Private Tales Of Mirrors and Gnomes Within Felwood

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography
Tag: Nennu

“Drat,” Bukiss muttered himself as he overstepped an arching root, his short stature not well suited towards traversing the forest with any degree of elegance. His boot sank into the greenery further than expected and sent him careening head first into the soil, his various satchels and bags about his person softening his fall as he found himself face down in the ground. The word 'drat' was repeated a few more times as he tried to gather himself.

I'm sure if any elves are watching they'd have a good laugh at my expense, Bubkiss thought as he pushed himself back up to his feet with the effort of his short cane and a small grunt. He patted himself down and readjusted his tophat which had miraculously not been damaged in the small tumble. His purple garb complimented the greenery of the forest, and he took a moment to look at the root through muddied glasses and shook his fist at it in a joking manner. “I'll never get anywhere with people like you around!” Bubkiss said and laughed at his own expense. I'll have to get better at travelling on my own if I'm going to get anywhere at all, he thought to himself.

He took a moment to take off his glasses and produced a crimson handkerchief and began to clean away the mud that had gathered about them. He made small swirls to give himself a better chance at seeing the next offending bit of tree that might hamper him, and held them up to the sunlight that streamed down from the canopy. He breathed deep of the fresh forest air and looked up as he peered through the glass through squinted brown eyes.

“One of the first things you taught me Master,” he said, and clenched his left hand so that one of his golden rings, set with a small stone of blue, was mustered into effect. The rims of the glasses glowed silver for a moment, and removed all specks of mud about the frame and glass. “There we go, gleaming and good,” he said.

“Can't work with glass if you can't clean it properly, as you rightly said Master,” Bubkiss said to himself as he affixed the glasses back onto his nose. Within his right hand he threw his cane forward, the orb upon it feeling cool to the touch about his small dexterous hands.

The gnome continued on through the undergrowth, taking his time not to repeat the same mistake as before. He used his cane to propel himself forward as his journey began to reveal himself. He had been travelling for a few days now, leaving his home in a great tree some miles away now. But as time passed, he found himself longing for the effects of home. A stove. A bed. A powerful assortment of artifacts that would make his life far less filled with the rough and tumble stuff of travelling.

No, he thought, extinguishing the thought as one might a candle before sleep. I decided to leave that old tree, and there's no turning back. Can't make a name for myself without getting out into the world, much like Master Murk did all those years ago. However many years ago that was, goodness. I've got everything I need, Bubkiss thought to himself and smiled.

His stomach offered a sound which suggested otherwise.

“Lunch it is then. And some practice. Yes, that would be most good. Can't get far without practice, as Master used to say.”

A prang of sadness crept upon Bubkiss' features as he found himself a small spot to have lunch for himself. He found a tree which had a small spot of land that was flat about its roots and sat himself down. As he did so the various pouches about his waist rose up, presenting him with a wealth of options for both lunch and practice.

Bubkiss reached into one of his pouches and produced a small piece of smoked cheese which he immediately began to chew on thoughtfully as his left hand patted his jacket for his pipe. The taste of the cheese made the gnome smile and think that things weren't so bad as he began to load his pipe with some tobacco, his hands a flurry of motion now. The traveller seemed to have all sorts of things within his pouches and bags, but none seemed too heavy or overloaded. His former master had given him a great number of things over the years, and this assortment of travelling gear was the last thing he had been offered. Designed with his small stature in mind, they could hold a great number of things without encumbering one with their weight or size. Bubkiss had been thankful at he had been gifted this, even if he hadn't understood why he had been given such things at the time.

Bubkiss was sat amongst the ivy and moss that grew about the tree he had chosen to sit underneath when he tapped his hat, a typical motion the fellow made when he had a good idea. He set his cane down at once as the thought germinated within him.

“Mirror works, that sounds good! Yes! Got to practice the basics, otherwise the not so great and well known Bubkiss Widewallow will get nowhere.”

