Completed The Hardest Disease to Treat

Character Biography
After months upon months in having lunch duty, Everleigh Ebersol was given a week of reprieve from watching the initiates. After this week she would resume the role of monitoring all the children, specifically the younger ones, and would be missing lunch herself. Not that that bothered her, she had deprivation punishments far longer than any initiate in her class and still believed her to be superior because of that. The three meals a day was a practice that took place after the Revolution and she was certain that all the initiates would now grow to be as big as Sable.

Or like the noble kids. The noble kids always seemed to be exceptionally broad and tall. It had to be because they were eating more than everyone else. Maybe she would’ve been taller if she hadn’t been deprived for years?

Or maybe even if she had been fed food like this when she wasn’t deprived. The proctors ate better than the initiates, that much could be ascertained with a brief glance. While everything given to the initiates was high in nutrients (more nutrients, bigger dreadlords, right?) it constantly looked wet and very much tasted that way. It was why the missions of the older kids often tended to be a exciting adventure and chance to eat something good.

It made sense now why the proctors leading missions had always rolled their eyes at the eagerness of the initiates to get real food. They had forgotten how bad the slop. The selection was just as small but far more colorful and, Everleigh noted inwardly, not wet looking. She was going to enjoy this week and enjoy eating during the afternoon. She could be gluttonous every now and then, couldn’t she?

Everleigh turned and her mood soured. There were far fewer tables in the room reserved for the Proctors to eat their meal and she had come as early as she could without shirking her responsibilities. Tables were filled to the brim already, or those that had a seat open had proctors that she couldn’t get along with— like Palahniuk and Bazterrica and Rainsford.

Her gimlet gaze did land quickly on one table, far in the back corner, with only one other person sitting there. Everleigh’s almond eyes narrowed, shooting a hard glare at Salak’s back. She had stayed far away from him after their “discussion.” Should she just try to sneak to Marianne’s office? But she was still in there… and if she tried sneaking off to her room she’d surely pass by other proctors. Actually, if she left this room with food in hand, proctors and initiates alike would see her skulking suspiciously like Tinker had done.

Salak it was, then. He already thought lowly of her. Everleigh marched over to him, sitting down across from him.

Proctor Salak.” She greeted briefly.

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"Proctor Everleigh!"
He said slightly surprised as he looked up from his food. He found salads an agreeable mid day meal. Not too filling but sustaining and not too flashy.
Salak promised himself he would not pick a fight this time, he would make simple and effective conversation. Nice even. He believed he could be nice.
"It's nice of you to join me."
He did wonder why though. Perhaps she wanted something from him. On impulse he wiped his nose with a napkin.
"Does this mean your punishment has ended at last?"
He wasn't smiling and it wasn't a joke. Salak could not tell a joke to save his life.

Everleigh Ebersol
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She looked at his salad then brought her eyes back to her own plate. Why did she feel like they should switch plates? Everleigh could feel her mouth water. Well, if this made her a gluttonous pig, or boar as was her namesake, then so be it. Her eyes slid up from her plate to look at Salak, watching him wipe his nose.

No. It has not.” She thought better on her words. “I take over my lunch duty as well as Proctor Marianne Goetsch’s. It’s not a punishment. It’s duty.” In truth, it was, technically her lunch duty had started long before Death Lotto. Everleigh began to cut into her food noticing how the proctors avoided this table. It was like being an initiate again except no one was calling her acid snatch.

I don’t think anyone will really be joining us here. What do you think?” With that being said she began to eat, staring at Salak while doing so, half expecting him to pull out another report that detailed how much she sucked at being a proctor.

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Salak looked about. In his time here nobody had tried to sit with him and he had not attempted to sit with anyone else.
The thought never occured to him to seek them out for idle companionship.
He chewed a cut of beetroot, red stain on his fork.
"I think the other Proctors are content to leave me be. I cannot imagine your presence will draw them."
He did smile then as he looked across the table at Everleigh remembering the fawning looks of some of the Initiates when they saw her dance. Some of their eyes lit up with envy. They did not sup with Initiates but if Everleigh ever did no doubt her table would be swarmed.
"I cannot speak to gossip though."
He said, face serious again.
"They love to talk among themselves about others. No doubt by the time we're finished they'll have concocted all manner of elaborate fantasies about us."
Spiking another load onto his fork he lifted it to his lip with a heavy sigh.
"Why do you ask?"
He had a feeling this was leading somewhere and he was failing in his attempt to feel optimistic about it.

