Private Tales The Monster and The Burning Heart

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Zael Castomir

Slayer of Ganfarred
Character Biography

The ghost town.

And there underneath the fire burned. A consuming of the blackstone, the everburning furnace fueling itself in the copious deposits of the tunnels. An accident which years ago sparked the lasting flame.

Toxic gas seeped up from those depths. Wisps and great plumes alike filtered through the cracks in the cobblestone roads and through the floorboards of houses long abandoned and through the fissures in the land itself. A lingering of the gasses like a constant fog. The town choked in a perpetual, deadly haze.

The Stalker of Minds awaited in Rostok, veiled by the hazardous mists. A thing whose many limbs were thin and long, whose tight leathery skin was a sickly beige, whose mouth was forever twisted into a sinister sneer baring teeth. A thing which lacked eyes and breathed not the poisonous air.

It, and the smaller creatures like and subservient to It, subsisted on one thing.

The horror of nightmares.

* * * * *​

Yet this monster was not the only thing to be found in Rostok.

Down with the relentless fires in those cavern tunnels, something formed. An everburning orb born of a confluence of magic and environment had coalesced into being. A powerful catalyst in the right hands, this artifact. This for the time it would exist upon Arethil before it dispersed from Magic's End.

Its existence was sensed and scried from the town of Grishino across the Sayve River. It was given a name.

The Burning Heart.

Thus far, none who tried to claim it returned from Rostok.

* * * * *


What a day.

Zael woke up, went through the usual morning routine, got to his first class and was immediately pulled out. For what, he had thought, goddamn for once I didn't even do anythin yet. He thought it for good reason, because it was long, tall, and ugly himself, Proctor Kimble, who had pulled him from the class.

Out in the hallway of Building A, Proctor Kimble stared him down until he felt Zael was compliant enough to be worthy of being told anything. The veil of the Revolution had been draped over the Academy in these days, but in Proctor Kimble's eyes all the piercing intensity of the old way was there. Much of that pain had come from Kimble's own icy hands, and he was all too willing to be given the excuse to do it again to Zael.

Zael straightened up. A statue of discipline, his recalcitrance forced down with all of his will. The ability to do that was the only reason he was still alive, and not disposed of by Kimble or any of the other old Proctors.

"Collect your gear," Kimble said levelly. His inner thoughts he kept well concealed. "You're going to Epressa."

Epressa? Fucking hell, that's new.

Kimble didn't bother to elaborate further. He just escorted Zael out from the Academy and over to Anir Square, where, goddamn, one hell of a convoy of carriages and wagons was being assembled, and he told him to check in with Caravan Mistress Sarah Heartworth and then left. Heartworth was middle-aged with curls upon curls of red hair down to the middle of her back, and, belaying her disarmingly easy-going demeanor, she had a massive triple claw mark scar disfiguring her face.

Zael liked her. She gave it to him straight: an Anirian benefactor was putting together an expedition to a dangerous place in Epressa called Rostok. There was an artifact there called The Burning Heart, and Zael's primary purpose (besides the obvious) was to be the carrier of it.

"Oh," said Heartworth. "And we've got a special guest coming too."

Zael cocked his head curiously. "Who?"

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Olvir
"Father, this is a fools errand." Olvir tried to make sure that his voice didn't tremble as he spoke to Sebastian Weiroon.

He gripped the hilt of his sword almost as tightly as possibly, hoping that the Butchers Blade would offer him some form of courage. Yet as his father broke into his tirade the sword was atypically silent, apparently cowed by the presence of House Weiroon's patriarch.


Sebastian boomed, his eyes sunken and his face pale. It seemed as though he had not been outside in months, and Olvir wouldn't have doubted the truth of such a claim.

"Your sister is running this House into the ground. Making deals with foreigners, compliant with this...Republic. It's disgusting. If nothing is done we'll end up like Urr or Dais!"​

Ollie cringed, knowing exactly how wrong Sebastian was. "Father, Aisling has been do-"


Almost immediately the young Noble's back stiffened, his lips thinning and his fingers somehow tightening even more upon the blade. He stared straight ahead, not at his skeletal patriarch, but at the window which lay just beyond. This time it was not fear he kept down, but utter rage.

