Private Tales Read between the lines

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"Oh will you now?" He mused with a smirk.

So much for the plan of stealing her drinks.

Well, it wasn't really like they would be in short supply. Knowing Thror he would probably clear out the entire palace's basement of kegs. The feast would span most of the city if the last one was any indication, though Zana and He would only attend the one at the Palace.

The usual tradition. "Well that will be fun."

He mused for a second.

"Maybe even more so when we get back..." Talus trailed off.
  • Devil
Reactions: Zana
Zana had submerged herself entirely under the water whilst he had been talking and she only caught the tail end of sinful thoughts through the bond as she sat back up and wrung out her sodden hair.

"What was that?" she wiped the water from her face but droplets still caught on her eyelashes and dribbled down her neck and chest. She reached for the other bottle and lifted herself back onto the edge of the bath to rub in the conditioner now. "I also need to take 10 bottles of whatever this is with me home," she declared with a sigh. Usually she just used soap. Once or twice she had treated herself to something akin to this filled with honey but none of them had made her hair smell nor feel so soft as this.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Talus
"Nothing, my love." Talus said as he dunked his own head beneath the water to clear away some of the bubbles.

After a few seconds he popped up, his eyes spying her as she sat on the edge of the tub. Like an excited teenager he watched her, lingering within the middle of the water as he slowly watched her apply the conditioner.

"I'm sure that can be arranged." He said with a chuckle. "We'll go the Markets before we leave tomorrow."

Talus knew those happened near every day. "Or maybe Thror will gift you some if you ask."

He smirked at her, the first boon from a King; Shampoo.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Zana
"Don't raise my hopes so," she kicked the water at him playfully, his emotions affecting her in the most pleasant of ways as she finished combing the conditioner through her hair. "I do feel a little bad we haven't brought him anything though," her face softened a little as she chewed on her bottom lip. It was good manners even if he wasn't a King considering he had gifted them with such a beautiful home for the day they would be here.

Once she was done she once more slid beneath the water and washed her hair clean. It was already practically glowing with the deeper golden hues that were often overlooked. She ran her fingers through it with a smile and then sighed.

"I don't know what to wear," she gently smoothed a bit of soap off his cheek with a smile.
  • Sip
Reactions: Talus
He considered for a moment, looking at her as if trying to imagine what she would look like in the various different Dresses he had stolen from her on the first day at the Cabin. "How about that black dress, the one with the orange..."

What had it been?

"Pattern." That was a good word for it, though he couldn't quite remember what that pattern had been, but he remembered the dress well enough.

Talus didn't want to say that what she wore didn't matter, he didn't want her to feel that way. Whatever she wore she would be beautiful, and the Dwarves would not care...but he knew she did. He wanted her to feel as beautiful as she was to him. "I think that would be lovely."

His lips pressed against her nose.
  • Haha
Reactions: Zana
"Talus," Zana tried to keep a straight face. "That was lingerie," she kissed his nose in return before she laughed and then finally stood up with a reluctant sigh, making her way out of the tub and pulling one of the thick woollen towels around her body and another around her hair. She was bent over trying to dry it out when she continued speaking.

"I feel like my armour would be more appropriate for a dwarven feast," she glanced to him from her upside down position before giving her hair a final rub and standing up, flicking it back over her shoulder then running a hand through the damp strands. It was just a shame she hadn't brought the angelic suit with her. It was a beautiful bit of craftsmanship back in Vel'Anir though she felt here it would not even measure to what she had seen so far.
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  • Popcorn
Reactions: Talus
"Ah." Talus said watching her, a smile on his face. "Maybe we'll just save that for after then."

Teeth sunk into his lower lip as he watched her, mind wrapping itself around a dozen different ideas before he slowly shook his head and dismissed them all.

Later. Talus thought to himself as he reached down and grabbed the plug from the bottom of the tub. The water began to drain almost immediately, and he quickly followed after Zana by climbing out of the tub.

"The red dress then." He was confident that wasn't Lingerie. "How about that?"
  • Sip
Reactions: Zana
"Maybe..." Zana's brows pulled down into a concerned frown. She wished she had a book on dwarven fashion, or etiquette in general in fact. She was quite preoccupied with the decision as she wandered from the bathroom back to the bedroom in her towel, scooping up her bag as she went. When she entered the room Grey was sprawled out in absolute luxury across the bed on his back snoring away. He didn't so much as flinch when she threw her bag on the bed.