Everleigh Ebersol
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That was right, Salak, unknowingly had brought up a point that Everleigh was worried about. Not because she was sitting next at his table, but because she was speaking to him while sitting there. She wondered if Palahniuk would mention something to his cousin? Would Marianne pry into her mind?

She would need to be nonchalant about this.

I’m used to the gossip.” After her first visit to Vel Luin they had called her a bear fucker under their breath. It had only lasted a week but it was a reminder from Marianne that Everleigh had fallen into her master plan, which, at this point, the poison eater knew was isolating her from others. But Salak was different.

He had asked her for help. She had refused him of it, of course, choosing not to go against Marianne’s wishes. Now it was Everleigh who needed help. She could have tried going to Evangeline D’Amour but something told her that would be a foolish move, especially after Death Lotto. So it left Salak and only Salak and if he refused to help her? She wouldn’t think about that yet.

Because I wanted to ask you something.” She took a break from chewing. “A few things, actually. Do you believe in fate or destiny?

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Salak chewed slowly to examine the question in his mind.
He had certainly seen enough in his life to know that forces beyond their kennage influenced their lives. Gods, Angels, Devils and the like.
Many claimed to be able to know the future. That it was set and nothing could change it.
Then again there was the chaotic aspect of life. Disasters that defied reason. Creatures that seemed to defy natural law. Were they apart from destiny?
He swallowed before continuing.
"... Is a big question in a lot of ways. For me, I believe only what I can confirm to be true. I do not dwell on what may be other than what I can effect. So I suppose I don't really believe in destiny. Not as such."
He put his fork down and drank from his glass. Water, always water since alcohol had no effect on him.
"Do you?"
He asked, getting interested in the topic.
Such an unexpected ask. He had to know why after not speaking since their last encounter weeks ago she came to him now.

Everleigh Ebersol
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No. Believing in fate or destiny is stupid when you can just believe in yourself.” Everleigh said bluntly. How many people had she asked this question of? She had always felt a particular ire to those that chose fate. How could one just leave themselves in something else’s hands and accept whatever was given to them?

And destiny? While she believed that every action had consequences, she doubted that everything she had ever done led to this because there were things that were out of her control. Had Salak even given her a suitable answer? He didn’t like destiny… did he prefer fate? Or was he like her?

Everleigh wasn’t sure how she felt about them having more things in common. She paused from her eating.

I’m asking because I’m curious what you’d call that little miscalculation with Initiate Fennec.

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Salak almost spit his drink out in surprise.
So this was it then. He knew questions would come he just didn't think it would be from Everleigh but perhaps that was a good thing. She knew about mistakes.
When he had put his drink down and wiped his mouth he answered.
"That was my mistake, though I come by it honestly. I experimented with a new teaching method hoping to encourage fellowship among them. They resisted. At every turn they stubbornly resisted."
He did not successfully keep his frustration from his voice.
"Initiate Fennec expressed a desire for what she called *The Old Ways*" he scoffed and took another drink of water.
"As if any of them have any idea of what they asked for. Any real idea. The constant beatings, drugged food, the Chokie, random inspections at all hours. Sleep deprivation, torture endurance. Not to mention what happened..."
He spat the words from his memory but then cooled visibly as he stopped himself from saying more. His voice grew quiet and he didn't look at Everleigh as he quickly moved on.
"I... Lost my temper. Said things I shouldn't have, even if they are true. It was wrong how I said it. Initiate Houri didn't deserve that."
Salak did not start eating again though his eyes did wander up to Everleigh's own.
"Is Initiate Ulte recovering well?"
In his mind he still heard the wet crack of his body against the tree Fennec flung him against and the wheezing of his weakened breath.

Everleigh Ebersol
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Everleigh tilted her head as she filed away his words and the tone of his voice. Even his facial expressions she would remember for later.

