Private Tales Old Friends

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Elise Virak

The Baronness
Character Biography
Vel Anir - The Keep of Anir - Lynus' Bedroom

The door swept open with a loud bang. The sound thundering through the room and into the halls beyond as the practiced clicking of heel to toe shoes shortly followed.

Elise Virak swept into the troll cave with a hand already lifted to her nose. Fingers pinched tightly in place as she shook her head and looked to the desperate wretch sprawled upon the bed. Her tongue clicked in disgust as she was forced to draw her fingers away, grasping onto either side of the curtains and sweeping them away to let in what she was sure was the first sunlight in weeks.

"Dear Anirius." The Baroness said, shaking her head as she stepped over a pile of bottles towards the next window. "Is this truly what you've been reduced to?"

She asked, not really looking for an answer. Sunlight casting into the formerly darkened abyss of Lynus' room. Elise's fingers quickly darting to the lattices of the window to force it open seconds later. Taking a breath of much needed fresh air. Head shaking once more as she slowly turned and regarded her old friend in his disastrous taste. "Honestly, Lynus."

Her lips pressed together.

"Have you grown so used to being coddled that this is a state you find yourself okay with?" She clicked her tongue, and then trod slowly over towards the bed. Dodging what she was sure were the soiled undergarments of a prostitute more than once. Elise nearly used her magics to smite him then and there. "Honestly your mother should have called me much sooner."

Elise insisted as she finally made it to the bed, bright red lips pressing together as she stared at him. "What have you to say for yourself, My Prince?"

She beckoned, making it obvious that silence would not be tolerated.
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  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
The bang of the door barely registered in Lynus' foggy consciousness, but the intrusion of sunlight, a rare visitor to his darkened room, caused him to squint and turn his face away with a groan. He could sense the presence of another person, but the details were hazy, and he couldn't summon the energy to care.

As Elise Virak's voice echoed through the room, Lynus felt a flicker of annoyance, a disturbance in the numbing routine of his existence. Her disdainful remarks and clucking tongue pierced through the alcohol-induced haze, but still he couldn't muster the strength to respond. His eyes, once filled with life, were now vacant and hollow, staring into some distant abyss.

The Baroness's footsteps echoed against the cluttered floor, her pointed words cutting through the air like a dagger. The stench of alcohol and neglect hung heavy in the room, a stark contrast to the much-needed fresh air that Elise was trying to introduce. The sunlight, attempting to banish the darkness that had settled in Lynus' life, felt like an unwelcome intruder.

The Prince remained silent, his face turned away from the accusatory gaze. The mention of his mother's involvement drew a faint, bitter sneer from Lynus—a fleeting acknowledgment of the tangled web of responsibility and expectations that bound him.

‘What have you to say for yourself, My Prince?’

Her question hung in the air, thick as smoke trying to choke him, a challenge that demanded a response. The room held its breath, awaiting any sign of life in the once vibrant Prince who had succumbed to the shadows.

"Fuck off."
A single eyebrow popped at Lynus’ rather uncouth response. The barely mumbled words slurred just loud enough for her to hear even through the haze of alcohol and what she was sure was exhaustion. Though lay in his own bed, Elise very much doubted that the fool of a Prince had been getting much sleep. At least any that was not induced by the myriad of drink he was consuming.

Her lips quirked to an even deeper frown, head shaking in a mixture of disgust, disappointment, and no less than sheer pity. For a brief moment she considered him, the room now flooded with light she was actually able to make out some of Lynus’ features.

To say that he was a shadow of himself was an understatement. His hair seemed thinner and more pale, his eyes were practically sunken, the scruff on his cheek spoke to the fact that he'd likely not shaved himself in weeks. Perhaps months. His clothes, she presumed, had been slept in for days at a time. Every wrinkle and create within the cloth now likely more than permanent. Finery that some would have begged for ruined by the bedraggled and mourning Prince.

“No.” Elise said, finally taking a step forward. Her boots clicking as she cut the corner of the end of the bed, reaching down and in one smooth motion ripping the sheets away. She did not much care what state he was in beneath the covers, she'd seen it all anyway.