The gnome set to work, the thought of food now vanished as he methodically began to load tobacco into his pipe as he pawed about his person for the rest of the equipment he would need for his practice. He clenched the pipe lightly between his teeth as he produced a small black wallet which he flipped open to reveal an assortment of small mirrors that gleamed at him with promise.

“Ah yes,” Bubkiss said to himself with a smile, which made his pipe bob up and down, “the basics. Fine silver and a mind to cast, yes, yes this shall do,” he said to to the tree.

He set the mirrors about himself in a triangle formation in front of his person. His feet were crossed, and two of the mirrors were beside his knees, with the last directly in front of him. He angled them just so, and then fished out a small box of matches from his jacket.

“Hey presto, it's time!” Bubkiss said to himself with pride, and sparked a match from the box with a satisfying scratch. The flame billowed into shape, and the gnome set about applying the flame to his pipe. “One puff, two puff, three puff, more!” Bubkiss said to himself between inhalations, the tobacco took flame and began to produce a satisfying wisp of smoke. He relished the taste, but this was not an idle past time to the gnome.

And now, it begins, Bubkiss thought, as he began to command his will. The mirrors gave out a very faint high pitched whine as the illusionist made his art known in the world to himself. The mirrors glinted with arcane power that emanated out from his person. And as he the magic the gnome possessed began to uncurl into the world, Bubkiss breathed out a jet of smoke at the center just above the three mirrors.

At once the smoke became a violent blood red and seemed as if ink in water, collapsing and rising unto itself as it lingered before the illusionist. Another breath of smoke passed through the gnome's lips, and the smoke began to swirl about itself in a whirlpool, gaining new colours as it did so. The red deepened and separated into pinks and burgundies. Bubkiss breathed another plume of smoke into it, creating a vortex of smoke as his magics did effect it. He spoke a word, and upon the vortex of smoke did a dragon appear, the great wings of the beat flapping about itself in a display of power which playfully gave rise to waves of smoke about itself. It had the green coloration of the forest as it did give defiance about itself.

But the gnome was just beginning. From the mirrors did Bubkiss give rise to another illusion from the mirrors, three knights that rose up from the surface of the mirrors, each bearing shining silver spears as they faced off against the creature within the centre of smoke. A broad smile appeared upon Bubkiss as he worked his art towards his vision. The dragon breathed a gout of ruby flame towards one of the knights, forcing him to cower and retreat back into the mirror which it had risen from. The other two knights threw their spears towards the beast, which Bubkiss compelled to fly upwards a few feet, sending the spears off deep into the forest. They were harmless glints of light, and would dissipate into nothingness soon enough. The dragon looked down and breathed once again, the knights diving out of the way.

Ah, bliss, Bubkiss thought to himself happily as he continued his illusionary play to himself. Travelling's not so bad so long as I can practice, he thought to himself as he thought what next to happen. His eyes and ears were entirely focused upon his magic, unaware of the various life that might be an audience to his skills and new way of life.
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Nothing went as planned so far, which had the young Fae forced to take the journey to a city port to the east of Falwood. To say she was enjoying finding her way, even with a map, was not fun to do alone. In fact, she thought about going back and try again, but went against it as it would just take her a day to get back.

However, the young Fae girl wasn't one for being a downer, quite the opposite and instead of being a downer like some weird Unseelie moon Fae, she started to hum a song.

One of the positive things about being alone was the fact that she could be herself and not hide her fae features with illusional magick. With a hand on the leather strap connected to the satchel, she strolled in a pleasant mood, making her wait through the undergrowth of Falwood.

Everything was so peaceful around her, listening to the whispering wind, flowing beside her skipping along as if it was a travelling companion. The joyful chirping of birds, the tall creaking trees in the wind and running water in the many creeks, made the Falwood quite an idyllic place to be.

