Fate - First Reply Searching for Yesterday

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join

Len Dy't B-taa

The Grand Terios
Character Biography
The sun above bakes the land below
Find your own feet steady, have skin of stone
Not sand nor sword can weather your soul
Heed the call of the Trees, those Seven tall

The song upon his lips undoubtedly meant nothing to anyone but the man who sang it with dry lips and a brow soaked in sweat. In a time long past it was a favorite of his people, a declaration of the warrior's way, and a reminder of what he and so many others like him had fought, sweat, and bled for. Even as he sang, bits of sand flew into his mouth, kicked up by the horses dashing across the dry savannah that carried his small single-seat cart across inhospitable lengths of barren heat.

It was enough to make a man crumble in misery, but to Len Dy't B-taa this dry heat was the embrace of his home. Indeed, a smile split upon his lips even as the sunbeams bore against his bronzed skin. So many times he'd made this trip, sang this very same song as he returned from triumph to bear the news of another grand victory to his people. In his mind he could hear them: the cheers and adoration of the Aberrants, the deafening horns of the Vast Nazca sounding in announcement of his return.

No man, woman, or child shall beg
In the city of brass, that walks upon legs
The call of the horns, it stirs us to shout
'Live Long!' to the Aberrants, us few and devout

Alas, no matter how many times he closed his eyes tight and opened them once more, there was no kingdom to greet him this time. Where it should have been was nothing but arid and empty air, with rolling dunes across the droughted ground beneath it. The place Len had called his own, the Aberrant Kingdom, was long dead and forgotten. Len himself was the only remaining fragment of a once great and powerful civilization, brought back from the hands of death by the greed and evil of this current time.

He'd been ripped from his fate, a death he'd accepted with open arms, and forced back into life as a stranger to the entire world. In time, some distant descendants of the Savannah who had formed an Empire larger and grander than the Kingdom he'd once known accepted him into the fold and given him a new home. Ragash was a place that he had grown fond of, and working for Medja and Ahti had been a most welcome distraction from the turmoil he felt about his resurrection.

But it was a distraction, and nothing more.

B-taa's heart still burned for his true home, and he felt it in his bones that here, amongst the dunes and the searing sun, he would find some clue, some remnant of his people. Though generations had passed, the idea that nothing would be left behind was unfathomable to him. Pulling his cart to a halt , he brings the waterskin at his hip up to his mouth, washing the sand from his lips and tongue and nourishing his dry throat.

There was a lot of ground to cover, and this Savannah was far from the safest of places. Inhospitable though it was, that didn't mean it was abandoned. Behind each hill could lie a killer in waiting, seeking to take his new life the same as his first.​
The desert and her sands were not a friend to the fair skinned fox girl, the searing heat and the dryness of the earth making her grumpy and uncomfortable. She was making her way back home to Ragash, her home and her duty lay there. She had done Medja a favor, running intel despite that not being her responsibility. Still Wisteria would rather be in her good graces, and perhaps get a favor herself from doing such a task.

The camel she sat upon was dirty and smelly, and grunted incessantly. She poked her guide in the shoulder whining loudly in the quiet of the desert dunes. "I swear I will never do this again; how long do we have until home?" She groaned, tilting her eyes to the ceiling of the cloth kit she rode in. The guide merely sighed; this was after all the millionth time she asked.

Wisteria pulled her fan back out, ears and tail both wilted from the heat. She was definitely going to be spending some time in the baths, it seemed the grit and grime from travel was in every crevice and she hated how it made her soft skin feel raw. They hadn't seen another soul for ages, and even the desert dwelling animals were scarce. Wisteria was unequivocally bored out of her skull. It was too bad she couldn't have drug poor Rahma along, even though she was sure he didn't like her overly much.

Len Dy't B-taa
The simmering sands were every bit as inhospitable as Len remembered them to be. The sun above showed no mercy as he wandered the dunes, searching for any remnant of his home amongst the vast and merciless desert. And yet even still, the sweat upon his brow and the sand beneath his fingertips made him feel more at home here than he'd felt since returning to this world.

B-taa was born to be here, baking under the head and sifting through the sands.

The same could not be said for many creatures. It took one strong of body, mind and willpower to withstand the Savannah, and from what Len had seen of this new era, many had grown accustomed to an easy life, devoid of conflict, discomfort, and struggle. He was glad that so many in the Empire still held the old tenants of his Kingdom, still braved these lands despite the option to avoid them. The Empire was not his Aberrant Kingdom, but it was close. In that, he took solace.

Unfortunately, that did not change the fact that he'd found little in his efforts thus far. Len was unsure of how long he'd been beneath the veil of death, but he'd maintained hope all the while. Seating himself upon one of the dunes and taking another long drink of water, he now wondered if perhaps too much time had passed. Could it be that every remnant of his home had truly blown away in the wind? Perhaps the sun was getting to him; reaching into the small pouch on his hip, he retrieved a rolled leaf tied with a thread. Pulling the tie loose, the leaf unrolled to reveal a clear gel lining the inside. With two fingers, he collected some of the gel, streaking it across his forehead.