The sheer was flung to the side of the bed, and before Lynus could try to cover himself Elise’s hand snapped like a viper at his ankle.

Fingers wrapped around him just above his foot, and with a strength that seemed unlikely from such a demure woman, Elise yanked Lynus' towards herself and the edge of the bed. “Get up!”

She demanded.

“Or will I have to drag you into the bath?” Elise questioned, her bright golden eyes seeming to spark with unquestioned determination.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus grunted as the sheets were abruptly torn away, exposing him to the unwelcome intrusion of both light and judgement. The faint mumble that had slipped past his lips in response to Elise's presence was now replaced with a groan of protest as her firm grip encircled his ankle. His attempt to shield himself from the sudden exposure was futile, and he found himself being unceremoniously pulled toward the edge of the bed.

The world spun for a moment as Lynus tried to make sense of the situation. The fog of alcohol clouding his thoughts momentarily lifted, and he was met with the stern gaze of Elise Virak. Her demand to get up echoed in his ears, but his body, accustomed to the weight of despair, resisted the call to action.

Dragging himself into a seated position, Lynus squinted against the harsh light, his dishevelled appearance now laid bare for Elise to witness in all its pathetic glory. His eyes, once vibrant and full of life, met hers with a mix of defiance and resignation.

"What do you want, Elise?" he muttered, his voice a rasp of despondency. The pain etched on his face told a tale of grief too profound to be lifted by the sunlight streaming into the room. The threat of being dragged into the bath hung in the air, but Lynus remained unmoving, as if chained to the weight of his sorrow.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Elise Virak
It was not the first time Elise had seen him utterly bare, but this time it was decidedly less impressive.

A long breath flowed into her lungs as she shook her head. Eyes flicking up and down Lynus' form in quick inspection. A frown tugged at the edges of her lips for a brief moment, pity flickering through her gaze as she shook her head and let out a sigh. Her fingers, long since withdrawn from The Prince's ankles, reached doit and gently grasped his chin. A nail running along the scruff as she continued to take liberties that most men would find nothing less than an insult.

“I want you to take a bath.” She said plainly, the tone of her voice shifting from stern to something more soft. Her hand drawing away from him as she allowed him the liberty of modesty for just a brief second. Heels clicking as she wandered through the room and towards a large cupboard in the corner. The doors swung open, and she began to push through clothes long covered in dust.

“Then, I need…” She intoned as though there was no other choice. “ to accompany me to the seaside.”

As she plucked out a pair of folded breeches, a tunic, and even one of his heavy leather jackets Elise continued to explain. “Our esteemed Republic has selected me to represent us in negotiations with one of our wayward provinces; Ateria.”

Even in his drunken haze, Elise hoped that Lynus' still remembered the city. Located on the cliffs of the Cortosi Coast, the small metropolis had once been something of a retreat for the Royal Family and select nobles. Including her own family. During the revolution, Ateria, like so many others had chosen to break away from the influence of Vel Anir.

“Many in the city are still fond of you.” Elise said, turning back with the bundle of clothes draped over her arms. “But the Lord Mayor and his Council are as stubborn as ever.”

A frown touched her lips for a brief moment, then she continued.

“I believe your presence will avert more senseless blood from being spilled.” In a more sober state, he might have been able to see what she was trying to do. Pulling him into a task beyond the grief and misery he had found himself surrounded with. Giving him an opportunity to not just sit and languish, but do something. Even if she was still sure she would have to drag him kicking and screaming into it.

Stepping back over towards the bed, Elise came down to sit beside him. “A week, is all I need.”

She looked over at him, a hand softly reaching out to grab his.

“A week to save a city.” Elise pressed. “And then you may drink all the wine in Ateria, if you wish.”
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus felt the cool touch of Elise's fingers on his chin, a sensation that seemed to cut through the numbness surrounding him. The pity in her eyes and the inspection of his pitiable state stung, but he was too worn down to protest. As she mentioned the bath, his mind recoiled at the idea of rousing himself from the cocoon of misery he had woven. "What difference is a fucking bath going to make?" he grumbled, his voice still gritty from sleep.

"I didn't ask for company." he sniped, gathering his bedsheets around his waist.

