Private Tales The Softest Whispers

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The Emperor
Character Biography
One week before the coronation…

The noonday sun beat down upon the city of Ragash. The nearby Baal-Asha river glittered beneath the rays, dazzling the eyes. The citizens of Ragash knew they were in for another hot day and many sought shelter indoors, or in the shade. The enormous domes of the city rose above the skyline, dominating the view and casting long shadows, but it was in the Grand Bazaar where the city truly flourished.

Beneath the shade of hundreds of large awnings, merchants from distant lands hawked their exotic wares. Here the lifeblood of the city thrived as people congregated around vendors amid shuffling crowds. The stench of camel dung mixed with hookah smoke, burning incense, and rare perfumes.

Ducking beneath the awnings was a large man, a full head taller than even the tallest present. His skin was the color of volcanic soil and his hair was as red as fire. Orange irises flashed in eyes that took the sights of the bazaar in with interest. He wore only a black thawb and a golden band around his head to mark his station as Sultan of Annuakat and now the new Shah of Ragash. Many had died to give him these titles. Yet many more called him savior. Two sand elves followed behind him at a respectful distance, their faces hooded and masked, scimitars on their hips.

The crowd parted before him and those who witnessed his passing had reactions as varied as the goods the merchants sold. Fear. Hate. Adoration. Envy. Respect. All these and more crossed the visages of the onlookers, for those who wield great power are always destined to be both loved and hated.

The curse of kings.
Isabeau’s lips curled into a small smile as she leaned against the little stand feeling each apple, to see which one was best for her pie she’d make later. Gabby snorted and stomped the ground in a bit of a bratty mood, Apples were her favorite after all and Issy hadn’t put one in her mouth yet.

Issy let out a chuckle and gently stroked the beast’s hair.

“Calm down, you’ll get your snack soon.” The vendor who was ogling Issy, Issy was a very handsome creature and didn’t wear the norm that most women around here wore.

Her long black hair swirled around her pale skin that was glistening from the heat, the long sleeve blue dress what cut in a v shape to show off some of her ivory shoulders, did hug her curves in a delightful manner.

Once again, she brought an apple to her nose this time, smelling the ripeness and imaging how it would taste once she bit into it. She’d continue this action until her basket that was draped was filled with enough apples and moved on to other items after she paid of course.

She’d start moving Gabby by her side making sure she didn’t trip or run into anyone, but Gabby who was hungry, was paying more attention to the basket then the helping Issy as she tried to snag an apple to munch on, that Issy tripped over a merchant who had bent down to set some bags of flour on the ground.

“Oh, I’m. “She called out as she found herself not only swirling quickly but bumping right into the King himself and then hitting the ground with a loud thump. The apples that she had in the basket were now strewn about and Gabby, was delightfully chomping on the snack she was promised.

Issy’s cheeks were red, not because of the heat, no it was because of the embarrassment and a little bit of anger for her equine friend and how little patients she had.
The titan glanced down and saw the woman had fallen, apples scattered all around her. The two masked sand elves took a step forward, hands on the hilts of their scimitars, but Gerra waved them away.

“A thousand pardons,” he rumbled, voice a rich and fathomless bass.

He knelt down beside her and helped pluck her apples from the dirt and put them back in the basket, chuckling softly as the diminutive horse chomped gleefully on its prize.

“Ah, at least your friend is well pleased with this turn of events.”

Gerra frowned as he lifted one of the apples and saw how badly it was bruised.
  • Love
Reactions: Isabeau
Blinked as she tried to regain her mind, when a strong but soothing voice filled her ears. A blush though her cheeks were already red, where now a brighter red, as she realized she bumped into someone.

She moved to get the apples, moving her hand around slowly, as she felt for each on in the basket and she heard the chomping from Gabby and her face twisted into a comical frustrated expression.


She stopped her mind as he spoke to her again and she smiled.

“No, it’s alright, I’m the one that should be sorry.”

As he stated about Gabby winning this round, she had to surrender and in doing so she began to laugh, which was a delight.

“Yes, apparently she is.” This time she raised her head up in his direction and now those bright blue eyes.
  • Bless
Reactions: Gerra
Eyes of blue so pure they looked like crystal ponds lifted toward him, framed by a curtain of dark tresses in the midst of a pale face, white as the snow on the peaks of the Spine, though now they flushed red, like the apple in his hand. Gerra froze. She seemed to look straight through him, gaze unfocused.