Passing under a naturally formed archway from a fallen tree, the young Fae girl noticed a Grome up ahead and completely frozen for just a second, before in an instant, masking her entire appearance and clothes to that of a Halfling[7url] [url=]girl. Instead of her light blue cloak and simple but laid travelling out, she wore that of a brown pelt cloak over a green coloured tunic with loosely hanging sleeves with beautifully woven patterns into the tunic. Other than that, she wore brown form-fitted pants stopping just short of her ankles. lastly, she had various nicknacks in the shape of necklaces, armbands and ankle bands with a few piercings in her ears.

Hiding behind a tree, Nennu glanced in the direction of the stranger, seemingly minding his own business. Good, he hadn't noticed her. Creeping closer, from trees to bushes and reverse, Nennu managed to get ever so closer to see what the stranger was doing.

In a rather surprising but not unwelcome sight, the stranger was doing illusions! Or as she knew it, Glamour. Watching the little man craft great beasts and warriors out of mirrors held Nennu captivated as if she was a child again, watching her dad perform illusion magic.

Though after a bit, when the dragon managed to force one of the knight's back into one of the mirrors, her mischievous Fae nature kicked into high gear and started formulating a plan on how to do some fun, harmless trickery with the little man's illusions.

As Bubkiss sat, immersed in his practice of illusion magic, his magnificent dragon and last remaining warriors suddenly started to not follow his instructions, as if they tried to break apart from his control. Instead of fighting, the dragon started to swirl as if it was caught in a maelstrom, swirling faster and faster for a few seconds, until a dragon-sized butterfly appeared instead.

The two knights, on the other hand, started to step dance with each other, like a ballet. The third knight suddenly appeared again from the mirror, even though Bubkiss sent him away as the third knight joined the two others.

Then both the dragon-sized butterfly and tree knights began to perform some crazy acrobatics and finally turned their ass to face Bubkiss and mooned him. Being a few meters from where Bubkiss sat, Nennu had hidden behind a tree where she could watch it all.

However, a light giggle betrayed her position, before she was able to slap a hand to her mouth. Unknown to whether she was heard or not, Nennu stayed absolutely still, hoping she hadn't been discovered.
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“What the devil,” Bubkiss said, his lips still gripping the pipe firmly which still glowed from his previous inhalations. He loosened his grip and turned the pipe from side to side with a practiced ease as he observed his illusion transform from a dragon to a buttefly with a dismayed look upon his face.

Most strange, Bubkiss thought to himself as his thoughts turned to troubleshooting his issue, I've never had a flight of fancy like this affect the original conceptualization manifesting with aberration. Not since I was very young. This is what practice is for I do suppose. I wasn't even thinking of such things, what is wrong with me today, Bubkiss thought.

“Perhaps a flaw within one of the mirrors?” Bubkiss said to himself as he watched the knights now disobey him.

“No, this isn't right. A flaw in a mirror couldn't create this willfulness. You follow my whims, you motes of light, you specks of imagination, what are you doing?” Bubkiss said in frustration as the dance began to unfold, his senses keen and his mind sharp to how magic might warp from his original commands. He no longer felt the connection towards his illusions, a sensation which gave him a small chill up his spine. He thought to the lessons his master had given him, and nothing came to mind. He had attuned himself to the mirrors, he had willed his thoughts into manifestations without distraction. No chunk of cheese could affect one so, Bubkiss thought to himself.

And then the mooning began. Along with a small giggle.

“That's quite enough of that!” Bubkiss cried, and lifted himself to his feet, completely ashamed of his own work. Someone in the forest was laughing at his work, which simply wouldn't do. He furrowed his brow and raised his cane to command his minor cantrips with proper authority. The blue orb glowed powerfully as he lifted it to the full height of his tophat, and slammed it down upon the soil below him as a pulse of magic emanated from him.

At once the illusion cowered and recoiled back into the surface of the mirrors, leaving whisps of smoke that lingered about themselves as if mourning the creator's displeasure. Bubkiss' clothes shimmered for a moment, as if the magic spilled out from his cane to affect his appearance.

