Private Tales Old Reunions

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Alistair Krixus

The Rune Knight
Character Biography
The repetitive turn of a wagon wheel woke Alistair to the harsh sunlight bearing down on him. He yawned as he sat up in the passenger seat, his sight no longer having to squint at the rays of light. One of his men, Gibbs, was driving the wagon along while he could still hear the rest of his guard riding around the wagon.

"Vel Castere is just up ahead, sir."

Alistair only nodded as he readjusted some of his clothes and then flared his magical sight to see the looming city before them. The fortress to the west certainly deserved its name and station, more importantly, it was home to the Army of the West which held a particular person he was looking for. The young Dreadlord slipped into the back of the wagon, wanting to check through all of the supplies they had bought. Some of it was for himself, but a large portion of the supplies was just for some specific requests that the Army had made before his departure.

"When arriving at the gates, show off the credentials and then ask for the location of Ra-No, Samantha Black. Leyten, you and the remainder of the men will see that the supplies ordered find their rightful place."

There were responses of confirmation from all of his men, but Alistair did not care as his eyes were now focuses on the sword hilt at his side. A smile was beginning to creep onto his face. He would have been lying if he had told his men that their trip to the furthest western reaches of the Republic was not driven by personnel need.

Over the past several months, given his time training with Archon Zana, his journeys to Tyr, and his newfound sight, he had made several plans to upgrade the runesaber. While he had faith in his meticulous planning, there was only one person he trusted to do the metal rune work that his weapon would require.

It did not take long to get into the fortress with his credentials and supplies, and as soon as they were inside, Alistair leaped from the wagon and shouted for Gibbs to follow after him with the supplies. It was time to find Sam.

Samantha Black
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While not the only Dreadlord working out of Vel Castere, Lieutenant Black had earned notable infamy since her official induction into the ranks of the Knights. Taking her squadron into the heart of elven territories to form one of the first alliances of their time with a once sworn enemy, to her successful raid on one of Gilram's hideouts and capture of 3 exiled associates. Without mentioning other notable successes against enemy and beast alike, her growing collection of Dreadlords under her command, and her penchant for winning contests of brute strength, she had become something of a local celebrity.

Sam had never sought out attention from others, but she found she rather enjoyed the comradery it engendered here beyond her life at the Academy. Even if she still had enough detractors to keep her humble. There were still plenty of people in the Guard that did not like the incorporation of Dreadlords amongst their number.

"Lieutenant Black's probably over at Burnside Square inducting new recruits," an armored Guard informed Alistair for the asking and pointed out the route to take.

Sure enough, he'd find the Lieutenant standing watch over the open Square training yard, her keen eye slowly surveying a collective of fresh Knights as they moved through their new training routines below.
Alistair found Samantha with relative ease thanks to the directions, and when he finally laid his eyes on her, it was no doubt that was Sam. While no longer able to see the normal appearance of the dark-haired Dreadlord, the outline of her body still was enough to recognize her imposing presence. It was certainly Sam, but also...not.

His forehead wrinkled in concentration as his eyes squinted to get a good look at Samantha's aura. It was easily one of the most complicated auras he had ever seen, and he had laid eyes on Archon's.

The initial aura wasn't surprising, it was not the largest, as rarely did rune magic practitioners have ample mana reserves. However, that mana was calm and steady, almost fluid. To simply compare to water would be a disservice to the aura. It had a level of force and depth, that stood as a contract to its size. It felt...dense. If this aura was like water, then it was like the ocean. A person could fight the ocean for years but it would never break it.

If that would have been the end of it all, then Alistair would have been impressed but not confused. No, it was what he saw past that first layer that made him suck in a quick breath in awe before a worried look settled onto his face the more he began to understand it all. There were runes and not the usual ones that dotted her skin. These runes were beneath the skin...How? They...had to be carved on her bones, it would be the only thing sturdy enough to handle the engraving. These runes were inside her and they were constantly being powered using her blood as the payment. Had Sam always had these runes inside of her?

A shiver ran down Alistair's spine as he prepared to look away when he realized there was something else there, something he had to look closer for. He had never had to strain with his sight, usually, all magics were laid bare before his vision, but there were so many layers to Sam's aura.