Slowly, the revelation of her nature dawned on him. And he thought it a terrible cruelty that one born so beautiful would never know her own beauty. It reminded him of a sightless swan he had once seen on Crobhear Lake as a child. So graceful, but never knowing how its grace surpassed all around it.

Then he remembered how one of his brothers had shot the swan dead with a black Molthal shaft and the memory soured.

“These apples are bruised,” he said, placing the last apple back into her basket. “Let me buy you another bushel.”
  • Love
Reactions: Isabeau
Issy’s blush began to fade, leaving only now the pinky color the sun had graced her skin with. The idea of buy new apples just because of silly bruises made her giggle a little, and with an unworldly touch of softness she reached out to take his hand.

Once she did, she stopped him and with a warm expression replied.

“No, that’s alright, they are going to be baking in a pie anyway, nothing a little water can’t do, thank you though.” Honey. That was the description of her voice. Indeed, little did she know, she refused a King. She’d remove her hand from his as she didn’t know if that was a good thing or not.

Issy analyzed what he had said about new apples, the man must be someone of some money or maybe not. Isabeau never really judged a person, unless of course they gave off some seriously not nice vibes.

The fellow before her, didn’t he was kind and humors . . . Once she had found all the apples, and Gabby had her fill, she stood gently picking her basket up in one big graceful swoop.

“There we go, no harm.” Turning back to his direction.

“Thank you again for all your help, I’m sorry I didn’t get your name?” She asked holding her hand out to him.
“Pie,” he muttered, the word unfamiliar to him.

Large fingers wrapped around her own, calloused from years of a life spent between smithing and soldiering. He paused, but only for a moment.

“I am Gerra.”

Murderer, came a whispered voice that only she could hear.

Savior, sighed another, softer than a summer breeze.

Without waiting for a reply, he continued on, curiosity gaining the better of him.

“What is this pie you speak of, a type of food dish for apples?”
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Reactions: Isabeau
The workers hand wasn't ignored, it helped her understand him a bit more, and with a deep smile.

"A pleasure Gerra, I'm." She stopped as once more the hair stood up on the back of her neck and that deep chill moved through out her body and soon the cool breezes of whispers entered her ear.

She became puzzled as the two voices obviously at war with each other, had now put a deep concern in her belly. The man must have some deep secrets around him, that drew these spirits to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm just shocked you've never heard of a pie." A sympathetic look was given and then she pondered.

"It is a sweet treat really, I know, I should have enough to make two pies, how about I do just that, I'll make you one, its the least I can do, for bumping into you." A soft soft chuckle.
  • Sip
Reactions: Gerra
"Yes, I would like that," he said, stroking his chin, "thank you."

The hesitation in her voice... had she recognized his name? If so she acted no differently. That was a welcome change. Strange how much he had already enjoyed this interaction with another without station coming between them.

He had hoped that simply walking amongst the people would give him a better insight into their needs. And yet here he was, unfamiliar with even a simple sweet treat. How could he ever hope to divine their wants simply with a glance?

"You are not from here," a statement. "Are you staying at an inn?"
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Isabeau
Isabeau had no clue who Gerra is and wouldn’t unless he told her either wise. Issy, would stand slowly, dusting as much as she felt of her clothing, and gently reached down to feel for her basket, once that was back in its home in the cradle of her arms.

Once again, her face showed warmth and lack of any judgement.

“Wonderful.” She replied to his having to try her pie.

“Ah, does it show that easily? “A gentle laugh and then a lovely sigh as she continued.

“No, I am staying with my sister and her family, perhaps you’ll come and join us tonight?” Gesture.

“Or, I can easily bring the pie to you.” Issy, would lie if she didn’t want to know about this fellow, obviously his spirits needed help, but then again perhaps she should heed the warning.

No, she’d remain neutral and see where this took her, there was always an adventure and so, she waited for his reply. The way this young woman acted around the King was obvious she had no clue what responsibilities he had.
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Reactions: Gerra
If her family lived inside the city, then they would surely know who and what he was: the Djinn. He could not say whether they might love or hate him, but he would feel ill at ease imposing himself on them at the behest of a woman who did not know his true nature.

