Private Tales What Could Have Been

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Otto von Stehlen

The Grim
Character Biography
“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”
― C.S. Lewis
The secound night of the Bochanan social could be said to be quite troublesome for a man such as the Count. Having to be away from his realm at all meant that there could be more work being piled onto the backlog. On the other hand, it was decided that they'd use this absence as something of a test for the system that the Count had built. Specifically, in pushing forward the bureaucratic machine without the supervision of their direct sovereign. Otto's own subordinates had reassured him that he wouldn't return to a desk full of paperwork to then catch up with. They even protested when the Count prepared to bring some of the work with him, but an icy glare told them not to push their luck.

The Arch-Count could only exhale at the thought.

What was more troublesome for Otto was the fact that he actually managed to finish the work that he had brought, despite the interruption of the day's events. Perhaps he his mind had been refreshed by the young Bochanan's enthusiasm, or his conversation with his siblings. But somehow, the papers he need to draft found itself now sitting, finished, in front of him...on the coffee table that he had made his work place. This was a first in a long time for the man, as he almost couldn't remember the last time when he was truly done...especially into the night.

The next logical step to all of this would have been to turn in for the night, get some extra hours of sleep for when Otto would inevitably return to his realm. But that was easier said then done; his body felt too restless to go to sleep, conditioned over more then a century to work at full mental and physical capacity on a minimum hours sleep. Anything more felt excessive...felt almost unproductive in way.

Perhaps it was these feelings that caused the Arch-Count of Strojland to finally get up out of his seat...and take a walk...following a similar path that he and the younger Bochanan had taken that very morning. Otto found himself wandering out into the main hall, passing through the ball room that not to long ago had been packed fill of devoid of all people. It didn't take the Count too long to find himself wander the mansion grounds, strolling along the pathways that lead on to various areas of the all seemed typical to the Count, seen over and over again on visits to other nearby realms.

But the Arch-Count was simply out to kill time...even if it meant walking around in the was a wonder what the man was thinking as he traveled on...

Soon, the Arch-Count was passing through the servant and utilities section. The people that served a household often represented the realm better then any of it's sovereigns...a fact that was not often lost to those that visited the Von Stehlen manor. Otto's own father was the one whom had abolished role of servants in their household's estate, opting instead to have the soldiers that guarded the realm take upon those duties instead. Weather or not that was a good idea, Otto could never say...his father was titled "The Mad Count" for a reason...though it was a wonder why he would have continued the tradition.

Still, Otto might have passed the area with little thought...but there was a bit of light that still shined through the curtained windows...the door itself was cracked open but only slight, yet enough to comprehend what those instead might have said. Perhaps it was none of his business...or maybe years in this field has made listening closely automatic...but as he passed by...he couldn't help but hear...someone...
Gwendolyn Bochanan
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"Lady Gwen, let me tell you, I have never had such a bad child!"

Gwendolyn couldn't help but laugh at the comment. The young, but very talented cook, had been explaining how her 3rd child, hitting those pesky 2's and 3's, was misbehaving at their home. "All children go through that stage," Gwendolyn commented softly, calming herself down. How Imogen had explained it was just, so funny.

"But none of my other children were this bad!" Imogen exclaimed as she put out the fire used to cook meats, stews, and the like for the household. Poor Imogen had basically lived in the kitchen due to the ongoing ball, but lucky for her the ball was practically over. And in between all that, the cooks had made enough easy to fix meals that she and the rest of the cooks could take a much needed day or two of rest.

It was splendid. Even if they wouldn't have hot meals for a couple days, they most certainly deserved some time off. Unlike her more rough, stern, and somewhat unappreciative late husband, Gwendolyn found herself realizing how disappointed she was in his management of the staff. After simple math, she had decided on raises for most of the staff within the Estate along with those in the cities who's salary came from the Bochanan fund.

Either way, Gwendolyn reached into a small bag and handed the woman a gold coin. "You deserve it, Imogen," she said seriously as she patted the cook's hand. She seemed a bit shocked but gave a nod and a simple thanks.

Nonetheless, she could hear footsteps from outside. Gwen perked a brow as Imogen moved to open the door. "Oh, Arch-Count ," Imogen curtsied. "If you'll excuse me," she'd say as she scurried away.

Gwendolyn carefully pushed at her hair as she stood from the stool. She had already pulled her previous bun apart, letting her locks fall past her shoulders. She hadn't expected to meet a guest of the ball again. "Ah, Arch-Count von Stehlen," she'd reply with a small smile and a curtsy.

"I assume sleep is not willing to come?"

Otto von Stehlen
An eyebrow raised, the Count watched as the secound women hurried to exit the scene. He must of interrupted somthing important, a conversation about children? Perhaps it was about their children, somthing that wasn't lost on him when he had last spoken to the head of the household. Something else that the Count took note was Lady Bochanan's mannerisms around what could be presumed to be a commoner. Those of a noble lineage tended to prefer parading around their own...Perhaps there was more to meet's the eye from this one...though if her daughter was any indication, then she may not stray to far from the political entrapping of a your typical traditionalist household.

