Private Tales Supply & Demand

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The Other Gutter Rat
Character Biography

Kala stood on the street corner, a coin slowly running over her fingers. There was a lantern nearby powered by some sort of magic, but the Tiefling stood just outside of it's range of light.

In the back of her pocket sat a card that had been supplied to her some weeks ago, something she'd tucked away for her return to Elbion. Now that she had come back she'd used the information on it to get into contact with the mysterious man who had nearly interrupted Kara and her meeting. She had no idea who he was, but she needed a new buyer.

Particularly one interested in the more...dangerous items.

Her expenses had been running rather high as of late as she prepared to kidnap Red, and Kala was in desperate need of some extra funding in order to see things through.

She hoped that this would be a path to that.