"You will go to Rostok, you will retrieve this artifact, and you will ensure this House profits. Is that understood?"​

For a moment Olvir said nothing, and then slowly he nodded. "Yes, father."

He said, already turning as Sebastian offered his parting words.

"Don't make me regret not sending one of your brothers."
A slight flinch carried through Ollie as he grabbed the handle of the gilded doors to his fathers study. Teeth sinking into his tongue as he bit back a bitter retort. Instead leaving a lonely, fumbling man to dream of what riches his son might bring back from a fools errand.
Ollie tightened the strap on Pips' saddle, his head shaking as he cursed his father for the third time that day. This entire trip was a folly, costing thousands of Anirian Crowns and put together under the notion of what might bring some profit.

There was no sense to it, and Olvir found himself half shocked that Aisling hadn't put a stop to it.

His guess had been simply that she hadn't known until it was too late. It would have been just like his father to conceal all of this until the last minute, and by then it would have been impossible to stop. A long sigh escaped him, but his misery was interrupted by the voice of a friend.

"You see the Dreadlord yet?"

Trik asked from behind Olvir, the former Anirian Knight who stood the size of an Ogre chewing on an apple that looked comically small in his hand. "No, it's not Eli is it?"

Ollie asked, a small tinge of hope in his voice.

"Fraid not, some blonde kid. Think his name is Zule or something?"

The Noble frowned for a moment, shaking his head as he shifted the strap one last time and settled his saddle bag over it.

"I'll let Heartworth make the introductions." Trik nodded his head, not arguing the point that he was terrible at remembering names. The two of them broke off from Ollie's horse, moving along the carriage until they spotted the Caravan Mistress. "Sarah!"

Olvir called out in greeting.

Despite being several years her junior, Olvir and the Caravan Mistress had quickly come to a good understanding. Heartworth had proven to be a refreshingly honest tradeswoman, and although she was expensive it was a price well worth paying.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Zael Castomir
"A friend of mine," Heartworth said. And it was then that from behind Zael he heard the cry of "Sarah!" and saw her eyes shift to just over his shoulder.

Zael turned around as Heartworth strode past him toward Olvir, her arms spread wide open and a warm smile on her face, a gentle hug incoming for the young noble. There was quite the dichotomy to Sarah Heartworth: she was exceptionally good at her job, capable in all the ways her demeanor might seem to belie, and yet, if not for the brutally obvious scar on her face hinting to her experience, one might never guess it. She was more like a caring, even doting, aunt (her nickname among the caravan hand regulars was, in fact, "Auntie") whenever her duties didn't demand toughness of her.

Zael grinned in a nonchalant way, but inside? Damn, now he wanted a hug too. Maybe he'd earn one by the end of all this.

Heartworth pulled back and swept her hand in presentation of Olvir. "Zael, this is Olvir Weiroon. Ollie, this is Zael Castomir. Of the Academy."

A no-shit noble, huh? Zael didn't really count those at the Academy as being nobles, which to him was more a sign of respect than anything. Hopefully Ollie here didn't mind getting dirt under his fingernails. His big ass friend sure looked like he didn't mind.

An upward nod in greeting. "You're stuck with me now, Ollie. Sexiest Initiate the Academy has to offer. You better not be married yet or you're gonna be in trouble."

  • Haha
Reactions: Olvir
Olvir gently squeezed Sarah before the two of them broke apart, a wide smile on his face as he enjoyed the woman's doting.

He really was quite shocked that his father had chosen her. The kindness and understanding she showed were utterly remarkable, but then she probably had been hired because of her other qualifications and not her rather affectionate nature.

Attention quickly turned to the Initate standing at Sarah's side. His smile widening ever so slightly as he saw the boy was around his and Eli's age, and then quickly faltering into amused bewilderment as Zael dubbed himself 'the Sexiest Initiate at the Academy. The expression then fell into a sudden cough as marriage was mentioned and Ollie was forced to conjure images of Elspeth in his mind.

