Private Tales The Remaining Thorns

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Livia Quinnick

Leading the Way
Character Biography

The growl strained in her throat as the crisp air felt like a knife at her neck, the cold seeping in from the opened window to her room. They had all arrived at the inn late last night, covered in dirt and weary from travel.

They had been assigned to share rooms, and Quinnick was to share with one of the female Dreadlords that accompanied them on this mission. Before slumber could pull her into a net of light sleep, she had heard the Dreadlord mumble something about sneaking out so they could find real company than to share a room with an Initiate that was still a year from graduation. Whether or not she was supposed to acknowledge the other, Quinnick turned to her side and away from the other bed, intent on chasing that sleepiness she desperately wanted.

Waking up well before dawn was not something Livia was happy to do, but after spying the open window, she had no choice but to leave her bed and shut it closed, fighting to keep her teeth from chattering. Glancing to the other bed, it had looked as if it had not been touched. She was freezing, rubbing her hands at her arms while making her way back to her warm sheets.

From then, Livia was in and out of sleep.

When she gave up the elusive sleep her body wanted, she opened her eyes to the otherwise empty room. At least the sun had brightened the skies, giving her room a dim lighting that was enough not to warrant lighting the candles spread across the room.

Well, at least someone was enjoying themselves...

If that window had not been opened, she would have slept through the night, a feat she cannot remember achieving in some years... well, alone in bed. On her own. There was only one that could put her at ease enough to brave deep sleep.

Quinnick was glad she was able to bathe once they got their rooms last night; her clothing washed and drying before the fire that was now on the very last legs of life. Livia sorted herself out for the day and headed down to the main room of the inn, hoping to catch anyone that was on the team dispatched for the scouting mission beyond the citadel known as Vel Cirak. Having missed lunch and dinner yesterday, Livia felt ravenous upon her descent down the stairs.

There were two Dreadlords, Third Ranks as identified by their loud boasting, sat at one of the larger tables available at the inn. Another was seated before them, an Initiate that Livia had not seen much of recently. Probably one of those missions that take you away for a month or longer...

Livia crossed the room, not at all surprised to see so many already drinking so soon after dawn broke across the horizon, offering slight warmth to the cold breeze sweeping through Vel Cirak.

She slipped into the space beside the Initiate, plastering a polite smile on her face. The muscles in her face struggled to keep it up, so she settled for leaving a trace of her cordial greeting at her eyes when she looked to the Dreadlords.

"Morning." She began before a yawn interrupted her despite stifling it with the back of her hand. "When do we head back to Vel Anir? Is there time for breakfast?"

"The cook's not in the kitchen." Said one of the Dreadlords, exhaling sharply as of this is the umpteenth time he has had to explain it this morning.

Her dark brows came together, knitted in confusion.
"Where is the innkeeper?"

The other Dreadlord, a burly figure of a man that took up most of the bench opposite her, pointed towards the bar.

Oh. So that is where most of the group ended up. Some looked as if they never made it to their beds or a bath. They were drunk and sluggish, but still able to let out chuckles, laughs, and hollering as the innkeeper slapped the wooden bar and laughed along with the Dreadlords.

"Well." Livia's arms crossed atop the wooden table. "This is very unfortunate." She spoke pointedly, through her teeth as she pushed away the pangs of hunger, glaring eyes settling on the innkeeper that ignored her effectively.

"There is a waffle place somewhere in the marketplace. Just keep going down this main road. Can't miss it." The Dreadlord finally spoke.

It was surely not her coin that bought their overnight stay, but Liv was a firm believer that services paid were to be expected when needed. Even if she did not partake in drinking or slinking out unnoticed to busy oneself at a brothel, Livia had expected a warm meal to break her fast.

"Right. When do we leave today?"

"Evening. These sorry souls will crash soon enough. You can help throw water on them when it is time to go. Now, you two get out of here. Go explore the citadel and be back here before dark."

Livia scowled, but turned to face the other Initiate beside her.

