Private Tales Making the Same Mistakes

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Briar White

Heir Daughter of Wood Clan
Character Biography
Briar sat at the bar in the tavern, her arms crossed underneath her chest as she watched everyone within. Her coven was not far, searching the rest of the town. They had come in rather quietly, only killing two travelers who had looked too long. Her second was sitting in the back, her hood covering her face and encouraging everyone not to look too closely (or too long), and her third was outside, watching the town from above. They were here because a witch in another Wood Clan coven had been murdered, her body found in a river at the bottom of the hill where the trees in the Wood Clan ended. She had been stripped naked and ripped open from chin to navel, her limbs twisted at unnatural angles. The position of her body suggested she had put up a good fight, and whoever had killed her was no animal.

Immediately, the dead witch's coven assumed it was a knight, but Briar thought they weren't that sadistic or stupid. They had to know by now that if they messed with one witch, they messed with all the witches. Briar's aunt had not added any insight, and merely suggested that Briar and her coven find out who really murdered the witch. Briar suspected Willow thought it was in fact a knight who had killed the witch, but she hoped (for the knight's sake) that she was wrong, or else this could mean war. The world would not be ready for the blood bath that would follow.

The Mother's Revenge was drawing near, and soon Briar and her coven would have to return to Crobhear Lake. So far, they had few leads, and if she had nothing to show for the week they'd been gone, she'd be punished for it, and her coven knew she would punish them as well. They could not let a sister's death go unexcused, unpunished.

Roland Grayson
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Roland Grayson
A wagon trundled into the town slowly. A pair of exhausted oxen pulling it in the front. A pair of exhausted men sitting in the back. Roland held the reigns in hand. The only one here in enough of a physically fit state to do so. The pair in the back, his employer and his son, were both injured. The son had one arm in a sling and bandages around one of his legs. His employer had a bandage around his left eye and his left leg was bandaged up enough anyone could tell there would be a permanent limp. His right arm was missing at the elbow.

Roland had gotten off with bruising and a few light cuts. A blessing because there was no way they would have made it back to the building he was directed to pull into the yard of otherwise. The son did what he could to help his father as a woman came running out of the building in a panic.

Roland took care of getting the oxen to their pen with food and water. No sense in letting the beasts die just because he was tired.

The sellsword waited around the shop and home while things settled down. The local healer and town elder summoned. Treatment came with a report of what happened. Bandits attacked and slaughtered their small caravan. Of the four wagons sent to the market in the nearest trade hub only this one made it back. The supplies of the other three lost along with the hired guards and locals. Roland clarified points when needed but stayed out of it as best he could.

When it was all over, the elder and healer left to begin discussing what to do. Roland got his pay and his hand clasped in thanks for what he had done. A smile and a bragging confidence given back to them in return. Neither he truly felt but the lie was more merciful for their hearts and minds than the truth.

Then he left.

Thankfully Princess had been left back in safety of a friend. No need to worry about her. His concern was over the bandits. Too many of them at once. Too organized for his taste. They wouldn't likely beat a band of soldiers or warriors, but they didn't need to. Not out here so far away from more civilized places.

The sellsword entered the tavern ready for a drink and some rest. Both desperately needed after the intense battle and escape. As he walked in the sounds of slightly familiar voices reached his ears. A pair of rough looking men sat at their table. One had grabbed the bar wench and was bragging about how fortunate he had been to fall into some coin recently. His hands were not subtle about where they roamed nor his intentions.

What got Roland's attention and a frown from him for a quick moment was the one not bragging. A fresh cut on his left cheek and an old scar under his right eye. One of the bandits that had assaulted them. They were in the town of the people they had just murdered and robbed without even realizing it. And they didn't realize they were recognized.

Roland moved over to the counter in a spot he could discreetly keep an eye on the pair from. A woman was there already with her arm under her chest. He came up next to her. A good cover while he waited for an opportunity to do something about those men. He ordered a pint for himself then turned to the woman with a smirk as he leaned towards her a bit. His eyes most on her but never fully.

"Had a rough day and could use some company. Mind indulging me? My treat for your drinks."

