Private Tales The Lost Sjælden

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Jiya Luana

The Head of House Luana
Character Biography
Your Highness,

Thank you, for granting me permission to use the royal library whilst you are away with your Lady Wife. I do indeed promise to keep you informed on any findings I make of the Sjælden I believe to be hidden within the Palace, left by your ancestor Rhea.

In regards to the offer of your guardsman, I bid you thanks but I do not believe my work requires a shadow. I would much prefer to work in peace in my studies. Of course, if His Highness insists I will not stand in your way, though you must warn your man hours in a dusty library are thought to be dull by most.

Your Faithful Servant

Jiya Luana, Head of House Luana

* * *

The Royal Library was not the grandest in the Anirian Kingdom. That title no doubt went to the vaulted halls in Vel Zrada, which was as much a work of art as it was a haven for knowledge. But the archives in the palace were far, far older than those that could be found in the other libraries of the kingdom and, more importantly, most of the books stored here were first hand accounts. Pages and pages written by past monarchs or courtiers on the trifles and strife they faced in their own times. It was history. Their history. And if Jiya was going to get any answers from the dead it would be within these halls.

She'd garnered curious looks when she had arrived on foot, having decided to walk from the lofty halls of the Luana Manor, and dressed in an outfit not befitting a noble lady. She wore wide legged trousers that were cinched in tightly at the waist, and a shirt one was more likely to see on a man than a woman in this society. The guards had barred her way to begin with until she'd presented the Prince's permission but she did not huff nor sniff nor criticise. She merely smiled, thanked them, and wandered in with her hands deep within her pockets. Today she wore her hair down in several tightly woven braids and thin-rimmed glasses as she planned to be doing a lot of reading.

Once she had found her way to the library which appeared to be deserted, Jiya set her satchel of notes, quills and inks down on a table.

"Right," she murmured, glancing at the stacks. All her studies had brought her here for answers. But which book held what she needed? There had to be thousands of leather and cloth bound volumes here. Rolling up her sleeves and with a determined set to her jaw she strode off to make a start.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Arryn Cross
Arryn couldn't remember the last time he'd been left to his own devices. Even when he socialised, he did so with Lynus, and so he had never truly let his guard down enough to throw all caution to the wind. Last night, that caution was thrown, and he had visited the barracks to sup, and drink, with his fellow guardsmen. He wasn't entirely sure how he'd gotten back to his chambers, nor how his clothes had been removed down to his breeches, but he recalled the source of every bruise that peppered his torso and face, and the rib he was quite certain was cracked.

At the time, he'd been so drunk he'd hardly felt a thing, but by Gods he felt it now. A healthy spar in the pits against the Prince's Royal Guard had attracted quite a number of betting opponents and spectators, and Arryn hadn't been able to resist. At least, he was off duty. His time was his to rest and recover, at least for a few days.

"Arryn.." a gentle knock and a creak of his door, and he opened one eye on Margareta.. The young maid shook her head with a huff as she leaned in. "There's a cold bath for you in the bathing chambers. Lady Luana is already in the library - you were supposed to greet her this morning. Get up."

"That's today?" he rasped, grimacing as he propped himself up onto an elbow. "Fuck."

"Yes. Fuck." her eyes rolled and she pulled the door closed behind her.

He moved gingerly, and as torturous as the cold bath was, it served to numb his aches at least a little. Still, he looked as shitty as he felt when he politely knocked on the library door and stepped in, his eyes narrowing against the light that poured in through the colour-stained windows that silhouetted the woman at the desk. His throat cleared, and he bowed stiffly.

"Apologies, My Lady. My Prince asked that I accompany you, quietly, during your studies, in case I might be of any assistance.." he closed the door, and stood, a hand folding over the other and his chin lifting. The thought of standing here all day was not at all pleasant, but it had been the only thing that Lynus had asked him to do in his absence, and so he'd see it done.

His hair was a damp and ruffled mess, but his clothes were as pristine as always, and he hoped at least the distance he kept in the shadows by the doorway would conceal the bruising and the heaviness in his eyes.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Jiya Luana
Jiya didn't need to hear footsteps or the heavy closing of the library doors to know someone had entered. The stench of a brother rolled out before whoever it was like a ale-soaked red carpet. It was all she could do not to gag in the middle of her careful writing and she settled instead for screwing her nose up in disgust. Setting down her things she moved to open one of the windows, which is what she was doing when the source of the smell finally made himself known.