"Your name is Larkin, is it not? Come on, I will buy us something decent to eat." Her legs already swung over the bench, having wasted her precious minutes here, starving, and all for nought. "We are getting waffles." She grumbled loudly, making sure it was known she would take her coin elsewhere.
  • Yay
Reactions: Larkin
When they had gotten to the inn the previous night, Larkin had been weary, but not desperate for rest like some. He enjoyed the travel, almost reveled in it. New sights, new sounds, new smells, new people. They all gave fuel to his creative fire, though that had been left to smolder and sputter the last few months. He was paired with a loud and abrasive Dreadlord, though he left Larkin to his own devices soon enough. Larkin was already well aware how the Dreadlords used their spare time, and considering their dark history he could hardly blame them. Yeah, he had something significant and tragic happen to him, but not on the scale that they had.

He bathed the grime from his skin, fingers hesitant on the scars that lined his body. He was still trying to get used to the change, but still, the revulsed him. He had sunk under the covers easily, the cheery fire at his feet providing a comfort and warmth he could appreciate well enough. Staying asleep was something he struggled with still, nightmares making his skin itch and drip with sweat. He wondered how long they would haunt him.

Larkin was up long before the sun, sleep had been torn from him like most nights before this. He sighed to an empty room, dressing and crossing the threshold of his room into the chillier one of the inn hallway. He stepped lightly down the stairs, he could hear the echos of drunken laughter that proceeded him into the bar. He placed himself at a table, ignoring the others around him.

As the sun began to lighten the sky, movement from the stairs caught his two-toned eyes, and he followed her every step as she made her way to the group. He returned her smile more genuinely than she had given, but she must have just woken up, it was no bother to him. He could already sense irritation wafting off her, even if she wasn't exactly letting it show. He watched their interactions, finding some amusement in it. He stared up blankly as she addressed him, a grin forming on his lips. "I am indeed the one called Larkin, yes." He followed her instruction, further amusement lighting his eyes, she was bossy and that was fun. "Alright, if you say so, Livia." He followed her easily, humming softly as he laughed internally.

Livia Quinnick
  • Devil
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Livia did not wait to see if he would follow after he responded, already forcefully opening the door leading out to the street. She came to a stop a few steps away from the inn, hands on her hips as she looked right to left. Irritation was still on her expression, unbelieving that she had to now go search for something as little as breakfast.

"This way." She flicked her olive eyes towards Larkin before motioning him to follow as her magic guided her to where they needed to go. Life in the citadel of Vel Cirak was much different to that of Vel Anir. The people seemed... happier? At peace? They certainly had more pep to their steps as the early risers went about the start of their day.

"Either I really never noticed you, or you disappeared for a good while. Someone said you were on a mission..." It would be rude of her to simply ignore him despite inviting him to accompany her in search of this fabled waffles. Livia cleared her throat, face showing a sliver of apology. "Sorry. That is a little forward, and rude of me. You do not need to answer that. I am just..." A glorious scent of bread wafted from the bakery, not yet open for customers, and still they trudged on. "Hungry."

Quinnick pouted, heavily. Her eyes snapped to the bakery and stayed there until she could no longer bear to strain her sight and neck before turning forward again.
"What I mean to say is, it has been some time and I am glad to see you are still among the living."

Larkin followed her, ghost of a smile on his lips. He hummed softly as he tucked his hands into his robes, she was fiery, and it amused him in the best of ways. he stopped behind her, letting her fume and decipher their direction quietly. His golden eye glowed just slightly as the dawn kissed both of their features. It turned her hair into stunning hues, drawing his eyes to her and her alone.

Her eyes caught his for the briefest of moments, and he nodded in compliance. "As you wish, I'm merely a passenger on your mission called breakfast." He stepped easily around the slowing growing crowds, it would only get busier and louder the later the day became. He used to enjoy crowds, sing for them and mesmerize them.

Larkin quirked and eyebrow as she pursued conversation, though not exactly a tactful one. Still, better than when Kor had found him, vulnerable and broken. "I was not on a mission. I had an accident that nearly killed me. I needed time to heal inwardly and outwardly. I have no shame in speaking on it, and am not offended you asked." As she turned to face him, he graced her with a real and warm smile. "Thank you, you're the only person to have said as much." He pulled a hand from his robe and pointed to a shop just a few doors down. "I think, that is what you are looking for."

Livia Quinnick
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Liv did not know what else to say to him upon the revelation of his absence, but the welcomed interruption of finding the place that offered something for breakfast was enough to make the Initiate spin rapidly and race for the door. Once inside, she saw it was busy, but her magical gift lead her eyes towards the corner, where two seats had been tucked into a small table. How could one fit two dishes on such a surface.