I have no idea. I don’t go into the infirmary unless it’s to get my elixirs.” She said honestly and shrugged. “You sound guilty about the whole thing. That’s weird for a proctor to be.” Yet it was something she had suspected of Salak and needed to confirm. She liked the answer he gave her.

For it meant that right now their desires were currently aligned.

Salak made a mental note to check on the lad after lunch and he was greatly relieved that Everleigh wasn't using his shortcomings to batter him with. He'd have to find some way to repay that.
"Guilty? Hmm, I suppose that's true."
He got back to eating. Forking more green leaf into his mouth.
"And why shouldn't I be? We're responsible for these Initiates. Wouldn't kill more of us to act like it. Show a bit of concern. They are children after all and expected to die in service to Vel Anir. Least we can do is give a damn before sending them to their deaths."
Aggressively he devoured another morsel and chewed it as if it was a piece rare stake. He almost brought up the disaster of the elf village but he didn't want to start a fight with the entire faculty today. He was on enough of a loosing streak regarding public outbursts so he looked up from his salad and finished with.
"I daresay you might agree with the notion."

Everleigh Ebersol
Everleigh raised her brow slightly, waiting a moment to see if Salak would continue but he had stopped speaking and was viciously spearing any beet and green on his plate. It would have made her laugh if there wasn’t something important needing to be asked in the back of her throat.

Sending initiates to their deaths? No, I’m not a fan of that. Crazy, I know.” Everleigh yawned. She wasn’t going to tell Salak that she had felt guilty when her own teaching session had gone to shit. As far as she was concerned they were both in the same boat now. “There’s one initiate I really like. He’s seven. Loud and rambunctious. He would be getting that beat out of him right now. Now it’s being encouraged. That’s a nice thought, isn’t it?

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Salak leaned back and took a final drink, finished with his meal he left only a few flecks of green in red stains.
He said agreeably before thinking on it more.
"And no."
He took another drink and wiped his mouth, setting his dishes to one side as he continued.
"This boy..." he threw Everleigh a meaningful look and emphasised the word *boy*.
"... if he adjusts, learns when to use that outward going nature, applies it to critical battle theory and engages with the training he'll go far. However if his nature is allowed to becomes seditious... well."
He threw his hands up and shook his head.
"No reason to think the worst. I'm just being paranoid about it. Letting my bad experience cloud my judgement. It is as you have said. A hopeful move in the right direction."
He gave a brief half cheers before drinking more water only to find his glass empty and setting it down and began to spin the glass in his fingers.
"The boy a relative to you?"
He sounded genuinely curious about it. The idea of Everleigh'ss family was an enigma to him. He could look it up but he always found the direct approach more satisfying.

Everleigh Ebersol
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Everleigh was still eating but once she stopped chewing she had to say it. She couldn’t continue on without first saying it. It would nag at her if she didn’t.

You’re not fun at parties, are you?

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"No. I detest parties, please do not invite me to any."
Salak's answer was delivered with perfect seriousness, not insulted nor meant to insult. As he had asked her not to rub his nose, he now asked her not to invite him to anything resembling a party.

Everleigh Ebersol
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Everleigh scoffed, leaning back and using a hand to cover the smile on her face. Whether or not it was a joke didn’t matter. It was funny. Who didn’t like parties? Who didn’t like having fun? It only brought forth how different her and Salak were, and yet somehow that made their similarities shine even brighter.

He’s not family.” No, Miklan wasn’t related to her by blood. But he was important regardless. “He’s a sibling of… a old friend of mine.” Everleigh looked at her nearly empty plate. “Initiate Kresselring’s magic is that he gives magic to others. What do you think the consequences would be?” She pushed, for once happy that the man in front of her was such a pessimist. He’d pick up on her double meaning faster.