The Lady Luana sighed - but not too deeply for fear of drawing in the taste of the smell into her lugs. It had been too much to hope Lynus would concede to her wishes and let her study in peace, no doubt there was a lingering element of concern she might find what she was looking for and take it for herself rather than hand it over, as she had promised as long as he allowed her to study it first.

Casting her eyes over the man she couldn't help the slight quirk of her lips at his obvious suffering. It reminded her of her student days in Elbion.

"I must hand you some credit, Sir. When I had had the night of which it... appears you have had, I never made it to my early morning lectures."
Arryn's gaze shifted to the woman and he cleared his throat, giving a short nod. "I.." he shifted slightly and his jaw tightened. He had hoped that she wouldn't notice, of course, but it seemed that she was far more observant than he gave her credit for..

"Again, I offer my sincere apologies, My Lady. I.. had expected you tomorrow, not that it is sufficient excuse for my behaviour, for which I deserve no credit." he frowned, his face forward. He'd been so glued to Lynus' side for so long that he had learned well how to address the nobility of Vel Air, but like Lynus, he had always much preferred to stay out of their ways.

"If there's anything at all that you need, My Lady..." The guard reminded and reluctantly reminded himself to bow again, trying not to wince as he did.
  • Sip
Reactions: Jiya Luana
"I did tell his Highness I had no need for a soldier," Jiya said as she sat back down in one of the seats closer to the window then pulled her leather journal and books over to her new position. Almost as soon as they had settled the words within the old pages called to her and she began to forget the man stood uncomfortably in the doorway. But she had been the Head of a House long enough now that she knew he would not do anything further unless explicitly asked to. Her servants had suffered for how quickly she could be swallowed by her studies before failing to dismiss them. So she forced herself to look up.

"You can go, I'll call if I need someone," it was the first time she had really looked at him for longer than a fleeting second. "Maybe... to the infirmary," she winced at the blossoming bruises.
Arryn's throat cleared and his head dipped in a nod of acknowledgement, but he wasn't here to argue with her, especially not on Lynus' behalf. He was to ensure she had all she needed, that she had help on hand should she require it, that she was uninterrupted in her studies, and that she was under no circumstances to be left alone..

It was everything not to lean back against the wall he stood before, however, and his head pounded a little harder in his skull with every minute that passed. He would not throw up. He would not fall asleep.

He would however startle at her words as they struck through the silence that had long since fallen, his eyes blinking as he turned to look at her blearily. His skin warmed slightly and he mirrored her wince.. "I'm quite alright, but appreciate your concern, My Lady.." he nodded, glancing at one of the plush armchairs that sat by the hearth, his jaw tightening.

Another few hours...

The door knocked gently, and Arryn opened it to the smug face of Margareta holding a tray. "Refreshments for the Lady." she said with a curtsy and he took the tray with a scowl at her.

"Thank you." he said, closing the door with a click and turned to deliver the tray to the desk. A fresh pot of tea and a plate of bread, cheeses, fruits and sugared biscuits was set down before her, the guard quite unable to meet her gaze as he bowed his head, and stepped backward toward his post.
  • Smug
Reactions: Jiya Luana
Jiya shook her head. Men were all the same and soldiers worst of all, so eager to prove they could withstand all discomfort even when it wasn't necessary. She didn't bother to argue further though, she had wasted enough of her breath on such arguments with her own men and it always resulted in the same; stubborn refusal. So she returned to her work and all but forgot his presence. She had found a particularly interesting series of letters between King Ciniria and his daughter, Rhea, whilst she had been on the initial campaign during the Second Wars.

"... I confess, it is not just to ask of home that I write to you father but to ask for your advice. My magic grows and with it the urge to create things, things I do not know should be brought into this world. Is it right to create something that could win us the war but destroy---"
"Hm?" Jiya blinked over her glasses at the man as he set a tray down upon the table. Was it lunch time already? She glanced to the window to gauge the light and found the sun a little past midday. There was not much time left in the day. "Thank you, why don't you have some? I'm not that hungry myself," she glanced back down at the letters. Where had she been...
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Arryn Cross
Gods fuck would he love a decent cup of tea, and for a moment he looked tempted, but instead his throat cleared and he straightened.. "Very kind of you My Lady but no, thank you.." he dipped his chin, but she was already engrossed in whatever she'd been reading before.

Hazel eyes flicked over the page, his attention caught by how old it appeared, and he forgot himself for a moment longer as he tilted his head to read one or two lines with curiosity.