"I will stab someone if I do not get something to eat soon." She grumbled and pushed her way through in order to claim the table that was not favoured by anyone. Liv sat down with the largest scowl on her face, her knees knocking the tabletop. The words she would use to chastise the innkeeper began brewing in her mind, eager to unleash her dissatisfaction upon him.

A waffle house was the last resort, but Livia was not a sweets kind of person. She grimaced as Larkin too struggled to find a comfortable sitting position as their chairs faced the nook in the wall.
"Luxury seats. The best Vel Cirak has to offer." The bitterness was hidden behind her cheery output, a smile then sweetening the words in a way that was sickening to the ear.

Before she could make any further comments, two plates of fresh waffles were placed hastily on their table. "Good timing, you guys. We are flat out in the kitchen! Whatever the chef puts on a plate, you get. Settle your bill at the end or I will set the hounds on you. Ha! No... seriously, you can pay now. Fiftee-- oh! I do not have change..."

"Keep it." Livia sighed and waved off the woman, who no doubt did not care that the noble Anirian was rude in response. She simply wanted a meal, not another excuse when it came to food.

Looking at their plates, Livia picked up a fork and pushed the delicately plated waffles before smearing the slice of butter onto the steaming meal. The table had syrup or honey, and Liv went without either. "I cannot wait to be home at the Academy. At least there is always breakfast."

Larkin followed the pretty, bossy, sarcastic girl happily into the restaurant. He wasn't put off, he rarely ever was. It took a lot to ruffle his feathers, all he was gaining from this was hidden amusement from her abrasiveness. He was happy she had even deigned to drag him along; he couldn't stand the Dreadlords that they had traveled with. His opinion of them, well, he never liked what the Academy produced.

As they entered, the smell of cooking food and the chatter from all the patrons hit him at once. He could feel a grin splitting his lips, there was a lot of potentially fun people watching to be had here. Livia found them a seat, albeit it was small and uncomfortable, it was still a seat. He adjusted a few times, resigning to be not quite as comfortable as he'd like, but he'd manage. He chuckled softly at her remark, a mellow answer was given in kind. "At seat it is though, we might have had to start our search anew."

They were greeted quickly enough, and Larkin remained quiet during the exchange, making note of Livia's every move and behavior. Oh, he would love to see her really deal with someone on her bad side. He was willing to be it was absolutely terrifying. He studied the steaming sweet bread as she began buttering hers. He declined the butter, but did lather his in sweet honey. He was big fan of honey, he often sang to the bees..well, he used to anyways.

"I enjoy being away, I like the experience of people and places out in the real world. It helps you learn, in my opinion."

Livia Quinnick
  • Bless
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
With a meal present and the first bite in her mouth, she sighed happily now that she would not have to bear her hungered state for long. She let out a soft snort of laughter seeing him forgo the butter and went straight for the honey, drenching the waffles in the sweetness. Her eyes, shimmering with contentedness, watched him as he spoke, resonating with the words he brought aloud.

"I used to travel to different Anirian cities with my parents when I was young. Vel Odren has been my favourite, only because of the beach." She could sit there for hours watching the waves roll in, reaching up the sand before receding and trying again. Her brothers used to scare her into running away from the water, telling her Mother would be very cross if she got the hems of her pretty dress wet.

"Never been here to Vel Cirak. Was close by once, on a mission with Proctor Ebersol before she disappeared." It was a few days with the Dreadlord that Livia came to appreciate, to find the woman a worthy ally. Their celebratory drink after what they had endured was one moment Liv would not forget so soon. Everleigh Ebersol was an inspiration to Quinnick, who chose not to hear what was being said in her absence. "We were too tired and drained to make the effort to detouring here on the way back, so we found some pub in some town."

The mission they had completed was not all too different to the one she spoke of. They had assigned Livia as the scout, to locate the whereabouts of a Dreadlord that went dark after their morning report. They had found him dead, which Livia had no inkling of when it came to using her magic.

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Larkin
Larkin smiled softly between bites, his eyes catching hers as he paused his fork. She was a kindred spirit it seemed, at least when it came to travel. He had ignored her teasing laughter as he had covered his plate in sticky golden honey. The creatures that had made it, died for it, made it worth its weight in honied gold.