Briar White
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Briar White
Briar thought it was a bold man used to getting his way that would come up to her. She wondered if it was her softer features. She turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. She gave him an amused smile, noticing his gaze seemed to keep returning to someone behind her and she was familiar enough with her surroundings to know there was a man behind them, likely fondling some poor serving girl. She wondered if he was feeling rather knightly or if he just wanted a chance at the serving girl rather than Briar. Either way, she could sense violence upon him.

"Would you like my company before or after you kill the man behind us?" she replied conversationally, keeping her voice low enough so no one else could hear.

The barkeeper came up and asked them what they wanted. Briar glanced at the man next to her before ordering the most expensive drink they had.

She knew her second was watching her talk to the man and if he tried anything he'd have two knives stuck in him. It would be a shame though, for such handsome man to die.

Roland Grayson
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Roland Grayson
The woman was perceptive. She picked up on what Roland was doing right away and took his interest more for murder than what it truly was about. He had no interest in killing the man. No, what he wanted was a worse fate. Those men needed to be brought to justice and he had a feeling the town wasn't going to be very merciful with a quick death about it.

Roland just leaned in a bit closer after she spoke in a voice kept down for privacy. He had held up a pair of fingers when she ordered so the server knew to bring two instead of the one.

"Kill? No. Capture and question. Killed a bunch of people from this town not long ago. Know because I'm the reason there are survivors. Don't think they realize it. Perfect chance to find their group and make things safer in the area. Normal bandits just steal and only kill if they need to. This group attacks, robs, and likely worse to anyone who travels in the area. If anyone is missing, probably because of them."

Their drinks arrived and was short glasses of an imported wine from the Reach. Roland recognized it and knew it wasn't cheap there but not nearly the most expensive. Truly they were far out from the hubs of trade and luxury out here.

He took a drink as the serving girl finally managed to push herself away and escape from the man groping her. There was an edge to the laughter from him that told how much the cheer was a lie. He adjusted himself and as he did Briar, and her sisters, might notice some trinkets that belong to their people jingling on him. The scarred man shifted and gave his companion a hard look. More jingled on him as well.

After the drink, Roland set it down lightly so it avoided making a sound. The tavern was busy, but not that busy it could be lost in the noise of the crowd. Last thing he wanted was to draw those two's attention to himself before the time was right.

"Waiting for one of them to break off and head somewhere private a moment. Till then, I'd be happy for your company."

He gave her a wink and a smirk. His tone was somewhat cheerful yet also didn't try to hide his seriousness. Murder might not be on his mind but a bit of violence was fully on the table.

Briar White
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Briar White
Briar listened and sipped her drink as he explained. Bandits. Perhaps this could be a lead. She glanced over her shoulder surreptitiously at her second and saw her attention was focused not on the man in beside her, but on the scarred man behind them, who was now without a girl to grope.

She turned back around, taking a sip from her drink again. It was good, but she had had better. "So are you going to give me your name or are you going to make me guess?" she said, tucking a strand of soil-brown hair behind her ear.

She heard something behind her that sounded and felt similar to her, but she kept her focus forward. Drawing attention to herself now would only make things harder later. So she might as well have her fun with this handsome man until it was time to get down to business.

Roland Grayson
  • Sip
Reactions: Roland Grayson
"Roland." He took another drink. "What would you like to be called? Other than beautiful that is."

A wonderful line that one. Kept up the act. Wasn't enough to drive her away yet was too cheesy to really get things going. Made him look like a real jackass. Simply wonderful.

The pair of men ordered more drinks and more food. It was clear they weren't planning on leaving the place any time soon. A fact that didn't please the bar wench and bar keep very much. But they were spending coin on the up priced goods instead of leaving so they wouldn't say anything until the coin wasn't worth it anymore.

Roland internally sighed noting that detail. Looked like it would be a long day unless he could somehow get a message out discreetly to the local authorities. Unlikely right now and if he did it was likely to cause a fight. A fight likely to see more people injured and killed than needed to be. People who could be better served as members of the militia band when they raided the bandits' camp.