As he looked closer, what he saw was...not Sam. No, it was Sam, but it was not human. It was bright, blazing, almost the opposite of Sam's ocean-like aura. It was a magma-like core boiling beneath the calm waves that was Sam's aura. The core, felt powerful, but also volatile, clashing against itself rather than against Sam. A duel-natured fire that felt separate but also similar. However, it wasn't the appearance of the strange core that shook Alistair, it was what he felt. On an instinctual level, this core felt primal, powerful, and ancient.

Alistair must have subconsciously took a step back when Gibbs took him from his own thoughts.

"Shall I go request her, sir?"

"Not if you want both of us to be living, Gibbs."

Alistair waved for a brief moment before casually taking a spot against the wall. Samantha would come to him when she was done with her work.

Samantha Black
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As the dominant force over her immediate domain, it went without saying that Dreadlord Black would notice the presence of people or things who should not be there. Alistair's arrival caught her attention almost instantly, begged a long moment of distraction before she dismissed it altogether. Though unexpected, his presence was of no threat and knowing Al, if he was here on urgent business he would not have allowed something so simple as mundane duties get in his way. Or maybe he would, but she wasn't about to break her schedule to find out.

Al would wait for some time by the wall as the Lieutenant made her rounds through the new recruits. Many of the men and women were their age or older; young adults who had proven themselves in the Guard as outstanding and exceptional in some way or form. These were not magic users, but people who had perfected skills and talents beyond the scope of what a normal Guard soldier might offer. They were deadly not just to normal enemies, but mages and Dreadlords alike. Sam had been assigned to overseeing their induction to the Knights and ensuring their placement wasn't by mistake.

Though they would not truly prove themselves worthy of the Knight title until they put their skills to the test live in the field.

She moved slowly through their numbers, a dozen or so in all, examining their various talents on display. Some were archers, others melee combatants. Exceptionally skilled swordsmen or brutishly powerful. They ran the gamut of all the many things a Dreadlord trained in at the Academy and more and did so without any help of magic. It was impressive, but Samantha had grown up around the caliber of warriors that called themselves Knights. What she saw here was nothing short of bare minimum of what she expected.

An hour passed, maybe longer, before the retinue was dismissed for the day and Sam finally moved to acknowledge Alistair in full. She approached with a quizzical look under a raised brow, offering her hand to the old comrade-at-arms, "You could have waited at the pub," Sam offered with a wane half smirk, "what are you doing here?"
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Gibbs had a rather annoyed expression on his face while they waited for Sam to finish her inspection, meanwhile, Alistair took a seat against the wall and pulled out one of his notebooks.

"Wipe that look off your face, Gibbs. We are the ones interrupting her time...And no, I don't have to see you to know what face you are making."

Al could hear the man grunt before he returned back to his notes. His fingers lightly traced over the intentions in the page so that he could further read his work. Ever since the accident, Alistair had continued studying mana characteristics to the point that he had even considered sending a thesis to Elbion. Of course, why would he do that when he could instead find his friend and make a sword?

The few times he looked up, he would watch Samantha for a few moments before letting his eyes flash with magic so that he could see her soldiers. He could not see them like he saw Sam, because of their lack of magical affinity. Only when Sam stood directly next to one of them could she get a good look without runic assistance...They were good soldiers. That was obvious for anyone to see, but he also knew that because he was well aware of his friend's standards.

Finally, he looked up to see her walking this way and he pushed himself to his feet with a grin.

"I came to see you. Why would I wait in a pub?"

Al reached out and shook his comrade's hand before that mad smile spread across his face that only showed itself when Alistair had ideas.

"I've been drawing up some plans. I was hoping you could help me make some changes to the runesaber."

Samantha Black
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It was good to see that the more things changed...

Sam's gaze settled upon that of Alistair's, noting immediately how very different his eyes were.

...the more things stayed the same.

And then she looked to that stupid grin and knew before he said a word that he was here for some ridiculous project. She took his proffered hand and gave it a strongly-gripped shake. In terms of Lieutenant Black, such a gesture was as good as a bear hug, and far less likely to crack someone's ribs. Though she'd accidentally broken a few hands before she'd learned just how fragile normal people really were.

Sam snorted and smirked, "You still got that thing..?" she'd half expected it to break or explode at some point. Maybe it had and that was why he was here... though he appeared to still have use of both natural hands so maybe not.