"The ocean is beautiful, and mighty. Much like yourself, I could see why you would enjoy it." His eyes glimmered with mischief, the corners of his lips twitching as he avoided a grin. He quickly took a bite, allowing her potential rebuttal meet food stuffed cheeks.

At her mention of Proctor Ebersol, he tilted his head in thought. "I never spent much time with her, though I'm sure her disappearance was no accident. Considering the state of our traveling companions, I'm sure we could tour the city for a while, if you'd like."

Livia Quinnick
Much like yourself, I could see why you would enjoy it.

This earned a snort from Livia, who immediately gave him a sheepish look. "Oh, Larkin. My dear friend. If that was an attempt at flattery..." She laughed, shaking her head and began cutting up a small portion of her waffles to spear with her fork.

"I would like that. It would be a great distraction of time and I would not bite off the heads of those fighting a hangover." Being impatient was no aide to making the trip home to the Academy any faster. "Apparently there is a shop that specialises in pretty daggers. Why not burn through my coin purse today?"

Shopping would always be Livia's answer for most things. It often was a new dress, or new ribbons, or new books. A dagger meant for more aesthetics was just another bright idea.

Larkin studied her as she reacted to his flattery, she didn't want to show she enjoyed it. He could tell though, that she did. He tucked this little tidbit about her away, she was pretty and he was enjoying her company. She wasn't soft like other girls, wouldn't succumb to emotions and trivialities as easily. It would be nice to talk to someone that didn't immediately fold under his gaze into a puddle.

"If pretty daggers are what you desire, than that's where we'll go next." He took a bite of his glistening pancakes, savoring the sweet honey on his tongue. "Though we don't have to stop there. There are all sorts of specialty shops we can stop and admire if you'd like." He quirked an eyebrow at her in a question as he scooped another bite. She was free with her money, that much was clear. It seemed it was no issue for her, and he was here to entertain it seemed.

Livia Quinnick
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Livia thought on it, but could not recall anything outstanding in Vel Cirak.

"Suppose we will have to wander around and see what is available. I do not doubt we will be needing lunch also. You can pick the place if you see it. Deal?" Liv grinned, biting her portion of waffles and chewing in good spirits. Larkin was not inebriated and able to hold a conversation. On this day, that meant a lot to the Initiate.

"If they are not fit for travel back to Vel Anir, I will start walking home. I cannot wait to be back in my own bed." Setting down her cutlery, her hand went to her opposite shoulder and massaged it. "Those beds are way too firm back at the inn, and the pillows too low." She complained.

Larkin chewed thoughtfully as Livia spoke, she certainly knew what she wanted and wouldn't hesitate to use any means to achieve it. Larkin was finding a lot of respect for the girl in front of him, an almost awe of her raw personality. She spoke her mind and didn't take any bullshit. He was a people pleaser, always looking for the high road. This was definitely a new experience for him.

"By the state of our friends back at the inn, we'll have plenty of time to wander and kill time." At the mention of lunch, he couldn't even imagine what they'd eat yet. Filling their faces with sweet bread didn't loan him enough time to think on it yet. "We will have to see about lunch as well then, later." Laughing quietly, he lifted his gaze to hers, watching the light through the window cast honied hues through her hair and making her eyes dance as she grinned. There was something about her that intrigued him, and he was in no hurry to rush home.

"I will carry you home myself if it comes to that, you shall suffer no further discomfort than what you've already been put through." He was teasing her, but the gentleman in him would also honor the words of a jest.

Livia Quinnick
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Livia chuckled, "You are too sweet, Larkin. No one will be walking home. I will charter a carriage with my coin to take us back so perhaps we may be able to get a proper rest. Besides, they say there are werecreatures that plague these woods outside Vel Cirak." There was no doubt they could take them on, but Livia was tired to the bones after their mission.

"Sorry. I like to plan things... keep things in thought lest we forget them until it is too late." Lunch and dinner she would have planned, but the girl looked down at her plate. "I believe it is a habit my mother instilled in me. I was to learn how to run a household before I became an Initiate." And how useless it served her, besides earning great marks in Proctor Urahil's etiquette classes.

"Are you almost done?" She asked. Her plate had possibly a few mouthfuls left to go, but she was no longer hungry.

