Completed The Beautiful Trappings

Logan Banick

The Northwarden
Character Biography
"Another game, my Lord?"

Logan smiled and let out a good-natured chuckle. "You're quite the adept hand at playing Castles, Reiner," he said to the servant. "My ego has taken an impressive lashing today."

A humble little smile from Reiner. "You've won twice, my Lord."

And Logan's chuckle became a full-on laugh. "Twice! Yes. Two times out of seven games. Well, I'd wager that this is a lesson in the follies of hubris if nothing else. I've played Castles plenty of times before my service in the Guard, but I, ha, suffice it to say I assumed my skill would be remarkable after becoming so engrossed in military matters."

"If I may share a thought, my Lord?"

"You may, Reiner." And then Logan waved off the repeated honorific. "And as I've said, Logan will do quite fine. Especially when we're sitting down at a table together engaged in board games."

Reiner nodded, still with that quiet smile. An older man, Reiner, who had been serving House Banick before Logan was even born—he was illiterate, but Logan would daresay that the man knew more about the world than many who could read. Reiner started to reset the board, placing all of the pieces at their proper starting locations for each side, and he said, "You don't sacrifice the pieces."

Logan looked to the board, to all of the red pieces, his pieces, that had been captured and taken off of the board in the previous game that Reiner was now placing back on. Reiner continued with that same calm and level voice, "To me, they're nothing more than parts of a game. Carved shapes of wood. Little representations of men, but not truly men. If a few need to be sacrificed in order for my strategy to work, then what's the harm? Especially if I win."

Reiner had the board set and ready. He looked back up to him. "But in the world from which you've come, Logan, the pieces have lives."

And Logan's smile returned, more genial than ever. "When I return to the North, there's a few choice commanders who could do with your advice."

* * * * *​

Three out of eight games. Logan couldn't help but wonder if Reiner had let him win their last game, mayhap as encouragement and to help prove a point, but anything to pass the time was welcome.

Because all the beautiful trappings of the House Banick Estate couldn't distract him from the fact that his once-home had become his prison. Whilst remaining under suspicion for murder and for the kidnapping of Mina Pirian and Jiya Luana, Logan Banick had been placed on house arrest. Military foot soldiers were stationed by the Estate's doors, and Logan had to check in with them three times a day. He was, of course, quite cognizant of the fact that his family name had certainly played a part in keeping him out of a normal prison for long; those who were not of noble blood, whether they had the tacit nod of the Vestigare or not, would have been kept in a cell far less comfortable than his current surroundings.

The Estate, however, was rather much abandoned by anyone else with the last name of Banick. Theodore's doing, Logan had little doubt. He knew that Father, much like Reiner sacrificing pieces in Castles, was chiefly worried about the whole of the Banick family and not necessarily any one constituent part. Simply put, he likely didn't want any Banick to be around Logan while such a heavy charge loomed over him. Theodore was deadset on keeping House Banick within the good graces of the Republic.

Which, funnily enough, was because Logan himself had convinced him to do so during the Revolution. The whimsy of Fortune on full display, in how one thing lead to another and how the entire ensemble of events could swing about in a manner nearly poetic.

Today, the Banick Estate seemed especially quiet. There was a soft and constant rain outside, the gentle rhythm of which only seemed to add to this quiet. Even the servants had little to do, for there was really only Logan in the Estate—no Banicks nor minor nobles nor bannermen nor partners in business nor anyone.

Then came a loud knocking at the door.

Logan heard it as he was crossing the balcony in the foyer, hand gliding along the bannister. Reiner, down below at the foot of the twinned staircase, announced that he would answer it, but Logan called back, "No need, Reiner. I will."

Heh. My. If Theodore knew that Logan, a noble, a Banick for Kress's sake, was deigning to answer his own door, he'd be beset with indignation. But Logan did. He descended the stairs and made his way across the foyer and to the front doors of the Estate and opened them.

A Guardsman, of course. One of the men stationed to watch the Estate. The Guardsman, a bit surprised to see Logan Banick himself there, nevertheless said, "You have a visitor," and stepped off to the side to reveal the person behind him.

And a most welcome sight she was. Logan brightened the moment he regarded her, his smile warm and large.