Talus, she had no doubt, would revert to his typical shirt and breeches. Maybe she should do the same. Perhaps it would be safer if she did end up drinking.

She took out a few choice outfits and then grabbed her brush and began pulling it through her hair.

"So is it just drinking and eating, or should I bring my sword?" that was a genuine question.
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Reactions: Talus
Talus toweled himself off as he followed after Zana.

A smirk touched his face. "They don't do much swordwork here."

There were duels, from what he barely remembered, but most of them were done in hand to hand combat or...headbutts.

"I think you should more prepare to arm wrestle." There had been a lot of that. "Or get ready to lift some heavy rocks."

The Feast was really more of a gigantic party than anything else. There was a smattering of pretty much everything one could imagine. Plopping himself down on the bed Talus watched her with a smile. "It can get pretty chaotic later in the night."

He remembered that well enough.
  • Sip
Reactions: Zana
Zana threw one of the outfits to the side at his words. It was longer than the others and harder to move in. If things were going to get chaotic she would prefer to have the use of all of her limbs. Him in a towel on the bed was proving to be quite the distraction however as she finished off brushing her hair till it practically glowed in the odd lighting in the house.

"I don't think they will find it very fair I can lift rocks with my mind," her lips twitched. She imagined it was rather a feat of strength physically that they were showing off to one another about. "Do they know much about your gifts?" her head canted slightly to one side curious to know exactly how much these people knew about him.
"They might find it funny, but I doubt they'll grant you the prize purse." He smirked at her.

It was not like Dwarves disliked magic, it was just that most did not have the talent for it themselves. He wasn't exactly sure why, and even Thror had not been able to explain it properly to him. Something to do with the past ages.

"A little more than most other Dreadlords." He said softly. "Less than you."

Zana was the only one who had the same depth of knowledge in his talents as he did. He had shared with her what he had never shared with anyone else.
  • Bless
Reactions: Zana
Zana laughed at his gentle teasing and then leaned down, her hands on his thighs as she claimed his lips in a slow and sensual kiss. She could sense that odd wave of emotion that seemed to come from him whenever he discussed his magic.

"Okay," she murmured once she broke the kiss and then placed a final one on his nose before passing him her comb for his own tangled mass of locks with a small smirk. She sighed as she turned her attention back to her own problem, running a hand through her with a small spell. Much like with the tiny ice spell this one was for heat. As her fingers combed through her hair it dried the thick locks until they sprung into their loose ringlets fully dry.

"Red it is," she nodded and then moved the others off the bed. Zana dropped the towel unceremoniously then pulled on the dress, wriggling her hips a little as she pulled it up and over her backside. It was a simple piece in the style of the gypsies, off the shoulder it then flowed down the bodice and skimmed off the hips to come to a stop just above the ground. She swept her hair up lazily off her back and pinned it into a messy bun, the odd curl kissing her dark skin.
  • Love
Reactions: Talus
One would think that Talus would eventually tire of the sight of Zanas wriggling hips, but as he watched her the self satisfied smile on his face told it would not be any time soon.

For some reason he felt a particular sense of glee as she chose the dress he had suggested. He practically beamed as it fell into place.

"You look beautiful." He told her softly, reaching up to caress her cheek for just a brief moment.

For his own clothes Talus did not just choose his usual shirt and breeches.

Perhaps it would surprise Zana, but from his back he pulled out a black shirt and red coat inlaid with small lines of gold at the cuffs, his breeches were nothing to speak of really, but clearly far nicer than what he usually wore.

With a tug he pulled on the coat, shifting it on his shoulders as he turned around to look at Zana.
  • Love
Reactions: Zana
Zana was examining her own appearance in the mirror, gently touching the marks on her neck and wondering whether or not she should attempt to cover then, when she caught Talus' reflection behind her. Slowly she turned and took the few steps over to him, eyes raking over his form in clear appreciation. When she stopped in front of him Zana raised her hands and ran them down Talus' coat.

"You should have just said you wanted us to match," she tugged slightly on the front of the coat to straighten it out but also to pull him down into a kiss. There was something so painfully normal and charming about it that just stirred a warmth in her heart and sought to mend another tiny little part of her she hadn't realised needed fixing.