It was as he raised his head to let the gel sink into his pores that he saw a figure in the distance, travelling towards him. Normally, this would be some cause for alarm. There was only one of them, though, and Len was nothing if not confident in his own strength. As the figure drew closer, Len noticed a swishing, bushy tail. There was only one woman he'd met with such a feature, and the pale flesh and silvery hair matched her just the same.

"Lady Wisteria?" He called out to her.

The Hand was growing tired of journey, tired of the heat and the sand. So too, was the guide tired of her. She was a pampered princess, and this was grunt work. Still, she lived to serve her Empress, even more so Ashuanar.

Wisteria blinked against the searing light as a black shape was etched out in the distance. She instantly perked up, tapping her guide relentlessly. "Head towards that, whomever or whatever it may be. I want to see." He was paid to do as she said, so despite not wanting to go off course, he turned the camel and made for the distant shape against the golden sands.

As she got closer, the man, for it was a man, called out to her. She shielded her eyes with a dainty hand, eyes lighting up upon her luck. The camel stopped, and she slid from the seat gracefully and onto the hot sands. "Fancy meeting you here, Sword Dancer." She tilted her head, excited and curious as to what he was up to.

"A little far from home aren't we?" She was making a slight reference to his time spent in the bed of the Empress, though she was not one to judge. When it came to shared beds, Wisteria made it her business to know. Secrets were her job, and she was talented at it.

Len Dy't B-taa
The last person that B-taa had expected to see roaming the searing hot sands was the lovely silver-haired Letai. They'd met only briefly during the Rain Dance festival, but he'd thought her rather fragile and fair-skinned to stand much of a chance against the blazing sun.

Wisteria slid from her mount and stepped away from her guide, tail swishing to and fro as she regarded him curiously. Len offered a smile, though a somewhat awkward one; Their last encounter had been cut short, but there was an aura about this woman... sensuality mixed with danger. It inspired wariness in his words and actions, but he couldn't deny his own curiosity.

"My lodgings in Ragash will not gather too much dust, I assure you..." If Len caught her reference to his tryst with Medja, he didn't seem offended by it. The Empress had been the one to seek out his affections, to invite him to her bed. To be desired by such a figure was not something to be ashamed of. "This is my true home, where I was raised and bred for battle. This sun woke me every morning, and the sound of sand in the wind lulled me to sleep each night."

As he spoke, Len beckoned to the desert around him, though his face spoke of frustration. Of some sadness he was failing to keep hidden.

"Alas. It all seems to be gone now. I had hoped... nevermind it. What brings you out this far, Lady Wisteria?"

Wisteria circled the glistening man before her, tail brushing against his skin as she appraised him. She had no doubt he could hold his own, be it on a battlefield or between the sheets. She could hardly blame Medja for wanting to bed him, she had quite the appetite after all.

She paused in front of him as he spoke, a sadness creeping into his voice. She remembered that he was not of their time, though she had not heard all the details, nor had she found the time to dig them up. Her mission was complete though, she now had the time. She had wanted to explore him further anyways, his dance had captivated her and she was definitely open for a repeat performance, perhaps even lessons. It was similar to her fans but seemed to require a much bigger discipline.

"The desert is cruel and likes to devour her secrets. Though it may be gone physically, it still lives with you. Hold it in your heart and teach everyone you can. That is how your home survives." She smiled up at him with encouragement, pleased with her own words of wisdom.

She waved her hand in dismissal of his question, a small look of annoyance crossing her face. "Our Empress required a task of me." Her tail twitched erratically for a moment as she thought about how much to reveal. "You see, I'm not just an entertainer. I work under Medja, I collect secrets for her." Normally she would keep that close to her chest, but she knew enough of him that he could be trusted to an extent. He reminded her of Ashuanar. "I'm not a fan of being out here, but when the Empress bids something of you, you do it."

Len Dy't B-taa
From what little he'd been told of the enigmatic letai, he had understood her to be as wily and cunning as the fox she bore the features of. Len had heard whispers that she was a companion of sorts, something her attire and flirty attitude supported. Despite that, her words came with wisdom beyond the young woman's years.

The sadness on his chiseled features shifted to thoughtful contemplation, his stare softening as he regarded her in this different light. There was more to Wisteria than met his eye, a reminder that none in this new world were ever so simple as they seemed.

"Were it not for the Empress, I would find myself quite devoid of allies. In the interest of repaying that debt, I too serve her whims." B-taa nodded, a smile chasing away the somber mask he'd worn moments earlier. "But it is just as you say, Lady Wisteria. My heart, my body and soul... they belong to the sands. I will always return here, and every moment I am gone will be spent keeping the spirit of my people alive.

Even if the Kingdom itself was better off forgotten.

If Wisteria was indeed on assignment from the Empress, far be it from Len to pry any further into her motives. She already seemed somewhat anstsy telling him what she had, and even that had been more than B-taa had asked her for. Looking down at the saddle bag hanging from his horse, the Terios reached down to retrieve another of the rolled leaves.

"I shan't delay you any further, lest I impede your work. Allow me to at offer you some relief from the sun and heat, though. I've an herb that will refresh you for the rest of the trip."