"Rhea?..King Ciniria's daughter, right?" he asked, and grimaced.. Accompany the Lady quietly during her studies. He doubted interrupting her to ask questions counted as quiet, and so his throat cleared awkwardly..

"Apologies. I'll just.." he pointed to the doorway where he'd been standing for the past few hours and left the rest unsaid..
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Jiya Luana
Jiya raised a brow when he declined despite the fact he very nearly wet his lips at the idea. Stubborn mule, she thought with a shake of her head, but she didn't insist on the matter like others might have. If he wanted to be a martyr she would not be the one to drag him from the hill. She was dismissing him from her mind when he spoke again however and this time on the subject of her studies.

She looked up at him in surprise. Not because he knew of Rhea, but because he seemed to have not known what it was she was here to study.

"What did the Prince say to you exactly about what I'm doing here?"
Arryn stopped, dearly hoping not to be berated for the sake of his pounding headache. He'd met many nobles in his time to know how to behave with them. He represented the name of Anireth, so when they looked down their noses at him and spoke to him in ways not even his own Prince would, he had little choice but to ignore it.

She was a pretty thing to look at, now that he found himself looking. And she did offer him food from her tray, which was kind and also duly noted. She had dismissed him entirely, and so hadn't expected him to stand in the same spot, staring straight ahead all day. Perhaps, he thought, she wouldn't mind if he just...sat down for a little while..

Arryn side stepped two paces to the plush armchair by the hearth, a hand settling on its tall back.. "He.. Didn't say all too much, My Lady. Only that you wished to study, and that you were looking for something that you might need assistance to find... And that I was, under no circumstances, to bother you..." his throat cleared as he slowly lowered himself into the chair, as though doing so at such a pace would prevent her from noticing...
  • Smug
Reactions: Jiya Luana
Unfortunately for Arryn, how he had asked something of interest Jiya's attention did not waver back to the books in front of her. Instead they watched every tiny step he took like a hawk and seemed to make note of it whilst not taking her eyes from his for a second. She folded her arms over her chest and frowned when he was done.

"Well that wasn't very helpful for the either of us, was it?" she kissed her teeth and looked as though she had a mind to write a strongly worded letter to Lynus right that moment. Her fingers inched towards the quill then at the last moment she decided to reach for the teapot and pour herself a cup. The smells of sweet jasmine and honey soon wafted into the room, though the subtle scents did little in the battle against the smell of stale ale.

"I've been researching anti-magic since I left Vel Anir to live in Elbion. There's a lot to learn in that city but what surprised me was the mention on more than one occasion of my own countrywoman; Rhea. Of course, the stories of her are legend. The things she created were said to be... far beyond our years even, but every source I had read had suggested they were all destroyed bar a few smaller tokens. That's what I believed anyway, until about a month ago."
Well this was awkward.. He sat stiffly when he'd finally settled into the armchair, warily staring back at her as though half expecting to be scolded..

'Well that wasn't very helpful for the either of us, was it?'
Arryn grimaced at the question and the look on her face. He'd been about to get up and offer his most 'sincerest' apologies when she started talking about her research and his brows rose. His confusion and indecisiveness was written clearly on his face, as was the battle that he fought over whether to stay where he was in the comfort of this chair and risk reprimand, or to stand where he was supposed to and how he was supposed to.

Just five minutes... He allowed himself, because fuck it felt good to sit on plump cushions with the warmth of the hearth so close. He'd be able to listen better if he were comfortable, he reasoned. And then he'd be able to better offer assistance if he better understood what assistance she required...

He visibly, although slowly, let himself relax as he listened to her. She had a soothing voice, it was soft and eloquent and easy to listen to. He eased a little more. Fuck, his body ached.. His eyes were heavy too..

Silence fell for a moment after she had stopped speaking and he cleared his throat.. "I see.. I.." He didn't see.. "What happened a month ago?"
Oblivious to the internal turmoil of her captive audience, Jiya ploughed on.

"I was going through my fathers old things, putting them into storage or having them donated and such," she waved a hand dismissively. Her fathers death during the revolution had earned her a lot of empty sympathy and she thought to cut him off before he could offer it. "And I found this very old journal from my own ancestor, who had served the King back then as his Hand" it had been the start of Luana's powerful standing in the city. "He wrote of how Rhea had sent some of her more powerful and deadly creations back, because she was too afraid of what they would do on the front lines in the wrong hands. There's mentions of them being hidden and then... nothing. So I was hoping that there might be mention of them here," she gestured to the books in front of her.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Arryn Cross
Arryn winced slightly as the question he'd asked had forced her to mention her father, and he had indeed been about to utter an apology when she waved it off dismissively. He shut his mouth again and listened, feeling himself sink a little deeper into the armchair. He hadn't realised how comfortable they were before, but his aching muscles sighed in appreciation..