"Tell me about it over a meal. I'm not listening to any of your hair-brained ideas without food in my belly."
Alistair fished around at his belt before he pulled a bundle of cloth from his belt, unraveling to reveal the runesaber in all its glory. Anyone who knew Alistair knew that he took care of his weapon like it was his child, but even the best intentions could maintain the arcane weaponry. The runesaber was scratched and chipped in place, even some of the finer points having done rubbed down to a smooth edge. It was only thanks to Al's care and magical control that the weapon still operated at all.

"It has seen better days."

The mention of food was enough to have his stomach grumbling, and reminding himself that he had not eaten since last night.

"Good, I could use some food of my own...I think you will really be impressed with some of my suggested changes, and I am also hoping you can impress me with some of the food this place has to offer."

Oh, before he got lost in his time with Sam, he quickly turned to Gibbs.

"Go find the others, make sure they completed their jobs, and then go find some lodgings for at least a night."

Gibbs looked between Alistair and then Samantha, but then just nodded before walking off to follow his orders. Alistair watched on with a smile before turning back to Sam with a playful grin as one of her words registered with his brain.

"Wait, since when have any of my ideas ever been 'hair-brained'?"

Samantha Black
She glanced the state of the Runesaber - better off than she expected but it was clearly showing its wear. Not altogether unexpected given the restricted assortment of materials she'd had to make it with. The academy had only provided her with basic ingots for basic builds. They'd never believed she'd be forging anything like this.

Sam gave him a look in return that flatly stated what words did not need to, though she wasn't entirely sure if he could see her expression. There was a long story behind his eyes, for certain, but now wasn't the time. So instead she offered him a derisive snort and turned to lead the way to the nearest pub, "Since always."

"Castere isn't exactly the destination for gourmet food,"
she said as they walked, "it's a fortress trade hub city built on military foundations." There were some decent places to get some decent grub, but the fine dining was left to the capital.

"Got some good pubs, though," Sam added as she hung a right and stepped down through a long descending stone stairwell that cut through two larger buildings, "Got a professional chef in my Squadron that makes some damn good food, but he's out on a mission in the Kalit."

She hoped he'd bring back fresh spices.

"So should I be addressing you as Lord Krixus now?"
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Alistair followed after her while stashing the runesaber away. He had already assumed the answer about the food, just from recognizing what sort of place Vel Castere was. Still, as much as Alistair had been raised on fine dining, no Dreadlord survived long without learning how to appreciate well-made soldier food, "A pub sounds good."

In fact, in places like this, where the military population dominated the civilian population that soldiers often had to experiment with their cuisine and often time ended up making things incredible. Of course, he was not going to go tell his cook that.

"Hmm, I suppose I should be addressed as such, it's only proper."

Alistair let the statement hang in the air just long enough before he snorted at his rather obvious joke. He cleared his throat before continuing, "You and I both know you don't want to do that, and it just sounds awkward anyway...I only make real assholes call me that, now."

The last part wasn't really a joke, it was one of his favorite interruptions when a merchant was getting a little too confident with him. It always froze the conversation and allowed Alistair to annoy the opposing party.

"What about you? I suppose Lieutenant is the proper title?"
he asked, although this question was not entirely a joke. Alistair's own title was gained by birthright, but Samantha's newest title was earned through hard work and success, something he could entirely understand wanted to be recognized for.
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"You and I both know you don't want to do that,"

That got a brow raise out of Sam and a sideways glance.

"You're wrong," she replied and did not elaborate further.

Sam would call him Lord for the simple fact that it was his station now. Having no issue with authority figures or those with lofty titles, it made little sense to her to find using such things abrasive. Still, they were comrades before they were anything else - so if he preferred to keep things casual then that was fine by her.

At least until it was necessary to keep up protocol and appearances.

"Lieutenant Dreadlord Black," she confirmed with a nod and an easy smile, "but you can call me Sam or Black when titles aren't necessary." As they cleared the narrow stairwell out into a cross street, she hung a left, nodding upwards to a group of off-duty Guard as they passed by. Vel Castere was a big city but it wasn't hard to be familiar with most of the military inhabitants. It was the civilians that often escaped her knowledge.

"So you chose Reserves to tend to your family, then?" she asked after him.
Alistair raised an eyebrow at the initial statement, but he let it drop. He preferred speaking in the context of friends, especially for these personnel matters.

