, naked except for a bearskin cloak, headless except for a void with two glowing eyes, one large antler, long golden hair-

Large spear.

Harrier's rough old walking stick, effectively a knobbly quarterstaff, deflected the spearhead and followed up with a strike that should have broken the huge being's right hand. It did not. Harrier backed up hard. She snapped her fingers, and her discarded backpack rustled and clattered. A skeleton assembled itself in a handful of seconds and launched itself at the Horned One. Bone fingers splintered and dug in with inhuman strength. The Horned One was going to pulverize that bonewalker, but its sacrifice would buy precious seconds and give Harrier a little recycled power to work with.

"Freya!" she snapped at the one person here she knew. "Consider me support. What do you need?"