“In all my years, I've never had such a rebellious display!” Bubkiss grumbled to himself as he regained his composure. “It hasn't even been a month since my master left and look at this! Awful! Awful awful awful display of control, whatever is the matter with me. I centered myself properly and all!” Bubkiss admonished himself. He gathered the three mirrors and replaced them within the wallet.

He looked around, wondering who had laughed at his misfortune. He had grown sensitive to the feedback of crowds, and that certainly was feedback. He reached into his jacket quickly for a different handkerchief to catch a loud sneeze which shook him for a moment.

“Terribly sorry,” Bubkiss said to the forest in a bit of flair as he replaced the handkerchief, “not my best work at all! I know you're used to my master's handiwork, but I'm the only one left now that he's gone!” Bubkiss said and planted the cane down and smoked some more. Plumes of smoke billowed from his lips.

“Unless,” Bubkiss said quietly to himself and peered through the forest to see if anyone was watching his misfortune. He couldn't see anyone with all the undergrowth.

“Anyone out there?” Bubkiss said to the forest, wondering if there was an elf making fun of his efforts. “I promise I don't normally make such rude displays with my magic. If you're out there, don't be shy. Give me another chance eh? What have you got to lose?” Bubkiss said, sincerely hoping that he hadn't lost his wits to magic suddenly. Not much of a career if you can't control your own creations he thought to himself sourly.

“Here, look, I can do better,” Bubkiss said, and planted the cane down and leaned against it as he felt the tendrils of magic snake about it like his master had shown him so many times. His will began to manifest as light motes of azure began to spark in front of him. Soon the sparks began to gather and grow, and gained the spirited motions of midges as they swirled, and they began to resemble a small deer that pranced and played about in front of him. The eyes were of gold and the speckled coat shone in the light that came out.

“See, I'm not some bawdy magician. Goodness me, am I talking to myself out here?” Bubkiss wondered aloud. His eyes couldn't see his company at all, nor could he sense the glamours that the fae was working upon him. He hadn't even thought that someone might be playing a trick on him, so lost he was to his own self criticism and concern over his own talents.
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Oh boy, it was tough to keep herself from bursting into laughter as her "victim" got all flustered over what he thought was lost of control. The last time Nennu had been able to cause this type of mischief, she was chased throughout the Summer Court by her furious aunt.

She decided to mess a bit more with the poor Gnome, before revealing herself. Silently crawling away on all four from her current position, Nennu found a closer position closer to where Bubkiss stood but to his side. Her eyes flared for just a brief second as her incantation took hold of Bubkiss illusion once again.

If her mother knew what she was doing at this moment, she would so get reprimanded, however, she wasn't and so no one was there to stop her.

The small deer that pranced and played about in front of him suddenly lifted its short tail and then preceded to poop in the shapes of small shining rocks. The deer would just continue poop everywhere it went which made the young Fae girl giggle at the outcome.

As the illusion continued to perform its very vulgarly arc of pooping everywhere it pranced, Nennu finally popped up on a fallen tree, placing herself on the log. Sitting with crossed legs, Nennu just sat and enjoyed her little chaos unfold and waited for the gnome to notice her.
Bubkiss watched with alarm as his work was once again acted disparagingly towards his intent and he felt the blood rise to his cheeks as he witnessed this. The deer looked around, delighted at his own movements.

Bubkiss took off his tophat and waved the illusion away as he walked through it to dispel the act, as if trying to rid the smell of burning from an crisped up meal from an oven. The illusion separated in two from the physical presence of the creator stepping into it so boldly, the severed head of the deer turned up to Bubkiss as if asking what it had done to deserve such treatment as it was forced to fade into nothingness.

As he did so the memory of his master's word came to him, as if brought back by his gestures towards arcane vapour and his creation's questioning gaze. The scent of magic brought his senses and training sharply to the fore. 'When facing aberrations in one's works, look for competitors to one's will. Tarnished works can be acts of sabotage, by oneself or by the world.'