He followed after Ralene as closely as he could, Vel Castere had the thought-out planning of a military city, but it was still huge. Al could easily see someone getting lost in this place, thankfully Sam likely had this place memorized like the back of her hand.

As they passed soldiers, he offered them polite nods, but unlike Sam, most of them disregarded him as politely as possible. After all, in this context, he was a nobleman, not a soldier.

"Yes, at least for the time being, while I get everything under control. The House feels like it about ready to walk on its own two feet. By then, I hope to be more involved." Alistair considered himself to perform more Dreadlord assignments than the average reserve, but even so, it was not compared to the soldiers whose lives now revolved around the military. It was helpful for his own purposes, but he did feel some guilt at times.

"I've largely been limited to diplomatic assignments, and then I have also been serving as a guest Proctor for the Academy...Their runic teachers are...particularly lackluster." While largely, his mentoring had been focused on individuals, like Rhidian, for the moment. He had received an offer to permanently serve as Proctor, and offer which he had declined.

Samantha Black
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Well if his house could almost walk on its own two feet, she supposed that meant things were going well. Sam had questioned its viability after the unfortunate death of his father - who was really left of House Krixus then? Al and his mother? Ignorant to the existence of siblings, a house of only two people didn't seem like it would last long.

It would mean its continued existence solely relied now on progeny. Al's progeny to be exact. Sam had a hard time picturing him in a tux at a wedding, but perhaps that was simply a bias against Dreadlords in general. Silly, she knew. There were some that married and started families, but most of them usually ended up dead or dedicated to the cause. Or exiled.

"Mm," she grunted at the comment of diplomatic missions, "somebody has to do them..." and that somebody typically wasn't her. Sam was sent to capture or neutralize targets, not talk to them. Though she had lead the talks with the elven kingdom of Loriden for their alliance - but she wasn't counting that. She'd had the upper hand in incentive, so it hadn't been pretty words that had persuaded the Lorideni Queen.

"The Academy sent me two initiates a month or so back to learn forging techniques. One of them was more trouble than she was worth..." there was a genuine want to blame the slipping approach to education at the Academy on Thraah's insubordinate and obstinate ways, but Sam had come to learn it was really just the girl's personality. Zephyrine had at least proven herself quite the diligent and hard worker - one that Sam would have been willing to take under her wing again.
Yes, somebody did have to do them, but it annoyed him that it so often had to be him...He supposed that the number of diplomatic Dreadlords was few in number, so that explained his recent work history. Alistair much preferred the rare occasion where he would get to go on investigations for the Vigilite.

Alistair raised an eyebrow at the knowledge that the Academy was sending initiates up here to Sam. However, he supposed that if the Academy could get one more blacksmith like Sam then it would be well worth it.

"That seems to be the overwhelming majority these days, but there are a few good ones. I've been working with an initiate named Rhidian. I think you would like him, a little rough around the edges but he is strong."

From what Alistair knew, much of the Academy's teaching structure had been cleansed after their year. Removing the corruption was good, but it also meant that he was meeting to many initiates who were so hyper-specialized in their own magics that their broader knowledge was almost insulting.

"I was suggesting some of the rune initiates come up here and learn under you, but there aren't many promising talents in the older years," Alistair admitted with a sigh of disappointment.

Samantha Black
"I've got my hands full bringing up new Knight recruits," Sam waved off the idea of taking on another Initiate as a pupil, "frankly - the less involved in the Academy I am, the better. I don't intend to ever go back there and I prefer not to think back on it when I don't have to."

But seeing old faces that were friendly, more or less, like Al wasn't a bad thing.

"Not like runic magic was ever the popular choice. Too much work for too little bang and flash..." she snickered. They both knew their lesser pursued talents could be quite deadly in the right hands like their own, but it was far easier to simply point a finger and make things go bang without all the sigils and equative frippery.

The road they traveled pitched into a steady decline, coming around a bend to where the Castere river glimmered in the sun beyond the ramparts and walls of the fortress city.

"Any gals in the running to be Lady Krixus?"
"Fair enough," Alistair admitted with a nod. In fact, Alistair had hoped runic magic would grow in popularity in Vel Anir as word got around of Sam's or maybe even his own exploits. He had even spoken with military officials for the need to invest more in training rune mages. There were plenty of mages who served as engineers who could create fortresses in days, but a true rune mage could turn that fort into a bastion that could withstand armies.