He half-listened to her words, the mention of Ateria registering somewhere in the recesses of his consciousness. The memories were distant, like echoes of a life that belonged to someone else. Elise's explanation of the political situation and the need for his presence wafted over him like a breeze and he grunted incredulously.

When she returned with a bundle of clothes, Lynus hesitated, his gaze shifting between the garments and Elise. The idea of venturing outside, let alone participating in political negotiations, seemed like an insurmountable task. "Surely my father would be better up to the task, my sister, even."

With a determined pull, she managed to get him on his feet, the bedsheets still clutched around him like a protective shield. Lynus, though standing, remained a reluctant participant, his gaze fixed on the ground as if avoiding the reality that awaited him beyond the confines of his room.

"A week?" he repeated, a hand dragging down his rugged face. A week of being left the fuck alone by his incessant family? A week to make her regret dragging him from his bed?

"Fuck it. Whatever." If there was wine involved
  • Aww
Reactions: Elise Virak
She had an objection at every turn of course.

His father was simply too busy with events in Vel Anir. Kassandra had lived most of her life away from Aniria itself. Elise could have presented argument after argument as to why it was only Lynus who could accompany her.

It was why she had come here now, why she had planned to rope him in. This was a task uniquely suited to him, one that Elise had known would at least draw a semblance of his attention. Within the mire of his misery she knew that the Prince needed something more to grasp onto. The life of a whole city was a small morsel in her eyes, but within a better man like him, they would mean something more.

Even if he could not get admit it.

Saying nothing at all as he worked through his objections, Elise kept her palm steady upon his. Fingers gently squeezing only as he stood and finally acquiesced to the question that she had posed for him.

More work would need to be done, so much more, but it was a first step at least. “Wonderful.”

She exclaimed happily. The frown on her face almost instantly turning into a beaming smile that resembled those she had only worn as a teenager.

“Now, must I drag you into the bath?” She teased. “Or will you come willingly to maintain at least some of your modesty?”

As she posed her question, a dangerous spark flicked through her eyes.
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus, still standing on unsteady legs and holding onto the bedsheets, cast a weary look at Elise. The prospect of being dragged into a bath felt like an unnecessary intrusion, a disruption to the rhythm of his self-imposed isolation.

"I think I'm still capable of bathing myself, Elise." he commented dryly.

The suggestion of maintaining at least some modesty drew a sardonic chuckle from him. "And modesty left me a long time ago," he muttered, the words carrying the weight of his recent descent into despair. With a reluctant sigh, he released his grip on the bedsheets, allowing them to pool around his feet.

Lynus met Elise's gaze with a mix of defiance and resignation, making it clear that while he might reluctantly comply, he was not pleased with the idea. A reluctant participant in the steps that were being taken to extract him from the darkness that had become his refuge.

As he shuffled toward his bathing chambers, there was a weariness in his movements, a reflection of the emotional toll that clung to him like a shadow. The journey ahead, both in the physical act of bathing and the metaphorical steps towards Ateria, seemed like an arduous climb back to a life he had lost. Yet, he was so tired of all of the insistence and pestering, it was a daily occurrence now. The least he could do was prove to them how hopeless he was, and force them to finally give up on him as he had.
  • Smug
Reactions: Elise Virak
A flicker of a smile was the only answer that Lynus received, the fleeting expression disappearing as he managed to drag himself towards the bathroom.

She could have offered any number of barbs or quips. A dozen cutting remarks or even a few complements, but Elise knew that the Prince needed none of those in that moment. A word, any word at all, might have toppled the precarious little tower that he had already built for himself with his agreement.

The Baroness knew that, because she knew men, no; because she knew him.

Lynus was balancing on a precarious edge, had been dangling over it for months…perhaps even years. She had offered him only the slightest line back, and in agreeing whether he knew it or not, he had accepted. Elise knew that she would have to move carefully now if anything were to come of this.

She watched him for a few seconds as he disappeared into the bathroom, and then quickly set about moving back towards the closet in the corner of the room. Without a word to him or a call for servants, Elise Virak, scion of one of the greatest families in all of Vel Anir; Began to pack the Princes’ bags.