And with such senses, came clarity.

Bubkiss planted the cane firmly in front of him and leaned against it, absorbing a wellspring of energy that emerged from the orb at his command. He could feel his fingers tingle at the prospect of such magic before him, yet he held onto it for long moments as he gathered himself for what was to come. A halfling was before him. Not one dressed as a magician...but there was more than apparent. Surely someone working with illusions wouldn't be so nonchalant as they worked their effort upon someone else's work? Unless it was a warp and forget effect, Bubkiss thought to himself.

The gnome began to use the orb upon his cane to detect any illusions around him and waited for his own aura to extend to detect the acts of illusion around him. That might yield the proper answers to Bukiss' professional life being meddled with. Practice was very much part of the profession.

“You're quite something you know that? Just so co-incidentally two of my works have gone maverick. Quite so co-incidentally. Now come on, this image before me doesn't hail as the magic weaving sort. Where are the trinkets, the items of power, the artefacts that yield so much power? Forgive my boldness, but a professional can recognize the form of a professional. Or natural innate power, eh?” Bubkiss said, and leaned forward and hummed a satisfactory note to himself as his spell revealed to him through weave, winds and fractions of reality that the magic influence. This was a false image, an illusionist who detected a facade was about his scene. Something not of his own. The fellow wasn't angry at such a discovery, more opportunistically his curiosity was heckled.

When there are illusions, there is an illusionist with a will and intent, a goal.

His master's words.

He began to speak conversationally to the would be halfling, his manner somewhere between talking to an audience explaining a trick so recently performed and a form of public address, all delivered in a bemused tones that gave no shade of malice lurking within his words. It seemed somewhat impossible from the gnome's stature that he acted out of such obvious displays of emotions. Not when magicians were afoot and the magical actions made apparent. Like pawns upon a chessboard, quick moving at first.

“Such innate power comes from more than a simple halfling without a item of magic upon them, not the way I work, no-sir-ree, that I can guarantee. Ol' Bubkiss knows. No scrolls, no rings, no scepters, no cane. No picture within the pane. Not like this here thing, see,” Bubkiss said and lifted his cane up to his nose, “this orb can sense something about you, friend,” Bubkiss said, as if disarming his own action with the use of the word 'friend'. A smile upon the gnome's lips as the orb turned to a shade of orange the shape of flame as a silver tree displayed within the orb that was raised so. The image brightly burned and left an after image as if one were staring straight into the lamp light of the stage.

“I think you're more than this, halfling,” Bubkiss said without hint of threat. This was another act in the stage performance. Bubkiss' clothes began to glow and pulse with purple light at first, and then gold as the illusionist continued to talk. The orb swirled with power as the gnome worked himself completely.

“I'll do ya a professional courtesy, friend," Bubkiss said, once again choosing his word 'friend' carefully. "You drop your illusion before I have my own fun working on what you've shown off here so plain and cool. For example, we could go with this way,” Bubkiss said, his own personage took on a great and strange change in but a moment of rippling light that seemed as if all was placed within melting wax did the gnome turn into an exact copy of the halfling in front of him, perfect and pure of defection. The gnome himself faded from view as this image presented itself.

And as quickly as the perfect image appeared, did Bubkiss return to his old self, still resplendent in purple and gold light as his own power was made manifest. It was if such an act lionized the gnome in his own position. Still did his conversational tone ring consistent as he continued to talk.

“Two can play at that game after all, but don't you quite find we're more than ourselves when we use our own work with clearly shown eyes, hands, and methods of magic? Before an audience, you should present your act with vision in mind. An owner. Someone crafting it that can be known true. Personas are one thing, but me? I prefer an honest act. If you don't show your hand, gloves and all, I'll just bathe this place in light until I detect it myself with my arcane sense, but as I say, professional courtesy to let us see each other for what we might be and all. With our own eyes. Seeing as we're both illusionists with an interest in the art of...glamour,” Bubkiss said, his education hinting at the true origins of things. All but a hint, almost precognition, but slow burning candle and slow illuminating understanding within the gnome's self.