Salak took a deep breath and closed his eyes, held it and let it out slowly.
"Honestly? I believe Initiate Kresselring is in unparalleled danger from both this Academy and any other lunatic who learns of their magic. Should one of the great houses successfully kidnap him and harness his ability they will create an army of magically imbued soldiers that could easily undo all that has been built since the revolution. Should enemies of Vel Anir obtain him they could march on us within weeks. He will live his life as a tool, a power source for others with no life of his own."
He narrowed his focus dealing on a smaller level of threat and because those threats were ones he suspected may be close he spoke softly and quietly.
"There are powers in this very Academy that would seek to control the boy for no other reason than he may then not be used against them. It is vital such people never have access to your Inititate."
Salak opened his eyes when he realised the greatest threat and gave Everleigh and imploring look.
"You say he is loud and rambunctious, if that turns to narcissism then he may become uncontrollable very quickly as he will find allies from all areas, all walks of life eager to protect him to gain access to his powers. He could walk the earth a demagogue of unprecedented influence. Armies chanting his name as they use his power to destroy any who oppose him."
When he pulled himself back he breathed normally again and shook the nightmarish visions of destruction from his mind but when he saw the look on Everleigh's face he feared he had been too honest.

Everleigh Ebersol
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The hand holding her cutting knife tightened. Everleigh glared openly at Salak just as she had once before. It had came slowly, and with every word from Salak it had grown into a fearsome look. Much like the look of a mother bear telling a unknown thing to back the fuck off.

I have a knife in my hand.” It was a simple threat. There were knives all over Everleigh, needles and daggers and flat blades and throwing blades, all hidden on her. “Miklan isn’t like us. There’s goodness in him.

Salak raised his hands slightly with open palms to show that he was very much not armed.
"Relax Everleigh, the boy has nothing to fear from me."
He would have not told her near as much if he had any designs on the boy.
"It was once my job to think as an enemy might."
Gingerly he put his hands down before he drew any attention to them. The mess was still active though some had removed themselves already.
"Are you teaching him yourself?"
He felt it best to try and move on quickly since having a knife fight in the canteen was less desired than an extra hole in the head.

Everleigh Ebersol
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Her eyes were narrow purple slits. She breathed in through her nose and slowly released the breath through her mouth. Everleigh’s face went back to what it was before: neutral and indifferent. She would protect him, if there was one thing she was going to do, it would be protecting Miklan from what she, and Zael, had been forced to endure.

No, not really.” Everleigh admitted. “I’m not allowed to teach solo. With Goetsch on leave I’ve been under Palahniuk and he focuses on the older kids.” She paused. “I am not worried about his magic. Or whatever future could come from it. I’m worried for his wellbeing.” Everleigh sighed and looked down at her plate. “The other proctors. I don’t trust any of them. If I make one wrong move then…” she didn’t need to continue, Salak would understand.

Everleigh could endure any harm on her being and she’d do so with a smile if it meant it would piss them off more. A seven year old boy would be in utter agony. It would be just the silent message she needed to get back in line.

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Salak despised such tactics, especially because he knew how effective they could be. Guilt entered him again and he met Everleigh's gaze with his own look of utter certainty.
"If you ask it, I'll do what I can for him."
He owed her that much and he didn't like the idea of Everleigh being forced into, well anything.
But she had to ask for it and if he knew her like he thought then that might be harder for her than anything.
This was the moment. She had reached out to him, confessed her fears and invited him to help and he would but he needed to confirm it. The question needed to be asked else too much could go wrong. Action becomes defiance, even well meaning ones.

Everleigh Ebersol
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Everleigh took a deep breath.

They’re sending me on more missions.” Normally she would have liked the reprieve from the copacetic life offered by working at the Academy. “One mission in particular is going to be a long one, out in the Eretejva Tundra.” It was a half truth. She wasn’t being sent out there officially. But she had a promise to fulfill. “When I’m gone… please, Proctor, please protect Initiate Miklan Kresselring for me. I’d…” she swallowed hard. “I’d do anything you ask in return.” She’d even apologize for being a bitch and she never apologized for that.

Everleigh didn't have to offer such a favour but he'd take it.
"Very well. I'll look after the boy while you're away."
It was done. A simple thing really but it meant a great deal to both of them. For people with such an inability to trust such actions moved mountains and Salak wouldn't forget his end of it.
"When are you leaving?"
He effected as casual a tone now. Just asking a fellow Proctor about work.

Everleigh Ebersol
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Can’t say.” Everleigh said, standing up. “Top-secret. You understand what that’s like.” She picked up her plate and grinned down at Salak. “When you don’t see my smart ass anymore you’ll know.” And with that Everleigh left the table.

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