Kailani Tal'deneshaar
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Kailani had raged against Logan staying locked up for the duration of the rescue mission. He was innocent and everyone knew it (except his family of assholes). Ellory had finally given in and allowed for house arrest with Guards and strict checkin times. She was not going to get blamed if it turned out that he was guilty.

Kailani was happy with the arrangement and she had dressed in something more akin to her days of being in the Guard. Black riding boots, right black pants, and a flowy gold top. The top was not what she would have worn before but the rest was. Her hair was in it’s usual style and she fiddled with a few tendrils that had come undone.

Why was she nervous? She had no idea.

The smile that Logan wore caused her heart to flutter as she stepped in front of the guards and approached her former commander.

“Logan,” she replied simply. “I hope you don’t mind that I wanted to check on your well being…” Her words trailed off as she put her arms around his neck and kissed him gently on the cheek.

Logan Banick
There were some things—rare things—which could all of their own accord brighten any day. Logan had to take a moment to process it, to believe what his eyes were telling him. His house arrest hadn't gone on for long, yet still in environs mostly unchanging the days could blend together into a sludge of a gray dullness—though he did appreciate Reiner's efforts to add some color nonetheless.

Here, though, was Kai. Where his whole family heeded the command of his father Theodore and Logan had seen not a one of them, not even a brother or a cousin with whom Logan maintained only the best rapport, here was Kai.

The gentle embrace and kiss on his cheek helped tremendously to bring him back into the moment.

"Kai," he said, a hand to her waist and the other welcoming her into the foyer. "Of course. Come in. Come in out of the rain, if you would."

Kailani Tal'deneshaar
Kai thanked the guards and allowed herself to be ushered inside by Logan. She had not seen him in a week and it had been pure torture. She was not too proud to say that she had to pay the guards a small fortune to allow her to visit him. It was all worth it though when he smiled at her.

Once they were inside and the door was shut, she turned on Logan. "I missed you so much," she said as she brought her hand to the cheek she had kissed before.

"How are you holding up? The mission has been launched and hopefully the nobles will be returned soon so we can continue on with our plan..." Her words trailed off as she leaned up to plant a kiss on his lips.

"For now...I believe our reunion was interrupted before!"

Logan Banick
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Logan Banick
I missed you so much.

"And as I did for you," he said. Between them there were some alluring uncertainties, but one thing Logan knew without question was that, upon seeing Kai again in so sudden and unexpected a fashion at Mina's gala, he'd discovered in an instant the ache of her absence. Two years had collapsed with crushing weight into that singular moment.

Despite the best efforts of the worst House Banick had to offer, here they were again in such a moment.

Logan kissed her back with a slow-burning passion. He was glad that Theodore had banished all but the barest staff of servants from the Estate. From whom did they need to hide in such an environment? No prying eyes from the various gossipmongers surely at the gala, no stern gazes from ranking officers in Guard. Here their secrets could be open.

"I have been faring as well as can be, I would say." He offered her his arm, intent on walking to the grand dining room. "I'll have Reiner prepare us some tea. Then I can more properly regale you with the thrilling goings-on of House Banick and their love for a son and a brother falsely accused."

A nonchalant smile at this.

Kailani Tal'deneshaar
Kai took the offered arm without a second thought. It just felt right to be by his side again. She told him she missed him but it was only the surface of her actual feelings. She had thought about running away to find him quite a few times. It was only her loyalty to her family that stopped her.

"Tea sounds perfect, Logan," she said with a sweet smile directed toward him.

A light laugh escaped from her when he spoke of the fascinating tale he had to share. His family was terrible but she was finding that some of hers were just as bad. She had no doubt that backs would be turned if she was ever accused of such acts like Logan had been.

"Oh yes, tell me of how terrible your father is..." She squeezed his arm lightly.

Logan Banick
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Logan Banick
Their steps echoed together throughout the quiet grand foyer of the Estate. The muted patter of the rain outside gently kept the lavish halls from total silence.

"He can be a harsh man," Logan said. This, of course, only after he was done relishing Kai's soft squeeze of his arm, the little memory of a time two years ago which it prompted. "Yet he holds the welfare of all House Banick dear." He said it in his father's defense, but, after a second and a tight smile, he had to admit, "Perhaps a bit too dear, given how he in these more recent years can only seem to see the whole of our House and not its constituent parts."

They were approaching the double doors to the dining room.

"How are things on the outside of these four walls, Kai?"