"I'm going to ask again..." she trailed a stream of kisses down his neck. "You sure we have to go?" Zana could think of a million different things she would prefer to do with him in this room and in that coat.
  • Sip
Reactions: Talus
Talus looked down at his coat and then her dress, a funny expression forming on his face as it became clear that he hadn't even thought of that.

Matching fashion wasn't exactly his forte, but he would take the credit anyway. She would never have to know. "Helps that I like you in red."

Talus told her as she planted slow deliberate kisses on his neck.

Arms slowly wrapped around her as she did, a low hum entering his throat as he simply enjoyed the sensation of her lips.

"Don't tempt me" Talus whispered as he leaned down and kissed the top of hear head. "You're supposed to be the responsible one."

He took in a deep breath, smiling as he caught the scent of shampoo through her hair.
  • Sip
Reactions: Zana
"I will endeavour to get more red things then," Zana laughed against the crook of his neck before giving him a sharp nip on the skin there and pulling away with a sigh of reluctance. Her arms came about his waist, sliding under the jacket and hooking her thumbs into the back of his breeches.

"Come on then before I strip you of everything but that coat," her eyes lingered on the way it shaped him and then slowly drew back. "Come on Grey, let's go get you some more food," the wolf had been doing a pretty good impersonation of sleeping but his ears twitched and gave him away at the mention of food. He slunk off the bed and trotted eagerly to the door.

"Lead the way, Sir," she curtsied and gave him a teasing smirk.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Talus
Talus blinked for a second, if hed been drinking something he likely would have sputtered all over himself. "You'll pay for that later."

He told her with a frown, putting a hand on the small of her back and leading her down the stairs. As they walked through the manor he couldn't help but marvel once again at the richness of it all. Even some of the Great Houses would have been jealous at the display of wealth.

As they stepped outside the city was already lit up.

People were walking all over the streets now, some carrying heavy kegs of ale, others huge racks of uncooked meat. Some glanced towards the strangers, faces lighting up as they waved. Talus walked Zana back through the city the way they had come

Of course as they got closer to the Palace the party was coming more to life. Tables of food, already drunken dwarves wrestling with one another, and a rowdy atmosphere of celebration permeated the entire city of Karak.
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Reactions: Zana
Zana leaned into Talus' side as he rested his hand on her back and simply enjoyed soaking up the atmosphere as they walked. She hadn't quite realised just how far the feast was going to spread. It seemed as if every street was full of food or drink even though their numbers couldn't have possibly required such an inordinate amount of food. Her pale green eyes took in every face that waved and tried to at least smile in return as recognition.

As they got to the palace the festivities seemed to grow to a point. The most drunk were here along with the rowdy. Someone had struck up some music which was the only time Zana slowed her step to linger a while before Talus nudged her on. Grey was already sliding beneath the long tables to clean up fallen food.

As they weaved a cask of ale was dropped almost directly in front of them. It was instinct to cast her magic and make it stop before it hit the floor and instead set it down carefully.

"Wouldnt want to waste it..." she smiled to the dwarf who stepped forward to claim it.
"Ah thank ye kindly Lass, woulda been a shame. It's Rath Red Ale!"

The dwarf said the name as though both Talus and Zana should have recognised it instantly. When both of them just stared back with a blank expression the Dwarf furrowed his brow slightly.

"My gods."

He looked utterly shocked.

"Rath Red Ale! The most famous beer in the Spine! Brewed over a thousand years and only taken out for the most special occasion!"

Talus glanced at Zana for a brief moment, already seeing where this was going. "Wow that's amazing. Glad we could save it for you but we-"

"You must have some! I insist. If it weren't for you I'd have lost the whole kask! Come come."

The dwarf urged as he grabbed the barrel and placed it firmly on the ground before rummaging around for a mug somewhere.
  • Scared
Reactions: Zana
Zana kept her blissful ignorance for about a second or two more than Talus had then panic set in. She had hoped to at least had a moment or two before she embarrassed herself so fully in front of everyone. At least lined her stomach - that was a thing right?