As loud as the pair of men were being, he decided to focus more on Briar. Was a better use of his time than idly watching rough men drink and grope poor innocent girls trying to make a living.

Briar White
  • Sip
Reactions: Briar White
She smirked at his cheesy pick up line. Any other man, she would've thought they expected a line like that to get her into bed with them but she could tell from the expression on his face that he knew it was stupid.

"Briar," she said, picking up her glass once more. She set it down and realized it was empty and she thought maybe she should be more conservative with the wine. She could not afford to get even a little bit drunk, especially not in this tavern with plenty of wandering hands.

Briar could feel her second's stare on her back, and knew she was looking at her like 'what the hell do you think you're doing'. Briar pretended she didn't notice.

The bandits ordered more food and drink and Briar guessed they could be here for a while. It bothered her a little bit more than it seemed to bother Roland, but that was likely because he didn't have limited time. The lunar eclipse was in a week.

Roland Grayson
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Roland Grayson
Something about the pair of bandits seemed to be bothering her as well. Roland figured it was either their attitude or she indeed had thought of someone who could be one of their victims. Either way, it was good to know they had at least one less potential ally in the place.

"Briar.... Is there a flower amongst all those thorns or will I only get pricked if I try to touch?"

Another good one. He loved saying these kinds of lines being fully aware of how bad they were. The type of men who said them thinking themselves witty tended to have heads full of rocks and even denser awareness of what was going on around them.

He finished off his glass and ordered another round of drinks. Good thing his tolerance was high after all these years of being a sellsword. Not holding your liquor could cost you work and your life.

"What brings you here today Briar? Local gal?"

The bandits continued to eat, drink, and even the scarred one began to brag about his feats and achievements. The two still showing no signs of leaving soon.

Briar White
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Briar White
Briar raised an eyebrow as he said something else clever. It was a double edged question of sorts, one that, depending on her response, could open or close a door for how they spent the rest of their afternoon. Briar's second's gaze burned into the back of her neck and she willed the woman to get up and leave. She would be able to handle herself here. She did not look back, but knew her second was still seated.

"Why don't you find out?" she replied, a bit of teasing in her own voice.

He ordered them another round and she wondered how much money he had on him if he was so willing to spend a good bit of it on frivolous things. Briar made sure to drink her wine a little slower this time.

"Looking for somebody," she said in response to his second question. "Wouldn't mind getting rid of him, either," she said gesturing slightly with her head in the bandit's direction. They were rough and rowdy and couldn't keep their meaty hands off the poor serving girls. She hoped they got paid enough, but doubted it.

Roland Grayson
  • Sip
Reactions: Roland Grayson
Roland gave her a wink at her teasing words. A little promise to give just that a try. He didn't know if it was one he would keep or not however as there was more pressing priorities.... Or there would be if the pair weren't getting further into their cups and ordering more food. Did they plan to eat and drink the larders empty?

"Who might you be looking for?" His gaze went over towards the pair for a brief second. "Hopefully not those two...."

His eyes returned back to Briar. Seemed like there was more going on in this tavern than he had thought. Just relaxing with a drink had turned into a bit of free work for the poor townsfolk to that plus a mystery woman. Would it all be worth it in the end?

He smirked a bit more for her. "Any chance I can make that somebody me?"

Roland became aware there was eyes on them. Another woman was glaring at Briar. Jealousy? Hatred? Just a general bitch doing nothing more than idly looking their way?

Briar White
  • Smug
Reactions: Briar White
He winked at her, and replied playfully, and for a minute she was reminded strongly of Gunnar. Her mental slip would be unnoticeable across her features or body language. Internally, though, she considered where this could go. Should she go along? There were plenty of excuses she could make, both valid and not so much so. But she was here to punish a murderer, not sleep with the first man that flirted with her.

She didn't get the chance to reply to his first question before he asked another. She let her gaze travel up and down his person as she slowly took a sip of her wine. "Perhaps," she drawled, setting her glass down gently but keeping her eyes on his.

Her second stood up and breezed out of the tavern, her cloak fanning out behind her as she passed by Briar and Roland at the bar, leaving behind a woodsy scent.