Half cringing at the thought of any trouble after the strides they had made in the last few weeks.

He swallowed hard as behind him Trik broke out into a chortle. Either in disbelief or just simple amusement.

A quick look shot over his shoulder towards the ogre of a Knight, his head shaking as he cleared his throat and reached up to scratch the back of his head. "Ah, no not married yet. Just happily betrothed."

His smile returned as he continued.

"But Eli's always told me I make a good wingman." That was an utter lie, their last traipse through the taverns had ended in two fights and an engagement with a gang. "So I won't slow you down any."
  • Aww
Reactions: Zael Castomir
Heartworth gasped delightedly when Olvir mentioned that he was betrothed. "You are? That's wonderful!"

Zael sauntered over. "Well, let's keep it that way. No funny business in the small hours of the night, sir," And then he laughed and clapped him hard on the upper arm. He would've loved to have dropped an arm over his shoulders instead, get a little brotherly tussle going, but Ollie was a tall motherfucker, wasn't he? All these beanstalks around here. Not the least of whom was Ollie's monumental friend there, Kress, how many whole fuckin wheat fields did he eat growing up?

Then Ollie's second comment truly registered. Zael cocked his head, surprised and intrigued, "You know Eli?"

  • Haha
Reactions: Olvir
Olvir smiled at Sarah's words, about to reply with a rather chirpy update about himself and Elspeth when Zael clapped him on the shoulder and offered another quick quip.

The nobles eyebrows shot up, his hands raising quickly in protest. "No, no I wouldn't eve-"

Before Ollie could get a full sentence in Trik broke out into a great guffaw of laughter behind him. The ogre of a man grabbing his belly and trembling with mirth as he shook his head. His words nearly lost in the bemusement.

"Kress lad, you got a way with words. This trip might not be so boring after all."

Trik offered to Zael, still chuckling and wiping the tears from his eyes.

"This is Trik." Ollie said, offering a wave in mediocre introduction. "Former Anirian Knight and one of our escorts on this...expedition."

Without waiing Trik stepped forward, clapping Zael on the shoulder. The weight of his palm like a heavy hammer coming down on an anvil.

"Good to meet you, lad! And aye! Our boy knows Eli. It's his sister he's marryin!"
The mountain rumbled, amusement still tickling his voice as Ollie did his best not to cringe. He'd known Eli for years, before he'd ever gone to the Academy in fact. He would have lead with  that. Not the fact he was marrying his sister.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Zael Castomir
Trik was the big guy's name. Zael was liking him already, that big belly laugh of his. Not to mention that strong arm of his, sweet Kress, the power of that hand coming down on his shoulder. Fuck, did Zael ever want to get into a nice friendly fight with Trik. Ollie too. Zael especially loved fighting people bigger and taller than him and both of them sure qualified.

Zael gave the big man an easy grin and a nod in reciprocal greeting. Course, he did drop the goods on Ollie's betrothment situation and Eli, so Zael's attention slid over in that direction.

"Eli has a sister? Damn, good to know that one of his parent's kids lived." He raked his bottom lip with his teeth. "Ahhh...I shouldn't talk shit when the man himself isn't even here to fight me over it. Anyway, me and Trik'll get you back to her in no time."

A little wondering then.

"How'd you get roped into this anyway?"

  • Stressed
Reactions: Olvir
Olvir's face twisted in a mixture of confusion and panic as Zael mentioned only one of House Sirl's kid's living.

For a brief moment he thought the Initiate meant something had happened to Eli, but the idea was almost immediately dismissed. There was no way that Elspeth wouldn't have mentioned it. No way that he wouldn't have heard something.

Eli was the son of House Sirl. If something had happened to him...surely there would have been wo-

Ollie felt Trik knocking his side, gently nudging him and offering an odd sort of look. The young noble blinked, realizing that several seconds had passed as the panic racked through his mind. "I uhh."

He swallowed.

"My father organized all of this." Olvir explained. "He believes it will help...lift my families reputation."

