Private Tales The Path of Exile

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Arastan Aellevanda

Prince of Aellevanda
Character Biography
It had been several weeks since Arastan, Taliyah, and a delegation of Aellevanda had left their city and headed south for Fal'addas. The unit of the royal guard that followed was with them for obvious reasons, and the diplomats that traveled with them were the diplomatic 'advisors' to Arastan. In truth, he knew why they were there, to make sure he did not start a war with some random kingdom on their travels. It was rare that the city ventured beyond the confines of its own walls, so the delegation was being considered of prime importance for the royal family.

Arastan was viewing the trip on slightly different terms, most importantly, it was a chance for him and Taliyah to spend time together away from the city and his family. A fact which he had enjoyed greatly the past few weeks.

The diplomatic talks with Fal'addas were useless to Arastan. The Elders of Fal'addas were cowards to Arastan. They hid inside that tree refusing to take harsher action on the world around them has taken ever-growing aggression towards the elven race. By this point, Vel Anir should have been wiped off the map. The worst part of this was that this diplomatic mission was nothing more than Allevanda groveling towards the city. No, Arastan had his own plans for this trip.

He had gotten word of a group in the Falwood that was more willing to strike back in defense of the elves. The exiled, they were called, and they could be valuable allies to Arastan to finally strike back at the humans.

So, Arastan had insisted on taking a small detour to get closer to the Vel Anir area. His advisors had been strongly against the idea, but at the end of the day, he was still the prince and the leader of this mission.

Arwyl Minras Kaius Taliyah

"Ah fuck." Kaius watched the startled deer leap from the thicket, and the arrow he'd had trained on it thunk into a tree instead. The burly elf pinched at the bridge of his nose, trying to contain his irritation before he spoke, but another loud call of his name caused him to snap.

"WILL YOU SHUT----" he cleared his throat and turned, stepping through a thick copse of trees and into the path of Pip, a young elf who appeared to be set on testing Kaius' patience, of which he was quickly running out of. "What?!"

Pip's eyes bulged and he slammed his hand over his mouth, clearly recalling the several times that Kaius had explained to him how important it was to move in silence. "Sorry, Kai." the scrawny lad winced and pointed in the direction from which he'd wandered. "It's just, there's people coming, elves. Thought I should warn you."

Kai's brow furrowed and he let out a long huff. "Well, they sure as hell heard you. Quite certain the fucking Anirians heard you." he growled and stepped passed him. "Go tell Arwyl. Quietly. Tell him to bring a few others." he instructed as he sheathed his bow.

Knowing they wouldn't be far behind him, Kaius went on ahead, and spotting movement through the trees, he followed for a moment before calling out.

"Stop there and announce yourself!"
Arwyl was looking out over the land being cleared for grazing animals. As a group of soldiers, slaves and pit fighters they had struggled to gather enough food for the refugees. Coming across Tessa Varon had given them hope of raising livestock and farming to feed the community.

The trees being cleared were being sawn up to make fences. Ferns were being trimmed back by hand to expand the open space they would need.

Then they would actually need some livestock, but Arwyl had a plan for that. There was a human town farming some of the lands that had belonged to his family for a few thousand years. They were going to make an offering.

He turned away from Tessa, who was overseeing the work, to see Pip emerging from the trees at a full run.

"What is it?" Arwyl called out, but Pip remained silent.

Only when he was in arms reach did he explain: "foreign elves in a group, close to our scouting pockets! Armed and armoured."

"Why didn't you shout?"

"Kaius said to tell you quietly."

"Oh...fuck a duck pip. Go and get Caulden. I want twenty archers in their path, skirmish formation. He'll know what to do."

This was unexpected. Their community was well hidden. The only possibility was that one of their own had started a chain of conversations that let another group of elves know they were here."
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Reactions: Riley and Kaius
They were only riding for a few more moments before Arastan noticed one of his guards perk up. He must have heard something. It did not take long before he figured out what the guard much have heard. There was a voice. It might just be Arastan's lucky day.

A few of the guards turned to the voice, hands moved towards weapons, but Arastan stopped them with a motion of his hand. For a moment, he did not respond but tried to determine exactly where the voice had come from. In the end, he could not figure it out, but he had a general idea.

"My name is Arastan of the House of Aellevanda, first prince of the Kingdom of Aellevanda. Who am I speaking to?" He made sure to put forth a calm and confident smile on his face, and looked out of the corner of his eye to get a look at Taliyah.

Kaius Arwyl Minras
Tessa had been with Arwyl and his group for a few weeks now. She had been switching between supervising the farming and livestock plans and sparring. She had wanted to learn to fight after what had happened with the humans and the fact that she was unable to fight back. Arwyl had obliged.

The two of them had been spending a lot of time together trying to get the farm going so it was no surprise to find them supervising the clearing of the land when Pip came to tell them about the visitors. She walked in silence with Arwyl as they headed to met the group.
Taliyah sat atop her horse with her hand on her rapier. She had not unsheathed it and she preferred not to unless she had to. They had come here seeking a group that could be a powerful alliance if rumors were to be believed. She had, of course, taken Arastan's side when the advisors had tried to talk Arastan out of it. Unfortunately for them, the Prince always got his way.