Roland Grayson
Her response was not what he had expected. A bit of playful flirting and her offering a rejection rather than a perhaps with hungry eyes roaming him. Happened every so often but not often enough to keep it from being a pleasant surprise. Should he pursue this opportunity that had popped up or stick to the mission tighter than a merchant their ledger?

Roland glanced over at the woman who past them by and caught the woodsy scent. Pleasant but nothing more than that passing thought from him. The bandits didn't even notice the woman had gone by. They were too busy, the both of them this time, getting too handsy with the bar wench as she brought them out their food and next round of drinks.

There was time.

Roland turned his attention back to Briar. "Well then how about we go out back? The person you are looking for might be there where no one can see them."

He gave her a wink and finished off his glass.

Briar White
  • Smug
Reactions: Briar White
Her second had left at just the right time it seemed. Briar would have to put her mission on hold, and she knew her second would tell her entire coven why. She didn't think she'd be able to live it down but she knew her aunt wouldn't find out at least, so it was why she gave Roland her own flirtatious smile. It was very easy to get into a man's pants, something Roland proved as he suggested they go out back to finish what they had started. How long had she been talking to him, ten minutes?

She gave him a look of false offense. "Out back? Not very romantic," she replied, finishing off her own glass, forgetting the promise she had made to herself earlier.

She thought how pleased her aunt would be if she returned not only with her sister's murderer's head, but also with child. The men would be here for a while longer, enough for Briar and Roland to have their fun for a bit.

"They have rooms upstairs, I believe," she added.

Roland Grayson
Once again Roland had expected something different than what he had been given. His expectation was for his offer to be rejected and a justification to pursue his mission once again given. Instead it looked like the woman was just as easily distracted in this window of opportunity as he was.

He waved over the bar keep and requested a room for the night. It was something he was going to need anyways so might as well not waste time later when he might not have it. This also spared her from a remark about fresh air and faces against walls. A tragedy she was going to miss out on that one.

When the key was provided, Roland just smiled to Briar and nodded his head in motion to follow. Then he headed for the room he was informed was his for the night.

The bandits weren't going anywhere. They were drinking fast yet eating slow. Taking as much time as they wanted to enjoy themselves in the lull. Little did they know how quick that was going to turn on them later. Luckily for them there was a more promising priority than their faces being slammed against the table right now.

Briar White
  • Smug
Reactions: Briar White
Roland jumped on the opportunity and called over the barkeep to get a room. The older man eyed the two with a knowing look before giving Roland the key to their new room. He smirked at her gestured for her to follow. She stood up and followed.

As the pair made their way to the stairs, they earned a couple glances from some of the others in the tavern, but the bandits stayed focused on their meal.

She told herself he had started it as she followed him. He unlocked the door to the room and Briar walked in, surveying the room before turning to face Roland once more.

What would he do next? Would he cut straight to he chase or would he continue to sweet talk her?

Roland Grayson
Roland locked the door behind them after they both had entered. The looks along the way were ignored. Jealous all of them! That was the more fun way to frame it at least.

The sellsword began to get his stuff put away into the room given he was going to be staying here tonight. His weapons in one corner. His armor removed and neatly left to be oiled later. His small articles placed inside a chest. All he had left was the clothing he wore under his armor.

As he was busy doing all of this, he spoke to Briar. "Mind sating my curiosity a bit before I try to touch your petals and not be cut? What made you decide to take my offer? Surely it wasn't the grand and glorious witty words."

He certainly was curious and it was a decent topic to pass some time. But now that he was only in his underclothes, he moved over and placed his hands on her hips. His lips moving forward to hover just before her own. If she wanted him then she was going to need to take him. All the while he slowly tried to guide her backwards towards the bed.

Briar White
  • Smug
Reactions: Briar White
She watched and waited as he set down his stuff. Apparently he was planning on spending the night here. When he was done, he moved towards her, putting his hands on her hips. She tilted her head at him when he spoke.

Why was she doing this? She knew part of it was she wanted a daughter, but why Roland and why now? None of her excuses sounded good or even believable.

"Because I was rather bored. I couldn't find who I was looking for. But now it seems I have," she replied. What she said was not a lie. She had found who she was looking for, but he was downstairs groping the tavern wenches and drowning himself in ale.