Sam was right that it wasn't the flashiest, but...being the center of attention was overrated.

The image that greeted Sam and Alistair was likely beautiful if only Alistair could see the view to appreciate it. With a flash of runic magic, he could get a glimpse of his surroundings if only he knew to look. There lay the problem with Al's new sight. He had given up easily looking at the beauty of the world that stood right in front of him all to get a chance to see the unseen world around him.

Samantha's last question brought Alistair to a stop. He couldn't tell if she was messing with him again, and then he wondered if he should tell her...If there was anyone he felt he could tell, it would be Sam.

"Yes, there is one, but...I will take that process slowly." He spoke with a degree of serious about his courting that many would not equate to love, but Alistair along with most nobles new how important and dangerous such decisions could be.

Samantha Black
"Oh yeah?" another half grin, "Good on ya."

She could barely imagine the kind of woman Alistair would go for though she supposed it would be someone proper. Someone that would benefit his family beyond simply being Lady Krixus. The ins and outs of being a noble were quite out of her own scope, as willingly as she had given that life up. Sam was quite content to let others like Al deal with all that absurdity.

The Military was far less... dramatic. Battle and warfare were easy to understand - the relations between the noble houses far less so.

"If you manage to lead a mostly normal life, that's at least one thing gained by the Revolution. Gods willing one of us should, anyway."
"Normal...we can only hope." He responded back with his own grin. Alistair was of the opinion that no Dreadlord ever truly got a normal life, but there was a scale, and maybe he could be on the lower end of crazy.

"Although I expect when my good friend General Samantha Black comes into town, she will stop by and say hello."

While his words might have implied he was joking, he fully expected Sam to be at the top of the military hierarchy in the future, and there would still be no one better to touch of her tattoos than him.

"I may soon be looking to expand my supply chain and this will be the next spot, so I may even be up here visiting more."

Alistair's trade in metals and alchemical components were now becoming highly sought after by the Armies, which was a large reason his House was doing so well.

Samantha Black
"Hah!" Sam barked in laughter, feeling her smugness show more than usual at that. There were only a few people she had shared her deeper long-term goals with and it had never, ever, once been marriage or family. No, Alistair had the right of it. Sam meant to be at the head of the Western Army within the next several decades.

"If you haven't blown yourself up by the time I earn that rank, maybe I will."

Her steps slowed so that she was no longer walking ahead of him, but beside him where she could easily reach the tall and lanky young man to affect him with her physical teasing via a ruffling of his flouncy locks. Lord or not, he'd never outgrow this with her.

"Will be good to have you and your supplies within reach. Turnaround time on orders from the capital are a bitch. I'll put in a good word for you with the Governor and General next time I see them."
Alistair laughed and lightly tapped at his eyes, "If this could not blow me up, then I doubt anything else can."

Not only had the injury nearly killed him but his newfound vision also meant that his laboratory accident had nearly halved for the young Dreadlord. It was so much easier when he could see the explosions coming.

Al tried to wave off her teasing before grinning at her. "I appreciate it, there would be no better compliment than your forces using my metals, or I guess I should say Tyrian metals."

Maybe he should send one of his siblings up here to help learn from whoever he placed as the branch manager. It looked like neither was meant for the Dreadlords, but the least they could do was learn how to handle the family business.

"Speaking of the Western Army, have they been keeping you busy up here." Alistair would guiltily admit that he had not been paying much attention to the field reports on the armies. When he wasn't handling family affairs, he was chasing down Edric or leads on Gilram.

Samantha Black
"Tyrian..." well that was certainly a mission she didn't think about often, "I remember that blade Drastus picked up there. Hadn't the chance to take a close look at it..." at the time she had been focused on the task at hand.

"Bet that Princess will be real sad to hear about your nuptials. She rather took a shine to you and your two left feet..." there was that smugness again but with the premise of the Western Army as topic, she digressed with the ribbing.

"My days are full, if that's what you're asking," they had joined the foot traffic of the citizen's road that crossed upward from the ports and docks and into the lower districts of the city where trade, business, craftsmen, and travelers alike could be found. Their destination was a pub Sam favored for its steaks called The Waterbell.

"I manage my Squadron's training, itineraries, and missions, onboard new recruits to the Knights, take my own missions, work in the forges fulfilling orders for the General," Sam's brows furrowed slightly, "and rehabilitating wayward Dreadlords..."

