Quest To Reach the Skies[Open]

Organization specific roleplay for governments, guilds, adventure groups, or anything similar
"Mountain wolf. Last of its pack. Alpha."

The ice within receded slowly but surely, and his mind could once again recognize abstract desires and thoughts. The chill still was unregistered, and the wounds already treated. He would need to see a healer for full recovery, but having the injuries be simply held in stasis also sufficed.

Glancing outwards, he gestured again, and the body was covered by a thick layer of snow. A poor burial for such a creature, but it was all he could provide. It was either him or the pack of thirty wolves. Survival.

Breathing another trail of mist, Focraig'Diin massaged the now icy blue hand, continuous use turning the pigmentation into the strange color. He would have to refrain from any more physical casting for an hour, at least, or the limb would be lost.
The sudden appearance and actions of the mysterious man startled Matteo. He had half-drawn his sword, yet somewhat relaxed after he deemed the man not an immediate threat. The mountaineer had no response or words of any sort for the man but carefully observed him.

These beings, they were all beyond Matteo's understanding. Magical beings surrounded the comparatively simple man.

He pushed those thoughts aside and looked to "Verin", "The mountains are close to my home. If there is a cult, it is a valid cause for concern."
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Selene couldn't help but feel annoyed at the addition of another variable to all of this, but she managed to keep herself composed.

That was part of all of this after all. It was another way of playing politics. Even in a group as small as this, it was important to keep relationships going and ensure that everyone was put into their proper place without them thinking otherwise.

"Thank you." She stated plainly to the two others, slowly looking towards the Ice mage.

She knew the man of course, but Selene was not about to admit it.

"You are welcome to our shelter." Selene said slowly. "I am Verin."

The Dreadlord stressed the name, staring at the man with an expression that was warmer than anything he had received upon their first meeting. She hoped that he would understand what was going on, otherwise she would have to kill them all.
"The mountains are close to my home. If there is a cult, it is a valid cause for concern."
"Aye, honestly since hearing of the evil cult, my mind had already been made up that I would have to confront it. I would not be able to allow them to go around harassing the innocent."

Leroy took notice to a change in "Verin's" speech, and the way she emphasized her name, and such a warm expression... He might have been part chicken, but he suspected he wasn't the only bird here tonight, love bird that is.

Leroy did not have much experience in human romances, but it seemed that bringing a dead animal was a good thing, maybe it is like with cats? Bringing a dead thing did show a competence to provide, and hunt after all. It also would have explained a few things about Steve's obsession with dead animals.
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He matched the Dreadlord's gaze with a stare, cold and unfeeling. He acknowledged her hidden desire for secrecy, as he once before, told her about the mountains of this place. He suspected she was seeking something within the icy peaks here, but that was her concern. He would not pry.

"Wandering archivist. I am Focraig'Diin."

He massaged the hand, almost transparent in the flame. Like frozen water, the appendage was tinged in blue, clear as a mirror. He flexed and clenched, as he warmed up the hand. The sooner it was back to average human temperatures, the sooner he could venture back out, and into the mountain peaks.

With said hand, he gestured at the gathering. "May I warm myself at the fire?" It was a tentative question, as he was more liable to turn the flames off with his presence, but his hand would not become flesh and blood any quicker without more heat.

Selene Avar Leroy Jenkers Matteo of Arosa
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Good, he would say nothing.

These mountains were dangerous enough, as was her goal. If she could have them as allies without suspect things would go much easier.

Killing them would be yet another complications. "You are welcome to it."

Selene stated plainly, not denying the other man the warmth that the other two had already joined her in. She wondered briefly what twist of fate had all brought them here to this corner of the Spine. Perhaps a god was leading their way, or perhaps it was just intrinsic need.

Odd how that worked.

She remembered one of the Proctors at the Academy had always claimed that the universe was lead by a singular being controlling events. Selene had never much enjoyed that thought. She did things of her own choice, because they were good for her.

"When do you think the storm will end?" She asked the mountaineer.
Matteo observed the motley crew, questioning exactly how they all came to be here at the same time. Although he never prayed, he often wondered if there was some greater being that dictated the way of the world. He wondered if that was what was happening now.

The thought vanished as the young woman questioned him.

