Knights of Anathaeum The Gilded Hart

Threads open to all members of the Knights of Anathaeum group

Luna Shael

Character Biography
The forest outside Snowmelt...

Luna guided her horse to a stop at the side of the path and swept her gaze through the nearby forest but caught neither hide nor hair of their quarry. If it indeed existed in the manner the rumors stated. She had to admit, she very much doubted their accuracy herself. After all, whatever adventurers had returned were babbling about a maiden, not a Hart. Surely this was all the work of a sorceress and not that of a magical creature. An illusionist perhaps.

She glanced away from the forest and toward her companions. Her comrades in the Knights of Anathaeum and her companions for the quest ahead. Together, the four of them would put an end to this sorry folk tale before it claimed any more lives. She returned her gaze to the forest. "All would appear normal, from the paths at least. It would seem this Golden Hart, whatever it truly be, resides further within."

Legend tells of a golden hart wandering the woods, one that can grant the wish of any who catch it. Most consider this to be a fanciful tale passed between hunters on particularly boring nights, but recent sightings south of Lake Crobhear have spurred adventurers to go looking. The problem is that said adventurers aren't coming back. Only a few return from their hunt - delirious, stripped of their gear, and babbling the same story about a maiden riding a golden hart.

The small town of Snowmelt (a common resting point for those traveling through the nearby portal stone) has asked the help of Anathaeum to investigate what is spiriting away their paying patrons.

Selene Hector Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar
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The problem with horses and other steeds is that they got in the way of sensory magic. They were loud, hot-blooded creatures and when one was atop one, a certain amount of focus had to be dedicated to staying atop. Which meant that Selene had a certain amount less of focus to put into her spellwork. The ripples of magic that flowed from her were weak, stretching across fen and dale in gentle waves, instead of the usual steady current. This was why Selene avoided steeds when she could get away with it, and why the silver-maned courser underneath her was huffing loud in annoyance and chewing at his bit. She was not a very good rider.

She spun her horse in a circle when Luna stopped to report her findings, trying to get the ornery thing to stop too. It finally settled down with her facing backwards from the rest of the party, and she had to twist around in the saddle to see the Dawn knight and the others.

"The old stories always have the hart appear when hunters are least prepared for it," Selene responded as she fidgeted with the reins, trying to scoot the horse in a more dignified direction. "At meal time, in the dead of night, when they are down to the last arrow, and so forth. Perhaps we should proceed with a bit more desperation in our step. Leave the horses behind and go on foot, for example..."

Luna Shael Hector Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar
Hector gave a nervouse laugh at the Captain's suggestion. "Invite the beast by hindering our selves," he recounted out loud. "Captain, wouldn't that mean that in purposefully becoming unprepared, in a way, we are preparing to meet with the hart?" It was a sincere question, and there was a real curiosity behind Hector's eyes.

Oskar, who sat perched above the wandering knights, talons clutched upon a thin branch, blinked. The little barn owl was not a fan of being awake so early in the day. In fact, it was not fond of ever being awake when it was not the dead of night. But, it had decided to accompany Hector in this venture. For what purpose, the squire could not say, but he was glad for his little guardian.

Hector's rouncey gave a bored snort and shake of its head as he plodded along the earthen trail. The squire leaned foreward, and pat it gently on its withers. "There, there, Rolan, I'm sure we'll have a chance to run soon," he straightened up, and looked at his fellow knights, as bird song twittered in the air, and their equipment clinked and clanked softly with each jostle of their horses' gait. "Could it be that, maybe our sounds ward it off?" Hector mused aloud. "A pack of horses, armor equipment, don't wild animals tend to avoid such sounds?"

Oskar hoot, and shoved off from his perch. Too far behind the group for his own comfort, the little owl swooped overhead upon its silent wings, and vanished in the canopy ahead of them.

Luna Shael Selene Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar
That pristine silence would be cut through by the sound of steel against steel. And what appeared to be squawks of some kind. As they drew closer they would see two small green forms being pursued by five larger forms.

No, make that four. The one in the lead would turn after his fifth step and drive his cross guard into the gorget of the man behind him. It wasnt a killing blow thanks to the armor, but it was enough to make the man rethink his most recent poor choices.

Using the momentum from that blow the wing helmed knight would ease into driving his pommel into the gut of the second man, and as he doubled over, the free arm would lift before the elbow came downward on the back of his neck, knocking him unconscious. The third would swing for the knight, his blade twisting in hand to catch the strike effortlessly before he pulled his gauntlet back and let it fly, the steel connecting with the once sturdy cartilage that had previous been a nose.

As his head snapped back and he hit the deck hard, the fourth man, a noble by all appearances would let out a bellow as he charged. Three wide swing to the knight, who had now sheathed his blade while he dodged the first strike. On the second, he would remove the gauntlet on his right hand, and on the third tuck it into his belt.

When the fourth swing came, the remaining gauntlet would catch the blade and tug it towards him, pulling the indignant pup forward... right into a backhand so hard, his entire bloodline must have felt it. Spittle rained from his maw and his body twisted until it was airborne, before hitting the ground hard.