Larkin smiled as she remarked upon his sweetness, he was indeed the epitome of a doting gentleman, and he knew it. Though it seemed she was insistent on being the one to spend coin, independent was written all over those statements. He nodded with acquiesce at her words, she would receive no argument from him. "I don't think I'm up for fighting werebeasts, I'd gladly take you up on a ride.

Livia then did something that kind of struck him as odd, she apologized. Nothing she had said had warranted such a thing. he waved a hand dismissivly. "There is never any harm in being prepared, and certainly isn't something that you need to apologize for."

At her question, Larkin stood readily. It was time for a change in scenery, and to walk off the meal they had just devoured. He offered her his arm, tilting his head with a smile. "Now, to find the Lady a pretty dagger to add to her collection."

Livia Quinnick
  • Bless
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Livia fished out some coin and left it on the table, before standing and beginning to navigate outside the bustling waffle shop.

"Would be better if there was one adorned in pearls. I know it is just a Quinnick thing, but I adore them." Liv crooked a finger and fished out the chain of golden pearls from underneath her jacket, showing them off. "We used to trade in pearls quite a lot before moving into spices and flowers. I want to try my hand at the trading of pearls again. My brother Okko promised to take me to the pearl market in Vel Luin one day after I graduate."

The streets were now busy, but less frantic as the people began to slow and start their day.

"What is your preferred weapon, Larkin? Cannot imagine you with a dagger of any kind." Not like Livia, who suited anything that would be advantageous to her compass magic and always finding the target spot.

Larkin followed Livia dutifully, a light smile resting on his lips. You'd be hard pressed to find him with a frown, usually. Kor and Zephyrine sure had a way to get him to show an emotion other than pleasant. It was a knack he wished he could find annoying, and with Kor it definitely tended to be a little more like an interrogation. Still, Larkin didn't dislike bird boy as much as he thought he might.

"Perhaps there will be one that has pearls, if not I will be fairly disappointed for your sake." He eyed her necklace with admiration, the only things he had that were even close to comparison were at the bottom of a lake. "I could see you being an excellent businesswoman." Not that she seemed to be the type you could say no to easily. "I feel that pearls would be quite the market to corner."

Larkin paused at her question, a softer smile on his face as he responded. "It depend on what I'm doing I suppose. I typically rely on my voice, and my music to carry me through fights, but if needed I am capable of using a sword. It really depends on how quickly I need to react." It was true that to best use his abilities, he was better in bigger fights, where he could rely on others to do the manual part, while he came in as backup.

Livia Quinnick
  • Bless
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Livia made a face.

"I am awful with a sword. My strengths are in ranged weapons. Throwing daggers and archery. Even without my compass magic, I am a very good shot." She grinned. Her eyes went to appraise his stature, imaging him with a sword.

Livia could not stifle a grin.
"I could see you dial wielding, actually. A song accompanied by a dance. A sword dance, perhaps?" There were days herself and Thraah would openly watch and stare at other Initiate boys going through their sword wielding training. Nothing special, besides watching their muscles tense and relax as they slowly went through disciplined motions.

Even watching Silas move, quick as he can be, was something Livia liked doing.

"This singing... is it a siren song of sorts?" She inquired.

"I prefer to stay in the background of a fight if I can help it, though it doesn't always work like that unfortunately." He returned her grin and appraisal with his own. He was willing to bet she was a sight to see in action. He was thoroughly enjoying her company at this point, and was in no rush to depart from it.

He hummed softly to himself in thought as she proposed something he had never even attempted. "Perhaps it is something I will have to try out, do some trial runs on. I've never tried to combine the two. It might prove very useful." He was musing partly to himself, partly to her. He was curious to try it out now.

Larkin gave her a sly smirk at her question, it seemed nothing could get past her and he was quite thrilled by it. "It depends on my intent. I can cause physical harm, I can charm, or even provide boosts or maladies. It's all in the intent behind the words." The pied piper he had once been called, a title that never bothered him.

Livia Quinnick
  • Devil
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Livia raised a brow. Impressive, that such a role in combat could be considered, but of course, any boost to a Dreadlord or Initiate's magic... could be beneficial.

"Well then, tell me. You never thought to broaden your magic? Never thought to be a reckoning with it?" She asked, slinking her arm around his as they weaved through a particularly dense crowd. She used her magic to find this store, but was in no mood to hunt after Larkin of they were to be separated.