Hesitation clung to his voice, his thoughts still on Eli but the question not forthcoming. Kept back by concern.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Zael Castomir
"And it will," Heartworth said cheerfully, wrapping a single arm around Ollie and giving him a quick little squeeze. "Your father contracted the right woman for the job! Don't worry. I'll see that everything is taken care of." She smiled and then gave nods to Trik and Zael. "Logistically, of course. I'll leave the fighting to you two."

She winked to Olvir then and teased, "Maaaybe you. You haven't been lax on your swordsmanship, have you Ollie?"

"Ah come on, Sarah," Zael said. "Who needs a sword when you got arms like that?" He bopped a fist into Ollie's arm (lot of physical attention he was getting, he must be in heaven, huh). "He probably just got back from Vel Luin and swingin ship masts around with Trik here."

He shared a lighthearted grin with Ollie then. He'd looked a little rattled or uncertain earlier over something, only to be nudged back into the here and now by Trik. But he ought to be alright.

  • Bless
Reactions: Olvir
Ollie's smile managed to return as Sarah brought her comfort. The small reassurance sparking a note of positivity as he decided Zael must have been mistaken. Surely he would have heard if something was wrong with Eli.

He flinched only slightly as Zael's fist crashed against his arm. "Not a day in my life, Sarah."

"Though I leave the masts to Trik." Ollie joked. "I prefer something a little lighter."

His other hand fell onto the sword at his hip, shifting the weapon ever so slightly.

Keep the boy close. You will need him.

The blades voice hissed within his mind,though this time Ollie didn't miss a beat. "You get thrown in with us or did you volunteer for this little excursion?"

He asked Zael.

Despite knowing Eli, and having gone to Cortos with Alistair, Ollie still wasn't entirely sure how the Academy worked. He knew that there were assignments, missions, but it seemed that sometimes there was a choice of what Initiate's got to do. At least after the Revolution.

If he was going to befriend the Blonde, he figured it was important to know if he even wanted to be here.
  • Yay
Reactions: Zael Castomir
"Thrown right the fuck in," Zael said. "In a shocking example of the Academy actually sendin an Initiate on a mission their powers are most suited for, here I am. They do that shit on purpose, and that's money in your pocket if you bet on that. I could tell you stories, man."

Ollie lucked out, didn't he? Zael prided himself on not being a dreary-eyed fuck, not one amongst the Wooden Plank Brigade who grimaced at the first whiff of humor and couldn't hold a conversation to save their life. This whole ride to Epressa and Rostok could've been a drag otherwise for him.

And for Zael? All jokes aside, this was how he had gotten through the worst of the Academy. If he had let Proctor Kimble truly get at his spirit and break him down into what he wanted, the serious and obedient model Initiate, then Zael knew he might as well have died early.

"Well," said Heartworth, clapping her hands against her thighs, "make yourselves comfortable aboard one of the wagons, gentlemen. We will be departing for the Falwood Stone shortly."

  • Wonder
Reactions: Olvir
"Huh." Ollie responded, noting the pointed sarcasm that seemed to flicker through Zael's tone.

His head turning as Sarah's clap echoed out, her hand motioning towards the wagons which sprawled along the road. Ollie tapped Trik on the shoulder, waving back towards their horses. The ogre of a man nodded, trotting away from Zael and Ollie.

This time it was Ollie who cozied up to Zael. His hand falling on the other lads shoulder as he directed him towards one of the less rickety wagons. "I'd love to hear some stories."

He admitted.

"Eli hardly talks about it, and he might as well be a talking rock compared to other Dreadlords I've asked." The truth was, Ollie had always been somewhat curious about the Academy. Yet now he was even more so. Ever since he'd gotten Houri out of the asylum and she'd returned to being an Initiate he'd been more than a little worried about his friend.

"You tell me a tale or two." He offered Zael. "And I'll tell you where Sarah hid the good wine."
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Zael Castomir
"The good wine? Hell, we just met and you're already spoilin me."

Did Ollie ever hit the mark on Eli though. A talking rock, that was good. Same basic idea as a wooden plank but funnier to imagine. Academy was full of 'em, people who took themselves way too seriously, Eli just being one among the many: Noel, Ralene, Edric, and the list went on. Who knows, maybe the Revolution hit Eli hard and he's got more to prove now. Word was that House Sirl got pounded pretty bad.

