Private Tales The Chains of Family

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Luck Adjacent
Character Biography
Anirian Territory - Cortosi Border
Alistair Krixus

Olvir stood leaning against an old signage boulder. It had been inscribed centuries ago with different waypoints. The southern ones pointing to Vel Anir, the northern ones edging to Cortos, and those to the east heading to the Savannah. It was an old thing, ancient thing, but over the years the locals had kept it mostly up to date.

Not that it much mattered to him.

Over the years his father had made sure to make him study every map and waypoint that he possibly could. The name of a local town, or some other landmark was all he really needed to figure out where he was.

Another reason that this whole 'needing an escort' thing was utterly fucking ridiculous. The 'mission' Aisling was sending him on was little more than a handshake and some good will offered to the Cortosi City of Velen right across the border. Meant to assuage fears and settle some debts House Weiroon had incurred over the tenure of his father's reign over the House.

Olvir had tried to assuage her fears, convince her that he didn't need any sort of guardsmen tagging alongside with him. After all he'd just be taking an easy ride across the border, and he knew how to handle himself. All his arguments however had been quickly turned down, and ultimately Aisling had insisted he at least take one person with him.

Something he'd finally relented to.

He just hoped whomever had been sent wouldn't hover over him like a nanny.
It had finally happened. His father had spoken to him for the first time in 6 months. For what? Just to tell him that he had pulled strings to ensure that he was a bodyguard for someone from the Weiroon house. Now really wasn't a good time. Alistair was in the middle of some important research, but his Dad did not really give him the option to say now. Combine that with the approval from the Academy, and there was nothing that he could really do.

Now, he was having to escort someone all the way out to Cortosi. He would also have to try and make a good impression. He could essentially hear his dad saying in his head. "We have to grab onto the coattails of these great houses so we can climb out way up."

Yeah, nice dad, really noble. Just like our house should be. Alistair thought sarcastically.

He rounded the corner on his horse to see Olvir Weiroon ahead. Alistair smiled warming and offered a wave. At least it wasn't one of the pretentious nobles. he had met Olvir before and he was one of the nobles he could respect...The number of nobles outside of the Academy that he actually respected was small in number, although his normally polite manner might suggest otherwise.

"It's good to see you, Olvir. I suppose I will be your traveling companion?"

Some of the stress almost immediately melted away as the recognized the man coming towards him. "Alistair, thank Kress!"

Though he didn't know Alistair as well as he did Elias, the two of them were most certainly well acquainted. Hell, in the world of nobility Ollie might even have called the other lad a friend. Meaning he'd never been worried Al would stab him in the back when he wasn't looking.

"I was thinking they'd send some old Guardsmen or one of those miserable Dreadlords." Alistair frowned for a moment, clearing his throat. "I mean, err...well, you know what I mean."

Olvir said with a smile. He was still practicing tact. Something he hadn't quite learned even after that punch to the face in the tavern. "How have you been?"

The noble asked, seeming genuinely interested.
Alistair's smile never dropped from his face as he rode up next to Olvir. He knew that Olvir was a lot like him in the sense that they were both well-rounded individuals with a skill for both scholarly pursuits and war. The only difference was that Alistair had been born with a magical affinity. It was probably why he got along so well with Olvir.

"Still just trying to graduate. I suppose that is why I am not as miserable as a regular Dreadlord." That was certainly not the case.

An initiate was more than likely more miserable given their torturous training. Although, that really wasn't an issue anymore.

"So what are you doing on the trip Olvir? Looking to enjoy some coastal scenery?"

Olvir chuckled. "You'll get there sooner rather than later, then."

He jested, looking up at his old acquaintance with a shake of his head. The smirk on his face never fell away as he turned on his heel and stepped over towards his own horse. A quick pat on the steeds neck and Olvir pulled himself into the saddle.

"No scenery, I'm afraid." Well, perhaps a bit of that. "My sister is sending me to offer some good words and a handshake to a few creditors."

If there was any Initiate that would understand that, it was Alistair.

Nobles bandied with debt like they did gold. It wasn't rare for even the Great Houses to loan money from one bank or another simply so they didn't have to use their own money for a project or two. "My brothers refused, so..."