There was no fuss, no complaint, or word of her doing. She did it because it needed doing. She did it because she knew the harrow of fawning servants would send him reeling back. She did it because at the end of the day she could not stand seeing a man she had once respected, and perhaps even loved wallowing in the way he was.

By the time Lynus finished bathing, and hopefully shaving, he would emerge to find his bags packed. Elise sitting prim and proper at the end of his bed, the smile on her face pert, and ready for the challenge she knew he would pose.
The warm water of the bath did little to wash away the heaviness that clung to Lynus, but as he emerged, clean-shaven and slightly more composed, the sensation of warmth and cleanliness clung to him like a faint echo of better days.

His brow quirked as he noted the shift in his chambers and blue eyes flickered to the neatly packed bags, an acknowledgment that someone had taken charge in his short absence. He huffed quietly as he dragged his eyes over Elise, sat at the end of his bed, her smile poised. Lynus, still in a state of reluctant acceptance, met her gaze with a mix of wariness and a trace of something else.

"Well, you've certainly been busy," he remarked, a hint of dry humor in his voice.

Elise's unspoken determination didn't go unnoticed, and for a moment, a flicker of gratitude crossed Lynus's eyes. He hadn't asked for this intrusion, he didn't want it, but deep down, perhaps he knew he needed it.

With a sigh, Lynus moved to sit beside Elise on the bed, a weariness in his movements but a glimmer of something else in his eyes. "So, what's the plan?" he grumbled reluctantly.
  • Aww
Reactions: Elise Virak
"One can't get too used to servants." Elise said in echo of her father.

The Virak children had always gone through lapses of luxury. Both of their parents had always insisted on teaching all of them the cost of wealth. Her father had been cruel in that regard, and her mother painfully honest. There had been months where she and her brothers did not just sleep without the comfort of beds, but a home at all.

Not that she would ever admit it to anyone. Her father had done a great many things that were now better left in the past, but teaching her to survive was not something she would ever admonish him for. Even now as he lay in his grace.

Her eyes followed Lynus as he made his way to the bed besides her.

For a moment she did not answer him, but then finally spoke up. "The plan, is to follow my Schedule, dear Prince."

Elise said, picking herself up and threatening to sweep Lynus right along with her.

"There is a carriage waiting for us downstairs." That would come as no surprise. Elise would only have come and retrieved Lynus when everything was prepared. Any minutes wait might change his mind, and she wouldn't have that. "The journey to Ateria will take three days, as you'll recall."

There would be stops, two of them, but she left that out. "We will be arriving in secret, no pomp or circumstance in the city, staying at the Manor of Richard Einfeld."

The name would conjure more memories, old friends of House Virak. A face Lynus would remember, all of them used to play with Richard and his sister in Ateria. Though she suspected that for the boys it had been more of a silent competition. "Negotiations will begin the next day, but I believe Richard is hosting a Dinner Party the evening before."

Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she finished, as if daring for an objection, then she let out a sigh and her expression softened.

"It will be boring." Elise admitted. "But the more inroads we can make, the easier this will all go."

Plus, she had been honest with Lynus. She was sure that with him by her side, this would all go much more easily. Not that she particulaly cared about Ateria. In her mind this was hardly about the city, or the lives their negotiations would save.

No, for Elise, this was for her friend.

If it brought Lynus back to the man she had once known, she would burn all of Ateria to the ground in a heartbeat.
'The plan, is to follow my Schedule, dear Prince.'

"Of course it is.." he muttered as he swept a hand through his wet hair.

He dressed as she spoke, his expression shifting from boredom to dread to incredulity. Yes, he recalled Richard and he certainly remembered his sister. He smirked at the memory and muttered quietly to himself.. "He was always such a jealous little shit--" he cut himself off, his attention snapping to her as he buttoned his breeches, about to argue that he hadn't agreed to any dinner parties, yet the look on her face made him pause and think better of it.

With a nasal huff he pulled on his shirt, and finished dressing without another word. Before long, he was escorting her out of the keep to where her carriage waited, his mother looking rather pleased with herself as she bid them a safe journey on their way out.
  • Smug
Reactions: Elise Virak
The first leg of their journey was blissfully quiet.