Valdr glared at the high born through the visor of his helm. "You hear me, boy? Are you going to do something or just lay there and bleed?"

"My grandfather is the Baron of House Brand-" he was cut off as the hand that had done the smacking removed a handkerchief and toss it onto the nobles face.

"I don't care, boy. If he taught you this was okay, then he needs to learn a lesson, too. Now gather your people.. and leave. There will not be restraint on the second chance."

The young man blubbered, wiping the blood from his face with the offered handkerchief and tried to scramble away, his legs barely finding the ground beneath him and causing him to slip. He cursed as he hit the ground and scrambled once more. "Podrick! Fil! Kaz!" He yelped out before racing away. Podrick and Kaz cursed and groaned as they got to their feet, the former somehow learning how to breath again. They would help Fil to his feet before the trio chased after their lord.

The two goblins would cheer as their foes were vanquished. "Flying Knight! Flying Knight!"

As the smallest turned to leave, he would pause and shriek in horror as he happened upon the Knights of Anathaeum. "Flying Knight! More!"

Valdr would turn to defend them, his hand reaching for his blade, still in its scabbard before his eyes fell upon Hector. "Squire!" He would say with some realization. "Hector, was it?"

Luna Shael Selene Hector
Luna cooed sympathetically at the Captain's horse. Meanwhile, her own mare looked quite content to be ridden by her, a result of her elven heritage, perhaps. She stifled the urge to giggle at Selene's suggestion, knowing she likely had another motivation to leave the horses.

She considered her words more carefully. "Become unprepared? Forgive my skepticism Captain, but if the victims were caught when unprepared, does that not suggest that we're dealing with some manner of brigand instead of a magical creature? Someone who targets travelers when they're at their lowest?"

Still, presenting themselves in such a manner would make enticing bait for any opportunistic thug. Perhaps it's worth the risk after all. She stole a glance at Hector. "Perhaps we should quarter the horses in Snowmelt then. I'm confident-"

She stopped short when she heard a pained cry come from in the forest nearby, wheeling her horse around to face the sound. Witnessing the last moments of a battle between a group of strangers, one of whom appeared to be protecting a pair of goblins, curious. Whoever he might be, he showed considerable restraint in dealing with his foes, leaving them all alive.

She guided her horse forward a few steps and opened her mouth to address him when he spoke to Hector instead. She glanced at the Squire. "Apologies, but are the two of you acquainted?"

Selene Hector Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar
Though no smile reached her face, Selene was proud of Hector and Luna for the questions they posed. She lowered her head in acknowledgement to her two charges, which would have been more commanding looking, had her steed not chosen that time to start and stamp in another impatient circle. Keeping the reins close, she tried whoa'ing the horse to little avail. When she got the beast settled once again, her chance to respond was lost.

Two flustered goblins came out of the woods, unarmed and in a worried state. Behind them, a tawny man followed, though he did not seem to be in pursuit of the goblins. "Stay your blade Syr, we mean these gentlefolk no harm," Selene called out to the man. It was not her words that took the man off the defensive, but the presence of the squire next to her. That was unexpected.

Selene squinted at the newcomer in his sleek armor, trying to place him in her memory. There was something familiar about the man, and she got the distinct impression that she should know who he was. Perhaps he was one of the visiting errants Helena had told her about? She decided to stay silent on the subject for now, hoping that Hector would let slip some detail about the man's identity.

Luna Shael Hector Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar
Hector stared wide eyed at the gallant knight he'd met upon the Mire of Lant, lips thin and downturned in a confused frown. He did not like being the center of attention.

"Syr Rangvaldr!" he replied. "Y-yes syr, Hector is correct," he smiled, small. It felt good that a knight so brave had remembered his name. Even if he found the man to be a bit fool hardy and reckless when last they had met, some part of him still admired the spirit that dared to be so bold and unbridled. Syr Shael asked if they were acquainted.

The squire cleared his throat, and sat straighter and taller upon his steed, his eyes closed as he formulated his thought. "Yes, um, we met upon the field of battle!" He nodded, with a pleased smile. That sounded good, like something you would hear in a ballad, or a play. "Upon the Mire of Lant, where... well where we had to go and clean Wilhelm's necro- um, re-animation mess," he smiled weakly. He looked to Syr Rangvaldr once more, smile growing bright again. "It is good to see you are still charging about, Syr Rangvaldr," he looked down at the small goblin folk. "Helping the innocent," he nodded again.

Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Luna Shael Selene
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Valdr would remove his winged helm, tucking it beneath his arm, and revealing a broad grin to the company of Knights before him. "Then we are well-met once again, friend Hector." Valdr closed the distance between him and the Squire, the free hand reaching up to clap the younger man on the forearm. "Still a beacon for your fellows to rally behind?"

He would then clip his helm to a loop on his belt and turn to Selene, taking a moment to digest her appearance. Her horse appeared uneasy and so with a cautious step he would move forward, one glove taking the slack of the reins, without pulling it from Selene, while the other hand reached into a pouch to procure a carrot for her courser. "Rhae ennas neth, de di mellon." He would whisper quietly to the horse, calming it some.