A shrug rolled over his shoulders. "I'll have to do for them."
"Believe me. The proctors are trying their hardest to ensure that." He responded with a light laugh, even though the actual truth of the matter was not funny in the slightest.

Alistair nodded his head in confirmation at the description of the mission. Seemed simple enough. Keep any of these creditors from getting too handsy or bold with Olvir, but in a perfect world, nothing would go wrong. However, in a realistic world, Alistair was going to have to kill a few people that think they can take advantage of Olvir.

Of course, that will be assuming Olvir doesn't do it first. He might not be magical, but Alistair knew how smart and how capable Olvir was with a sword. Maybe during this trip, they could get into a sparring match or two.

"I'd put more faith in you than any of your brothers anyway."

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A shrug rolled over his shoulders as Alistair mentioned his brothers. Adonis, Augustus, and Angeloo all had their own strengths, though none of them could pull their heads out of their asses long enough to actually use them.

That was half the reason Aisling had taken charge, least in his estimation.

The game of Houses was ever on going, even with the Republic now in charge. Olvir knew enough about the family business to say that. He suspected that Alistair did too. He might have come from a Minor House, but that didn't matter too much. "Let's get this show on the road."

He said, kicking his horse in the side as they began to head down the road.

"Maybe you'll even get that promotion a bit sooner." Ollie jested. "I can put in a good word for you."

Not that he thought it would count for much.
Alistair spurred on his horse to remain at the side of Olvir. He politely shook his head at the offer while quickly explaining.

"I appreciate the offer, but the Academy takes things a bit more...uniformly. We will all be given some sort of graduation mission or task. The success of that task will determine my future."

It sounded so stressful when he put it like that, but it was something that all dreadlord initiates had to come to terms with. His entire life's training would come down to one day. Yet, this was how Alistair would prefer it. He had been preparing long enough, and he had no reason to doubt his abilities.

"Life as a dreadlord is pretty simple...difficult, but simple."

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Olvir listened carefully.

Despite being long time friends with Alistair's classmate Elias Sirl, Ollie knew obnoxiously little about life as an Initiate. Eli had never much wanted to talk about it, and getting details out of any other Dreadlord was like trying to pull a Dragon's Teeth. One had better luck getting milk from a stone, as his mother would have said.

"That sounds refreshingly straightforward." Olvir remarked with almost a hint of jealousy.

His life had most certainly been easier than most Dreadlords, there was no doubt about it. Yet over the years he'd faced his own difficulties. Particularly when it came to his family. Three older brothers and a dour father made life as hard as anyone's, and the guillotine of Nobility was ever present. Looming, and threatening to cut off any choice he might have.

"What will you do after?" He prodded, though seemed so at ease it was clear there was no wrong answer for Ollie. "I imagine your father is eager to have you back."

He knew that Dreadlord's were given a choice now, at least somewhat.

Mostly because he'd overheard his father cursing about it. Weiroon had 'lost' what few Dreadlord retainers they had left due to the decree, and with them another cornerstone of who they'd once been. At least if Sebastian was to be believed.

Not that our legacy is anything to celebrate.A bitter thought that flickered through Ollie's mind as he unconsciously tapped the sword his hip.
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Straightforward was definitely the best way to describe the Academy, but...Alistair was sure that Olvir was misunderstanding what he said. It was not a compliment. Being from both circles gave Alistair a unique perspective.

Dealing with nobles was complicated and manipulating. It required an exact touch. If he could describe the process then it was like dueling with sharp daggers. The slightest mistakes would lead to cuts that could be the end of you in one move, or in thousands.

The Academy was like repeatedly being hit by a maul. It did not attempt to end your suffering with one hit. In fact, the exact opposite. The repeated "straightforwardness" of the Academy was constantly trying to break you. Testing how far your limits were. Designed for the maximum amount of pain fatigue.

"I'm...still considering options, but I can't abandon my family...I'm the only scion that they have."

Alistair explained simply. The truth was that his relationship with his family had become more and more strained recently. His father had begun using the connections that Alistair had helped him create. Now, he was starting to view Alistair more and more like a tool...Let's forget about that for now.