Though it was sure that rumors would quickly swirl all over high society about the recluse Prince being pried from his cave, it mattered not. Within a short time the carriage had left the city, and with it the contention of rumor and gossip which seemed to always cling to high society.

As they made their way, Elise leaned back in her seat. Letting the curtain of the carriage fall back just as they exited the last outer-village around Vel Anir.

A deep breath drew into her lungs, and she gave the Prince a smile. "Fresh air, finally."

"I was surprised I did not have to dig you out of one of your country estates."
Elise said idly, turning her attentions fully onto the Prince. "When was the last time you left the city, Lynus?"

Elise asked as if she didn't already know.
Lynus felt a wave of irritation wash over him as Elise's words pierced through the quiet of the carriage. He'd grown used to the quiet and easily pestered by anything that might interrupt it. His head pounded with the remnants of a headache that threatened to consume him, and he longed for the numbing embrace of alcohol to dull the ache.

He huffed quietly at her remark, shooting her a dark glance before turning his gaze out the window, watching the passing scenery with a mixture of resignation and disdain. The fresh air did little to ease the tension coiled tightly within him, and he fidgeted restlessly in his seat, the confines of the carriage feeling suffocating.

"I think you know well enough when the last I left the city was, Elise," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness as he dragged a hand down his tired face. The last time he'd left the city, it'd been to visit her own country estate, and that was a time he'd far rather not speak of.

Lynus stretched out his legs and reclined, his arms folding across his chest and his eyes closing. "Wake me when we get to our first rest point, won't you?"
  • Smug
Reactions: Elise Virak
Elise did not press, though Lynus would miss the grin that drew across her lips as he closed his eyes. "Too long, then."

She muttered to herself quietly, though did not push him any more.

He wasn't ready for that yet.

With Lynus falling asleep, Elise busied herself on the journey with a number of different files she had brought along. Reading through them in silence as the carriage slowly made it's way down the well maintained roads of Vel Anir. Every now and again she would hum to herself, flicking through the pages with the small tune. Her eyes flicking up only a few times to see if her companion still slept.

It was hours later, at the touch of dusk, that Lynus would finally be awoken. The carriage coming to a sudden jerking stop.

When Lynus opened his eyes, he would find Elise again. Though she was not in the same haughty gown as before. Instead she sat before him in shockingly sensible clothing for a woman of her reputation. Simple breeches, a tight tunic, and then a leather jacket that looked as though it had seen better years. "Oh you're awake."

The Baroness trilled happily.

"Delightful." She chirped at the likely groggy Prince. "I'm glad you had your rest, we have quite the evening ahead of us."
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus stirred as the carriage jolted to a stop, the abrupt interruption pulling him from the grasp of sleep. Blinking blearily, he found himself facing Elise once again, his brow furrowing at the clothing she now wore—a clear indication that their journey held more surprises than he had anticipated.

He regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and mild annoyance and rubbed at his face, his mind still clouded with the remnants of sleep. He squinted as he looked out of the window and took in their surroundings. The fading light of dusk painted the landscape in shades of amber and gold, casting long shadows.

"Quite the evening, indeed," he replied, his tone tinged with a hint of skepticism. "And what, pray tell, do you have planned for us?.." he grumbled.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Elise Virak
”You used to enjoy a surprise.” Elise chided quietly with a click or her tongue, shaking her head and letting a small smile touch upon her lips.

A long sigh escaped her as she saw the skepticism so obviously painted on his face. The suspicion inherent within made her stomach turn, though she wasn't entirely sure why. Seeing Lynus world weary and withdrawn was strangely painful. The once joyous and extroverted Prince reduced to a man who barely wanted to leave his bed.

Her smile faded somewhat as she looked at her own friend. ”Honestly.”

She said softly.

”Your trips to the taverns of Vel Anir are hardly a secret.” Elise offered softly. ”And I thought…”

Her head shook. ”I thought perhaps if we went together my…discomfort, might bring you a little joy..”

It was no secret that although Elise often championed the cause of charity and the commons, she was hardly a fixture among the peasantry. Most would think it likely that she had never stepped foot in a tavern. At least one meant for anyone who could walk in off the street. Back when they were teenagers, something like this would have amused him to no end, she was almost sure of it.