Taliyah scanned the area like a hawk while Arastan answered the called out question.
Aellevanda... That was a name he had not heard in a long time. Kai's brows rose, and after a moment he stepped out from the trees to get a better look. He was indiscreet as he surveyed the convoy, gauging what numbers and weapons they had and how they responded to his presence. His bow remained in his hand, though there were no arrows nocked, nor did his stance suggest that he were about to reach for any.

"Kaius." he answered, omitting his former rank or where he'd come from. Still, the name was known to have caused much upset, back when he'd been a General, leading Keirvarn's armies - and a long time since. But whether they knew him or not, he wouldn't hide it.

"What brings you on such a road, Prince Arastan?" he asked, glancing to the female, noting her hand on her weapon. "I doubt you're heading to Vel Anir.." the elf's head tilted.
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Reactions: Arwyl Minras
Kaius, Arastan had heard of that name before. He was sure of it, but he could not recollect from where. He should have paid more attention to current events back then, but current events don't travel quickly to the places he used to spend his time.

Still, Arastan smiled when he got a good look at the man. He glanced back at his guards one more time to make sure they all were at ease, and they were. Kaius' nonaggressive stance seemed to relax them if only a little. Arastan was equally at ease, confident that he was not in a dangerous situation.

"You would be correct. Kaius, I have been looking for you...more specifically the group that I think you are with."

He didn't believe this man was the leader of the group, if so then it was unlikely that he would be out here alone. Of course, there could be others in the tress, but Arastan was confident one of his men could have picked up on at least one of them.

In opposition to that, the fact that this elf was out alone so close to Vel Anir meant that he was confident in his own skills.

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Reactions: Kaius
Taliyah's hand further tightened on the hilt of her sword when the man stepped out from the trees. Kaius. His name sounded so familiar but she could not place it. Spending the majority of her life in the fighting pits meant that she heard the news and rumors second or third or fourth hand.

She was not worried about it right now. Her job was not to figure out who he was. Her job was to protect Arastan.
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Reactions: Arwyl Minras
His dark brows rose at the Prince's answer. "That right?.." he asked, setting one limb of his bow on the ground and clasping his hands over the other.

"And what business do you have with the.." he looked behind him, as though to make a point that he was alone. "Group, that I am with, exactly?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Arwyl Minras
Arwyl lifted his hand and spread his fingers. It was a sign for those behind him to start spreading out and finding places to launch arrows from.

He could hear Kiaus' voice ahead.

Arwyl balled his hand into a fist. Spread out, but do not advance.

Arwyl went forwards alone. He carried no weapons. As he emerged from the treeline more guards turned sharply.

He offered a grin and kept his hands visible.
"Come on! Can we please have a conversation without you all brandishing your weapons?" Arastan scolded his own men as the newcomer appeared.

Arastan had been so focused on Kaius that Arwyl's appearance had been a surprise, but not a bad sign by any means.

"Well, two is the beginning of a group...I'm looking for a group of elven freedom fighters. I would like to offer some praise...and then I would like to offer you help."

This is where things would start to matter. If Arastan could gain allies closer then to the action, then Aellevanda could supply them with the necessary funds to really start making the humans sweat.

Kaius Arwyl Minras Taliyah
Tessa had almost followed Arwyl out into the open but she was still new to the group. She also knew that trouble seemed to like the elf more than she liked. She spread out with his men and stayed back behind one that she had become friends with.

There were so many elves here. It was so interesting to see and to hear that they wanted to help. She looked at the woman on a horse next to the Prince. She wanted to talk to her. She wanted to learn from her.

(Skip Taliyah)
"Freedom fighters eh?" Kaius grinned and turned to watch Arwyl approach. Seemed their reputation was spreading.

"Prince Arastan of Aellevanda." Kaius informed Arwyl casually. "And friends." he added as he turned back with a glance across the Prince's entourage.

He scratched at his stubbled cheek as the prince offered praise and help, his head tilting curiously. "I don't think we're in need of either, but of course, we'll hear you out, your majesty." his chin dipped.
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Reactions: Arwyl Minras
Fuck. A Prince.

Arwyl had been a child during his last official Royal engagement. Since Kiervarn had been burned to the ground he had hardly respected his royal title.

"Prince Arastan," he called out in greeting. He did not bow. He was a Prince and these were his lands now.

"It seems, Kaius, we have a problem with some loose tongues. Brigade of this size marching on us is the kind of attention we've been trying to avoid."
Ah, this was the leader. It wasn't easy to notice, but there were small tells. The way he spoke, stood, and heir of confidence, all of it.

"No, I assure you that you can all be difficult to find, eyes and ears are a bit more obscure." He glanced over towards a bird that dropped onto a tree. Using animals for such purposes was easy if one could get them to talk, but that usually just meant offering food. Of course, Arastan had to hear about them before he sent out creatures.

He had actually heard more rumors about this group from humans that treated them like a ghost story than anything else. His eyes glanced at Kaius before choosing to focus on Arwyl.