Larkin tilted his head at her question, thinking about the implications if he did so. Certainly, Kor was trying to stretch his limits, and no doubt he would learn new things, but he had never thought beyond that. "I am sure if I really tried, I could do much more than I can already. I just haven't had a reason for it I suppose."

Their arms now linked, it was slightly harder to maneuver through the crowd, but they were an unstoppable force. Livia was bold and pushy, and he didn't mind being her tag along. "What about you? I saw you in action a little, but what exactly is it that you can do?"

Livia Quinnick
  • Sip
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
After scowling at someone that failed to get out of their way, and Livia having to push Larkin out of the way, she sighed.

"Not only do I know where to go, my compass magic makes me an excellent marksman. I could close my eyes and loose an arrow, and I will have hit the apple on top of your head." Livia grinned. There were not many that could aim like her at the Academy. "But, there is my corruption magic. Still working on it... it has only been a little over six months since I was able to identify it correctly after three years."

"You know, I do encourage you to apply more into combat..."
It was detrimental to any survival as Dreadlords. "They used to think I was weak, and I believed along with them... but I am a weapon honed differently from others." And she was not to be trifled with. No matter how much pain she was in, how broken she would stand, Livia Quinnick always got back onto her feet. She always had another chance to fight back.

That. That was what would make or break a Dreadlord.

"I can help you, if you wished? Unless you have friends that could teach you otherwise..."

Larkin let her push and pull him through the crowd, like the ebb and flow of the tide, they made their way through. While he was content with the flow of the crowd, Livia was impatient and irritable. He was fine with continuing to let her lead the charge, soaking in everything she was telling him.

"That's incredibly impressive, you're really something Livia." It was true he hadn't met many that could trump the accuracy of what she was saying she could do. To be able to aim, even in the dark was quite the feat. "Hopefully you can master this corruption magic too, though I have no doubt you will. Don't push yourself too hard."

He tilted his head towards her as she encouraged him to grow in his combat. While he had not told her everything pertaining to his magic, it still was not a bad idea. He was not keen on showing the full extent of what he could do, he almost like people thinking he wasn't one to reckon with. Like Livia, they thought he was weak. he wouldn't be at the academy if he was weak.

"Perhaps we could help each other, certainly you'd want to experiment more with your corruption magic."

Livia Quinnick
  • Derp
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Don't push yourself too hard.

Livia could not help the snort that sounded after he had uttered those words.

"Quinnicks always push themselves. My mother made sure I remembered that when she taught me to dance growing up." And how their relationship rotted with bitterness after such an experience.

She turned to size him up, smirking at how much of his prettiness exuded.
"I feel as if you will take the longest to shape up. I guess your charming good looks is a great defense, provided you can then deliver a wonderful punch to one's face once they doubt your capabilities." Livia snickered. "But I look forward to working together... as for the corruption magic? I have a mentor that is willing to weather it if it means I can improve on wielding it." She shrugged, not needing to speak more on the Taskforce she was part of, and it's top secret existence.

They would not bat an eye if they had to kill her over just a mere mention of the obligation.

Larkin side eyed Livia as she snorted, his own lips upturned in a smile. How unladylike. He perked up as she mentioned dance, perhaps if that was something she enjoyed, he could write a song for, no. He didn't do that anymore. He stuffed his brief excitement down, ignoring it as they moved on in conversation.

"Rest assured, I know how to take a punch, as well as land one. Though the only one that has managed to get close enough to hit me is Kor."
He eyed her even as she studied him herself. "I'm good at keeping my distance when needed." It was a cautionary warning, while he liked her thus far, he couldn't trust her. He left out the part where he was basically struck by lightning in the most vulnerable of ways. That conversation could come later.

"Are you close with your family then? You speak of them a lot." He steered the conversation in another direction, hoping to keep her talking, hoping to keep her from being bored of him.

Livia Quinnick
  • Aww
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Liv smiled. The thought of her brothers was the only happy thing she had to reflect on, and they surely helped her keep on a clear path. "Close with my older brothers. Okko is the Head of the House now. He wants to reduce the pressure of being a minor noble house. I do not require marrying to better our alliances." She snorted.

"I am to be a Dreadlord. I will be much too busy to play dutiful wife."

Her brothers did not help raise her that way. They had always treated her equally, challenged her, and ensured she was supported in whatever she wished to do.