”Foolish, I know.” Elise said, plucking at a string of guilt. ”But…well, even I'm allowed to be a fool once or twice.”
Lynus blinked in surprise at Elise's admission, his initial skepticism giving way to a faint glimmer of interest. He hadn't expected her to suggest something so... unconventional. The idea of Elise, with her refined demeanor and noble upbringing, setting foot in a tavern was almost laughable. It wasn't often he found himself surprised these days..

He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at how withdrawn he had become, how he had shut himself off from the world and from those who cared about him. A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he met Elise's gaze. "Foolish, perhaps," he conceded, his voice gentle. "But also... thoughtful."

The idea that Elise had gone out of her way to try and bring him a moment of joy was a gesture he hadn't expected, but one that he found himself surprisingly grateful for. Still, he couldn't let but feel slightly skeptical of her motive.

"Right then.." he murmured as he unfastened his jacket and shrugged out of it, the black shirt he wore beneath far less likely to draw any attention. He lost the scarf he wore and ruffled his fingers through his hair before stepping out of the carriage, and offering his hand.

"Wench?.." he smirked.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Elise Virak
Elise stared down at Lynus with a quiet fury in her eyes. "I would not push it, Dearest Prince."

She said, shifting her leg forward ever so slightly to reveal her boots.

"I may have foregone the heels for this evening, but as you'll recall I have quite the kick." A lady of her standards could only be pushed so far. Nevertheless, Elise reached out and took Lynus' hand, stepping down from the carriage while still maintaining the grace of a Queen.

The tavern that she had chosen lay in a small town some leagues away from Vel Anir itself. Though not large enough to really be of any note, the village was at least sizeable enough to have more than one tavern. Three in fact made their home here; The Red Faced Pony, The Tipsy Mermaid, and finally The Half Blind Alesman.

All three were in the center of town, and all three clamored with music, lights, and raucous cheering.

"Oh dear." Elise muttered quietly under her breath, lips pressing to a thin line as her eyes flickered from sign to sign. Offering Lynus an only slightly concerned look.
  • Blank
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus couldn't help but chuckle softly at Elise's warning, a glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes despite the warning that lingered between them. He knew better than to underestimate her, especially when she was already displaying such determination.

"Understood," he replied, his tone light but respectful. He had no intention of pushing her patience any further. Elise's wrath was not something he felt like toying with.

He offered his arm for Elise to take as they strode along the street, his lips twitching with the urge to grin as he sensed her trepidation.

"Come now. I'm certain that The Half Blind Alesman is a reputable and classy establishment," he cleared his throat and smiled down at her. "M'lady.." he said before leading her inside.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Elise Virak
As it turned out, to enjoy the Half Blind Alesman one needed to be fully blind and be bereft of a sense of smell.

The tavern Lynus' had chosen stank of stale beer combined with cigarette and cigar smoke. The smell so powerful that one might have guessed it was now permanently stuck to the floorboards. Elise’s nose crinkled almost instantly upon stepping foot in the door, her gaze flickering from place to place as she watched the unseemly scene unfold ahead of her.

Though not stuffed to the brim, it was clear that the Alesman was a popular tavern. Of a two dozen tables, over half were full. Drunken revelers clung to near enough every seat and corner, some playing dice, some card, and still others simply shouting at one another over some such nonsense Elise couldn't quite make out.

In the back of the room sat a stage, upon it standing three minstrel's who were doing their level best to belt out some sort of song. Their instrument barely audible over the found of the raucous crowd.

”Oh dear.” Elise said to herself, both stunned and disgusted by the view she was taking in.

”This may have been a mistake.” She concluded almost instantly, noticing a distinct and rather large stain on the floor just a few steps ahead of her. Eyes lingering on it just long enough to determine it was not something she wanted to know more about. ”A very big mistake.”

The Noble said, her eyes catching Lynus’.
Lynus couldn't suppress a grimace as the overpowering stench assaulted his senses upon entering the tavern. The combination of disgusting smells hung heavy in the air, clinging to every surface and permeating the atmosphere. "Least my chambers didn't smell this bad.." he muttered to her.