She draped her arms around his shoulders, untying his hair as he moved them back towards the bed. It seemed he was waiting for her to make the next move, his mouth inches from her own. Well, he would find himself sorely disappointed because Briar never made the first move.

She smirked at Roland, not moving to close the distance between their lips or bodies.

Roland Grayson
  • Smug
Reactions: Roland Grayson
A deep frown pulled at the corners of Penny's mouth as Briar accepted another drink from the stranger. High Mother! She couldn't even with this woman sometimes! They had come to investigate their sister's murder, yet there she was, the Heir Daughter, flirting and drinking with a man, while the culprits sat right behind her! They didn't have time for this! But as long as Briar wasn't in any sort of immediate danger, she couldn't interfere. Though she would certainly catch an earful after this mess was settled.

Penny sighed heavily and rose from her seat as the pair continued to flirt. She could already see where things were headed. And knowing Briar, it would likely be a while so she might as well get some fresh air. Besides, it didn't seem like the bandits were in too much of a hurry to get out of there either. Gliding silently past Briar and her new friend, Penny exited the tavern.

She could feel the third's gaze snap to her from above, undoubtedly concerned that she had left Briar inside alone. Penny looked to where she knew the third was hiding and gave her a small signal that everything was alright for the time being. It wasn't as if Briar was defenseless and couldn't handle three men on her own, and if things went south, Penny was right outside.

Penny pulled a small clear blue from a pouch at her waist, and after a short incantation, it crumbled to dust as the spirit of a bird appeared before her. She quietly issued it instructions in an ancient tongue, compelling it into the tavern where it perched on the back of a chair. Grumbling about how the only person Briar needed protecting from was herself, Penny leaned against the tavern wall with crossed arms, watching the townsfolk pass by and periodically checking in on the bandits through the spirit's eyes.
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The woman didn't close that little bit of distance for the kiss. Seemed she wanted to tease or make him be the one to claim her. Fine. No kissing then. He could work with that as well as give her what she seemed to want so badly.

Roland walked Briar back closer to the bed. A smirk crossed his lips seemingly in response to her words. Then he lifted her up by her hips and tossed her onto the bed. He pounced before she finished bouncing and spread her legs. An impish gleam in his eyes.

....Then he had to sigh is disappointment.

It had started with a muted noise then another and another and another. Growing steadily until it was as if someone was outside the door.

Roland got off of Briar and quickly went to the door. He unlocked it and peaked outside.

The two bandits each had a serving girl pulled into their laps struggling to get out of their grips. The bar keep laying on the ground with a bruise on the side of his face. The other people in the tavern had left already or were trying to find a way to help or get out as well.

How had things escalated so quickly? It hadn't even been five minutes!

The sellsword let out an irritated breath then opened up his door enough to slip out. Not enough time to grab his weapons given the circumstances. Didn't think he would need them and would be easier to take them in alive as well.

It started with Roland rushing up to the bragging bandit from behind and slamming his face into the table hard. As his head bounced off the wood, the girl escaped his grip and bolted. As the scarred bandit was recovering from the sudden shock of violence, Roland grabbed a mug and flung it at his face. The mug hit him in the throat and caused him to stumble back as he stood up. The girl he had dumped to the floor allowing her to scramble to her feet and run as well.

Roland stole the dagger from the belt of the first bandit who now had a broken nose with blood already pouring out then got some distance. Both bandits got solidly to their feet with murder in their eyes. The scarred one drew his dagger while the one with a broken nose produced a hatchet from under the table.

Looked like this was going to have to go the hard way.

Briar White Penny Mossriver
Briar kept her eyes on Roland's as he moved them back towards the bed. He met the challenge in her gaze with one of his own as he lifted her up her hips and tossed her onto the bed. She bounced and he climbed on top of her, pulling her legs apart.

But they didn't get to continue as noises from the main room escalated. Briar sighed as Roland got up off her and hurried for the door. She sat up. It had just been getting fun.