"I plan to serve my family and Vel Anir. The two should not be mutually exclusive."

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"A fair enough goal." Although one that Ollie was finding to be more and more distant than before.

Growing up he had never thought that he would ever have any semblance of importance.

Unlike Alistair he was the fourth child of a very powerful family. He had three older brothers and one elder Sister who were all a decade or more older than him. The fact that he had been born at all was an utter miracle. His place in the world had been unsure, and now?

Now it was even more so. "I wish you luck, Alistair."

Ollie said carefully.

"Our path isn't an easy one." He glanced over towards his companion. "I guess yours even less so than mine."

The Noble shook his head. "Maybe we shouldn't worry about it on this trip."

He suggested. "This might be a good time to...cut loose."
"It's fine. I don't mind discussing such matters if that is your wish...I will just add that we should view the republic as an opportunity. While it has made things far more complicated for us, it also brings with it the chance for amazing possibilities...for the both of us."

Alistair quickly changed the topic after the comment, turning to look down the road they were heading.

"You are right that it might be a nice chance for you to relax. Just not having classes for the next few days is more than enough relaxation for me."

"Besides, I'm sure we can convince whichever of your creditors to provide us a nice bath."

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"Me?" He chuckled. "Most of my life has been easy as shit, Al."

There had always been certain pressures from his family of course, but in all honesty...most of them had come from himself. He'd never been in line for any sort of inheritance, nor expected to be anything of value. His own father had thought him useless until just a year ago.

He had wanted to prove himself in a family that thought he had nothing to prove. Simply because he was a decade younger than anyone who could be useful. "I have three brothers. One a Soldier, one a Banker, and one a Politican."

Ollie chuckled.

"And My sister? She's apparently all three." He shrugged. "I might as well be superfluous."

That was why he had practically jumped at this chance. Something he could do. Another chance to prove himself. "But you're right. We make the most of this."

In whatever way they could.
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Reactions: Alistair Krixus
"Exactly, who's to say you can't be one of those things, if not more...Before the republic, I was going to be a Dreadlord and that was all there was to it. Now, I'm set to become the Head of my house, eventually."

Saying it out loud freaked Alistair out, but it had been a realization that he had been forced to come to terms with over the past year. The value of his life had increased exponentially. In the eyes of the city and his family. He might as well take advantage of it.

Olvir was the perfect type of person to take advantage of this new playing field. He was well-rounded in combat and academic pursuits. He could fit into whatever role he decided to be for his family. Not to mention, since he was the fourth son, then that meant there were no specific expectations for his role.

"I have a feeling this is the beginning of some"

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Ollie tipped his head in a nod, though in truth he had absolutely no idea what it was like to fear the leadership of a house.

He knew that even if Aisling were to die he was last in line. Most of his family would have to die if he were to step up. A fate that was almost entirely impossible to imagine. Not that he didn't empathize, but it seemed...utterly impossible. "Aye well..."

The noble began quietly.

"Maybe lets focus more on the immediate future, yeah?" Ollie offered with a look. "The fun?"

He smiled, and that was the last thing he said on the subject.

That was hardly where the conversation ended of course. It was nearly two days 'till their destination, and both of them spent most of it in conversation. Alistair shared more of what the Academy was like, Ollie spoke of life beyond.

By the time they reached the great city of Ybriz the two noblesons had become well acquainted. Perhaps even starting a friendship.

It was on the third day they approached the city itself. The sun shrouding a palace of marble and limestone in a beautiful cloak of orange and red. A whistle escaped Olvir as they drew close, fingers tight around his reins. "Well, ain't that a sight."

He remarked.

Alistair nodded in confirmation, and just like that their journey had begun. The next two days went by in a blur, but not an uncomfortable one. The two nobles spent the two days conversing during their travels and enjoying themselves.

He could only nod his head in agreement with Olvir as he looked up at the city of Ybriz which was beautifully backdropped against the orange and red sky. It was a stark contrast to the made-for-efficiency aesthetic of Vel Anir that he had grown up with.