"Unless you want to show off, that is pal." Bubkiss said with a broad smile as his boots began to glow a solid, brilliant, and obvious gold, the light incandescent as it draped about his shoes, proudly planted, forward and true.
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Watching the gnome perform his glamour magick was quite the sight to behold, even though he was limited to the use of objects. In truth, she was quite excited over the prospect of meeting another illusionist that wasn't her family or nobles of the Summer Court.

Though one thing was certain, the gnome loved the sound of his own voice as he made a show of his speech to her, as if she was part of an audience. Nennu actually started to applause Bubkiss' glamour show, not showing a hint of fear at the possibility of having his magick be used against her.

Looking at the small statue of a man, Nennu took in all the small details, all the small magickal effects that rippled through the air around her. A cheeky smile formed on the halfling girl's lips as her eyes burned a bright golden colour. <"You're fun"> giggled the halfling girl as the air around her started to shimmer and swirl ever so slightly.

While the treetops were rather closely woven and entangled to each other, forming a net of unending shadowy cover to the forest floor, the sunlight started to almost force itself through the treetops. However, the light wasn't just piecing through the treetops anywhere, but directly at the halfling girl.

Bubkiss would then witness as warm sunlight surrounded the girl almost as if the sun itself folded its welcoming hands around her. As the halfling girl slowly got up, the light burned brighter and brighter and would blind his eyes if he kept on looking at it.

He could swear he even heard the musical humming of a warm summer breeze blowing in the wind. Small light orbs began to appear around them both, bobbing gently in the wind. In a dance of light, the orbs began to shape themselves into small dancing fairies, giggling and laughing of great delight.

On even danced be Bubkiss' large nose and poked it, before dancing onwards.

Brighter and brighter the sunlight became, completely engulfing the halfling girl who kept on humming a song in a strange language.

As the halfling girl hit a high note, the blinding light engulfing her pulsated and exploded in a wave of multicoloured glitter and light. The girl's singing had stopped all of a sudden as the blinding light disappeared, Bubkiss would see a perfectly matched clone of himself, standing right in front of him. The clone copied his every move, every mannerism with the exception of sound, though it still moved its mouth.

For all tends and purposes, the halfling girl was gone with only a clone left in the aftermath of the light show.

What Bubkiss failed to notice, being that everything else was there to distract the gnome, was the fact that Nennu had snuck around as the light exploded. While there was still the chance that the gnome would turn around and see Nennu in all of her light golden fae glory, the fae girl counted on the man being distracted.

Sneaking ever so closer behind Bubkiss, the girl took her chance and as loud as she could muster, yelled "BUH!" in an attempt to scare the man.
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I'm fun? Well, lady, this aint boring for me neither, Bubkiss concluded. This one was was clearly powerful from the aura about her now, the warm sunlight folded around her as if she had a natural affinity for the substance. It reminded him of his tutor, the way his could naturally warp the light around himself and make it coalesce to do his bidding. Powerful stuff naturally formed, it was a marvel to behold every time. He noticed the shimmering and prepared himself for another display of prowess.

And then the brightness increased before him. At once, Bubkiss used a cantrip to shield his eyes. The magic snapped in existence about his eyes, turning them a dull brown to allow him to continue to look. It was a common precaution when dealing with luminosity of magnititude, and often had to be employed by the gnome in his youth when his master grew animated or frustrated in his presence. It wasn't too often, but sometimes his Master would send an entire room aglow as if sunlight was exploding forth from his very frame. So this brightness was welcomed and received, even if the cantrip prevented him from focusing on the dimmer thing around him.

More faeries? This person has a penchant for them...I wonder if they themselves are somehow tied to the forst, Bubkiss thought to himself. Would stand to reason he thought. He scrunched up his nose as the dancing faeries did a number upon his nose. Tricksy one this. And that strange language, not elvish, not something he recognised. But he felt the power surge about her and prepared himself for another magical demonstration. He waited patiently, remaining silent this time as he let his company take centre stage.