"It is not often I have the luxury of sleep..." The Count spoke in his usual monotone voice, as the rest of his expression remained every fixated. Taking a step into what he had presumed to be the kitchen, his eyes shifted and scanned. This place was a lot more organized then the kitchen was back home. " when opportunities present itself...the concept of sleep often allude my body and mind..."

Perhaps it might have been to his detriment, but alas, it was somthing he was used to by now. In order to be effective, the work needed to be done, even if it meant pushing oneself to it's limits...though often it was at these moments that one's boundaries are continually driven beyond expectation.

"And what of you?" Otto asked, abruptly halting, turning his head back towards Lady Bochanan with much the same expression. "There business that you attend to, or perhaps..."
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Gwendolyn kept a smile on her lips as she listened to the Arch-Count speak. She wondered what laid behind those never-wavering eyes and his monotone speech. Even though Gwen couldn't quite discern the social cues she could from most others, she found herself enjoying his company. Naturally, she acted herself either way. There was no point in pretending she knew what was going on in his head.

An excellent negotiator, she thought after a moment. His poker-face was nearly perfection. No doubt that fierce professionalism assisted him in getting so far in Strojland.

Gwen held a warm face with as she let out a soft sigh, "That is quite unfortunate. Sleep is a wonderful medicine for the soul." She paused, "But sometimes the best of ideas come to us at night, with a pen in hand and the looming candlelight."

She paused briefly, thinking about how to phrase her words, "But wine is also a wonderful medicine for the soul. May I interest you in a glass?" The tap of her heels as she moved to take two glasses out of the counter - snatching a bottle of wine along the way. Surely, he wouldn't say no to such an offer.

"Perhaps," she said with a smile as she fought to open the bottle. Indeed - business on making her subjects happier, more educated, and lead better lives. It was well past time that structural changes were made to the lands under her jurisdiction.

Another quiet pause as her mind turned. "I trust you have enjoyed your stay with us, Arch-Count von Stehlen?" She asked, clearly more of a question than a statement.

Otto von Stehlen
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"Funny...I thought laughter was the best medicine of the soul..." Rather odd advice coming from the Count and his stiffed faced expression. The truth of the matter was, most people within the realm had realized that their sovereign didn't seem to exhibit the ability to smile that was a natural phenomena or a trained instance, that was always debated at the local tavern or inn, usually over several pints of this-or-that.

Speaking of...the lady of the house was offering him alcohol. Now that was an interesting for the Count, for drinking was more then a luxury; a matter of performance for the guest or host. Personally, Otto was rather indifferent to the concept, not overtly indulgent like his siblings at time, yet not completely withholding himself from the substance either.

Truly, a feeling that reflected his expression...still, it would have been rude to turn her down.

"I suppose...I could indulge a little..." The Count nodded, keeping his hands behind his back as he looked up, as if to contemplate his sentence...despite making his mind. Looking back at the Lady Bochanan, Otto raised an eyebrow when she tried to open the bottle...

"Here..." Otto said, offering a hand out, gesturing for the bottle. If the Count received it, he'd take it by the neck of the bottle, bringing the glass container up to examine it for a moment. When it seemed he was satisfied with what he had seen, the Count would bring the glass low, pointing the top away from either he and Lady Bochanan...before bringing his thumb to the cork and...popping it! Though with what looked to be a considerable amount of effort.

Otto would then offer the opened bottle back to the head of Bochanan, nodding reassuringly as he did. Holding the bottle, one might have noticed the Count's hands; the finger tips were rather...rough, for a noblemen...combined with how he popped the cork, it might have said somthing about the Count's...strength...despite his bureaucratic appearance.

What was odder was the way he positioned himself after handing back the alchol; turning his back to the counter, he'd lean against it whilst folding his hand. It was hard to notice if one wasn't accustom to aristocratic society, or at least, if one wasn't used to looking at social cues. The way Arch-Count stood normally was rather...regal, if not commanding, typical for those whom lead military contingents...yet it had an air that was all unique to the Count. But when he leaned against the counter, when he crossed his arms...that regalness...shifted, for a lack of a better term. Otto now held himself a bit of a might even go as far as saying he stood like...a ruffian...

It was such a little detail, harder to notice still given how Otto's facial expression remained the same, was noticeable. Might have said somthing to the Count's character...
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Gwen perked a brow at his choice of words. Laughter was the best medicine of the soul? That was not the words she expected to come from the Arch-Count. He had a rather neutral, blank face most of the time. Perhaps there was more than what met the eye with the man. She had not seen him laugh since his arrival - although, perhaps, Myrcella saw more. She was absent the first day, after all.