His gaze swept over the tavern, taking in the scene before him with a mixture of resignation and mild amusement. Despite the less than ideal conditions, there was a certain charm to the rowdy atmosphere.

As Elise voiced her dismay, Lynus couldn't help but offer her a sarcastically sympathetic smile, though the amusement still danced in his eyes. "Perhaps not the most... elegant establishment," he admitted, his tone laced with amusement. "But sometimes a little bit of chaos can be... refreshing."

He gestured towards an empty table in a relatively secluded corner of the tavern, away from the worst of the noise and commotion. "Shall we?" he asked, offering Elise his arm with a wry smile. Despite the less than ideal circumstances, there was a sense of excitement building within him, a feeling of liberation from the constraints of his usual routine.

Also, alcohol.

"Your finest whisky my good man!" Lynus asked the barkeep with glee, but as those in the vicinity quieted at his request and the man stared at him as though he'd just slapped his mother, Lynus cleared his throat.. "Or just.. Whatever you have, really.." he amended sheepishly.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Elise Virak
She wasn't sure or not if the arm was a sarcastic one. Almost offered in jest, only to be pulled away at the last moment so Elise would trip in her step.

After a moment however, she took a breath, foul as it was. Her arm hooking into his as they traipsed forward through the tavern. Their steps took them quickly through the tavern room, and within a few moments they'd arrived on the taverns most important front; the Bar.

"We got ale, some liquor probably made in the spring." The barman said. "Worked well when we ran out of the ale."

He said with a shake back at the barrels, Elise paling somewhat. "Perhaps just the...ale, if it's at least fresh."

Her voice somehow remained steady as a rock, even when she accidentally touched something sticky on the bar and realized she wasn't wearing any gloves. Her fingers curling away as she tried desperately not to touch anything else.

"Or maybe that liquor after all." Perhaps it would help clean wherever they ended up sitting.

"Whatever you say, lady." The barman said, turning his back to the two of them as he began to serve them their drinks.

"You're taking me to the Platinum Parasol for this, Lynus." Elise said, turning away from the bar to keep an eye on the drunks. "Or perhaps the Tinkered Scorpion, somewhere nice."

She'd make sure of it.
  • Haha
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus couldn't suppress a chuckle as Elise's discomfort became increasingly evident, her poised demeanor faltering ever so slightly in the face of the tavern's less than hygienic conditions. Despite the less-than-ideal circumstances, there was something undeniably amusing about seeing the Baroness a little out of her element.

He lifted the tankard of ale that was sloshed in front of him, a wide grin on his face as he lifted it in mock toast to her, a dip of his chin in agreement to her request before he drank it back. It was absolute piss-water but by fuck it was glorious.

He drank down half before setting it down and dragging the back of his hand across his lips. Lynus couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation wash over him. The chaos of this disgusting tavern, the foul ale—it was all a welcome departure from the monotony of his usual routine.

"Now this is fucking living." he exclaimed, slamming his hand down on the bar. "Another!" he declared.
  • Smug
Reactions: Elise Virak
Elise took up the tankard of ale, bringing it up to her lips in sign of equal to her companion before she actually sniffed what was within the cup. Her lips curled almost instantly in disgust, the stench overpowering enough that she nearly wretched the contents of her stomach onto the floor.

"I...Uhh..." The mug was placed down onto the ground, her gaze shifting towards the bar tender. "Do you not have anything more..." did she put this. "Sanitary?"

The man across the bar peered at her for a moment, and then without a single word placed a highball glass upon the bar. A mysterious bottle quickly retrieved seconds later, poured to the half-way mark without comment or considerations.

Elise eyed the concoction wearily, her lip pressed to a thin line as she looked between the mug in her hand the glass that had been poured. With a low scowl, and no word, she placed the mug down, and picked up the glass. Taking a heavy swig of the drink in one fell swoop.

A burn tickled down her throat almost immediately, and she let out a breath of exhaustion and tickled buzz and she shouted.

"ThReE!" Her voice clamored over Lynus', ordering the barkeep as she slid her hand around the Prince's form, and shoved him into the bar. "Unless you're scared."

She said, holding back the hiccup.