"I am Ser Valdr of Vel Anir." He would say looking up to Selene. "You must be the other Captain." There was a warmth to his tone that would seem to be reserved for friends. "I am friends with Captain Helena. My companions are Piddlwik and Pobba, who also remember your Dawn Captain fondly. They learned the error of their ways in our last meeting and whilst abandoning their old ways were set upon by cowards."

With her courser calmed, the Lord would take a few steps back from the party. "What brings you lot here? Some sort of adventure?"

Luna Shael Hector Selene
Luna tilted her head ever slightly to the right. Syr Rangvaldr? Yes, mayhap she'd heard the name before. From one of her brethren in the monastery. How fortuitous for them to happen across an ally on the verge of beginning their quest.

She waited until a lull in the conversation between the Captain and Syr Rangvaldr before speaking. "Allow me to answer that Captain. It gives me the opportunity to introduce myself as well, I am Luna Shael, Knight-Sworn of Anathaeum. It's an honor to make your acquaintance, Syr."

"We've come this way in response to rumors of a golden hart, whom some believe to be magical. And yet those who are believed to have encountered this creature either go missing or reappear days later, stripped of possessions and speaking of a strange woman riding atop the hart. We've come to investigate this phenomenon and bring an end to it if something sinister truly be afoot."

Selene Hector Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar
Under different conditions, Selene would have taken offense at the level of familiarity the stranger exercised as he grabbed her horse's reins and whispered something to it. But as things stood, she was merely happy to have a break from the beast. The courser stilled, and she listened to the wayward knight's words with a grace that forgave his boldness.

Though it irked her some that she had been assigned the other captain.

"Yes, I am Selene of Dusk. I hope you will find my sanctum as welcoming as the Dawn has been to you." She took one hand off the reins to give a bow, twisting her hand in a certain way that nobles of the Vale tended to use as a greeting to equals. As soon as she did her horse forgot its truce with her and tried to take the opportunity to stretch his head down and look for more carrots. Luckily Luna stepped in with her own introduction, just in time for Selene to pull the reins up again. With a jolt and a shake of its head, the horse settled back down.

"Don't bother the man," she scolded the horse quietly enough that it wouldn't disturb the conversation around her. "He doesn't have to be kind to you."

Selene looked back up as Luna finished her explanation. "The hart favor hunters and other adventurous sorts, which this wood seems to be rich in," she added. "No casualties have been reported yet, but many worrying disappearances. As Luna mentioned, we are here mainly to inquire and will act once we understand more about the nature of the spiritings. Have you heard news of any such thing in your travels, Syr Valdr?"

Luna Shael Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Hector
"A beacon?" the young squire smiled small and bashful, a private laugh had beneath his breath. "I don't know if I would call my self a beacon, Ser, but, I do what I can, when it is asked of me," he settled down as the older knights chimed in about the adventure.

Truth have it. He knew little and more that could help in their investigation. Why he had even been asked to accompany a Sworn and a Captain was beyond him. Though he supposed it beat being yelled at by Syr Dorn. Or taking out another infestation of macro-slugs. They had been awfully lively as of late. And some had even started growing barbed innards. Never a good sign, if the manuals were to be believed.

Part of him wondered how the Burrow was doin. Or what the other squires were up to.

His eyes wandered and he watched some little birds hop and flit about the branches, and then his eyes fell on the twitching ears of one of the goblin folk. "Oh, hello," he said softly. "Almost forgot you two were here,"

Luna Shael Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Selene
"Humility, an important aspect of Knighthood." He would say to Hector, lowly. "And yet, here you are, a beacon." He would let those final words hang in the air for Hector, hopefully to embolden the young Squire.

Yes, I am Selene of Dusk. I hope you will find my sanctum as welcoming as the Dawn has been to you.

Valdr would press a gauntlet against his chestplate and bowed his head lower than she bowed, a sign of respect amongst the courts. "An honor, Selene of Dusk. I've no doubt that your sanctum will rival the welcoming of Dawn."

One gauntlet had stayed scratching the long jaw of Selene's courser as Luna spoke, his gaze shifting to her and offering a smile. "Syr Luna Shael, an honor to meet you." Another bow of his head. He felt a big head nudging at his side and after Selene yanked the horses reins, he pat the coursers cheek affectionately.

He then looked between Selene and Luna. "I can't say that I have heard anything about this Golden Heart or disappearing hunters. Was just trying to help these fine young goblins find their home. Their Clan. But, my blade is at your service. I shall help you investigate this mystery and help in any way I can." His hand dropped from Selene's courser and he turned to the goblins. "Pobba, Piddlwik, we shall help our new friends."

Piddlwik would hop up and down. "New friends! New friends!"

Pobba, however, kept his gaze fixed upwards on young Hector. An twitched, then the eye. More staring, as if into the void. Then, a nice big goblin tongue would flick up from the mouth... to lick a goblin eye? Tongue withdrawn, big toothy grin, still staring at Hector.

Luna Shael | Selene | Hector
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