"I shouldn't really drink..." she said slowly, heat rising in her cheeks. She doubted that the concept of not drinking was much of a thing in dwarven culture but there must have been the odd one or two who abstained. "Talus can let me know how good it is," her eyes flicked to her partner with a sweet smile. It would definitely be more fun to watch him get drunk than be told the next morning all of the horrific things she had done the night before.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Talus

The dwarf let out a loud laugh, tapping the keg and putting the mug beneath it. What came out was an ale of deep amber red color, a delightfully hoppy and pure smell coming from it.

"Now you can share after but I insist you taste the fruits of your labor."

Talus glanced at Zana for a moment.

He could feel the nervousness and apprehensiveness through their bond, his fingers tightening gently on the small of her back as he tried to send a signal to her. "I think you can handle a sip."

Talus said as he winked at her. It was an awkward expression, one that saw near most of his face scrunch.

The dwarf didn't seem to notice however, and simply held up the mug eagerly towards Zana.

"I'll have whatever you don't finish" He tried to send words through the bond, practically shouting; "FAKE A SIP" over and over again on his head as though she would somehow hear it in her own thoughts.
  • Scared
Reactions: Zana
I am never being nice again, she thought grimly to herself as she took the reward for her kindness and looked into the mug. The scent alone made her feel a little woozy and she glanced at Talus to catch his attempt at a wink. She tried to hide the smile and the overwhelming feeling of just how cute he was when he did something like that. If he truly thought she could handle a sip...

Of course, she didn't feel the alternative thoughts he was trying to shove through their bond.

Zana glanced once more to the dwarf and his eager expression then very slowly she took a sip of the ale, her eyes falling shut as she brought the mug up with two hands to her lips. It was an explosion of flavour over her tongue and for a moment she let it sit before swallowing to appreciate it fully. The uneasy feeling of tingles in her arms was already starting before she passed the mug to Talus and hiccuped.

"It's really..." she had nothing to compare it to and ran a tongue over her upper lip to catch another taste. "Refreshing, actually," she noted with surprise.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Talus
So words did indeed not work over the bond.

Ah well.

A brief frown touched his face as Zana took an actual sip, but her expression turned to one of pleasant surprise. A hiccup followed, and Talus couldn't help but have a small smile touch his lips.

"Of course! A thousand years it's been brewin, lass!"

Talus grabbed the mug from Zana, glancing down at it for a brief moment as he took his own sip. An explosion of flavor slowly slid over his tongue and his eyes popped open. "This is delicious."

Better than any Anirian ale he'd ever tasted.

"Ha! Grand lad! Keep the mug and toast our good King Thror when you see him!"

Talus nodded eagerly, taking another sip to let the taste linger on his tongue as the dwarf shouldered his kask and wandered off.
  • Bless
Reactions: Zana
"Thank you!" Zana called as the dwarf walked away. The ale settled in her stomach like a stodgy meal and she put a hand over it with a small huff.

"Does it always make you feel so full?" she asked when the dwarf had wandered of to spread the joy of ale to other people. She looped her arm with his and they continued walking and let him keep the mug and the ale. One taste was enough for this Dreadlord, especially before food.

More music reached their ears as they made their way further on until they finally reached the palace proper and it was a buzz of noise and excitement. It made Zana stop almost dead in her tracks. It was so... unusual. She was never around for the more festive moments of Vel'Anir or if she was she was on duty and didn't have time to think about just was a spectacle it was. Not that she could imagine the people of her city even partying like this.

"This is... incredible," her eyes drank it all in. The sights, the sounds, the laughter. She could practically taste the happiness and joy in the air. Grey had made his way further on into the crowd and news of his greeting to the king seemed to have already swept the population for he was receiving a fuss and a bit of food from everyone he passed.

"Thank you for bringing me here," she turned to him now and slid her hands up his arms and down his chest. "I see why you love it."
  • Love
Reactions: Talus
He smiled as his arms slowly wrapped around her. "Im glad I can share this with you."

Talus said softly, looking around them for a brief moment at all the drunken dwarves loudly yelling as they competed to get a word in edgewise. Laughter and cheer was in the air, the festivities erupting all over the place around them.

It was so different than Vel Anir, such a juxtaposition to the circumstances and pomp of the Great Houses.

Talus couldn't help but grin.

"I can't wait for the rest of the night." He smirked at her. "Maybe I'll even show off for you a little bit."

His hands would suddenly tighten around her, and before she could argue Talus would sweep her off her feet.

Around them some of the dwarves noticed, letting out loud whistles and cheers as he spun her around.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Zana