Zael hopped up onto one of the middle wagons and plopped himself down nice and comfy on the bench. He spread his arms wide over the bench-back.

"A tale or two," Zael said meditatively. He nodded his head shortly thereafter, satisfied on what tales he decided on.

"I can give you a hell of a story if you're in the mood for that; something about how three of us went out and only two of us came back." And the next: "I can give you a leisurely story, one you might get a good laugh about; a little something about the sorts of things which go on behind the Proctors' backs."

And, of course, the wildcard:

" can blurt out the first thing that comes to mind about the Academy and we can talk about that."

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Olvir
As the two wandered the Noble pulled at the clasp on his sword belt, tugging it free and quickly wrapping it around the sheath.

Ollie followed after Zael, pulling himself into the same wagon and electing to throw himself down in the middle of it. The wood creaked loudly behind him as his back smacked against the side wall, his head tilting towards the Initiate as he listed the myriad of stories he could offer.

Sword placed at rest on his lap.

For a few seconds he seemed to mull the question over in his head.

Although he was the son of a Great House and his best friend was a Dreadlord, he knew painfully little about nearly anything in the Academy. There were some stories of course, rumors that ran the streets, and some things he had picked up along the way. But it was like trying to read a book through a keyhole.

He knew the Academy wasn't pleasant. Knew that Zael had likely grown up in misery and discomfort without a true touch care from anyone. What they had done to Houri was proof of enough of that.

So it left him wondering one thing most. "What's it like now?"

"After the Revolution, I mean."
Ollie clarified.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Zael Castomir
"After the Revolution," Zael said, each of the three words drawn out in particular. Mildly surprised, yeah, by Ollie's choice.

Up near the front of the caravan, Heartworth gave a brisk shout and held up her hand and gave it a twirl. A signal to go. She jumped onto the lead wagon and altogether the caravan was soon in motion, moving through Anir Square and headed toward the mighty main gates.

"Most of us didn't even believe it happened at first. Most of us, heh, more like all of us I oughta say. We knew somethin had happened, yeah: there was a lockdown that lasted a little while, missions and even classes stopped, a good number of the old Proctors just vanished overnight. Stuff like that.

"So, next general formation, everyone lines up nice and tight like normal. But there's this...Guardsman there, right next to the Proctor had us fall in. A high-rankin one, General or somethin, nothin I'd ever seen before, you know, but you could just tell from his armor. I remember thinkin pretty clearly: 'Huh, that's odd.' The Guardsman started givin his speech and..."

Zael shook his head and grinned, the grin the very embodiment of the sentiment: How the hell do you figure that?

"...I couldn't fuckin believe a word of it. The Guard versus the Noble Houses, who cared, I didn't, all of that was—" he swept a knife hand over his head, "—a bunch of useless information." There seemed to be a gentle reminder in his head about Ollie's last name. "No offense. But that was my honest thought at the time."

He continued. "Once that Guardsman said that there was gonna be some changes to the Academy, and he started listin off some of them, that was like...hell, what's the best way to describe waking up from a deep sleep and you're still groggy, half in the dream and half in Arethil, and you're disoriented as shit."

And he casually listed off some of said changes: "First off, they said they wanted to increase the 'survivability' of Initiates; you can ruminate on that one for a bit. Then it was torture, gone, the Proctors got to find some other way to squeeze every ounce of power out of your magic. 'Unduly harsh' punishments like sleep deprivation, starvation, and lots of corporal punishment are toned down; don't push your luck though, trust me on that. They do these events to try encourage us to make nice and be friends, stuff like the First Annual Solstice Ball. You get free periods in the middle of the day. Oh, and you get three plates of shit to choose from now when you graduate: military, pussy-ass reserves, or go-fuck-yourself exile. See, the Guard puts on a smilin face, but they still want to own you or get rid of you."

  • Cry
Reactions: Olvir
Ollie listened intensely. Taking in every facet, every detail. Studying Zael's face through every word he spoke. He tried to reach her, understand, learn.