"I know that you can handle yourself. I am here to...offer a bigger game. A chance to expand your influence and send a message."

Arwyl Minras Kaius Tessa Varon
A muscle feathered in the elf's jaw as he listened to the Prince of Aellevanda speak. He knew what he wanted, and this was precisely the sort of thing that he'd been trying to avoid. It was difficult enough keeping Arwyl on the right track without other Princes of the same mindset coming searching for them.

"We don't need anything that you offer, but if you need a place to rest and a meal for you and your men then you're welcome." he rumbled and shot a glance to Arwyl.

Don't even think about it.
Don't even think about it.

Arwyl narrowed his eyes. Within his head the path of responsibility was weighed up against that of defiance.

He hated that Kaius could sense him planning something foolish with unerring accuracy.

The internal war was finished with no victor, so he choose something down the middle.

"Of course you are welcome, as long as you get your troop well hidden off the path before someone unwelcome can follow you."
Arastan simply nodded and gave a signal to his troop. The soldiers were able to blend into the trees relatively easily, and even the diplomatic officials among them made a reasonable showing.

"They are not nearly as skilled as your own men, but they can make do." He said light-heartedly.

Arastan made sure to glance at Taliyah and smiled knowing that she was close to him. He then turned his sights set on Kaius, quickly understanding where he stood. So, the man was a coward, or maybe he just need some incentive.

"I thank you for your kindness and hospitality. In truth, all I seek are friends...The world can be unforgiving to our kind, and I know it is especially so for you that call this area your home. In such circumstances, isn't t better to have a few friends?

Arastan looked to Arwyl for confirmation of his thought. He did not care if they did not wish to fight, yet. The war would come no matter what. It was the nature of the humans. When that time came, he would be ready to gather up as many elves as he could. Then the retribution would begin.

Arwyl Minras Kaius Taliyah
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Reactions: Arwyl Minras
"We have many friends." Kaius' brow quirked. Their homestead had grown several times over since they'd settled here, and though they were mainly elves saved from the chains that humans had bound them to, there were also others, orcs and humans who had also been bound to serve in some way, and who were now free.

"You should know, Prince Arastan, that there are humans among us. They are friends, and so long as your manner toward them is as amiable as it has been toward us, your welcome stands.." his lips thinned and his chin dipped in a nod to the Prince before drawing a gaze over those who accompanied him.

He would wait on their agreement, or not, before deciding whether or not it was wise to show them to their settlement.
Arwyl gave a subtle nod. He took a step back as if indicating for the visitors to break up and advance deeper into their lands.

"We always welcome friends. Especially those who wish to rebuild and restrengthen, but not those looking for a shield to put between themselves and Vel Anir."

It was a blunt warning, probably more then Kaius would have liked him to lay out at this stage.

"Our food is simple," he warned, setting expectations and sticking a pin in the conversation in the same breath.

"We'll lead you to a clearing where you can make camp."
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Reactions: Kaius
Arastan bowed gracefully, "Thank you for your hospitality." He made a hand signal to his men to follow them. He also made a motion that meant to put weapons away. There was no reason that any mistakes from his guard should ruin this.

"It is always good to have friends. Although, I think you misunderstand. I do not need a shield from Vel Anir. If the distance is not an adequate defense then my people would not be easily defeated. However, that is not the issue at hand." Arastan said as he waved off the subject.

"Vel Anir may be the best example, but they are not the only problems I speak of. I simply wish to help and protect our people...If that must begin with helping you and your people, rather than striking back against oppressors then I will happily start there."

Kaius Arwyl Minras
Taliyah had been silently taking in the entire exchange. She was happy to have a place to rest that would, perhaps, last more than a few hours. She could use a full nights sleep without waking up in worry over Arastan's life.

The former pit fighter finally took her hand off the hilt of her sword and returned it to her reigns. She looked at Arastan once then gave a light tap for her horse to start walking. Besides Arastan, Taliyah had not spoken much on this trip. She had a feeling that may change though. She had some brains she wanted to pick.
Tessa had watched quietly from her spot with the archers but she slowly started to edge out into the open as the groups spoke. She stayed quiet though. She had nothing to add to this conversation and she just smiled when Arwyl welcomed the group of strangers.
Kaius could barely hide his surprise at Arwyl's response, his brow creasing as it rose and his lips twitching with both pride and amusement.

"If you wish to help and protect our people, then you are in the right place. These people have seen enough battle and torture. Most of them were captives, slaves, forced to work in mines or fight in pits, or caged like animals. We made it our mission to rescue them from their situations and give them a choice. Most chose to stay and help us build a new life, others chose their own paths. But we will not lead them into any more wars." Kaius dipped his chin as he looked up at Prince Arastan.

Ahead, more elves were emerging from the trees now that the travellers were being led toward their settlement. They were a curious lot, some more obviously so whereas others were clearly cautious. Caulden, an ageing human man, obviously a soldier in his prime, was one who stepped out to meet them, and Kaius kept a wary eye on the newcomers despite his prior warnings.
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Reactions: Arwyl Minras