LFG Some Magery or Adventuring?


The Sparrow
Character Biography
Got my new character Serçe. He's just a wandering mage who likes to get reckless every now and then. He's made himself a bit of a niche as a high-risk courier. Like the Transporter but without all the asinine rules. So if you think his services might be of use, I'm down to plot.

Otherwise I'm here for some normal adventuring and shenanigans.
Sounds like an interesting misadventure waiting to happen. I’m in.

What do you think of one job, two agents? Something important needs to be delivered and the task requires both brains and brawn?
Sounds like an interesting misadventure waiting to happen. I’m in.

What do you think of one job, two agents? Something important needs to be delivered and the task requires both brains and brawn?
I am absolutely down for this. I just got back from vacation so I've had a lot of catching up for work. I can start us up something in the next couple days, but you're free to start us up if you want too.