“Several hours. It should pass before the sun rises, but we will be snowed in,” He let out a sigh and pointed straight up, “When the sun is directly above, then the trails will be passable.”

He again looked to those around him. Resting among such strangers would prove to be stressful.
Leroy debated what he should do. It appeared they would all be staying here until, the storm passed and the sun rose. But should he be doing something in the mean time? He wasn't affected by the temperature like the humans were, nor did he need more than food to reenergize him.

So, the question then became: what was it he should be doing? Should he guard them while they rested, or try to keep them from being completely snowed in, maybe he should go gather more wood, or use the wolf for food?

After some thought he decided what was most important was maintaining energy. So he would eat, and prepare as much of the wolf as he could, and not worry about the fire unless the others needed it. Once he would finish with the wolf he would lay down to conserve energy till morning.

So Leroy went to the wolf, and began consuming the energy that once ran through its muscles, the blood quickly freezing as it dripped from his beak.
Selene was confident enough in their survival for one night. If the Blizzard would continue to rage they would simply have to weather it. Fingers tightened around herself and she let out deep steady breaths as a flame was summoned inside of her.

Warmth flooded her body more so than it had before, and she settled in front of the fire with a plane expression. As far as she was concerned no more conversation needed to be had. They knew each other well enough, their intentions had been stated, now all they had to do was wait for the storm to pass.

The Dreadlord lost track of the hours eventually, meditating as the winds swirled around them.

Just as the mountain man had said though, the storm did eventually break. The sun streamed through the clouds, and as the winds died down a steady silence settled upon the Spine itself.

Almost dreadfully quiet.

Selene opened her eyes as dawn struck, her lips thinning as she glanced around at her companions. "I believe it is time to go."
"I advise against that."

The mage, awake for the entire time, flexed his now flesh and blood hand. "Wait until the sun is three- quarters from noon."

Mist trailed off the appendage, and as his fingers twitched, snowflakes trailed off in sprinkles of white. His arm was restored. Now to continue his trek and understanding of the arts once more. And aiding a former companion ws also appealing. In part.

Dreadlord had rather... cold demeanors.

"Pack creatures forage for food in the early hours of these peaks. You will be beset in moments."

But even they would take advice once in awhile. How else would he find Selene Avar from the Belgrath caravans in these mountains?

"Either wait, or we travel as one."

Selene Avar Leroy Jenkers Matteo of Arosa
Matteo got some form of rest, falling in a state between consciousness and sleep. He could hear the wind beat against the temporary shelter.

As the wind died and the sun rose, Matteo was quick to take down the temporary cover that protected them from the wind. His efficiency in packing the supplies that he laid out for the night spoke volumes of his experience.

He listened to the two speak as he finished securing his pack.

From deep in his throat, a contemplative grunt broke the silence, "Verin can ward away beats with fire. The snow should be passable. Anything that is not can be melted away."

He scanned the group around the fire, "Were I alone, I'd wait. Considering who is here, we could depart now. Any hindrances can be dealt with."
Leroy sat in a state of inactivity outside of the shelter. He was "awoken" by the rising activity of those within the shelter. Leroy stood up, and brushed and shook the snow that had accumulated on top of him off. He reached one of his hands in the shelter and pulled out one of the spuds that had been kept from freezing, and quickly consumed it.

With not much else to do, and no real reason to join the argument on when to leave, Leroy began clearing snow from around the camp. Get a little more room in their immediate surroundings.
Selene stayed quiet for a moment, lips thinning until she eventually spoke up. "Perhaps it's best to move now."

The man of the mountain was correct. They had numbers, and if pack beasts came upon them there was always the chicken monster to act as a sacrificial beast.

She glanced at the creature, somewhat amused that it had begun to clear snow. Apparently the argument of the rest of them didn't particularly matter to the beast, though for a moment Selene wondered if it simply didn't care.

An amusing thought.

"Yes." She confirmed finally. "The journey to the peak is far still."

Best to not wait.

Without waiting for the others to agree, Selene began to pack her things. Before long she had returned everything to her pack, shouldering it and beginning to turn away from the temporary shelter before addressing the flesh golem. "Come."

Would it listen or be insulted?