His brow furrowed as his hazel eyes flicked to the pile of books and back to her pretty face. "You think she hid those creations here?" he asked, glancing around the library as though something horrific might suddenly catch his eye despite him having been in this room countless times..

He stifled a yawn against the back of his wrist, and settled just a tad bit more into the plush cushion.. "Well, if she did... Are you sure it's wise to mess around with them?".. his brow quirked..
  • Smug
Reactions: Jiya Luana
"I don't want to mess around with them," Jiya frowned, bristling like any other Lady of the Court might if he had implied her hair was in disarray. She held his gaze for a second longer then finally returned her attention to the diary open in front of her. "I want to study them. Rhea used her magic to create these weapons but a lot of them were meant to be for people who didn't have magic. There could be a way of figuring out how to replicate what she did without magic. If we didn't have to depend on the Dreadlords anymore to defend us from magical attacks then..."

Then her sister could come home. Then Dreadlords could truly choose what they wanted to do.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Arryn Cross
Arryn visibly winced as the Lady bristled with offence at his wording.. "Of course, My Lady.." his throat cleared somewhat awkwardly as she held his gaze. His lingered a little longer too before he dropped it with a respectful and apologetic dip of his chin..

It wasn't his business.. He should definitely stop prying.. And he should definitely stop looking at her for too long. Or at all, if possible.

He'd done a bad enough job of this task as it was - the last thing he needed was the King hearing that he'd caused the Lady Luana offence.

His brow did quirk as she revealed why she was interested in such artefacts. "I see.." he answered and his lips twisted into a tired smile as he cast a hesitant glance over her.. "Well, then by all means... Don't let me keep you from your research."
  • Sip
Reactions: Jiya Luana
Jiya wasn't sure why she was especially disappointed his reaction was the same as almost everyone else when she had explained it, but she was. With a sigh beneath her breath she did indeed turn her attention back to the pages before her. She was just following in the footsteps of other scientists, doubt meant that the reward would be greater when she proved it true.

The candles had almost guttered when Jiya gently shook Arryn awake, leaning over him clutching a book. He had fallen asleep by the fire some hours ago and she hadn't had the heart to wake him after she had gotten used to the gentle snoring.

"I'm sorry to wake you," she apologised with a slight smile. "But I need you to show me the Cristalin room." It was hard to keep the excitement from her voice.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Arryn Cross
Arryn's hazel eyes blinked open slowly on her face. It was indeed a pretty sight to wake up to, but confusion creased at his brow for only a moment before he realised where he had fallen asleep, and who's face it was.. He drew in a breath and sat up straight, clearing his throat..

"I wasn't--" Yes he was, and for some time too considering how the light in the room had dimmed. His hand dragged down his face. "Shit, sorry--" he winced at his language. Gods if he didn't look like the most incompetent fucking guard in the history of guards.

"Apologies, My Lady.." he grimaced, pushing himself to his feet. "Of course.." he nodded, gesturing toward the door and noting that she was at least in high spirits..

"You think there's something there?" he asked as he led her along a wide hallway lined with relics, tapestries and paintings of Anireth ancestry. The room she spoke of was up a short stack of steps, and he opened the large, intricately carved door for her.

"Here we are.." he announced, offering a sheepish smile.
  • Smug
Reactions: Jiya Luana
"I think it might be the next step," Jiya replied cryptically. In the back of her mind she wondered if she should have berated him for falling asleep on his duties. Linton certainly would have upbraided the man for falling asleep, her head Steward had seemed to taken it upon himself to ensure customs and pomp would remain intact with in the Luana House. Or, as he would no doubt call it, Propriety. At least until she was 'of an age to appreciate it' she had heard him mutter once when he had thought she was too caught up in her work.

Sweeping into the room once he opened it Jiya only paused when she realised it looked like an ordinary drawing room. With its good lighting it was no doubt used for sewing by the Queen and her Ladies in Waiting or for taking tea in. It certainly didn't look like a place to hide a weapon.

But it could hide a door.

Setting down the book she re-read the passage and then began to press against the wall panels in a certain way. When she got to a cabinet in her way she merely began to yank it out of the way.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Arryn Cross
He had fully expected some level of scolding from the young woman, but he wasn't about to complain. That she had gently shaken him awake rather than barking her disappointment at him was both perplexing and somewhat amusing, but he didn't dare smile.