Kailani Tal'deneshaar
"I believe your father has the right idea but he seems to put his faith in the wrong Banicks," she said to Logan as they walked together. "I know he will have a heart attack when he finds out that someone dared to go against his rules," a small rueful smile crossed her pouty lips.

"Things are things," she shrugged. "My mother is distraught that I have come to Vel Anir and I didn't tell her but I knew I would never hear the end of how my life decisions are terrible. She wanted me to stay at Elbion and she will not be pleased when I go back North with you..."

Kai's words had trailed off as she chuckled at her words. "It sounds like we are running off together," she just shook her head at her own thoughts. What if they did just run away was crazy.

Logan Banick
  • Bless
Reactions: Logan Banick
I know he will have a heart attack when he finds out that someone dared to go against his rules.

"Astutely observed," Logan said. Theodore had been increasingly strict as he advanced into his venerable age, and after the Revolution, aided by a new and hearty dose of paranoia, this became profoundly more pronounced.

Though it sounded that Kai had a similar ordeal with which to contend, save for it being her mother instead of her father—such hardly made it any better. Kai's mother, his father, both were more or less wedded to control and the exercise thereof. Logan spoke oftentimes with common men and women of the Guard, the subjects of their families would come up, and he found himself envious at times that their familial matters were most often far less complicated. Yet this was the lot that came with noble blood.

It sounds like we are running off together.

Logan pushed open the dining room door. Feeling a little sly, he smiled impishly and said, "Perhaps we are." And then to Reiner at the far end of the room he called, "Reiner! Some tea please, if you would be so kind."

"As you wish, Logan," he replied before setting off.

Still smiling, Logan gestured to one of the seats at the long dining table. Fifty people could sit there at that table, yet today it would be just for two.

Kailani Anela
"Maybe we should run off together," she quipped as she took that seat that Logan had gestured to.

She had never thought that she would even see him again and here he was with her. Well...rather she was with him in this case. She was with him and, even with the current situation, she couldn't be happier.

Reiner brought the tea and some assorted biscuits and scones on a beautiful tray for the two of them. He set it on the table before retreating back to whatever hidden spot he watched the manor from.

"So how have you been doing being locked up in here?" She asked, a soft smile crossing her lips.

Logan Banick
  • Yay
Reactions: Logan Banick
Maybe we should run off together, Kai said, nestling home the subtle suggestion, the fanciful notion.

Would that they could simply do so. Maybe, in a few weeks' time, once the Academy's mission returned from the Tundra with proof positive that Logan had nothing to do with the plot concerning Mina and Jiya. And Garron, that knave. Logan didn't like to resort to brutish solutions, but if he had to suffer another smug smirk from his slimy cousin then he would make an exception—the feel of his knuckles crashing into Garron's chin would be supremely satisfying.

Logan lifted a cup of tea close to his lips, blew on it, and sipped.

"Certainly better than I would be if I were penned in by a cell's dour stone walls and dressed in a prisoner's rags. Yet the ultimate effect is still very much the same, whether or not I get to eat fine food, sleep in my own bed, and play as many games of Castles as I can stomach."

He held his cup with both hands. Looked to her solemnly.

"Do you feel it too, Kai? The 'Call of the North,' you could say. That need to serve, that wish to fulfill a sense of duty?"

Kailani Anela
Kai lifted her own teacup to her lips, blew on it, and sipped as Logan regaled her with his grand time on house arrest. She knew this was a small consolation since it was still technically a prison but at least she could be here with him for however long she wanted. She would be able to eat fine food with him and play Castles with him...she hoped to sleep in his bed as well but she wouldn't push that.

His question caused her to think in silence for a few moments. She hadn't served in over two years, but she did feel the call. Well...was it the wish to serve or the wish to be with Logan?

"Yes, I suppose I have missed being a part of something," Kai said with a smile before setting her cup on the table. "Though I must be honest with you, Logan. It is you that calls me back to the North..."

She purposely let her words trail off as heat started to rise in her cheeks.

Logan Banick
  • Wonder
Reactions: Logan Banick
Logan paused, his cup of tea stilled just shy of his lips. After a moment he came to set it down onto its accompanying plate, and with the back of his hand gently swept it aside.

"Here we are, then, at the heart of the matter."

Why, it was all so unresolved, was it not? The pressures of the time—the demands of active service, their respective ranks, Kai's hidden magic, the weight of their families, a dozen other factors—had kept things ill-defined. Yet there was one thing that Logan knew for certain:

It was one of the most cherished times of his life.