"I could not intrude on your familial gathering, but yes, perhaps you might bring the pie to my pa- to my residence. Does it pair well with coffee? I have been toiling on my brews. An exchange, if you will, Madame..."
  • Sip
Reactions: Isabeau
As he spoke it made sense, and it was probably best he didn't come to her sisters home, though she doubted Sally would be upset about it.

Issy wouldn't push the subject on him and would keep that smile and nod.

"Perhaps you are right." A slender finger tapped her lips then her eyes sparkled.

"That sounds like a far better plan and it can as well as other refreshments." Answered as she then added.

"Please, call me Isabeau." Isabeau's name was actually sorta known, there were rumors of an unusual woman with said name, who helped heal sick and talked to herself often.

Perhaps, this was the rumored crazy girl, now that is if Gerra had heard the rumors.
Gerra had not, in fact, heard any such rumors. The gossip of court and accompanying schemes took far too much of his attention. He pursed his lips in thought for a moment, then seemed to arrive at a decision.

"Well then, Lady Isabeau, you may call on me at the palace. I have a... position in court there. Just tell the guards your name, they will be expecting you. And we can continue what has been a very pleasant conversation over your pie and refreshments."

His lips curled up in a smile, though she could not see it.

"Until then, madame. I have pressing matters to attend to, farewell."

And then he turned and, escorted by his two bodyguards, left the market.

Later that same day, Gerra sat at a desk inside the palace, hands covered in ink as he signed his name on document after document.
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Reactions: Isabeau
"Of course, it has been a pleasure Gerra, have a wonderful rest of the day." Her composure was just as graceful as her appearance beautiful.

She would turn and with her now satisfied companion headed back home to make some delightful pies.

Indeed, time did fly by as she made actually not only delicious apple pie, but she decided to make her signature sugar cookies that melted in your mouth.

She'd gotten some odd comments about why she was making extra treats for a fellow she just met.

She only threatin to turn her brother in law into a toad, if he didn't stop, to be honest she didn't have the power too, but he didn't know that.

A delightful laugh escaped her lips at the little mischief's lie that amused ger. Issy moved along side Gabby as they made it to the palace.

She did as she was instructed giving her name and whom she came for, instantly they took Gabby to the stables and Issy was guided toward Gerra's office.

She had gracefully placed her hand on the guards arm abd with thanks gave him a sugar cookie, he at first refused but how could one refuse those eyes of hers.

The gaurd took one bite and he was gone too the cookie gods. She was glad to hear the enjoyment coming from the guard. He cleared his throat knocking on the door and stepping in to announce Issy's arrival.
  • Haha
Reactions: Gerra
"She's here, your majesty."

Gerra looked up from the desk and waved a hand at the guard. "Bring her into the west dining room, I will join her shortly. See that we are not disturbed."

"Yes, your majesty."

The sovereign stacked his papers and put them in the drawer. He adjusted his simple black thawb, removed his signet ring and placed it on the desk, then headed into the dining room.

It was the least ostentatious of the rooms and did not have a long table and chairs such as they had in Vel Anir, but a low circular table surrounded by pillows on a very large rug.

"Hello, Isabeau," Gerra rumbled as he entered the room, "Is that delicious smell the pie? Marvelous."
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Reactions: Isabeau
Issy, followed the guard who unbeknownst to her was eyeing those delicious baked goods then her. It was would have been a comical relief if she knew. The air smelled different here in palace, lots of richness and yet something else. Its secrets began to twist and make its way toward her senses, twisting and swirling around her.

A deep breath in and out as she was readying herself for an interesting meeting with Gerra, though her brain was wondering who she was speaking with, he worked here, maybe an advisor, the thoughts on what he does had her curious but she honestly didn’t real care.

Once she handed the guard one last cookie to please him, she went about sorting out the pie and making sure things were ready, already slicing the delicious steaming treat with its golden apple goo. She hummed softly until a voice called to her.

She stopped turning her head toward the direction of Gerra’s voice, she was bent on her knees and with a deep lovely smile she replied.

“That would be the apple pie and a surprised treat my sugar cookies.” A gesture to the plates all placed out for him.

“Let’s hope that you keep that opinion of yours about the pie.” She teased.
"We shall see," he replied, mirroring her tone.

The half-giant seated himself on a pillow beside her and the low-lying table and took in the scent of the freshly baked desserts. Marvelous.

"Allow me," He took up a knife and cut into the pie. He cut them in awkward triangles, more used to meat pies, and heaped a slice onto a plate, which he handed to Isabeau. "Here."