Arryn closed the door behind them and turned, his hazel eyes shifting as they followed her around the room, wondering what she was looking for. There was nothing out of the ordinary in this room, as far as he could tell, but it was still a curious thing to watch another's curiosity.

"I.. My Lady.. That's.." the guard stuttered as she began yanking at the cabinet and he rushed forward to catch the old pottery vase that rocked atop it before it crashed down on her. It was heavier than he'd expected and he grimaced as he caught it, every bruised muscle and cracked rib suddenly bursting back into awareness.

"Careful, My Lady..." he breathed. "I'm not sure what you think is behind there but I assure you it's j--" He stopped, feeling the cold air on his cheek as he turned to the small gap she'd uncovered. How long had he lived here?...

"Just a doorway..." he continued sheepishly, setting the vase down and moving to the other side of the cabinet with a polite 'excuse me' before pressing his back to the side of the heavy unit and shoving it back to reveal more of the doorway and spiral steps leading down..

"How did you know this was here?" he asked, peering down the dark steps and scratching at his stubbled jaw in puzzlement.
  • Smug
Reactions: Jiya Luana
Vindication radiated off of the lady Luana as she set her hands on her hips to catch her breath. Who knew lugging a oak cabinet would be so tiring? Perhaps she should do some of those exercises her swordsmaster was always trying to get her to do in the hopes she might have some small bit of skill like her other siblings. He'd been most disappointed after their first lesson when she had dropped the sword twice. But lifting some weights couldn't hurt now and then.

Thoughts for later.

"It was in the Queen's journal," Jiya motioned to the book she had laid with great care on a small coffee table. "Well... not exactly, but there was a entry about refurbishing this and how a cabinet had been made specifically to cover a hole in the flooring so I thought... perhaps it might be..." Well, she had hoped but hope often led to disappointment. This happened to be the rare occasion that hope was rewarded.

"Do you want to come down with me?" she asked with a daring grin flashed in his direction before making for the stairs.
There was something about that grin she wore that made him feel particularly nervous, and yet intrigued. As she moved toward the staircase he stepped forward and reached to grab hold of her wrist as gently as he could, grimacing in fear of offending her as he did so..

"Wait--" he frowned, looking between her and the ominous darkness with a quiet huff. "Let me go first, at least.." his brow creased as it rose, hoping she would accept this without argument. The last thing he needed was having to explain to the royal family and house Luana that the Lady of the house had fallen to her death on his watch.

He let go of her to retrieve a torch from one of the sconces on the wall which he lit in the hearth and moved to take the lead on the staircase, sweeping away cobwebs.. "What else did your book say about..whatever is down here?" he asked, offering his free hand up to her as the steps were steep.
  • Smug
Reactions: Jiya Luana
Begrudgingly, Jiya let Arryn go first. She couldn't just think of herself and her quest - she had younger siblings who needed her and a mother lost in grief who she had to support. If she died, who would lead Luana then? She didn't lower herself to taking his hand though, every great explorer had to be able to handle steps.

"I believe the quote was 'something so evil that it should not see the light of day'," Jiya quoted like one might quote the news report that they predicted the weekend would be nothing but sun. She even sounded happy. No not happy, excited, and if Arryn turned to catch her expression it would be a grin more suited to a Cheshire cat than a High Lady of one of the Great Houses.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Arryn Cross
His fingers curled into his palm as his hand was denied. Judging by her quote it was likely a good thing that he had a hand free, which now settled on the pommel of his blade with nervous anticipation.

"Wonderful." he murmured dryly, his brow quirking as he caught the grin she wore in the flickering torchlight. She may be the death of him, but whatever the consequence, that grin was a terrifying and beautiful thing and he would not smother it by denying her.

His throat cleared as he carried on carefully in their descent into deeper darkness. "Most people would take that as a warning and leave well alone.. But I see you are not most people, My Lady." he sighed, but his lips kicked into a small smirk as his head shook.
"And if I told you not to charge at an enemy that might take the Prince's life because it might cost you your own, would you listen?" Jiya countered calmly. She was quite used to these kind of questions - mainly from her butler - and had a whole host of retorts ready to go if needed. Hopefully a soldier understood far better than a butler did about the risks that came with a job. Discovery - science - was no different.

"Besides, we're likely the first people in over 400 years who has come down here. Aren't you a little excited to discover what's down here?"

The steps seemed to go on for a long time until a faint green glow began to appear somewhere towards the bottom.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Arryn Cross