Nonetheless, wine was a personal favorite of the Matriarch of House Bochanan. However, Gwendolyn ensured she was never under it's influence too much. She was, after all, a lady first and foremost. Alcohol clouded the mind, along with its judgement. Many families suffered because of alcohol and its subsequent issues.

For a brief moment, Gwen almost thought that the Arch-Count would deny her offer. While she wouldn't have been offended, she would have been caught off guard. It would likely have been seen as an insult for some of their breed. She had much more to worry about than a small slight from a nobleman of another nation, though.

She had tried her best to get the bottle open, but failed miserably at it. In her struggle, Otto decided to help and put her out of her misery. "Thank you," she said with an exasperated smile as she handed the bottle over. It was not often that she opened her own wine bottles, anyways. Or even served someone like this. Was this scandalous? Ah, well, she was having fun. That meant something, right?

The cork popped and Gwen clapped her hands once. "Yes! Thank you, good sir." She replied as she grabbed the bottle back from him. She carefully poured two glasses of wine, right at the appropriate amount. She took both in one hand as she paused for a moment as she observed him.

Arms crossed, leaning against the counter. Gwendolyn wasn't the most observant, but she was naturally intrigued by the man's general demeanor. And this was different. "Here you are," she said sweetly as she passed a glass to him.

"Would you like to go to the estate's back garden?" She asked after a moment's pause.

Otto von Stehlen
"Thank you..." The Count nodded, as he took the glass into his hand, before raising it to his nose to take a sniff. Any casual observer might have thought he was simply taking a whiff at the goods on offer, but for the likes of was more habit then indulgence, a necessary step to test the liquid for any immediate poisons. It was not the end all be all of methods, but it did help. It was also the primary reason why the Arch-Count preferred his tea plain.

Otto might have been a bit too enamored by the wine, for when Lady Bochanan had spoken about the gardens, it took the Arch-Count a moment to turn his attention back onto her.

"Is it not a bit late in the day to be out in the gardens?..." Otto noted, an eyebrow raised, but nothing else on his faced seemed to move. Security wise, it probably wouldn't have been the best policy to be running around in the dark...but perhaps the Arch-Count was being a bit over-prudent. " as you wish...I will accompany you...if that is what the lady of the house wishes."

His eyes was back at the wine, examining it like he was examining a fake diamond. Indeed maybe he was being overly vigilant, but it never hurt to be a bit prepared...
The Matriarch of the Bochanan estate gave a small smile to Otto von Stehlen. With her own wine glass in hand, she took a small, wonderful sip. She sighed contently at the taste and subsequent burn of the liquid ran down her throat. "Mmm, delicious," she commented - perhaps mostly to herself than to Otto.

The raised brow and the question tone made Gwendolyn chuckle. "Is that not the best of times to be in the gardens? To see the moons and the stars that shine upon a beautiful garden?" She gave a smile. Indeed, it probably was a security risk for herself even - despite the guards that littered the estate. But, Gwendolyn simply wanted a glass of wine and time to view the beauty of the garden and the night sky.

"I hope I have not offended you, Arch-Count," she replied more diplomatically. She didn't want to put him in an uncomfortable place, though. Assuming he still wanted to go, she would hold her arm for him and then she would guide them to the gardens.
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Perhaps that just highlighted the differences in priority for the two. On one hand, the Head of the Bochanan, thinking much of the beauty of this world, of stars and the moon. On the other, Otto of the Confederation, thinking too much of the potential assassins and ambushes perhaps hiding amidst the cover of darkness.

An association of danger and opportunity, at least that was how Otto automatically thought of the time of day. Weather it be here or back home, there was always opportunistic hands that may be ready to strike against him.

But you could say that about any day of the time, really...backstabbers existed even in plain sight...might have been an elevated risk, but it was no determinant against what he had to do...or at times, what he felt like doing.

" takes more to offend the likes of me." Otto said, taking up her arm with his expression changing very little, as always. If danger would come, he would be ready, he was always ready against the possibility. "Lead on...I've nothing better to do on this night."
Gwendolyn perked a brow with a sly smile. Always so mysterious, this Otto von Stehlen. It was hard to read him, but he had moments where his guard went down. It would be those little moments that she really got to understand the man behind the solemn face that rarely changes.

A smirk quickly formed on her lips. Takes more to offend him? She chuckled as she felt his arm intertwine with hers. "Let us hope not," she replied solemnly as she began to walk them towards the gardens in the back. "I hope this proves to be a worthwhile distraction on an otherwise boring night, then."

It only took a few minutes for them to arrive into the gardens, as she led them to a slight overlook. A delightful amount of colors, well trimmed bushes, and towering trees dotted the landscape. The moons held beautifully in the sky above them.

Gwen sighed peacefully as she paused at the fencing, which slightly had an overlook over the garden. "Beautiful, yes?" She smiled as she sipped some of her wine, staring skyward.