Whatever he say made him run out of the room and shouts increased as he reentered the scene. Briar rolled her eyes, getting off the bed and following him out the door, grabbing a few of his weapons on her way out. It seemed the bandits had started a tavern brawl in the five minutes she and Roland had been gone. Annoyed, she drew his sword, drawing the attention of everyone in the tavern, including Penny's spirit bird.

"Really, boys," she said, her tone mockingly scolding them.

"Careful how you swing now, girly, you might actually hurt someone," the scarred bandit sneered, thinking she couldn't use the sword in her hands.

She raised an eyebrow at him, not looking at the other bandit with the bloody nose as she stepped forward casually and stuck the sword in his rather large gut. She yanked the sword back out, and he stumbled, falling to his knees, clutching his stomach as blood poured through his fingers. The color quickly drained from his face, his life leaving just as quickly.

"Shall we take this outside, gentlemen?" she drawled, gesturing nonchalantly with Roland's now-bloodied sword.

Roland Grayson Penny Mossriver
Penny heard a commotion coming from inside and swiftly checked with her spirit. The two bandits had somehow gotten hold of two serving girls and were attempting to have their way with them. Penny felt for the poor girls, she really did, but it was none of her concern. The only thing that mattered right now was Briar's safety.

As if summoned by her thoughts, Briar and Roland appeared from their room to rescue the girls. "Gods damn it all!" Penny grumbled. Dismissing the spirit, she hurried inside.

The man with the bloody nose could only gurgle in response to Briar's question as a broken table leg connected with the back of this head. Penny stepped over the unconscious man with eyes full of worry and concern. She violently shoved away another patron that got too close as she rushed to Briar's side. How did Briar always manage to get herself into these situations?!

"Really now, Sister," Penny scolded her as she quickly checked Briar over for any signs of injury. "You really need to be more careful!" She knew full well that the Lady Mother would have her head if anything were to happen to her precious niece.

But really it was more than that that concerned Penny. Briar was like a sister to her, even more so than the rest of the witches in their coven. If anything happened to Briar, she wouldn't ever be able to forgive herself.

"Can't even trust you to lay with a man without getting yourself mixed up in some sort of trouble!" There were no signs of injuries, so she embraced Briar tightly in relief. "Briar... Thank the Goddess you're alright!" Penny wispered in her ear, and hastily stepped back before too many people noticed the embrace.

"You!" Penny whipped around angrily, pointing the table leg at the groaning bandit coming to on the floor. "Are you the bastard that killed our sister?!" She stomped down on his chest hard, and bent over to retrieve the stolen trinkets, carefully stowing them away.

Penny straightened, sending a viscous kick to the man's groin, and turned back to Briar. "What should we do sister?" She pulled back her hood, looking between Briar and Roland.

Briar White Roland Grayson
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To say things escalated was an understatement. Roland watched and could do nothing about what played out after he had taken one of his opponents' daggers. Briar suddenly showed up with his shortsword in her hand. The scarred bandit made a comment then found the pointy end in his gut. Bastard got lucky and died quick rather than the slow yet assured way most gut wounds got people.

One of the two bandits was dead. A visibly upset woman had a bloody weapon in her hands. The remaining bandit was stunned yet still had an axe while Roland only had a dagger. and then a second woman showed up saying something about a murdered sister and called Briar one as well.

By the gods, what kind of chaos had broken out here?

The sellsword didn't let himself get distracted by all those thoughts and events. While the living bandit was still in shock, he closed the distance quickly. Shifting the dagger's grip position, he stuck the wrist of the hand holding the axe forcing it to drop to the floor and immediately followed that up with a quick jab at the bandit's already broken nose.

The man yelled and stumbled back a bit. His feet catching his chair and seeing him tumble to the ground.

Roland was on top of him quickly and got him pinned so he couldn't move. Between the pain, being drunk, and the panic of everything the bandit had little fight in him.

As the sellsword kept the man on the ground, he looked up and around the room. With a frown he yelled out, "Someone get a guard.... Now!"

One of the serving wenches who had gotten away but not left the building said something that vaguely sounded like she was going to then bolted. The others all just looked around in shock due to the quick order of events that had just taken place.