"What would you say," he began slowly, "we were...back then?"

Kailani Anela
Kai couldn't help but laugh at his question. What were they back then? That had been the question that plagued her for over two years.


Her words were soft as she reached a hand across the table to take one of his.

"And the best thing I could have asked for..."

Still quieter than normal. She wanted nothing more than to be with Logan out in the open and as a partner in more than one way.

"I hope we can be something more now?"

Despite their flirting and kisses, she was still so nervous to voice this. There was that fear of rejection looming always.

Logan Banick
Logan accepted her hand into his own, and he gave it a light squeeze. Her words were quiet, only just skimming over the surface of the rain outside.

"An elegant way to voice it, and one that I cannot help but mirror."

Long had they spoken around it. Long had they positioned themselves to make it seem like it was not so. The shadows welcomed with warmth each caress and kiss they shared, whilst the light of the sun threatened to make such lovely things scorching.

By necessity was it this way. Now, much of that necessity had faded into days gone. Not all, but yes, much. And that was quite good.

I hope we can be something more now?

Logan smiled. Stood and gently lifted their held hands, prompting Kai to stand as well. "First..." he said. "Shall we see how brightly the flame burns in our hearts?"

As if they were at a slow dance, Logan held out their clasped hands and cradled the small of her back. Deeply did he kiss her, more intimately than they had in the recent days of their reunion. Memories of this from past years paled before the sublime passion which could only be found in the present. What mountains he would climb, what monsters he would face, but for the opportunity to feel the grace of her lips to his.

Oh yes. That fire was still bright.

Kailani Anela
"First...shall we see how brightly the flame burns in our hearts?"

Kai was standing with Logan now, her hand in his and her heart beating quickly. He pulled her close and the next thing she knew his lips were against hers. The deep kiss allowed for every memory they had together to come pouring into her mind as she brought her free hand to the back of his neck. Her fingers laced into his hair and she couldn't help but move even closer to him. She was unsure if that was even possible really.

How brightly did the flame burn? It had built into a bonfire over the years they had not been allowed to be together.

It would be near impossible to extinguish it now.

Logan Banick
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Logan Banick
At last came the nigh unbearable necessity to pull back. Yet her warmth, the depths of her eyes that he gazed into, were consolation enough.

"Bright and powerful indeed," Logan said softly, as if in reverence for the truth of those spoken words.

There would be a lot which would threaten to stand between them, even now without the complication of mutual service in the Guard. Noble families were old structures, and plans, most often, were as if chiseled into ancient stone. Plans as well as their associated expectations.

"And enough to drive our families mad, I imagine."

Logan said it coolly, knowing that Theodore scarcely approved of any of the more recent marriages in House Banick. Namely because they weren't arranged by himself.

But with the Revolution, and with Logan being a ranking Anirian Knight, the dynamics of power were much different than before.

Kailani Anela
Kai held his eyes as he held hers. She could get lost in that green so easily. She wanted to kiss him again but he spoke instead. Yes, they shared the same sentiment as to how brightly their fire burned. She hated to admit that there was a part of her that had been a little afraid.

Yes...their families...the people who enjoyed trying to run (and ruin) their lives.

"So we don't tell them? Run away and wait until our parents die before we come back. They can't be mad if we aren't here and then it will be hard once they are dead," she chuckled.

"But, seriously, Logan..." Kai hesitated for only a second, "what does the future hold? We never got to finish that talk before..."

Logan Banick
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Logan Banick
Logan laughed along with Kai on the note of their families. What greater source of both love and vexation was there across the vast expanse of Arethil? To his own humor and chagrin, Logan imagined one day possibly being a thorn in the side of his own children's plans. And he wondered further how much Theodore's own youthful intentions grated against the wishes of his father before him.

"Well..." Logan said, beginning with a playful slowness, "I would say...our immediate future lies in the North. A campaign was being organized even before I left departed south for Mina Pirian's gala. Duty calls, of course. But..."

He placed two fingers beneath Kai's chin. Gently tipped upward.

" will be lovely to once more have you by my side."

And he kissed her once more, allowing the sounds of the soft rain outside to fade away and indeed the rest of the world with it. All that mattered in this moment was right here before him.

Kailani Anela