Glitter and light proceeded to engulf the figure before him, which was replaced by a perfect replica of himself. He raised his eyebrows in professional admiration. It copied his movements independantly, and Bubkiss twirled his cane to punctuate the point and to see what he looked like doing it. Flawless, he thought to himself as he caught the cane with a well practised flourish.

While he was occupied with his own movements, he felt the loud, “BUH” beside him and took a step back. Bubkiss wasn't scared by it, merely sore from his eardrums.

“Ow, lady,” Bubkiss said and put a finger in his ear and massaged his inner ear for a moment, “you got some skills but your manners. What's the big idea shouting in someone's ear? You're a natural born prankster, aren't you? I like what you're doing but leave my poor ears out of it. Someone as talented as you shouldn't resort to cheap shots. Demeans the act of illusions you know, to rely on such things to get a reaction. Or at least, I think so anyways.”

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The wide grin quickly turned into a pout, when the desired outcome didn't happen. Right before the Gnome's eyes, he saw a young girl, golden skin like the sun's warmth. A wild bright orange mane-like hair with a natural wavy feel to it as it reached just above her chest. Now, Bubkiss might have met or seen many elves and is accustomed to their very noble and fair look.

This girl had very similar features to that of elves, but much more in a sense of exaggeration. Her pointy ears were much longer, almost reaching the top of her head and her facial features was that of fay and fairy creatures. With eyes of gold, hinting ever so faintly of pupils in the gold-coloured eyes, the girl stood in all her fae glory and pouted with crossed arms. If Bubkiss used magic to sense her magickal affiliation, he would immediately get overwhelmed with celestial solar magic with that of a strong elemental connection to earth and fire.

With all of that magickal connection, the girl acted more like a teenager than some superior educated mage. Sitting on the ground, legs and arms crossed, the girl disappointed in not being able to give Bubkiss a scare. "Well, you're no fun" commented the young and looked up at the Gnome in front of her.

Then her facial expression changed to that of worry and in an instant, the light started to swirl around her, covering her like a barrier hugging her body. No more than a few seconds had gone and instead of the vibrate and colourful young girl, sat a blond human girl with dull blue eyes.

As Nennu rose from her spot, the worried look continued on her face - "you weren't supposed to see the real me" commented Nennu, starting to back away hinting in she was about to flee Bubkiss' present.
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Bubkiss finished massaging his ear and leaned upon his cane. His expression changed to one of concern as Nennu made to leave.

“So, your primary illusion got seen through,” Bubkiss said and ran his fingers through his beard, “happens to all of us. Even the best! So don't worry yourself, all of your talents are very impressive. Where'd you learn? Or does this sort of thing come naturally to you? Came naturally to my master, it's why he became such a good teacher to me. No need to run away so soon. Look, if two illusionists can't have a civil conversation about the Art then we're not going to progress now are we? Unless you'd rather just practice in the dark, from afar, hidden and powerful.”

Nennu was completely prepared to flee the scene and Bubkiss as the scary stories of outside strangers wanting to do all manners of bad things to a Fae girl. Yet, she didn't. Why? She wasn't sure, other than the small gnome not attempting to capture or had even done anything bad to her. She might be a naive girl, having no real knowledge of the outside, but she tried to see the good in everyone.

Besides, being a serious party pooper was her brother, Faolan's job when they were attending balls or parties. Standing a good few metres from Bubkiss, she stood with a closed fist, holding it close to her chest, the girl's curiosity got piqued by the mention of illusions and her connection to her abilities.

"I guess..." spoke the blond human girl as Nennu still held her mask active without even thinking or concentrating. "But when I stay hidden, people can't get me in trouble, if they don't know who tricked them" counter-pointed Nennu's human form with a smirk, taking a step back to Bubkiss, seemingly getting into their conversation.