"Can someone get me a rope too? Don't feel like laying on top of a man all day."

With that he had managed to vent a bit of his frustration and annoyance, but hoped someone did listen. He would much rather be pinning a pretty girl in his room rather than this uglier-than-before bastard on the tavern floor right now.

Briar White Penny Mossriver
Briar was grateful when Penny walked in (or rather stormed in) but not because she couldn't handle herself. Because she could. She hugged her second back quickly before her third got any ideas and decided to come in and make sure Briar and Penny weren't doing something stupid.

"I can handle myself, really. See?" she replied, pointing at the dead man at her feet with Roland's bloody sword. She rather enjoyed the mixture of annoyance and disbelief on Roland's face at the whole situation.

Roland called for a guard and some rope. A tavern girl ran off to get one and Briar pulled the other out of her cloak pocket. She stepped over the dead man and bent down next to Roland to tie the man's wrists and ankles. It was not a long piece of rope but it served the necessary purpose and it was almost as if she had had it just for this moment.

"There," she said, straightening again. A town guard walked into the tavern and Briar sighed. Now she would have to explain the whole situation to the guard which would keep her out of Roland's room for even longer. "They started a fight, and we want this one for questioning," she said curtly. She looked at Penny. "She'll take him off your hands and we'll be out of your hair. Or what's left of it, anyway," she replied, noticing the man's balding head.

Roland Grayson
Penny Mossriver
The guard exited grumbling about not getting paid enough to deal with problems, and how he could've been a big name in town.

"Now then Briar-" Penny turned to ask for Briar's assistance with the questioning, only to see a look on the woman's face that she knew all too well. "Goddess help me! Of all the times- " she thought.

"Fine... Go on. Finish what you started." Penny waved Briar away with an exasperated sigh. "I'll deal with this creep in the meantime. See what I can get out of him." She pouted as she watched Briar eagerly drag Roland back up the stairs. Penny wasn't jealous. Not even a little bit.

"Now you and I," Penny hauled the restrained bandit to his feet after the other two disappeared upstairs, "are gonna have a little talk!" A wicked grin replaced the pout on her lips. Why should Briar get to have all the fun? She dragged him to a secluded corner near the stairs and threw him roughly to the floor, connecting her soul to his as she did so just in case.

"So!" Penny pulled out the fallen witch's trinkets, "Won't you be a dear and tell me where you got these?" Her voice was light and cajoling as she spoke.

"Oi! Give those back!" the bandit exclaimed loudly. "Dem ain't yers! Finders keepers and all that! 'Sides, wit' all dat silver is worth, I can buy the best girls in town!" Penny's blood boiled hearing the man speak of the sacred ornaments in her hand as if they were mere baubles, but she did her best to keep her composure.

"Hmm... That doesn't answer my question now does it?" Penny said sweetly. "Why don't you try again?" she suggested with a savage kick to the gut, her grin widening. "Come on, you can do it! Just tell me where you got these!”

Penny waited for the man to stop hacking and coughing impatiently, though she kept up her sweet facade, as the low ceiling above her began to creak rhythmically, sending small motes of dust raining down. Well... At least one of them was seeing success in their endeavors.

Roland Grayson Briar White
Things had only grown more chaotic. Briar was ordering the guard that arrived around and had laid claim to the living bandit. One the guard didn't fight to protest against. He just made sure to yell to the guard to inform the elder these men were part of the bandits that had slaughtered the caravan and to wait for more information from him later.

Then he found himself getting dragged off back towards his room.

What was even going on here?

Roland was too tired to care enough to find answers. Keeping the two alive and bringing back most of their goods with them had taken all his mental energy and drained his will down to a smolder. He could get his answers after some sleep and there was other ways to handle the situation when his thoughts were quicker and clearer.

So he just let himself go along with how the situation was unfolding.

Once they were back in his room and the door locked, the sellsword just laid back on the bed. Before she wanted him to put in the effort. Well it was her turn this time. If she had the drive and will to maim a man so easily then she certain had enough to mount another.

His eyes went to her and spoke as much to her. If she wanted it then she needed to claim it.

Briar White Penny Mossriver