As he did he couldn't help but picture Eli in such a place, couldn't help but picture Houri. It made his stomach hurt, twisted his chest. Images flashed of the fortress from which he had freed his friend, a pit forming in his gut as a picture was painted of the fate that he had brought her to.

Guilt plucked at him, digging in like some horrid gremlin as Zael spoke his last.

"Kress." Ollie said quietly.

He had known it was grim. He'd heard the rumors before, had known that Dreadlords lead hard lives. But it was different actually hearing it from one, and what made it worse was Zael's attitude throughout it all. How casual he was, the smile on his face.

For some reason it made Ollie feel even more guilty.

What he said was better, in a way, but it sounded more prison than school even still.

Without another word the Noble shifted, slowly leaning forward and putting a hand on a nearby chest. He shoved it to the side, with a grunt. Fist thudding against the wooden panel, knocking it free to reveal a small cubby filled with straw and opaque bottles.

Ollie reached in, fishing one out before falling back to where he had first sat himself. "That fucking sucks."

He said poignantly, tossing the bottle at Zael.
  • Yay
Reactions: Zael Castomir
Zael caught it. Gave the cork a little twist and popped it off and took a healthy swig of Sarah Heartworth's secret stash. Oh wow, this was good; only the fingers of one hand were needed to count how many times he'd ever had wine, but even he could tell why Sarah kept this stuff hidden away from the rest.

He let out a satisfied "Ahhh," shrugged indifferently, and replied, "That's how it is."

A thought came to him, and Zael gave a small upward jerk of his head.

"Who do you think is better off? Us Initiates and you nobles."

The Revolution shook up a lot of things. Just ask Eli. Though, heh, he just happened to be both, didn't he.

  • Stressed
Reactions: Olvir
"Us." The answer didn't even need a second of thought from Olvir. He knew just how good he had it, even with all he awfulness of his family. Even after everything he had experienced growing up. There was no doubt in his mind.

He frowned for a moment, thinking of how to explain it to Zael without feeling like he was rubbing it in his face.

His eyes cast towards the Initiate, fingers tapping on the sheath of his sword.

"My father may have beaten me." Ollie began to explain. "But no one ever starved me or locked me in a box."

Eli had shared that particular tidbit with him. "Don't get me wrong, the Revolution hit some hard. Families turned on each other, there was a woman who killed her own father. Hell I haven't seen my brothers in nearly a year."

He shook his head.

"But we have it good Zael." Ollie said as he reached out his hand for the bottle. "Too good, probably."
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Zael Castomir
Zael handed him the bottle. The caravan was making a big left turn onto the avenue that would lead them to the gates. Heartworth shouted to a friend on the street corner and waved, her upstretched hand visible even from the middle wagon.

"I guess I was thinkin you guys had a different kind of suck."

He smiled, a great deal of cavalier mirth in the gesture.

"I don't know what it's like to be on top and lose it all." Rolling the thought around in his head, Zael added, "Guess you wouldn't really either. That'd be your dad and all them older Weiroons, huh."

Then, seizing on Ollie's very first comment, he said with a small hint of surprise, "He fuckin beat you though? What a prick."

  • Aww
Reactions: Olvir
Olvir took his first swig of the wine, making a face of surprise as it sloshed over his tongue. That really was quite good.

He'd have to pay Sarah back for the bottle. "Not sure even they knew, if I'm honest. Weiroon hasn't exactly been on top for a while now."

That wasn't exactly a secret, most of the other Houses had known. To Zael though it might come as a surprise. The politics of the Great Houses weren't exactly broadcast to the public, and he couldn't imagine Dreadlords ever learned much either.

"The last time we could actually play with the greats was around we got this thing." Ollie said, tapping the sword and shrugging his shoulders.

Another swig of wine, his head shaking as he offered the bottle back to Zael and agreed with his last comment. "You have no fucking idea."
  • Aww
Reactions: Zael Castomir
It was something of a surprise. To Zael, all he really knew of nobles was what he'd gleaned from the few noble Initiates. Before the Revolution, there was a Dreadlord who had come to coax him to pledge to one of the houses, using a mix of sweet words and a hardline stance, but even that talk wasn't all that illuminating.