Sable had only very recently come to live within her squadron, under her purview and address. Though he was yet on a probationary trial run and would be for the next several months, she suspected this would end up being his new permanent residence. So long as he could keep his shit together.
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Oh yes, Drastus' blade still sat in a place of honor at his family home in Vel Anir. The sword had been given to him before the mission was over, and it was the last time he would ever see his fellow initiate. And as for Princess, that was during a time when Alistair seemingly managed to impress various women on every mission he went on...he still had no idea why or how.

He snorted at the memories, "I'm sure she had managed to replace me by the next day."

It was actually during that very same mission that Alistair had managed to make his first contact with his Tyrian trade partner. It had taken a few more trips back to the island nation, but when his trade deal was completed, it was one of the few official supply routes for Tyrian steel that reached to Vel Anir or this half of the world.

"Metisa's tits, Sam. When do you have time to sleep?" Alistair asked, clearly impressed with just how much she constantly had to do. He may have his work, but so much of his time was wasted by traveling or meets, but Sam seemed to be going non-stop.

Her last sentence made him pause. Wayward Dreadlords? Did that mean...

"Who is it Sam?"

Samantha Black
"Hm," a single sound of humor, "I sleep plenty."

And rather well, most nights. Especially when she had Elias for company, but Al didn't need those details.

His hesitation caught her notice and she eyed him briefly. Sable's presence within her Squadron wasn't exactly classified information, but being so early into his probation, it didn't behoove her to be spreading the news around. She trusted Al with many things, and she supposed he'd been on well enough terms with Sable at the Academy that his knowledge of it wouldn't be harmful. But still...

Sam narrowed her eyes at Alistair, "What's it to ya?"
For a brief moment, Alistair looked extremely tired, but it was quickly covered up by a casual smile. His shoulders lifted up in a shrug as he explained, "Ever since our...graduation. I've tried to keep track of our class. Not to the level of spying, but more just making sure everyone is safe."

That wasn't entirely true, Alistair did keep track of where all of his classmates were that remained with Vel Anir. As for the ones that went rogue, well, Alistair played an involved role in tracking them down. He also admittedly might not be pursuing them with the gusto that his higher-ups might be wanting him to, but he always just told them his classmates were good at hiding.

"It seems that our class has been active...Henk is back in Vel Anir...and Edric out escaped us a few weeks back out east."

Samantha Black
"...but more just making sure everyone is safe."

Sam snorted.

Rolled her eyes.

"You and Schwarz would make a good pair. She can't let it go either." Seemed neither of them could just accept that some of their class had chosen exile for a reason. On the point that she could agree with Gilram's threat and the necessity of finding him and his followers, but she had some strong doubts that the exiles of their class were well and truly loyal to him.

Most of them just wanted out - and to that she wished them good luck. Edric had, of course, killed countless more after defecting but frankly she would have been more surprised if he'd simply vanished without a trace. Wasn't his style... but blind loyalty wasn't his style either. It amused her to hear that he had not made a fool of the Republic once, but twice now by escaping them. Good for him, though she hoped for his sake he stayed away.

As for all the others? Sam had no inclination to know their whereabouts or whatabouts. They were trained as Dreadlords and they'd be just fine regardless of the choices they made. If they weren't, well... perhaps a bit of the traditional Dreadlord was still ingrained into her. Or maybe Zael had been right all along and she really, truly did not care.

No... that wasn't it. She did care, but not as a blanket sentiment. The people she cared about most, the people she thought of as family, were already here. They were safe, strong, and prospering, and that was really what mattered most to her.

"Pembroke," she gave it to him.
Alistair nodded in agreement, he had been told that several times at this point, and he could not deny it. He was not sure why he was so stubborn about it all, but...he just didn't like it. He did not like the way that Gilram or the old Dreadlords had looked to manipulate them. Al was determined to win the long game...However, he knew deep down he could not protect everybody.

Truthfully, he was not protecting many folks. Most of them he let keep running, like with Edric. With others, he stayed out of their affairs entirely. It was more like he was keeping score. Every classmate he knew that survived or thrived was another point for them, a way to see if they were winning.

Sam's newest recruit was Sable. That brought a smile to his face, while he had not interacted too much with him as an initiate, he had been aware of where he was beforehand. This was for the best.

"That's good to hear. I know there is no one better to look after those under them."

Samantha Black