Then he cut himself a slice.

He ate with his fingers, as was common custom in Amol-Kalit. "Oh," he said after swallowing a mouthful. "This is excellent. But I think..."

Gerra reached out, took the kettle at the center of the table, and poured a cup of coffee for each of them. He sipped it and nodded. "Yes, coffee does pair well. It seems you did not boast when you spoke of the quality of your pie, Isabeau. Here."

He reached out and handed her a cup of coffee.
  • Yay
Reactions: Isabeau
"Thank you." Though she could do it herself, it wasn't that important, and so she let him, nodding her head in thanks taking her plate. She waited for his reply and soon her lips that were in a cute anticipation expression was now relieved at his words.

“I’m so glad you enjoy it, and glad it pairs well with the coffee.” She gave a smirk and then moved her hands toward the fork she placed on the table and took a bite, she sat back with a sigh of bliss, then she thought a moment.

“Oh, I’ve forgotten.” She moved her hands over the table and grabbed the tub she brought, and moved her hands toward his own plate just on the outside of the rim, she would with ease, tab a bit of white cloud of love on to his plate beside his pie.

“Homemade sweet whipped cream.” She stated with a bright expression.

“Trust me.” As she did the same to her own plate and dipped the fork full of pie within her mouth with, he creams. Oh, the explosions were amazing.

A deep relieving breath from her nostril as she sat back and chewed the crusts tender flakes and the amber sweetness resting inside, placing her fork down she adjusted her seating, crossing her legs and in the same motion picked up the mug of liquid and sipped it.

It did fair well with her desert and she was happy, a breeze once more found her ear and then disappeared, tilting her head to the side and asked.

“I do hope this isn’t to personal, but what do you do here Gera?” The mug reached her lips and soon she was sipping on the liquid inside slowly, so she doesn’t burn her tongue.
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Reactions: Gerra
Gerra coughed, swallowed, then chuckled.

"Can you read palms? It is a skill some possess."

He smiled and sipped the coffee, unaffected by the heat.

"Try to read mine. Perhaps you can guess what it is I do."

The half-giant extended a hand toward her, palm up, calloused from years of campaigning in the Blightlands and working a smith's forge.
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Reactions: Isabeau
Issy arched a brow at his reaction and with a calm smile she set her tea down.

I'm afraid I am not that gifted, but I'm always up to try new things." She took his hand into her own, once again that unearthly softness caressed his skin as her touch was just as gentle. Her fingers moved slowly over each inch of his hand.

It wasn't really she was reading him, no she was painting a picture in her mind of what she would see his hand to look like, each crevasse callous, flesh and bone. The way the movement of her hand was unique, in that moment, and how a tiny wrinkle appeared between her brows appeared as she concentrated, it was cute in away.

"You like to work with your hands, don't you?" Another big smile graced her lips, as that little teased floated within the air.
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Reactions: Gerra
Fingers soft as silk glided across his palms, gently exploring the nature of him written on his hands. Gerra stayed perfectly still, watching her with that intense golden gaze - the way she furrowed her brow, the way her long dark hair made her eyes seem like the clearest blue in the world.

Laughter spilled from his lips at her teasing remark, gentle and rumbling.

“I do. It seems you can read them after all. My turn...”

His hands closed around her own, swallowing them up.

“Yours are softer than satin.”

His breath quickened as he searched her eyes that stared ahead absently. His words came out in a whisper, as if he dared not speak them.

“Your eyes... they’re more precious than sapphires. Did you know?”
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Reactions: Isabeau
Issy’s turn to be surprised for once as her brow arched.

“Alright.” She could feel the warmth of his rough hand blanketing her own. As she listened, she could hear each little tell from his body, it was perhaps a pity gift, nature gave her to help heighten her other senses, after all one was broken.

Issy’s ivory cheeks began to turn pink and then darkened as he complimented her more.

“Well, it seems I’m not very good at palm reading after all, or I’d see how very talented that tongue of yours is.” She chuckled again trying to hide her own flustered manner.

She kept her hand within his, fear that if she took it away, it would give her away and be rude.

“Not really, not in the way you have said it.” The memory of the voices that spoke to her the first time she met Gerra made her more curious about his character. The charm could be a disguise for more darker things within him, then again.

The features on her face never revealed what she was thinking, not her face was still painted red and it didn’t take away from her own natural beauty.