His eyes were drawn to the sword when Ollie tapped its sheath. Hilt looked nice. Yeah, it was probably a damn fine weapon.

Zael accepted the bottle. Took another drink. Focused again on the topic of Ollie's father.

"And I can't imagine what it was like for you, man. Me, I didn't get to stay long enough in my little hometown to find out just how much of an asshole my own dad could be." Though he did have some notion about that. Some notion, alright.

He offered the bottle back. Smiling, despite what he'd just said. In preparation for what he was about to say.

"You know what that means, right? Means we gotta do better when it's our turn. Give better than we ever got."

  • Wonder
Reactions: Olvir
"I didn't suffer too long, my sister got the worst of it." By the time Ollie had come along his parents had both been sick of raising children. There had been a few bouts with his father's fists of course, but he'd been sent away before too long.

By and large his adolescence had probably been the best out of all his siblings. Mostly because his father had preferred to ignore him rather than beat on him in his rages.

Perhaps that was why his brothers loathed him.

His lips thinned for a moment as Zael mentioned his own father. Another question popped into his head, and for a moment he wondered if would be uncouth to ask. He frowned for just a moment as his fingers wrapped around the bottle, taking it from the Initiate and instead moving on to greener pastures.

"Oh I plan to." Ollie said, taking another swig and breaking into a smile. "I want to make things better, Zael."

The Noble mused. "Not just for my kids."

Kress. Kids. He was barely eighteen. It was true that he and Elspeth were betrothed, but kids? It was assumed of course they would have them, but the idea was in a way was utterly terrifying. Yet at the same time exciting. A hint of the future, something good from two families that had been naught but shit.

"But for everyone." He finished after another drought of wine. "Noble, Commoner, Dreadlord. I want my kids and yours to grow up with less than half the shit we did."
Zael whistled.

"Tall order, ain't it? Makin things better for everyone. I'm not trying to knock you down or nothin. That's just the sort of fight you ought to be takin on: someone or somethin bigger than yourself. So..."

And then Zael grinned amicably and stood and leaned over to deliver a friendly jab into the flat of Ollie's shoulder before he plopped back down on the wagon bench.

"Keep that fightin spirit, no matter what."

  • Aww
Reactions: Olvir
Another flinch as Zael struck his shoulder, and Ollie was beginning to wonder if he was going to form several bruises by the end of this trip.

"There isn't any way I won't." Ollie said with a smirk, rubbing at his arm.

An innate sense lay within him. A driving force to do the right thing. He had no idea where it came from, it most certainly was not his father or mother, but nevertheless it was there. There was no avoiding it, and in his mind the only thing he could do was fully embrace it.

He smiled at Zael as he sat himself back down. A small buzz starting to clip at the back of his head. "What about you?"

Ollie asked. "Big goals?"
Zael spread his arms wide and with a wonderfully indulgent expression proclaimed, "Lorrrrrd Castomir. Mm. Man, how does that sound? I'm tryin to be a little like you."

He gave an easy shrug and twist of his head, nonchalant smirk playing down what he was about to say, "I come from nothin, Ollie. Little bastard son of a miller and a seamstress, and I ruined their fuckin lives by bein born. I could tell you the name of the place I'm from and you'd stare at me blankly and I wouldn't blame you. If I'd had stayed there I wouldn't have gone anywhere, woulda wallowed in that manure pit with my cunt father and prick mother forever." He loved reversing gendered insults.

A little beat, and then Zael sucked his tongue against the back of his teeth.

"I got this little joke about the Academy. Someone like you comes up to me and asks, 'Wasn't it awful in there?' and I just say: 'Hey, at least they taught me how to read.'"

He laughed, letting his head roll back with it. Best part was that that joke was true. In Tarrow he never would've learned a single written word of Common.

Then continued. "I'm a dangerous man now, armed with literacy and magic. I figure, why not do the impossible? Shoot for the stars. Get a title of land to my name and become Lord Castomir, First of His Name. Rubbin that shit in my father's face would just be a bonus at that point."

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