The marble and limestone of the palace were at a level of grandiose that only not even the former palace of Vel Anir could compete with.

"A true jewel of the coast. I don't suppose your creditor is in the palace?" Alistair asked hopefully.

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"Ah no, I don't think so." Olvir said, reaching up to scratch the back of his head.

House Weiroon Estate's were nothing to scoff at of course, his own house was about as luxurious as could be. But there was something to be said about a place actually designed to be beautiful.

"We'll have to settle for a tavern I'm afraid." He said in jest. "BUT."

His head rolled over towards Alistair. "I am a Weiroon."

There was a wide smirk on his face. Though his family had Creditors, that didn't mean they were poor. They were in fact one of the richest houses in all of Vel Anir. His father had always simply thought it was better to play with other people's money rather than his won.

"Which means we'll be picking the finest, most expensive establishment we can find." Anything else wouldn't do justice to the family name, after all.
This might be one of the nicest missions that Alistair had been on then. The idea of getting one night at some fancy tavern was enough to bring a small smile to his face. The wealth of the Weiroon was truly a boon. If this had been his house, then they would have been staying at the cheapest tavern in the city because that was just how frugal his father was.

"Remind me to buy you a drink when we get back to Vel Anir. It was the least he could do for his current charge. After all, so far in the journey, Alistair had not been required to do much.

At this rate, when it came time to write his report, they would think he had went on a vacation with the young lord.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but out of curiosity. What was the loan for?"

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Ollie chuckled. "How about a bottle?"

The Weiroon jested as they made their way into the city itself. Head was on a swivel as they rode in, looking for any tavern that might be good enough for a King. Most near the city entrance were hovels, or the type where one might go looking for a fight.

Fun in their own way, but Ollie wasn't looking for a repeat of what had happened with Eli. The other noble was still giving him shit for that.

His head turned as Alistair asked about the loan, a slight frown touching his face for a few moments.

"Ah, no I don't mind." He said with a shrug. "They were for some ships."

Olvir explained. "Three of them, all destroyed during the Revolution."

Though Vel Anir had been the epicenter of the conflict, the battle had raged in almost every Anirian City. Vel Luin included. That was where the ships had been, and where they'd found their ruin.

His father had of course collected the insurance money...but had then neglected to pay back the Creditors. An act that had them quite...roiled up. "My father told me to smooth it over as best I could, hopefully at less than cost."

That way House Weiroon would make some money on the deal.

As he spoke Ollie's head turned towards a building just ahead. A palace of marble, but decorated with in a way that it clearly marked itself out as a hotel rather than a manor. He glanced over at Alistair, nodding his head towards the Inn.
Alistair was also impressed with the city, but he forced himself to focus. While his head was swiveling, it was checking for any signs of danger. He did not of anyone looking to outright attack Olvir, so that meant his biggest worry was idiots who might think they look like easy targets, but Alistair and Olvir's luck was holding out.

Ah, the revolution, that made sense. A lot of the wealthier houses had lost assets after the revolution. Needless to say, House Krixus had not had that problem.

It was surprising that it was boats though. Alistair had spent his entire life studying Vel Anir and its military, but the navy was always just something he researched in passing. It just wasn't something that he thought he needed to worry about, especially with Vel Anir's amazing ground capabilities.

It did not matter much to him, but he did feel for Olvir who was just being expected to make up for his father's mistakes. Yeah, he could understand that.

His thoughts were temporarily interrupted when Olvir pointed out the impressive hotel. He let out a lighthearted chuckle.

"Make that two bottles."

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A chuckle escaped Olvir's throat, head shaking as they reached the auberge. Almost as soon as they came to a stop an attendant rushed over to them, a young boy who could not have been older than ten or twelve.

Olvir slipped from his horse, grabbing the saddlebags and flicking a coin over to the lad. "See that they're well cared for, yeah?"

The boy caught the coin, nodding his head eagerly as he quickly grabbed the reins of the Weiroon's horse.

A flicker of a smile touched his lips, and then he motioned for Alistair to follow after him. Doors were pulled open in front of them as they approached the Inn.

The view inside was utterly magnificent. Marble carved to utter perfection and beauty. Tapestries lining the walls, and even a massive Fountain that sat within the middle of the lobby. It's gentle gurgle resounding in the room. Two attendants immediately coming up to help the two Nobles with their bags.

Olvir was about to offer objection, but was quickly silenced as another attendant approached.

"Good evening, Sirs. Will you be staying with us?"​

"Ah, yes." Ollie said with a smile. "We'll need a sweet, under the name Weiroon."

The attendants eyes widened.

"Yes! Yes of course sir. Please this way!"​

Her hand waved, ushering and waving the two noble sons with such urgency that Ollie utterly missed the two cloaked figures watching them from across the street.
Alistair slipped from his own horse but did not hand the steed off to the boy until he whispered into the animal's ear.

"If I hear about any biting, you won't see any apples for a month."

Academy horses were bred for war and they had a reputation for being aggressive. It just so happened that Alistair's chosen mount was an absolute asshole to most other people. The only way he ever kept him under control was with threats.

With that solved, he turned and followed Olvir inside. Alistair let loose a soft whistle as he looked around the place. This was nice. It seemed like one of those places that he might even have trouble sleeping in because the beds would be too soft.

Alistair yanked his bag away from the attendant when he felt their hands on his bag.

"Sorry, I'll be carrying my own."

A large majority of the things in his bag were either precious tools that could be damaged by others or deadly materials that could kill someone if not properly handled. Needless to say, he would not be let the bag out of his sight.

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Ollie handed off his bag without any hesitation, though he did keep the sword he had been carrying. It slung over his shoulder, and Alistair would for the first time be close enough to notice the marks upon it’s hilt.

Dozens of intricate runes had been carved into the ivory handle, barely covered by a wrap of leather Ollie had clearly put there himself. It’s top was decorated with a brilliant black diamond perfectly set. He clung to the sword almost as strictly as Alistair did to his bag.

”This place reminds me of the Golden Rose.” Ollie remarked, remembering the cafe of Nobles back in Vel Anir.

The hotel here was a little bit more ostentatious, less regal, but it had all the same air. Someone needed to have a lot of money to come in here. That much was clear.

Slowly they were lead up a set of stairs to something called a ‘lift’. A large box tied with cables which used counterweights to draw them up to the top floor. It was a miraculous thing, having been invented in Donorch a few years ago. Ollie had first encountered one in Alliria.

Eventually the two young Anirians were lead out into their suite. A massive penthouse with three rooms, a living room, and a balcony that wrapped around half the building.
Alistair followed behind quietly, taking in the room around him. It was hard for him not to notice the runes on Olvir's sword given his own specialty, but he would wait to ask about that when they were along.

Instead, his gaze drifted to take in the room around them, and he could only agree with Olvir. The place was a lot like the Golden Rose, but what did he know. He had only been there a few times, and the last time he was there, he was too busy ogling all the big names that were there for the event.

"Yes, definitely the rich part."

He would have continued his talking, but then he saw the 'lift'. Wow, something like this needed to be brought to Vel Anir quickly. There were plenty of large-scale buildings, like the Academy, that could benefit from such an addition.

He was a little hesitant to get in at first, but it could not be any weirder than levitation magic, so he just followed along.

When they finally arrived at the room, Alistair had to make sure to keep his mouth shut.

"Wow, talk about luxury."
If this is what it felt like to be rich, then Alistair could certainly get use to it.

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"Yeah, it's pretty nice." Ollie commented, glancing around and pulling out a few coins as the attendant brought his bag.

Briefly he wondered how the man had actually made it up here so fast given that he hadn't taken a lift...but that thought quickly slipped away. Nothing really concerning about it after all. Slowly he walked over to the bar, browsing the selection of liquors and bottles ales.

"I imagine..." Olvir began, plucking one of the bottles free. "It's better than what you usually see on Missions."

He doubted that Dreadlords really got to decide much about where they slept.

Slowly he made his way over towards the plush couch taking up half the room. He plopped himself down, blissfully unaware that one the building across from them men hooded and cloaked were headed towards the roof.
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